Crete: The Land of Milk and Honey in Canaan

The people known today in the bible as the Canaanites and in history as the Phoenicians or Greek Hellenes, were said to have Land of Canaan Map 2come from the Land Of Canaan. Canaan was the son of Ham and Grandson of Noah. Later Canaan would become the father of Sidon, meaning ‘firstborn’ as said by Moses in 1 Chronicles 1:13, “And Canaan begat Zidon (Sidon) his firstborn.” At the end of the Book of Zechariah, the Canaanites are also described as “a class of merchants.” Canaan was the inheritance which the Israelites won for themselves by the sword. After the Land of Canaan was carved up by the Israelites, Philistines, and Arameans who then subjugated them, the Canaanites became slaves to the Israelites (Genesis: 22-25).

In the bible, the allegorical names of Ham, Canaan and Sidon are actually biblical names of places, such as countries, empires or cities that preceded or exceeded one or the other in past history. For example, the Bible refers to Egypt as “the land of Ham” in Psalms 78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22; 1Ch 4:40. Hence, when it is said in the bible that Ham (Cham, Chemi or Khemi) was one of the three sons of Noah who was saved from the flood and destruction in the ark that Noah had built, this means that the land of Egypt was sparred from destruction. It is written that Ham (Egypt) was married at the time of the deluge and so were his brothers.What this means, is that the country or empire that we know of today as Egypt, at the time of the deluge, was known under the code name or allegorical word of “Ham or Cham, Chemi or Khemi.” They also had alliances with other nation-states that were their brothers in arms, or were simply extensions of the ancient empire of Egypt who we know of in the bible as Ham (father of Egypt).

The etymology and meaning of the name is explained in the book, Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson;

For Egypt was denominated ‘Chemi, Khemi, or the land of Ham,’ as we find in the hieroglyphic legends; and the city of Khem, or Panopolis, was called in Egyptian Chemmo, of which evident traces are preserved in that of the modern town E’Khmim.* Indeed, the name of the god appears from the hieroglyphics to have been Chemmo or Khemo; and when in the character of Amen-ra Generator, the title of Khemo is added to that of Amen.

The meaning of the name Ham is detailed further by author Godfrey Higgins in his book, Anacalypsis an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis;

“Ham was nothing but a Greek corruption of a very celebrated Indian word, formed of the three letters A U M. Aum is pronounced like a drawling Amen, and there must be a close connection between the Aum of India, the Amun-Ra and Amun-Knepth of Egypt, and the Jupiter-Ammon of Greece.”

After the flood, they had moved into Africa and parts of adjoining areas of Asia. Ham would be known in the bible as the Father of Egypt where he had also fathered four sons in the form of nation states – Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan who was the father of the Canaanites. Based on this factual biblical information I have provided above, we now know Cain and the Canaanites were a nation-state aligned with the political interests of Egypt, who in the bible is called Ham. These facts may contradict history or even some of the propaganda of the Egyptians, with what may be found in their hieroglyphs.


The Land of Canaan was a massive area that bordered from Sidon, to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lash and it was also composed of the five seas of the Land of Canaan which were; the Mediterranean or the Great Sea, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Tiberias, the Samorchonite Sea or Lake, and the Sea of Jazer. Hence, the Land of Canaan gave birth to almost all the area nations and cities of this region surrounding these five large seas.

One of the most important places in the Ancient Land of Canaan was located in the Mediterranean, which is the fifth-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and that we know of today as, ‘Crete.’ An island that has a deep history shrouded in mythology and biblical stories. The Greek historian Homer had said, “various tribes jostled each other in that island.” Could these be the “Lost Tribes of Israel?”

Here is an image below of an old map that shows the island of Crete in the Land of Canaan. Crete was called Keftiu in the Ancient Egyptian texts and Kaftor, or Caphtor in the Old Testament.

Land of Canaan Map

Crete had a city with a name like that of the biblical Sidon, that we know of today as Cydonia or Kydonia (Greek Κυδωνία, “quince”). An ancient city-state on the northwest coast of the island of Crete.


In legend Cydonia was founded by King Cydon, a son of Hermes and of Akakallis, the daughter of King Minos. As I mentioned above, Cydon or Sidon means “first-born.” Hence, the “First Born City of Canaan,” who in mythology was founded by King Cydon and dedicated to the Goddess, Cydonia who later became Athena, and later in Rome, Minerva. They are the goddesses of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.

In reality, Crete is a great island that is also rich with agriculture, very mountainous for security and safety and well-known to be a ” land flowing with milk and honey.” These added facts, if they already have not done so, will make more sense to you as this article develops below.


