Esoteric Dope

By Iona Miller – If you don’t pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.Pipe Einstein

‘Everything that relates, whether closely or more distantly to psychic phenomena and to the action of psychic forces in general should be studied just like any other science. There is nothing miraculous or supernatural in them, nothing that should engender or keep alive superstition. Psychic training rationally and scientifically conducted, can lead to desirable results. That is why the information gained about such training . . . constitutes useful documentary evidence worthy of our attention.’ Alexandra David-Neel (1931:xiii)

Iona Miller brings a unique background to the overlapping arenas of parapsychology and intelligence work. Her close contact with experts in the field brings a level of comprehension beyond that of most conspiracy and freedom writers. In addition, her work in metaphysics and psychotherapeutics, as well as art and paramedia ecology, brings a depth and aesthetic mere reporters cannot duplicate. Ms. Miller works with the world’s top physicists, transpersonal psychologists, intell officers from several agencies, and a host of “usual suspects.” Take a walk on the wild side of ESP(iona)ge and see what that clandestine world has to offer and how it works. Ms. Miller specializes in Do It Yourself (DIY) Mind Control Countermeasures.


Esoterics! It’s dope. This complex fusion of glamour, power and mystery is the coolest thing on the planet. Esoteric cults are too numerous to count. Those who can’t resonate with others start their own eclectic brands.

This exotic subject and way of being is challenging, so deep you can never fully comprehend nor master it. But, any way you look at it, it’s dope. It is, by definition, an altered state of consciousness. What hyperreality ideas are you mainlining? What disinformation is being thought injected into you?

Are we being hopped up, wired and tranquilized with a deluge of trumped up new age philosophy that plays to our enculturated narcissism? Why does esoterics have such a narcotic effect? What are the rewards that trigger our dopamine circuits and maybe even the psychedelic DMT of the pineal gland, or Third Eye? Is the Astral Plane the primordial Virtual Reality?

Why are so many convinced esoterics is the panacea of post-postmodern life when it comes from a pre-technological era? Maybe new age philosophy is an Aquarian Conspiracy cooked up by the spychologists of Tavistock Institute, but Intelligence itself isn’t immune to its own psycho-babble propaganda and unconventional beliefs. The confluence of these two currents is the domain of ‘conspirituality.’

Have we been trained to “want to believe” by manipulating the same superstitious mindbody circuits exploited since neolithic shamanism by magicians and spies? Have we just built ourselves a bigger conceptual box with more wiggle room? Is The Secret of quantum mind really ‘out of the Schrodinger’s Box thinking’ or the latest manufactured meme? Can we really manifest a qualitativly higher level of our potential, individually and collectively? Then where are the Homo Lumen?

Why do we get high on esoterics? Why do we fantasize about mind over matter? How can we be so sure, when we take on an inner mission that we are not just tilting at windmills? Why do we get so defensive when our beliefs are challenged? Could it have something to do with our perennial struggles to control destiny, to manifest our will? Critical situations call for critical thinking. With human survival at stake, we need to question our paradigms.

Sex and the Siddhi

Siddhis is the ancient mystic name for psychic phenomena. Mind expansion increases the potential of unusual powers. Personal power (chi, mana, prana) comes from libido, sexual and psychic energy. Sexual techniques (Tantra, Kundalini, Sex Magic, Taoist Alchemy) have been used in the east and west to raise amplitude in libido, to build energy charge. Yet, it is said that cultivating these powers is a distraction from Reality, from Enlightenment.

At the personal level, esoterics is the soft technology of self-development and change at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It means initiatory ordeals and challenging confrontations with yourself about the reality of nature and your own nature. To stay out on your personal edge means always being just a little off balance, at home in the chaos, alert to the resonating gaps in awareness.

At the dynamic group level, it is all this and something more. Esoteric caduceus coils wind like an ancient serpent throughout society. It has been a clandestine sociopolitical 5th column force at least since the Renaissance, in Elizabethan times, and certainly since the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. Many societies have a history of influence peddling as a cover for espionage.

Portrait of Madame Blavatsky

Portrait of Madame Blavatsky (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hitler’s occult motivations with the SS are well-documented. Less well-known is that he drew his ideas for an Aryan nation from the Theosophical Bible, The Secret Doctrine. Einstein also derived his most-famous equation from the well-used annotated copy of Madame Blavatsky‘s tome he always kept on his desk.

Drawing Out the Inner Nature

Perhaps Intelligence knows something we don’t about the weird phenomena and psi-strat they term ‘Esoterics’ with its ‘Wizard’ practitioners. But is it expanding our sense of reality or merely diverting our attention from what should be more compelling matters of existence?

Even intelligence officers will claim everything from being UFO/ET abductees, to Time Travellers, to reincarnations of famous historical figures. They absolutely believe what they are saying and act from it. Watergate bagman and uber-spook E. Howard Hunt became interested in the occult from the historical incident that inspired The Exorcist. A disproportionate number of CIA Case Officers come from the cryptic, ritualistic Skull & Bones secret society.

Wired for Weirdness

Spooks really ARE spooky, even if they often stick to just one area of the paranormal. The nature of spying is looking for the ghost in the machine. They are as much or more fascinated by the Great Unknown than the general public and as likely to consult Edgar Cayce as Jane’s Intelligence Review.

How different is scenario modelling from foretelling the future? Remote Viewing at SRI was financed by CIA during the Cold War to the tune of $13M. With RVers, Precogs, AugCogs and electronic dope, no philosopher’s stone has been left unturned in the search for more intelligent intelligence. They quit trying to find it and retooled to invent it.

There are lots of smart people around, but what sets genius apart is its unflagging novel creativity. Genius isn’t something you are, but something you have or occasionally experience as it flows through as unique innovation or insight. The transformation from ordinary to extraordinary, by embodying your own genius, by hyperdimensionally supercharging your field body, is what esoterics is about. Naturally it has its own challenges and inherent rewards.

Esoterics changes your subjective point of view to the transpersonal observer self. For those who resonate and are attracted to the subject, the esoteric lure of mystery is as magnetic and compelling as any drug. Esoterics creates its own unique brain cocktail at every stage of the process/goal. Its addicts are as compulsive as any dope fiends, perhaps more so, since they haven’t created their own deprogramming or recovery programs.

We are driven and Mystery is at the heart of that drive, whether it is the esoterics of the occult, esoteric espionage, New Age philosophy, esoteric electronics, or the clandestine Great Game of spooks and kooks. The poison is the cure. Nothing is what it seems. Esoterics is a radically different point of view and level of observation. When you get there, you aren’t just “you.”

Do It Yourself Countermeasures

Get an overview of the “Big Picture,” the way Reality and the world actually works. This is not the world you think you live in, and perhaps not the one you wish you lived in, but it is time for a Reality Check. There are many threads of historical antecedents that have made our world what it is today. From the dawn of civilization a secretive priesthood has been the power behind the throne.

Among active factions in esoterics are the Illuminati and other western and eastern secret societies which function as behind-the-scenes social engineers of global cultural life. Your lack of belief in such agendas doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Their ability to affect you transcends your personal beliefs because they work through your hard-wired circuits, cradle to grave. The commodification of new age personalities is also manipulated by the cryptocracy.