During the Bronze Age, Crete was the center of the Minoan civilization (c. 2700–1420 BC) and it is well-known as the birthplace of the modern arts that we see all around us today. It is currently regarded as the earliest recorded civilization in Europe. Crete was considered the jewel of the Aegean Sea because it is naturally lush and fertile. The sea was traditionally known as Archipelago (in Greek, Αρχιπέλαγος, meaning “chief sea”). Plato described the Greeks living round the Aegean “like frogs around a pond.”

Based on this simple information that I have presented thus far, coupled directly with words that we can easily find in the bible, we can now place the island of Crete in the old world as part of the “Land of Canaan.” This coincides with my theory, that Moses didn’t lead his people out of the hot Egyptian desert into another barren desert. This doesn’t make sense. Moses exodusAlso, it is written in the Old Testament that Moses led his people out of Egypt into the “Land of Milk and Honey in Canaan.” In the Old Testament, the land flowing with milk and honey is a reference to the agricultural abundance of the Land of Israel. The phrase is used in the Book of Exodus during Moses’ vision of the burning bush as written in Exodus 3:8;

And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. […] 17 And I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, unto a land flowing with milk and honey.

In studying ancient history, I have found that there is only one place that has been called the land of milk and honey; this place is the island mentioned above, ‘Crete.’ Hence, Moses may have led his people to a safe island such as Crete because it was very mountainous and also rich in agriculture, which would be conducive to taking care of his people via the land and sea. Now we have a direct connection between the biblical Land of Canaan, the story of Moses and the Exodus, and also the Island of Crete whose ancient Greek mythology and Greek tribal history is surpassed by no other nation-state at the time.


The mythology of Crete also places it as the Land of Milk and Honey. It was King Melissus of Crete who first introduced sacrifice to the Gods, and introduced new rights and sacred ceremonies. He had two daughters Amalthea and Melissa, which nursed the child Jupiter, and fed him with goat’s milk and honey. Melisseus was the eldest and leader of the nine Curetes (Kuretes) of Crete. The meaning of the name Melisseus is “bee-man,”and another form of Melissus, in Cretan means, “honey-man.”

Immediately after the birth of Jupiter, — Jove, Zeus (call him by which name you will), — he was given by his mother Rhea to the nymphs of Dicta, who at once provided a foster-mother for him in the shape of the goat Amalthea. In the Capitoline Museum in Rome is a series of reliefs representing the infancy and childhood of Zeus. Cretan coins, too, often show the young god suckled by the goat, or carried in the arms of the nymphs. Between Vasari and Christofano Gherardi, a series of frescoes was executed in a mansion in Venice, among which might be seen the infant Jove suckled by Amalthea. In Munich is a painting by Cicagni, representing the infant Jupiter and the goat Amalthea, entertained by corybantes who play to him. There is also a picture in the National Gallery of London, by Giulio Romano, dealing with the infancy of Jupiter.(2)

Jupiter is known as the greatest of all the Greek Gods; Zeus who was born on the island of Crete in a cave at Mount Ida, which is sacred to the Greek Titaness Rhea, who is also the mother of Zeus and Demeter. The Romans had called Rhea in Latin, “Magna Mater.” Rhea’s husband and father is Cronus or Saturn. The second largest moon of the planet Saturn is named after her. Her mother is the earth goddess Gaia. The meaning of Gaia is earth. Hence, Rhea is a daughter of the Earth whose father was Saturn, the God of Time.

The meaning of the name Rhea is derived from the Chaldean, Rheia, and the Hebrew (Phoenician) Rhaah. The dual meaning  of Rhaah is “a gazing woman” and a “vulture.” The Goddess Rhea appears to be a later adaptation of the Egyptian Mu or Maut who was also symbolized either by a vulture, or an eye surrounded by a vulture’s wings as described in Job 28:7; “There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen. The lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it.”  Also in Ancient Egypt, the Goddess Isis would often be depicted in hieroglyphs with a vulture headdress.

The etymology of this Goddess Rhea’s name is explained in, “The Two Babylons, or, The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod,” by Alexander Hislop;

The Egyptain Mu or Maut was symbolized either by a vulture, or an eye surrounded by a vulture’s wings (W1LK1NsoN, vol. v., p. 203). The symbolic meaning of the vulture may be learned from the scriptural expression: “ There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen ” (Job 7). The vulture was noted for its sharp sight, and hence the eye surrounded by the vulture’s wings, showed that, for some reason or other, the great mother of the gods in Egypt had been known as “The gazer.” But the idea contained in the Egyptain symbol had evidently been borrowed from Chaldea; for Rheia, one of the most noted names of the Babylonian mother of the gods, is just the Chaldee form of the Hebrew Rhaah, which signifies at once “ a gazing woman” and a “vulture.” The Hebrew Rhaah itself is also, according to a dialectical variation, legitimately pronounced Rheah; and hence the name of the great goddess mother of Assyria was sometimes Rhea, and sometimes Rheia. In Greece, the same idea was evidently attached to Athena or Minerva, whom we have seen to have been by some regarded as the Mother of the children of the sun (see ante, p. 33, Note).

Rhea was originally worshiped in Crete, where according to myth, she saved the new-born Zeus from being devoured by Cronus, by substituting a stone for the infant god and entrusting him to the care of her attendants, the Priests of Curetes. According to Diodorus Siculus, the Curetes lived in the time of Rhea; Herodotus and Strabo both had said that the Curetes were originally Phoenicians who accompanied Cadmus out of Phoenicia. The word Cadmus, in Hebrew signifies “One who came from the East.” He was a Phoenician Prince who was the founder of the Ancient City of Thebes and the first to introduce letters to the Greeks. Hence, the Curetes would be the descendants of the Ancient Priesthood of Thebes who had come from the East into the West and to the island of Crete where they would continue their religious rites and ceremonies under new Gods and Goddesses imported with them from Egypt.


In the Talmud, the Samaritans are called Cutheans (Hebrew: כותים‎, Kutim). The Cutheans were from ‘Cuthah’ which was one of several cities from which people were brought to Samaria. A colony of Cutheans (Samaritans) had settled in Crete, whose priests were the ancient Curetes, and in the bible, the Samaritan Levites. As I stated above, the island we know of as Crete today was called Keftiu in the Ancient Egyptian texts and Kaftor, or Caphtor in the Old Testament.

Today, the Samaritans refer to themselves as Bene Yisrael (“Children of Israel“). They claim to descend from the Biblical Israelite tribes of Ephraim, Menashe and Levi. This makes sense, since we now have science in the form of DNA to help connect these biblical and mythological stories along with Priestly descent, like that of the Levites, with actual science. This work requires further detail, that I will attempt to shed light on in a future article. But for now, let it be said that we do have  biblical, mythological  and historical connections between the Samaritans, Cutheans, Curetes and the Ancient Priesthood of Thebes.

There are also historical clues in the form of actual documents that have been found. For example, one of the earliest mentions of Crete, is in a document dated from the 18th century BC found in the ruins of Mari in modern-day Syria that was once an ancient Sumerian city, and at the approximate time that the tablets were created, it was an Assyrian outpost in the old world. Crete was first referred to as Kaptara in these texts. Mari was also known as an ancient city of the Sumerians and Amorites. The Ancient Babylonians had called this area of Canaan in Syria-Palestine, “the land of the Amorites.”

The Amorites in the Bible are referred to as, “certain highland mountaineers who inhabited the land of Canaan“; we find them located in the southern mountain country of Canaan and in other passages such as i Genesis 15:16, 48:22, Joshua 24:15, Judges 1:34, etc. The name Amorite is regarded as synonymous with “Canaanite”—only “Amorite” is never used for the population on the coast. By the time of the Second Temple, “Canaanite” in Hebrew had come to be not an ethnic designation, so much as a general synonym for “merchant”, as it is interpreted in, for example, Job 40:30, or Proverbs 31:24. (Wikipedia)


The island of Crete, that is known as the Land of Milk and Honey, has a deep history of many battles and conquerors who have come and went since the time of the tribes known in the bible such as the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites and priesthood of the Curetes.  It has been ruled by various ancient Greek entities, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Emirate of Crete, the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire. After a brief period of autonomy (1897–1913) under a provisional Cretan government, it joined the Kingdom of Greece. It was occupied by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. (Wikipedia) One of the most recent military engagements was “The Battle of Crete”, that was fought during World War II when the Nazi regime representing the Roman Empire led by Hitler had succeeded in taking the island under fierce opposition from the local Greeks and British forces that had come to unsuccessfully defend the original Land of Milk and Honey.

The descendants of the Land of Milk and Honey in Cannan are the “Sons of Cain” and ‘Son of Jupiter” who had turned their backs on the God of Truth and Light, Jupiter. Cain had killed his brother Able out of jealousy and was cursed by God.