They create the Romanesque “Spectacle” of distractions to dull your vision – as misdirection so you don’t look behind the curtain. They train you to their behavioral, academic and job market specs. Paradoxically, they may be caught in the esoteric webwork of their own machinations. It is unavoidable. Do It Yourself mind control countermeasures may be your only effective protection against ESPionage, but even your reactions have been accounted for in the grand scheme of things.

Numerous factions, each with their own agenda are trying to hack the global system and hijack your mind. TAKE IT BACK. “Be Your Own Reality Pilot;” “Be Under the Influence of Yourself,” as the sayings go. This is a map of the terrain and a scorecard of the primary players and their plans for dominating the hidden interior and exterior landscape of international politics, power, economics and culture. Make no mistake; they have climbed inside your head.


The occult is one of the keys to world events; reality is also defined by politics. Like nature, history is cyclic and can be manipulated. Drug companies are as powerful as banks and oil. Corporate feudalism has replaced democracy as the new elitist rule. Corporations compete with shadowy nation-states and international mafia-style crime rings. All of them employ electronic dope from television and gaming, to nonlthal weapons and HAARP in the war for your cooperation and mind control.

It takes intelligence to be a magician, but a magician can also be an active agent of intelligence, figuratively and literally. The real question is, rather, how and why and who and what do these things serve? Restoring self and society is the essential wisdom of the Grail. But this quest can be co-opted for narcissistic or pathological ends. The Secret Doctrine can introduce both positive and negative praeternatural forces.

Secret Missions

Who is served by the Holy Grail of occult knowledge? What is the Grail, and whom does it serve? The secret is in the power and the power is in The Secret. It is a meaningless metaphor without the experiential process of self-transformation to back it up. That’s why it can’t be told. It is the panacea, a personal path of recovery for “what ails thee.” The Grail is a metaphor for connection to the mystical Source of everything, the ever-renewing Fount of all manifestation – creative potential.

All paths lead toward a personal journey of transformation and enlightenment, though not all journeys fulfill the total potential of creativity, compassion, engagement, and spirituality. On a classical “hero’s journey” like Parcival, when you find the Grail, and are called to its service, no knowledge remains hidden for long.

Magick was the first transdisciplinarian occupation, drawing on all areas of knowledge as well as what we now call performance art. Before science divorced the occult arts it was called Natural Philosophy. Before everyone over-specialized [became more and more expert at less and less], they were what Buckminster Fuller called ‘generalists.’ He claimed kings made smart people become specialists so they wouldn’t see through the royal racket.

Trump Card

A Magus is a “worker of magic” which eludes rational definition, since magic happens in the gaps of reality, the unborn potential of the Abyss. The Magus is both a symbol of enlightenment and deception (disinformation)– just like the Tarot card, The Magician, is a card of duality: Wisdom and Folly.

“Now you see it; now you don’t” is the forte of the illusionist, the juggler of realities, who is master of Orwellian double-think – holding the tension of the opposites. You alternate between faith and skepticism until you go beyond the ordinary boundaries of both, slaying each thought with its opposite. Myths present themselves as systems of antinomies, or opposites: heaven/hell, good/evil, life/death. The Magus lives at the Paradox.

Traditionally, the Magus is one who can demonstrate hands-on magic: healing, mythical living, vision and foresight, transformative rituals, metaphor therapy, alchemical transmutations, charging of talismans, spirit comm, etc. Magick works on the principle that man is a microcosm of the Cosmos because a fractal representation of the whole universe is embodied in our holographic nature.

Arts Magian

A modern Magus is any person who completes the circuit between heaven and Earth, one who seeks to bring forth the divine ‘gold’ within her or himself. He or she is also a Mentor, an Initiator, divining and reading the signs and revealing deeper purpose and meaning in “the god-game.”

But that is how the outer world sees it. Every Magus has a foot in both worlds. Their inner life is mercurial, a complex psychic layer-cake of inner planes of transcendent experience where quantum leaps of consciousness are possible and messages are exchanged with the Great Unknown.


Perception of what is real and what is not dims and vanishes in a whirlwind of synchronicities. Imagination is reality. Magicians understand the world we live in, or think we live in, is an illusion, a construct of our own perceptual apparatus and a malleable interpretation of our brains. Postmodern philosophy concurs as does New Physics that our perceived reality is a complex construction of our perceptions and beliefs — pure illusion.

But the hyperdimensional gifts of the Spirit come at a price. The magician taps into, becomes one with, an essence that pop culture calls The Force. Photons and phonons are quantized modes of vibration. This subatomic vibration of Light and Sound is the enlivening force, which feeds creation and allegedly responds to focused intention at the primordial level. Information controls and patterns energy.

Hermetics is a Spiritual Technology

For masters of the Hermetic Arts, all magick is wrought through this impressionable ether – the Astral Light –a plenum of potential, using true properties of nature, it’s laws, forces, and principles. Science now describes it as the scalar physics of subspace. The mage seeks to selectively establish an internal order out of this chaos, then externalize it, according to his/her vision. S/he is the soul guide who initiates the transformation process.

Among the original esoteric texts, The Hermetica included works on magic, alchemy, astrology, healing, gnosis, theurgy, ritual and philosophy. Sympathetic magic contends that like substances sharing an essence can influence one another through resonance effects. Likewise the hypnotic and magnetic qualities of charismatic individuals can create rapport with others to influence them.

The Magus power card also represents the fine line dividing white magic from black magic, toxic or malignant black ops. Sensory deprivation, loss of equilibrium, confusion techniques, social isolation, physiological stress, severe shock and ceremonial terror tactics were the forerunners of brainwashing techniques. The US employed “Shock and Awe” in Iraq as much to demoralize the people as to batter the infrastructure.

This is the realm of psychic attack and psychic self-defense, of witting and unwitting “sorcerers” stealthily vying with one another for power. Weaponized ESP can affect the body, mind and soul of one’s opponent. But it can boomerang back on the sender 3-fold, according to the cautionary prescription.


Power can be used in either a self-serving manner, or as one in service to the All. In order for The Magus to achieve his aims, there must be constant awareness and self-examination, pressing on and exploring one’s boundaries, breaking through into the boundless realms. The archetypal Shadow can creep in at any time both in personal and national or international interaction.

This is also the Trump of discernment. The Magus can discriminate between various realities and fantasies, between various points of view, without buying into any belief system, literally. The sorcerer orchestrates and works within others’ belief systems, choosing from the palette of compelling philosophical and spiritual ideals.

By molding worldviews, a magician creates the perception, manipulates and defines the perceived reality, creates the structure for self-organizing transformation. He believes no metanarratives but orchestrates them for others. He is an opportunistic paradigm shifter, shapeshifter, chameleon, and trickster. If you assume a role does that make it real? If not, fake it till you make it. Better to be an inspired lunatic than uninspired.

All Along the Watchtower

In the intelligence field, there is a designation nicknamed Wizard, indicating not only scientific but esoteric subject matter expertise. Cloak-and-magickal-dagger? It’s all athame to me. I know what you fear and it’s true.