Josephus describes the Sons of Cain in the Antiquities of the Jews, A.D. 93;

Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceedingly wicked, every one successively dying one after the other, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behaviour, in acting unjustly, and doing injury for gain.

Cain had two children, Lamech and Zillah who then gave birth to “Tubal Cain” who is described in Genesis 4:22 as the “forger of all instruments of bronze and iron” (ESV) or an “instructer of every artificer in brass and iron” (KJV). Tubal Cain is the widow’s son who originally was “a sharpener”—one who whets or sharpens instruments. The name Tubal comes from the Hebrew verb Jabal (yabal), meaning to bring, carry, lead, conduct and is also explained as meaning, “to cause to transport an object from one place to another.” The the name Cain may be derived from the Egyptian “ka or ba” meaning ‘soul.’ Hence, the descendants of Cain became traveling merchants who essentially gave birth to the world-economy that we see today.

“Tubal Cain has been considered among Masons as a symbol of worldly possessions.”Albert Gallatin Mackey – A lexicon of freemasonry

A people, who are known as the Phoenicians, Greek Hellenes and the Western Descendants of the Israelites. A world, that now has their Ka’s in just about every corner of the globe, that is now filled with so much milk and honey that we can easily get an ice-cold gallon of milk on a hot summer’s day from the store within 2 minutes flat, or order some pure honey from Crete online via Minerva’s web.

It is said, that someday Tubal Cain will be reborn to help undue the sins of his ancestors by beating the swords he had helped forge into plowshares. Hence, we will all revert by force or submission from our sinful ways that we now live, in order to go back to the old ways before the curse from that dreadful day when Cain had killed Able in a jealous rage.

Based on my understanding, the only way to do this, is how 33rd degree Freemason and Master Rosicrucian, Manly P. Hall describes we must do with our weapons; “The Mason must ‘follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war-god hammered his sword into plowshares.”

Yes, you can order a nice big hammer online so that you may also follow in the footsteps of your forefather.

Isn’t it iron-ic? Don’t you think…….


1. The Two Babylons, Or, The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod … By Alexander Hislop Page 481

2. Classic myths in art  By Julia de Wolf Gibbs Addison

3. Other sources liked to in yellow


This is explained in, “A General History of the World, from the Creation to the Present …, Volume 2,” by William Guthrie, John Gray

According to Pliny, all of the lame kind that were produced in other countries. The air was anciently deemed most pure and wholesome, and is so to this day, though great part of the country lies uncultivated. From tiie fruitfulness of the soil, and the purity of its air, it was called Macaris, or the Fortunate land. In former times ‘there were reckoned in this island 100 cities, go before the Trojan war, and jts rrumr.10 more after the Dorians settled there. Forty cities only were ro«scitics. remaining in the time of Ptolemy, and among the chief of these QMirui. was Gnojfas, anciently called Ceratus, where king Minos is said ¦ to have fixed his residence. This city, of which it is doubtful whether there are any remains, was once the capital of the island, being 30 furlongs in compass, and full of inhabitants. It stood, according to Strabo, about two miles from the northern coasts, and was washed by the river Ceratus.

The Umbrian Jews Become Catholics

The meaning of the name ‘Jew’, is a person who is a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion jewis Judaism. The religion of Judaism and the Old Testament (Old Law) was the precursor to modern Christianity and the New Testament (New Law). The word Jew is derived from the Hebrew yĕhūḏī , from yĕhūḏāh ‘Judah.’

In my last article on the tribe of the Umbri, I had explained how these people had settled in the Tuscany area of Italy, approximately 1,500-500 years before the building of Rome. They are said to be some of the most ancient people in all of Italy and the first descendants of Japheth, by Gomer to populate these regions of the world. They went by various names such as the Ombri, Kymry and Celts. It is said that from the stock of the Umbri, the Latins, Samnites, Sabines, Marsi, and many other countries would be born and who then be united as one nation under the Roman Confederacy and the Universal Church (Catholic Church). Hence, my theory is that they would be one of the first Jewish converts to Universal Brotherhood. (more…)

Alpha and Omega

In the Book of Revelation, the phrase “I am the alpha and the omega” is given as the title of Jesus alpha omega jesus(verses 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13). Jesus tells us that he is the Alpha and Omega, but he also refers to himself as the “morning star”, as it is written in Revelation 22:16: “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”

It is clear that Jesus, the Son of God is not only telling us that he is the alpha and omega, but that he is also the morning star. These are biblical clues to the true nature of Jesus that are simply veiled in allegory and parables to keep hidden from the profane (uninitiated) until the time of the Apocalypse, which is now and simply means, “the unveiling.”