Spying is a combination of praeternatural instincts and deep knowledge of how things really work. It is a world of constant observation and manipulation of the system and field of play. Game theory is not irrelevant. Every “watcher” is also “watched” from another level of game play.

What spies have in common with magicians is an uncanny ability to connect the seemingly unconnected, to notice what goes on behind the scenes and to see through misdirection ~ it takes one to know one. Both also construct and execute scenarios based on projections of undesirable and desirable futures.

It is necessary in this process of strategic intelligence collection and processing to be aware of the broadest possible contexts in which to view issues and information; to be aware of the trends of many disciplines, from religion to economics, from business to linguistics, from politics to military training, from historic social patterns to new religious trends, medicine, agriculture, science and so on.

Esoteric means, roughly, secret wisdom or intelligence derived from the Greek ‘esotericos’ meaning “inner.” Esoteric teaching may just be the Big Lie – the root deception propagated throughout history to control and suppress the masses, because the priesthood has always given kings their sanction and power. In modern life, that shadowy “priesthood” is an inner cabal of globalists whose finger is in every pie.

We are hardwired for different degrees of social compliance and interaction directly related to our worldview paradigm. Traditionalists are conventional and conservative and follow “normal” social dictates of conformity. Nonconformists can inhabit other areas of the social map. Each paradigm has it’s own model of behavior and groupthink.


HELP ME (Basic Survival)
TRIBAL We (Collective Survival
GRATIFY Me (Immediate Wants)
RIGHTEOUS We (Stable Authority)
COMPETETIVE Me (Material Success)
HOLISTIC Us (Global Harmony)
INTERDEPENDENT Me (Sustainable World)
SPIRITUAL We (Collective Renewal)

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is also relevant to what your own level of development allows. The Controllers are not only aware of this; they created and promoted the system just as they promoted the Aquarian Conspiracy to create New Age philosophy, actually a distracting fusion of warmed-over Theosophy and techno-utopianism. The less physical security you have, the more mere survival occupies your thoughts and time, the less confident, creative and self-actualizing you will be. Notice it is pyramidal in form with more primitive needs [and a greater population base] at the bottom.

[see illustration at bottom of this page]

When an individual, group or institution knows how you think, they can manipulate what you think. Penetration technologies are making our skin boundary no more than a persistent illusion. Electronic penetration has superceded religious, chemical and propaganda penetration with “full-spectrum dominance” of the nervous system though the later are still skillfully employed.

Who or what is controlling you and how? “In Propaganda, Jacques Ellul contends that it is the total culture in action that is propaganda, or teaching. Thus, real propaganda is environmental and invisible, like the perceptual bias of one’s native language. The counter-environments created by the artist serve to raise these hidden environments to the level of conscious appreciation.” (McLuhan, From Cliche to Archetype, 77)

We all have an internal map of reality and our beliefs generate our reality. Our main agenda is to be right about our beliefs. Values are the source and desire for motivation. Motivation comes from values; sense of safety comes from beliefs. If you create a 1-minute-movie internally about what you want to have happen, it is more effective than obsessing endlessly on what you don’t want. But naturally you have to create an action plan or it remains wishful thinking, clinically “magical thinking.”

Esoteric Espionage

The Secret is the same as it ever was: To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silent. But it only really works when your motivation aligns with necessity, when the Universe backs you up. This can be over-ridden through shadowy manipulation of the field through overt and covert means – through set ups and take downs – called psy-strat. Whether for good or evil, the name of the game is “framing reality.” Only the external show is left to diplomacy.

Who makes a good spy or a good liar? There isn’t any one answer to that, but it includes sexual vitality, charisma, being a good actor, entertainer, being a good poker player, being a good con man. Cons are opportunistic people who are sociopathic, who do not feel remorse, and who are very attuned, strangely, to other people and can read them very well. They are natural predators — takers.

If I know what you really want to hear and what is in your heart of hearts, your fondest desire, because I’m good at reading you and I’m street-smart about assessing you and accessing you, I can feed you what you want to hear. A good con man does that. A good magician does that. Intelligence officers can do that, motivated by patriotism rather than sociopathy – their ends justify the means. You also have to have a good memory.

Intelligence is the key to understanding the world today. What spies have in common with magicians is an uncanny ability to connect the seemingly unconnected, to notice what goes on behind the scenes and to see through misdirection ~ it takes one to know one. Both have learned to synthesize and interpret data, how to pace and lead people (hypno-patsies) with rapport. The opening gambit of psychological warfare and mind control is flattery.

As trained observers, magicians and spies are adept at people-reading and keeping secrets; both are actors — performers. Both are in secret societies that rely on craft and often use collaborators or confederates, and mentors. How much different is stealth and surveillance than a spell of invisibility? Each has their rules of engagement in the Great Work and the Great Game.

Clandestine Craft

Even some of the elements of tradecraft are the same. Both are cryptic, using encryptions and codes. Each has its own arcane language, symbols and rituals veiled from the profane. Remote Viewing or psychic spying is virtually identical with clairvoyance. Ceremonial psychodrama is played out in public, in personality cults and “ritual” murders – assassinations, often hiding in plain sight.

Both use passwords and slogans for security. Cryptography is now ubiquitous. Programs like Echelon monitor all domestic and foreign electronic communication. Spies and magicians both are cracking the Brain Code, the wetware of humanity.

Cryptocracy refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden. There may possibly be a fake government that appears to be in charge and this fake government might not know themselves that they are not in charge. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organizations, orders, sects and cults.

Everywhere is Ground Zero. In military terms nonlocal psychic operations are called psychotronics. Adversaries are rogue psi operatives, psiwarriors who battle like sorcerers. Psychic self defense employs thought disruption, shielding techniques, mind drain and energy manipulation. Psionics is scientific magic ~ magecraft, the product of extraordinary human potential. Precogs, like analysts, are attuned to the future.

Deep Cover

They understand viscerally that things are often not what they seem. Both are masters of disguise, the hidden environment, intelligence, espionage, and covert action. Both aim to ‘tweak the timeline’ with small perturbations that pump up to macroscopic results, setting up currents of intentional influence. They also tweak minds by controlling the environment. No one can resist what they cannot detect.

Both are Inside Outsiders, working at the fringes of the System. The “outsider” aesthetic is charged by a desire to break free from the contrivances of tradition. They look boldly outside the system and deep within themselves for inspiration that arises directly from Creative Source.

Both work sub rosa. This phrase comes from the Latin meaning ‘under the rose’ for confidentiality, black ops. It comes from the Masonic fraternal tradition. The rose is the emblem of Horus, God of Silence and Secrecy, Crowley’s “Crowned & Conquering Child.”

After the war President Harry S Truman broke up the OSS. He transferred the research and analysis branch, which employed almost 1,000 people, to the Department of State, abolished most of the more esoteric branches, including the one dealing with guerrilla warfare, and parked the branches concerned with collecting intelligence by espionage and other covert means in the office of the assistant secretary of war to await a final decision.

The decision came with the National Security Act of 1947, which Truman hoped would unify the armed services under a secretary of defense. The major price for “unification” was the transformation of the U.S. Army Air Corps into a separate and independent Air Force; a minor price was the creation of an independent Central Intelligence Agency that would report directly to the president and the National Security Council.

The act clearly intended the CIA to conduct espionage–actually, it intended the CIA to have a monopoly over espionage. The law also clearly intended for the CIA to coordinate all aspects of both the collection and analysis of secrets.

Bead Game

The Glass Bead Game or Magister Ludi (set in the 23rd Century) describes a cadre of individuals and their headmaster — the Magister Ludi — engrossed in interdisciplinary play engineering cultural values from behind the scenes. Hesse never forthrightly explained just how the game is played, but gave many hints to its structure for future aspirants seeking solutions to the critical predicament of mankind through Global Architectronics.

The Glass Bead Game requires that its players synthesize aesthetics and philosophy. The Glass Bead Game is thus a mode of playing with the total contents and values of our culture. It plays with them as, say, in the great age of the arts a painter might have played with the colors on his palette. The Game’s synthetic, non-linear information play is a forerunner of virtual reality.

After each symbol conjured up by the director of a Game, each player was required to perform silent, formal meditation on the content, origin, and meaning of this symbol, to call to mind intensively and organically its full purport. The members of the Order and of the Game associations brought the technique and practice of contemplation with them from their elite schools, where the art of contemplation and meditation was nurtured with the greatest care.

The variety of the phenomenal world reached perfection and ultimate cognition only in the divine Unity. Thus, “realizing” was a favorite expression among the players. They considered their Games a path from Becoming to Being, from potentiality to reality…We would scarcely be exaggerating if we ventured to say that for the small circle of genuine Glass Bead Game players the Game was virtually equivalent to worship.

Sub Rosa

In secret; privately or confidentially: held the meeting sub rosa. A “black” (sub rosa) propaganda section.
[Latin sub ros�, under the rose (from the practice of hanging a rose over a meeting as a symbol of confidentiality) : sub, under + ros�, ablative of rosa, rose.]

The phrase Sub Rosa comes from the Latin and means ‘under the rose’ or confidentiality. The rose was the emblem of the god Horus in ancient Egypt. Later the Greeks and Romans regarded this as god of silence. This originates from a Greek/Roman misinterpretation of an Egyptian hieroglyphic adopting Horus along with Isis and Osiris as a God.

The Greeks translated his Egyptian name Her – pa – khrad to Harpocrates. Cupid gave Harpocrates a rose as a token of gratitude for not betraying the mother of Cupid, Venus. Among the Freemasons the rose is the symbol of silence. Looking at the scorecard or playerlist of a game isn’t the same as playing it.

Seeing the World in a Whole New Light; Tweaking the Timeline

In chaos theory, small perturbations can become pumped up into very large effects. The same can happen to the historical timeline with intelligence and espionage. Small changes in dynamics can make a huge difference in Real World outcomes.

One must carefully pick where to make one’s intervention. A mis-step can lead to the brink of a catastrophic Abyss.

Mind control zombiesOccult Esoterics

Occult societies have a long tradition of influence peddling and providing covers for espionage. They are conduits of trust that transcend national borders and can cover a spy network. Naturally, occultists influenced one anothers’ beliefs, whether it was acknowledged or not.

Black intelligence ops, “Esoterics” has always been a department in most intelligence services. In MI6, it was called the Occult Bureau. The SS also had an Occult Bureau. The Watch were FDR’s supersecret team for occult countermeasures, arcane assassinations, paranormal and psychic investigation. After the war, The Watch redirected its interest to UFO phenomena.

Theosophical studies cover the origin and development of the cosmos and human development in all the planes of being from its beginning to its end. It is a philosophy of process, transformation, and evolution toward an extraordinary human potential. Out of this Utopian and scientific socialism came Theosophy, British” guild” socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Tavistock and iconoclast Aleister Crowley.

Occultism has served as “an alternative account of the world, available to people dissatisfied with the orthodox view of things, scientifically and politically, since the late 18th century. Older than Theosophy with roots in kabbalah, Hermetics, and pantheism, Magick was a practical application of causing change to conform with will using similar principles. They both embrace the Hermetic Axiom: “As Above; So Below,” which reflects the identity of man as a microcosm.

The Cryptocracy, through economics and mass mind control is involved in the transformation or “alchemical processing” of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation. With the help of these foundations and secret societies, experiments in world shaping continue multimedia and military campaigns. The goal is to seed and control megatrends so the masses live as controlled puppets – wage slaves — of the ruling elite.

SOURCE: Iona Miller

Blood of the Illuminati

Julius Caesar was known as “Divus Iulius” (Latin for “Julius is God”), and his son Augustus would be given the title of  Divi Filius (Latin for the “Son of a God”). Later Augustus would be known as the Savior to the Romans, and over time, savior to much of the world.

Adam Weishaupt, Bavarian Illuminati quote;

“Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion–of opinions which were current–and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with he popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand.

A brothers blood is spilled as another ages prophecy is fulfilled.


The name of the ancient priesthood that Augustus Caesar had restored, was the high priests of Jupiter-Amon (Flamen Dialis), or the Arval Brothers who were also connected originally with the Sabine,or Sabazian priesthood [Pike -from Saba-Zeus, an oriental name of this Deity] of Sodales Titii. 33rd degree freemason, Albert McKay says this about the Sabazians; “The Mysteries of Bacchus were known as the Sabazian, Orphic and Dionysiac festivals. They went back to the remotest antiquity among the Greeks.”

The first step in the rebuilding of the priesthoods;

Octavian restored the college to its old rank and gained also the additional advantage that the people were impressed with the moral righteousness of their cause against Antony and Cleopatra, and also with the fact that it was a foreign, _i.e._ an international war, and not a civil one, in which they were about to engage. The effect of Octavian’s restoration was a lasting one, for from this time on, this priesthood was held in high honour during the whole of the empire, and the emperors themselves were members of it.

Tacitus, a priest in the Brotherhood had said“The reverence due to the gods was no longer exclusive. Augustus claimed equal worship. Temples were built and statues were erected to him; a mortal man was adored; and priests and pontiffs were appointed to pay him impious homage.”

St. Augustine explained the role of the Lord Jesus Christ

as the cornerstone who binds the Jews with the Gentiles in one building, as two walls with two different directions mingled together. He said: “It happened in the day of His birth that the Jewish shepherds saw Him, while in the day of Epiphany, the Gentile wise men worshiped Him. Truly, He was born as a cornerstone for both.

Saint Bede, the Father of English History and Doctor of the Church had written in his Biographical Writings and Letters;“In the forty-second year of Augustus Caesar, in the twenty-seventh from the death of Antony and Cleopatra, when Egypt became a Roman Province, in the third year of the 193rd Olympiad, and in the 752nd from the building of the city, in the year when all the commotions of nations were stilled throughout the whole world, and by the appointment of God, Caesar had established real and durable tranquility,

Jesus Christ consecrated by his advent of the 6th age of the world.”