When I say that the bible is written allegorically, this basically means that what they had written and the actual spiritual meaning hidden in these words, are two different things. Hence, these bible passages are not to be taken literally, but metaphorically, because there is a secret meaning behind these allegories such as the “alpha and omega and the morning star.” I would like to help unveil this allegory for the sake of the Apocalypse.

In order to solve the meaning of the alpha and omega, let us first list some facts from my research on the morning star. What star could this be? In order to locate the answer to this biblical question, we must first look to the AS ABOVE in the heavens, to the stars and planets for our answer.

OsirisWhat stars or planets in ancient mythology have been called the morning star?

I had written about the morning star in a previous article, “What is the morning star? and Osiris The Morning Star.” The image to the left, is of the Ancient Egyptian God Osiris as the Green Man, with what I think is the morning star in between what appears to be two DNA strands in the left of the image.

In these articles, I explain that Venus is not the only morning star in our galaxy and that the planet Jupiter is also called the morning star. I have found that in ancient history, there was no planet that compared to the worship and adoration that was given to the planet Jupiter. This is why I have come to the conclusion, that this is the “allegorical morning star” often spoken of in the bible and that is truly a planet. This fact I can help confirm, in the bible passage: Job 38: 7, where it is said, “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

It is clear that in Job 38: 7, we are told that the “morning stars sang together.” Hence, there isn’t just one morning star or planet, but there are actually “two or more morning stars” that the bible is referring to, when it is said “the morning stars sang together.” As I mentioned above, these morning stars are actually both the planets of Jupiter, and Venus. The planet Jupiter has always been known as the father of the Gods, father of men and producer of kings on earth. The Greek Pharaoh, Alexander the Great was proclaimed as son of Jupiter Amon in Egypt and also the well-known Roman Caesars of Julius and Augustus had both said that Jupiter was their father and Venus their mother. The planet Venus was always associated with fertility and as the mother, and Jupiter as the father. Two planets, that in the bible are allegorically called the morning stars. Alexander, Julius, Augustus and Jesus would be the “sons of the God Jupiter” and ordained by the priesthood as kings and Messiah’s on earth, with the divine right to rule.

Another fact to help support my article, is that this past July 15, 2012 in the early morning hours, if you would have looked East, you could see with the naked eye, the morning stars of Venus and Jupiter in all their glory, in a grand alignment with the crescent moon. It’s as if the “morning stars sang together.” What I also find interesting, is that this alignment of the morning stars occurred in the month of July which was named by the Roman Senate in honor of the Roman general, Julius Caesar, it being the month of his birth. Prior to that, it was called Quintilis. (Wikipedia)

Jupiter and Venus

This makes sense, since much of the New Testament that we see today and the story of Jesus had originated from the early Roman Catholic Church. Julius Caesar was also a high priest in the Ancient Priesthood of Jupiter Amon that had first originated in the East, in Egypt and Greece. The same priesthood, in which Augustus Caesar after conquering Egypt would become the first true Pope (Pontifex Maximus) to begin the 6th Age. An age, in which there would be no more pharaohs that would rule from Egypt and Greece, but Popes, bishops, kings and knights spread around the world with the Roman Empire in the West and Byzantine Empire in the East.

NOTE TO MY READERS: The reason I detailed some of my research above on the morning stars is because there is a strong connection between these morning stars and the alpha and omega of the bible, and also the planet Jupiter that I will explain to you below.


The Father of English history and Doctor of the Catholic Church, Saint Bede had written this about the alpha and omega; “HeBEDE Picture 1 is the beginning Whom no one precedes, the end Whom no one succeeds in His kingdom.” Clement of Alexandria (2nd century, philosopher and commentator on pagan and Christian information) speaks of the Word as “the Alpha and the Omega of Whom alone the end becomes beginning, and ends again at the original beginning without any break”

When I look to the Lord and the beautiful world around me created through him, I look to nature and also to the animal kingdom. In observing nature, its cycles, its science and its laws, I have found that it too has an alpha and an omega. This same alpha and omega is also found in all animal life. An alchemical beginning and an end, that is the natural cycle of evolution on earth. This alpha and omega that all life depends on, I have identified as the chemical energy that we know of today under the Greek word, ‘phosphorus.’