Black & White Magic

“The practice of magick – either white or black – depends upon the ability of the adept to control the universal life force – that which Eliphas Levi calls the great magical agent or astral light….in the arcanum of magic it is declared that ‘he controls the soul who controls the blood of another.”

True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave. – Manly P. Hall

(Source: Many P. Hall Secret Teachings of All Ages) – CEREMONIAL magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulae. A magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world. While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic.

Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for Transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government.

Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council — a committee of archsorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.

These sorcerers then began the systematic destruction of all keys to the ancient wisdom, so that none might have access to the knowledge necessary to reach adeptship without first becoming one of their order. They mutilated the rituals of the Mysteries while professing to preserve them, so that even though the neophyte passed through the degrees he could not secure the knowledge to which he was entitled. Idolatry was introduced by encouraging the worship of the images which in the beginning the wise had erected solely as symbols for study and meditation.

False interpretations were given to the emblems and figures of the Mysteries, and elaborate theologies were created to confuse the minds of their devotees. The masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and groveling in ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual impostors. Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity still suffers from the sophistries of the priestcrafts of Atlantis and Egypt.

Fully convinced that their Scriptures sanctioned it, numerous medieval Qabbalists devoted their lives to the practice of ceremonial magic. The transcendentalism of the Qabbalists is founded upon the ancient and magical formula of King Solomon, who has long been considered by the Jews as the prince of ceremonial magicians.

Among the Qabbalists of the Middle Ages were a great number of black magicians who strayed from the noble concepts of the Sepher Yetzirah and became enmeshed in demonism and witchcraft. They sought to substitute magic mirrors, consecrated daggers, and circles spread around posts of coffin nails, for the living of that virtuous life which, without the assistance of complicated rituals or submundane creatures, unfailingly brings man to the state of true individual completion.

Those who sought to control elemental spirits through ceremonial magic did so largely with the hope of securing from the invisible worlds either rare knowledge or supernatural power. The little red daemon of Napolean Bonaparte and the infamous oracular heads of de Medici are examples of the disastrous results of permitting elemental beings to dictate the course of human procedure.

While the learned and godlike daemon of Socrates seems to have been an exception, this really proves that the intellectual and moral status of the magician has much to do with the type of elemental he is capable of invoking. But even the daemon of Socrates deserted the philosopher when the sentence of death was passed.

Transcendentalism and all forms of phenomenalistic magic are but blind alleys — outgrowths of Atlantean sorcery; and those who forsake the straight path of philosophy to wander therein almost invariably fall victims to their imprudence. Man, incapable of controlling his own appetites, is not equal to the task of governing the fiery and tempestuous elemental spirits.

Many a magician has lost his life as the result of opening a way whereby submundane creatures could become active participants in his affairs. When Eliphas Levi invoked the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana, what did he hope to accomplish? Is the gratification of curiosity a motive sufficient to warrant the devotion of an entire lifetime to a dangerous and unprofitable pursuit? If the living Apollonius refused to divulge his secrets to the profane, is there any probability that after death he would disclose them to the curious-minded?

Levi himself did not dare to assert that the specter which appeared to him was actually the great philosopher, for Levi realized only too well the proclivity of elementals to impersonate those who have passed on. The majority of modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental creatures masquerading through bodies composed of thought substance supplied by the very persons desiring to behold these wraiths of decarnate beings.

The Theory and Practice of Black Magic

BaphometBaphomet: The Goat of Mendes

The practice of magick – either white or black – depends upon the ability of the adept to control the universal life force – that which Eliphas Levi calls the great magical agent or astral light.

By the manipulation of this fluidic essence, the phenomena of transcendentalism are produced.

The famous hermaphroditic Goat of Mendes was a composite creature formulated to symbolize this astral light. It is identical with Baphomet, the mystic pantheos of those disciples of ceremonial magic, the Templars, who probably obtained it from the Arabians.

Some understanding of the intricate theory and practice of ceremonial magic may be derived from a brief consideration of its underlying premises.

First. The visible universe has an invisible counterpart, the higher planes of which are peopled by good and beautiful spirits; the lower planes, dark and foreboding, are the habitation of evil spirits and demons under the leadership of the Fallen Angel and his ten Princes.

Second. By means of the secret processes of ceremonial magic it is possible to contact these invisible creatures and gain their help in some human undertaking. Good spirits willingly lend their assistance to any worthy enterprise, but the evil spirits serve only those who live to pervert and destroy.

Third. It is possible to make contracts with spirits whereby the magician becomes for a stipulated time the master of an elemental being.

Fourth. True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave.

The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification of personal desire. Its pentagram venusless complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil. A man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power, and down through the ages a mysterious process has been evolved which actually enables him to make this exchange.

In its various branches the black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism. Under the same general heading are also included mesmerism and hypnotism, except when used solely for medical purposes, and even then there is an element of risk for all concerned.

Though the demonism of the Middle Ages seems to have disappeared, there is abundant evidence that in many forms of modern thought — especially the so-called “prosperity” philosophy, “will-power building” metaphysics, and systems of “high-pressure” salesmanship — black magic has merely passed through a metamorphosis, and although its name be changed its nature remains the same.

A well-known magician of the Middle Ages was Dr. Johannes Faustus, more commonly known as Dr. Faust. By a study of magical writings he was enabled to bind to his service an elemental who served him for many years in various capacities. Strange legends are told concerning the magical powers possessed by Dr. Faust. Upon one occasion the philosopher, being apparently in a playful mood, threw his mantle over a number of eggs in a market-woman’s basket, causing them to hatch instantly. At another time, having fallen overboard from a small boat, he was picked up and returned to the craft with his clothes still dry.

But, like nearly all other magicians, Dr. Faust came at length to disaster; he was found one morning with a knife in his back, and it was commonly believed that his familiar spirit had murdered him. Although Goethe’s Dr. Faust is generally regarded as merely a fictional character, this old magician actually lived during the sixteenth century. Dr. Faust wrote a book describing his experiences with spirits, a section of which is reprinted below. (Dr. Faust must not be confused with Johann Fust, the printer.)

“While the black magician at the time of signing his pact with the elemental demon may be fully convinced that he is strong enough to control indefinitely the powers placed at his disposal, he is speedily undeceived. Before many years elapse he must turn all his energies to the problem of self-preservation. A world of horrors to which he has attuned himself by his own covetousness looms nearer every day, until he exists upon the edge of a seething maelstrom, expecting momentarily to to be sucked down into its turbid depths.

Afraid to die — because he will become the servant of his own demon — the magician commits crime after crime to prolong his wretched earthly existence. Realizing that life is maintained by the aid of a mysterious universal life force which is the common property of all creatures, the black magician often becomes an occult vampire, stealing this energy from others. According to mediaeval superstition, black magicians turned themselves into werewolves and roamed the earth at night, attacking defenseless victims for the life force contained in their blood.”

 Extract From the Book of Dr. Faust, Wittenberg, 1524 (An abridged translation from the original German of a book ordered destroyed.)