This alpha and omega of nature, that we know of today as phosphorus, is known in Latin as Lucifer. The great alchemist knew of the alpha and omega as the philosopher’s stone. I have written about phosphorus, Lucifer and the philosopher’s stone in my articles; Who is Lucifer?, The Philosopher’s Stone and Blood Alchemy: Red Blood of Lucifer

Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15.

phosphorus Electron_shell

A multivalent pnictogen, phosphorus as a mineral is almost always present in its maximally oxidised state, as inorganic phosphate rocks. It is from these phosphate rocks, that all life truly evolves. Phosphorus enters the environment from native rocks or possibly meteorites from space that landed upon earth many tens of thousands, and possibly millions of years ago. It is from these ancient life-giving rocks and mountains that deposit the phosphate sediment into the ocean and waters of the earth, in which science has stated all life comes from water. Then from this water the plants, fish, animals and mammals etc. are born and feed off this natural system of ecology; that places this phosphate rock that produces phosphorus, as the true alpha and omega of the planet earth.

Below is an image of this process of nature, that shows the cycle of phosphorus from the phosphate rock to water life, and then plant and animal life.

Phosphorus Cycle 2

Here is another good image of this process.

Phosphorus cycle with peeing dude

 Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for all life forms and is stored primarily in soil and sediment. Phosphorus is an essential component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism (i.e. uptake and transport of nutrients); deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms; and ribonucleic acid (RNA) which is important for protein synthesis in plants and animals.(1)

Phosphorus is a very important chemical that is in our very own DNA. Phosphorus is essential for all life on earth and the phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human, because consciousness and our spiritual energy would not exist. It is through our DNA which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world and who we are in order to live in the light. Please notice the images below of DNA and phosphorus, and how it relates to the ancient image above of Osiris where I had referenced what appears to be DNA and the morning star.

Phosphorus DNA

This thermal image below, shows the actual process of phosphorus in our blood and proves the firing action that happens within our blood, or maybe we should now say, “God had said, let there be, and there was light.”

Phosphorus DNA Photo 2

Here is an explanation below of how phosphate is not irreversibly consumed in these natural processes of life and can be recycled indefinitely. Hence, it is the immortal substance of all life on earth and possibly the universe. This is why its is the true alpha and omega.

Structurally, phosphorus occurs as phospholipids, which are a major component of most biological membranes, and as nucleotides and nucleic acids. The functional roles include: (1) the buffering of acid or alkali excesses, hence helping to maintain normal pH; (2) the temporary storage and transfer of the energy derived from metabolic fuels; and (3) by phosphorylation, the activation of many catalytic proteins. Since phosphate is not irreversibly consumed in these processes and can be recycled indefinitely, the actual function of dietary phosphorus is first to support tissue growth (either during individual development or through pregnancy and lactation) and, second, to replace excretory and dermal losses. In both processes it is necessary to maintain a normal level of Pi in the extracellular fluid (ECF), which would otherwise be depleted of its phosphorus by growth and excretion.

Phosphate is the only chemical energy that remains of us humans when we die. It is essential when we are born as the alpha, and when we die as the omega. Hence, you will find no other chemical energy that can compare to phosphate and phosphorus as the true alpha and omega of ALL life.


Alpha and Omega, alpha (α or Α) and omega (ω or Ω). They are the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet and are an appellation of Christ or of God in the Book of Revelation.


This symbol was suggested by the Apocalypse, where many believe that Christ, as well as the Father, is “the First and the Last” (ii, 8); “the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end” (cf., xxii, 13; i, 8). These couple of letters are used as Christian symbols, and are often combined with the Cross, Chi-rho, or other Christian symbols. Below is an image of the Chi-Rho with a wreath symbolizing the victory of the Resurrection, above Roman soldiers, circa 350. (Wikipedia)

Chi Rio - Anastasis_Pio_Christiano

Although modern representations of the Chi-Rho sign represent the two lines crossing at ninety degree angles, the early examples of the Chi-Rho cross at an angle that is more vividly representative of the chi formed by the solar ecliptic path and the celestial equator.

As I stated above, the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet  represent the Alpha and Omega, alpha (α or Α) and omega (ω or Ω), and are also an appellation of Christ or of God in the Book of Revelation. What is an interesting fact today, is the connection that we can find in the symbology of the alpha and omega, to that of science. Connections, that simply help validate the facts I have set forth in this article. For example, the Omega in science can be found under the minuscule letter ω is used as a symbol that in Biochemistry and chemistry:

* Denotes the carbon atom furthest from the carboxyl group of a fatty acid.

* In biochemistry, for one of the RNA Polymerase subunits.

* In biochemistry, for the dihedral angle associated with the peptide group, involving the backbone atoms Cα-C’-N-Cα

* In genomics, as a measure of evolution at the protein level (also denoted as dN/dS or Ka/Ks ratio).

What you may find interesting, is the fact that phosphorus is contained in the fatty tissues of the body and is also as I mentioned above,  is an important factor in our DNA and RDNA. It also plays a huge part in the evolution of all life on earth, because it is the ONLY chemical on earth that can be recycled indefinitely!


The symbology of the Chi-Rho is most familiar in Plato‘s Timaeus, where it is explained that the two bands which form the “world soul” or anima mundi cross each other like the letter chi. The meaning of world soul (Greek: ψυχή κόσμου, Latin: Anima mundi) is;

The world soul, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to our world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. The idea originated with Plato and was an important component of most Neoplatonic systems: Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence … a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related. (Wikipedia)

The teachings of the Theosophical Society and Madame Blavatsky had written this in regards to Jupiter and The Soul of the World, or “Anima Mundi;”

Q. Are they inferior according to the size of the planet or inferior in quality?

A. The latter, as we are taught. You see the ancients lacked our modern, and especially theological, conceit, which makes of this little speck of mud of ours something ineffably grander than any of the stars and planets known to us. If, for instance, Esoteric Philosophy teaches that the “Spirit” (collectively again) of Jupiter is far superior to the Terrestrial Spirit, it is not because Jupiter is so many times larger than our earth, but because its substance and texture are so much finer than, and superior to, that of the earth. And it is in proportion to this quality that the Hierarchies of respective “Planetary Builders” reflect and act upon the ideations they find planned for them in the Universal Consciousness, the real great Architect of the Universe.

Q. The Soul of the World, or “Anima Mundi”?

A. Call it so, if you like. It is the Antitype of these Hierarchies, which are its differentiated types. The one impersonal Great Architect of the Universe is Mahat, the Universal Mind. And Mahat is a symbol, an abstraction, an aspect which assumed a hazy, entitative form in the all-materializing conceptions of men.


The connection between the alpha and omega, phosphorus, the chi-rho and world soul, should be more than obvious for those with an eye to see. As I explained above, the morning star Jupiter in the heavens of the AS ABOVE and the alpha omega, and phosphorus here on earth in the SO BELOW, appear to be connected and/or one and the same. In many of my articles that I have written before, I have detailed this research with such facts, that Jupiter was worshiped under a variety of different names and forms depending on the country and language as the King of the Gods throughout ancient history. No other planet or star compares to the glory given to this one planet.

The reason being, that Jupiter is truly the King of Gods and of the planets because it gives the universe the essential life-giving light substance or Anima Mundi here on earth, called phosphorus. A chemical energy, that we can now prove with science as the true alpha and omega, that also helps form the consciousness of all human life. A substance, that was spoken about in the bible and that we know of today in science, as the chemical energy phosphorus.

An energy and fire, that has been worshiped by secret societies under such figures as Lucifer and Baphomet. A fire, that is derived throughout the earth in the form of the phosphate rock. The true Alpha and Omega of all life here on earth and also the heavens.

I AM the truth and I AM the light. I AM the Alpha and Omega. I AM phosphorus.

Isaiah 44:6 – “This is what the LORD says– Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.”


1. University of Minnesota

2. Other sources are listed and or linked to in yellow

Gnostic Bible Verses

st_peter_vatican(Updated 7/2/2013) – As the great gnostic Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas; “Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.”

The bible is filled with hidden esoteric Gnostic teachings and allegories on Gnosticism. However, to the uninitiated, these secret mysteries remain hidden and they are not revealed to those that simply do not have a pure heart or motives in their quest for truth.

This ancient policy of light and truth is as old as we conscious humans are. It is just the natural order of nature in which we humans must adhere to these natural laws which govern our bodies (DNA), minds and souls.

Many people are unaware that some of the most famous early Gnostics had actually helped form the religion of Christianity and also found the Catholic Church. Gnostics like Simon the Sorcerer or Simon the Magician, in Latin Simon Magus, who is more commonly known today as Saint Peter. Irenaeus had said he was one of the founders of gnosticism and according to Bible scholars such as Barbara Thiering and Hans Jonas, Simon Magus was also one  of the founders of the Gnostic Church. (more…)

Who is Osiris?

In Ancient Egyptian mythology, the god named Osiris is the SO BELOW (earth) representative of the AS ABOVE king of all the planets, Rameses-III-ISISJupiter. The great Greek historian Herodotus confirms this fact, Osiris and Jupiter are one in the same. Osiris is not a real person, but a man-made title for the planet Jupiter who the Ancients had worshiped.