“From my youth I followed art and science and was tireless in my reading of books. Among those which came to my hand was a volume containing all kinds of invocations and magical formulae. In this book I discovered information to the effect that a spirit, whether he be of the fire, the water, the earth or the air, can be compelled to do the will of a magician capable of controlling him. I also discovered that according as one spirit has more power than another, each is adapted for a different operation and each is capable of producing certain supernatural effects.

“After reading this wonderful book, I made several experiments, desiring to test the accuracy of the statements made therein. At first I had little faith that what was promised would take place. But at the very first invocation which I attempted a mighty spirit manifested to me, desiring to know why I had manifested him. His coming so amazed me that I scarcely knew what to say, but finally asked him if he would serve me in my magical investigations. He replied that if certain conditions were agreed upon he would. The conditions were that I should make a pact with him. This I did not desire to do, but as in my ignorance I had not protected myself with a circle and was actually at the mercy of the spirit, I did not dare to refuse his request and resigned myself to the inevitable, considering it wisest to to turn my mantle according to the wind.

“I then told him that if he would be serviceable to my desires and requests and needs for a certain length of time, I would sign myself over to him. After the pact had been arranged, this mighty spirit, whose name was Ashteroth, [“Ashtar” -B:.B:.] introduced me to another spirit by the name of Marbuel, who was appointed to be my servant. I questioned Marbuel as to his suitability for my needs. I asked him how quick he was, and he answered, ‘As swift as the winds.’ This did not satisfy me, so I replied, ‘You cannot become my servant. Go again whence you have come.’ Soon another spirit manifested itself, whose name was Aniguel.

Upon asking him the same question, he answered that he was swift as a bird in the air. I said, ‘You are still too slow for me. Go whence you came.’ In the same moment another spirit by the name of Aciel manifested himself. For the third time I asked my question and he answered, ‘I am as swift as human thought.’ ‘You shall serve me,’ I replied. This spirit was faithful for a long time, but to tell you how he served me is not possible in a document of this length and I will here only indicate how spirits are to be invoked and how the circles for protection are to be prepared. There are many kinds of spirits which will permit themselves to be invoked by man and become his servant.

Zion, Lion and the Devil

The meaning of the name Zion is ‘stone’, and the meaning of Mount Zion is “The Mount of Stone.”(1) In the bible, Zion was Mount Zionthe hill in Jerusalem on which the city of David was built; and to the Christians, it is the heavenly city or kingdom of heaven.

The ancient symbology of the stone and mountain, had originated from the black cube-shaped stone that represents the Greek Goddess Cybele who fell to earth as a meteor to Mount Ida on the Holy Island of Crete. This is the island where the King of the Gods, Zeus (Jupiter) was born and hidden in a cave on the same said mountain. The symbols of Cybele are, the black cube stone, meteor, cornucopia, mural crown, chariot and lions.

She is the “Great Mountain Mother (Mater Idaea or Idaean Mother)”, who was often depicted in a chariot drawn by lions as if she was circling her pray. Virgil had said that the King Aeneas had ships sacred to Cybele and had decorated his ship’s prow in representation of the sacred Mount Ida and a pair of lions. In Rome, Cybele was known as the Magna Mater. (more…)

Kohen Levite DNA

The Kohen (Cohen, Kohain; Hebrew: כֹּהֵן,  plural כֹּהֲנִים Kohanim or the English Koan) come from the YDNA Haplogroup DNA Ark of the covenantE-M215 (formerly E3b1a) and also haplogroups J1 and J2. For the purpose of this article, I will focus on the E-M123 haplogroup, that I believe is the Kohanim Levite branch of the original priesthood from the island of Kos (Now Dia) who had separated from the other Tribes of Israel at the time of the destruction of the Temple.

Bede 1This is when the Kohanim Levites were absorbed or taken over by the Roman Empire under the leadership of Augustus Caesar in the 1st century. These events can now be tracked by historical accounts, artifacts and DNA. One of these accounts comes from one of the most famous Doctors of the Catholic Church and also the Father to English History, the Venerable Saint Bede (Beda). Bede had written on the Levites being connected to the Catholic Church in his book, “On Ezra and Nehemiah;” “Allegorically, the Levites represent those attached to the Catholic Church.” Hence, Bede is clearly stating that the Levites had become attached to the Catholic Church; I believe this happened when the Tribes of Israel were separated during the Exodus from their original homelands. This is why you can find the DNA of the Kohen Levite, which spread around the world in all the same cities where the Romans had conquered and rebuilt their empires.

This is also explained in several places in the bible, such as in the Book of Genesis, where the third son of Jacob is the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Levi. Hence, this would make Joseph the lawful founder of the Levites; for whom King David said, “None ought to carry the ark of God, but the Levites; for them hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever.” Also, when Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Canaan, the Levites were the only Israelite tribe that received cities, but were not allowed to be landowners “because the Lord, the God of Israel Himself is their inheritance” (Deuteronomy 18:2). (Wikipedia) In the Book of Malachi, God explains why he chose the Levites to be his priests. This would make sense, since the high priests for judgment of the New Testament are the Levites. The root in Hebrew means “to join,” to “‘ bind ” (see Lui-than “snaky-monster “).

When the land of Israel was apportioned among the tribes in the days of Joshua, the Tribe of Levi, being chosen as priests, did not receive land (Joshua 13:33, (14:3). However, the tribe of Levi were given cities. Six cities were given to the tribe as refuge cities for all men of Israel, which were to be controlled by the Levites. Three of these cities were located on each side of the Jordan River. In addition, 42 other cities (and their respective open spaces), totaling 48 cities were given to the Tribe of Levi. (Numbers 35).

This is very important in understanding, that out of all the Tribes of Israel, it was only the Levites that received cities. Some of these cities I believe are Sicily and Venice. It is also important to understand, who were Levites in the bible, and who were not. For example, some of the most important biblical people were Moses and his brother Aaron, who were both Levites. The descendants of Levi, the son of Jacob. (LEW (1).] He had three sons: Gershon or Gershom, Kohath, and Merari (Gen. xlvi. 11 ; Exod. vi. 16: Numb. iii. 17; 1 Chron. vi. 10, 43). Moses and Aaron were the grandsons of Kohath, and the great grandsons of Levi (Exod. vi. 16, 18, •JO, 2G). Gershon, Kohath, and Merari all founded families, but a certain prominence attached to the Kohathites, from whom the leaders of Israel at the critical period of the departure from Egypt had sprung (Numb. iv. 1-40);

The descendants of Aaron, who was the first kohen gadol; high priest of Israel, who were designated as the priestly class, the kohanim. In Egypt, the Levites were the only tribe that remained committed to God. During the Exodus, the Levite tribes were particularly zealous in protecting the Mosaic law in the face of those worshipping the Golden Calf, which may have been a reason for their priestly status. As such, kohanim comprise a family dynasty (although people claiming to be kohanim have many haplogroups) within the tribe of Levi, and thus all kohanim are traditionally considered to be Levites, but not all Levites are kohanim. (Wikipedia)

The Levites had helped form the original Catholic Church and many of the first Levites had also assisted in the writing of the New Testament.


I’m a Kohen of Levite decent and I’m from the United States of America. My DNA was tested in 2011, which told me that I come from the Haplogroup of E1b1b1c; E-M123, which is found scattered widely in Europe, America, Greece, North Africa and the Middle East. You can see proof of my DNA test by clicking here if you like.

This haplogroup is quite common in many Semitic language communities, including among both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, accounting for over 10% of all male lines (Semino 2004). Shen et al. (2004) found 10 out of 169 Israelis and Palestinians of various ancestry to be M123+ and M34+, with the highest level group being 4 out of 20 Israeli Jews of Libyan ancestry.

Semino et al. (2004) reports relatively high levels of 13% in the Albanian community of Cosenza, in Calabria. The ancient town is the seat of the Cosentian Academy, the second academy of philosophical and literary studies to be founded in the old Kingdom of Sicily (1511), and one of the oldest in Europe. There is a Kohanim Levite connection in Sicily, where E-M123 was found by Di Gaetano et al. (2008) to have 4.66% overall in their 236 person study of Sicily, and with higher levels in the east of the island. They found none in Trapani (33 people), Alcamo (24 people), and Cacamo (16 people), along the west of the north coast; 3.23% in San Ninfa (31 people), inland in the west; 3.57% in Sciacca (28 people) and Ragusa (28 people), along the south coast. Also, high levels in the east in Troina (10% of 30 people), Piazza Armerina (10.71% of 28 people), as well as near the Southwestern extreme facing Africa at Mazaro de Vallo (11.11% of 18 people). (Wikipedia)

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Troin was a Byzantine stronghold, and during the Islamic period, the religious and moral capital of the Greek and Christian orthodox part of Sicily; Roger I of Sicily had in its castle (which he captured in 1061) also a start base of his conquest of the island. (Wikipedia)

A notably high regional frequency for E-M123 was also found in Oman, where it is apparently the dominant clade of E-M35. The reason a high percentage of Kohanim DNA is found here, is because the Parthian Empire was friendly with the Greeks, and especially under the Arsacid dynasties. An inscription from this time period shows Heracles and the inscription, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ; “Great King Arsaces, friend of Greeks“. (Wikipedia) They always had a large Jewish community here in the Parthian Empire, and I assume many Kohanim Levites as well. Later the Parthians would also develop a friendly relationship with Rome in the time of Augustus, that had thrived here for centuries before the Persians had conquered the empire in the 7th century A.D. under the banner of Islam that had taken control of these lands.

Here is what FamilyTreeDNA has to say about these haplogroups:

The E haplogroup has been observed in all Jewish groups world-wide. One of its major subclades, E1b1b (formerly E3b) is considered to be the 2nd most prevalent haplogroup among the Jewish population.

According to one major paper, Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome variation in Ashkenazi Jewish and host non-Jewish European populations E-M35, which defines the E1b1b1 (formerly E3b1) haplogroup, is considered to be the second highest, next to J, for “Founding Jewish Lineages” in Europe. It is found in moderate amounts in all Jewish populations, from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Kurdish, Yemen, Samaritan and even among Djerba Jewish groups.

The Samaritan Kohanim belong to haplogroup E1b1b1a (formerly known as E3b1a).


Their findings reported on four family lineages among the Samaritans: the Tsdaka family (tradition: tribe of Menasseh), the Joshua-Marhiv and Danfi families (tradition: tribe of Ephraim), and the Cohen family (tradition: tribe of Levi). All Samaritan families were found in haplogroups J1 and J2, except the Cohen family which was found in haplogroup E3b1a-M78.[7] This article predated the E3b1a subclades based on the research of Cruciani, et al.[8] The Samaritan Cohen family were Levites until the previous Cohen family died out around 1700, so the fact that they don’t share CMH is expected. These findings may offer more proof that E1b1 was one of the founding lineages of the Levites.


The name Kohen is the Hebrew spelling of the original Greek word, which is also the current English spelling of “Koan or Coan.” The name simply means ‘priest’, and Kohanim is plural. Hence, before they were called the Kohanim, they were simply known for centuries as the “Koans of Kos.” Some of the most famous people in ancient history, such as the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, and the Greco-Egyptian Pharaoh, Ptolemy II, come from the family of the Kohanim.

The key to understanding the story of the Kohanim Levites, is to study where they had originally come from. To get up to speed on who the Kohanim were, and where they had lived for many centuries, I suggest you read my previous articles, The Origins of the Kohen Priesthood, Dragon Isle: The Kohen of the Lost Island of Dia, The Royal Purple Silk Prostitute, and The Lost Priesthood of the Kohen. To give you a quick brief summary, they are an ancient family who originally hail from a small island located in the Mediterranean Sea just 7 miles across from Crete, and that today is called Dia. Now the island is completely uninhabited, but at one time, it was one of the most famous and busy islands in all the world. Back then it was known as “Kos (Cos, Coos, Ceus, Letos, Zia etc.)”, and the name was changed several times over history, with the most recent to Dia well after the Romans had conquered or had absorbed their kingdom of the Kohanim Levites into the Republic prior to the 1st century. It was simply known as Kos for approximately 1,000 years from around 550 B.C. through 500 A.D. or later.


It is likely that this DNA haplogroup had migrated to the island of Dia (Kos) via Egypt, and previously Ethiopia where this DNA can still be found. There are many stories told of the Priests known as the Curetes. According to Diodorus Siculus, the Curetes lived in the time of Rhea; Herodotus and Strabo both had said that the Curetes were originally Phoenicians who accompanied Cadmus (Kadmos or Kadmos) out of Phoenicia. Strabo had written, that these are the names of the various groups known as the Curetes (Kuretes), Corybantes, Dactyls, Cabiri, and Telchines, which are names that are often used interchangeably with one another.  I had written about the Telchines and the island of Crete in my article, Crete: The Lost Island of Atlantis;

Herodotus had said that the Curetes had come to Crete with the Phoenician, Prince Cadmus. In Latin, Crete is called “Cappadocia or Cappadocian”; who were known as a large tribe of the Magi, and are also called fire-kindlers. Herodotus tells us that the name of the Cappadocians was applied to them by the Persians, while the Greeks had simply called them “Syrians” or “White Syrians.” The Latin name of the Cappadocians were known as “the men of Caphtor”, and who we can call today, “the men of Crete.”

This DNA haplogroup is also been said to be Phoenician, and even on my DNA certificate, it says that is one of my tribes. The word Cadmus, in Hebrew signifies “One who came from the East.” He was a Phoenician Prince who was the founder of the Ancient City of Thebes, and the first to introduce letters to the Greeks. Hence, the Curetes would be the descendants of the Ancient Priesthood of Thebes who were of a distinct race called the Phoenicians who had come from the East into the West, to the island of Crete and Dia (Kos)where they would continue their religious rites and ceremonies under new Gods and Goddesses imported with them from Egypt.

Cadmus and wife Harmonia as serpentsIn other history, these people were also known as the Boetians, Cadmeans, Dorians and Spartans. In the Talmud, the Samaritans are called Cutheans (Hebrew: כותים‎, Kutim). The Cutheans were from ‘Cuthah’, which was one of several cities from which people were brought to Samaria. A colony of Cutheans (Samaritans) had settled in Crete, whose priests were the ancient Curetes, and in the bible, the Kohanim Levites. As I stated above, the island we know of as Crete today, was called Keftiu and Kaftor in the Ancient Egyptian texts, or Caphtor in the Old Testament.