The god Osiris on earth through mythology represents the planet Jupiter in the heavens. Osiris is he who is permanently benign and youthful, the creator god, the lord of love, the lord of silence, god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead. In Greek Mythology, they had assigned Jupiter to their god Zeus who they had also called the “Morning Star and Light Bringer.” Allegorical names that all represent the same planet.

Jupiter near star

Osiris is the mythological husband of the goddess Isis who represents the Moon, planet Venus, and the star Sirius. These names do not represent real people or Pharaohs, but were titles that were assigned to real people and Pharaohs. The style in which they governed the people through religion and commerce was indicative of their assigned titles, such as with Pharaoh Akhenaten of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.

Akhenaten was forever made famous for abandoning ancient traditional Egyptian polytheism and abandonment of all other gods, especially the Gnostic religion of Amon (Amun or Amen). Jupiter equated with the Egyptian deity Amon. Akhenaten had introduced the religion centered on the Aten and thus causing much internal conflict amongst the elite of Egypt. The religion of Aten was based on sun and solar worship, symbolically represented by the disk of the sun. Later the worship of Aten was eradicated by Horemheb, who reinstituted the priesthood of Amon Ra and the Gnostic religion based on Amon.

Osiris is also the father of the god of truth and light, Horus. In Egyptian mythology, we find Osiris as the Creator, his son Horus the Preserver, and his brother Typhon the Destroyer. The name Typhon is assigned to Osiris’s brother whose name is Set (Set, Seth, Shaitan, or Molech), which is where we get the modern word for who Westerners call “Satan or the Devil.” Set is the SO BELOW of the planet on the AS ABOVE called Saturn. Hence, the gods Set, Satan, the Devil and Saturn are all one and the same. Just like Osiris of the Egyptians, Zeus of the Greeks, Yahweh of the Israelites, and Jove to the Romans are all just different allegorical names from different ancient cultures, which all represent the very same one planet we know of today as Jupiter.

Since most ancient times in mythology, these two planets have always fought with one another. It is in Ancient Egyptian mythology where we find Set kills his brother Osiris. Hence, darkness and chaos (Set who is Saturn) kills the light and order (Osiris who is Jupiter). These same planetary and earthly battles were carried on by the Greeks, with Jupiter being assigned to Zeus who battles his brother Cronus, and  also banished his own son Prometheus to an island to have his liver fed on by eagles for teaching mortals the secret arts and teachings.

A similar tale is found in the Sanskrit” Ramayana;”

the victim being Bali, his murderer Sougriva; and the recital is so nearly identical with that archived in the sculptures and paintings of Uxmal and Chichen-Itza, and recorded in the second part of the Troano MS., that it is more than probable it was imported from Yucatan direct, perhaps by the colonists who, as Valmiki (the author of the “Ramayana”) tells us, settled in the Indio-Chinese peninsula (the Deccan) in remote ages, and who naturally would bring with them the language, customs, traditions, civilization, and folk-lore of their native land.

This same mythology was then interlaced into the Abrahamic religions, with Cain and Able who are both sons of Noah- who also represents the planet Jupiter. Cain slays his brother Able, just like in Egypt when Set had killed his brother Osiris.

In Freemasonry the story of Jupiter and Osiris is changed. We find Jupiter is represented by the Master Teacher, Hiram Abiff who is then killed by three ruffians who happened to be his students. 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall confirms this fact that the story of Hiram Abiff is an adaptation of the mythology of Osiris;

“Preston, Gould, Mackey, Oliver, and Pike—in fact, nearly every great historian of Freemasonry-have all admitted the possibility of the modern society being connected, indirectly at least, with the ancient Mysteries, and their descriptions of the modern society are prefaced by excerpts from ancient writings descriptive of primitive ceremonials. These eminent Masonic scholars have all recognized in the legend of Hiram Abiff an adaptation of the Osiris myth; nor do they deny that the major part of the symbolism of the craft is derived from the pagan institutions of antiquity when the gods were venerated in secret places with strange figures and appropriate rituals.” (Manly P. Hall, “Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins”)

This is where it stands as of now in 2013. The god or this world is Satan (Set, Cain, Cronus, Saturn or The Masonic Three Ruffians), who we now know represents darkness and chaos, or what Masons would call CHAO (Latin for chaos). A power that has been in control of the earth’s energies for many centuries now.

Will Osiris ever return, or will we forever be under the Lordship of his brother Set, AKA Satan?

Something tells me that someday we may see Osiris again and these deals do not last forever……………………………

osiris with wheat growingMatthew 13:30  – Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'”

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