As you can see, the many stories and various names can make this research very confusing and unintelligible for some people. But if you are a fellow Kohen who is actually from the same DNA haplogroup, it should not be that difficult because it is built within your blood via Gnosis. However, for the sake of everyone and for this article, I will mainly focus on the Kohanim Levites from the island of Dia (Kos).


This new name of the island of Dia is derived from the Roman Goddess, Diana which is modeled after the Goddess named Aphrodite. They are all deviations of the Goddess Venus who embodies love, sex, seduction, beauty, and the goddess of prostitutes. The name Venus is derived from venus, meaning “sexual love” and “sexual desire.” The key in understanding the significance of the name change, is because at the time when Rome had conquered the Kohen of Kos, Augustus Caesar had taken their chief ornament of Venus rising from the sea from the island, to Rome. In doing so, he had given the Kohanim Levites special citizen status in the Roman Empire. This is also mentioned in the time of Emperor Claudius, who in 53 A.D. granted the Tribe of the Kohanim Levites immunity from taxes.

These events with Rome are paramount in tracking this family and their DNA after they had abandoned the Island of Dia (Kos). This is the exact reason why their DNA can be found widely around the world, and often near Roman settlements. What happened, is after they were conquered by the Romans around the 1st century, thereafter they were absorbed into various sections of the Roman Republic because of their talents and extreme wealth. Not only were they the 1st people in history given special tax-free service in Rome, but their priesthood was chosen as the only priesthood that would be accepted into Rome; the Kohanim would play a large role in forming the Roman Priesthood and government. These facts can be proved by both historical accounts that I have listed in many of my previous articles, and now also by DNA science.


Before the Kohanim were taken over or absorbed into Rome, they were well-known as an educated people who were in high demand around the world. Their arts and inventions were needed by various government officials, such as in Athens and Rhodes, so they would often travel and be hired to handle various tasks set forth by their employers. Examples of these Kohen would be Prodicus (Greek: Πρόδικος, Pródikos; c. 465 BC – c. 395 BC), a Greek philosopher, who was part of the first generation of Sophists who went to Athens as an ambassador from Dia 9Kos); he became well-known as a speaker and a teacher. There is Philitas (340 – 285 BC), who was a scholar and poet during the early Hellenistic period of ancient Greece, and in the second half of the 4th century BC was appointed tutor to the heir to the throne, Ptolemy I of Ptolemaic Egypt. In addition, another Kohen of Kos who left the island and made his influence in another country is Erasistratus of Kos, who was a Greek anatomist and royal physician under Seleucus I Nicator of Syria.

So, a whole 300 years before they were absorbed by Rome, they were already in high demand and traveling around the world to places such as Athens, and the royal courts of Egypt and Syria. This is why it is rather difficult to properly track the DNA of the original Samaritan Kohen, and why it is imperative, that in order to track this tribe, we need to research their original homelands before, and also right after the Exodus from their tiny island of Dia (Kos). This island of Dia (Kos) is now completely uninhabited, so there is no one to test there for DNA. Hence, they had moved from Dia (Kos) a long time ago, and most likely away from Crete as well, because their DNA there is the lowest in all of Greece.

Many of these facts are found in historical accounts, that can also be compared to their specific DNA Haplogroups that were found in the places they had went during their golden purple years and also after leaving their homeland of Dia (Kos). Places we can study, such as Rhodes and Dia (Kos) which were the great Dorian islands, and also Thessaly. In Italy, they can be found in cities such as Rome, Sicily and Venice, and also throughout Europe in places such as Ireland, Britain, England, Scotland, and many other countries. Their DNA footprints in these locations is small, but their influence has always been huge.

In Greece, the most dominant DNA haplogroup is E1b1 and is found all around the Mediterranean Sea. I had written about this fact in my article, Greek YDNA haplogroups. This is the reason that in recent DNA tests, 1038 samples confirms that the Greeks tested were;Greek DNA Haplogroups

The overall DNA results for all of Greece were as follows:

I : 15.1
R1a : 12.0
R1b : 16.9
E1b : 21.0
G2 : 6.3
J2 : 20.1
J1 : 4.3
LT : 3.2
*: 1.1

The highest DNA Haplogroup was E1b1b, and it was found in high concentrations in cities such as Thessaly @ 31.5%, and also at Hellas and Ionia. It is at these same locations, where science is confirming this haplogroup, along with history, which also confirms that the Kohanim were a huge influence in these exact same places. For example, there have been text found of several decrees of the Kohen from Thessaly, where the national heroes of Dia (Kos), the Temple Asklepiadae, represent Thessaly.

Greek mythology in regards to the Dorians also connects these two places with the Kohen priesthood. There are connections to Ionia and the Kohen, because as I mentioned above, the Kohen were also known as a tribe of the Dorians, and there was a well-known Dorian and Boetian migration and colonization of all these same areas. These events are explained by Herodotus;

Herodotos tells us that Kos and the adjacent islands were colonized from Epidauros, and in this way the old Dorian element was strengthened. The sterner features of the Dorian character were, however, mollified in Kos. The discipline (dyaryi;) of Sparta and Crete is not found there, though the population of the island was purely Dorian, and was divided into the three Dorian tribes, the Dymanes, Hylleis, and Pamphyli. Six of the cities in this region formed a religious league, the Doric Hexapolis. They were, besides Kos, Lindos, Ialysos, Kamiros, Knidos, and Halikarnassos. These states met at the temple of Apollo on the Triopian promontory, to take part in the worship of the god and also in games. Later on Halikarnassos it was expelled, and the Hexapolis became a Pentapolis.

Now with the help of science, we can find DNA haplogroups that place the Dorians and Samaritan Kohen in all these cities in Greece that I had mentioned above, and also in locations that connect them with Rome. We can also verify that they were given special tax and citizen status in Rome, and also possibly cities such as Venice  and Sicily where we can also find their DNA at about 6.6%. These two places have seen a strong cultural influence of these people all throughout their governments and arts that can be witnessed to this day. The Venetians would have a strong influence in the area of the Mediterranean Sea, such as when the Venetians had first occupied the island of Crete in 1205 A.D. and took over complete rule of the island in 1212. They had exposed the Greek population there to a new Renaissance and learning like they haven’t seen in centuries. They would rule Crete for approximately 500 years, until 1715 when the Ottomans would invade and take the island jewel from the Venetians.


As I mentioned above, the Father of English History and Doctor of the Church, Saint Bede (Beda) had written on Ezra and Nehemiah; “Allegorically, the Levites represent those attached to the Catholic Church.” This fact is imperative in understanding who the Kohanim Levites were, and where they had went. Crucial information, that helps substantiate the history at approximately the same time the Romans had either taken over or absorbed the Kohen kingdom in Dia (Kos) just 7 miles across the sea from Crete. Their special tax status and the historical accounts about the many Kohen Priests from Dia (Kos), helps verify that these are the true Kohanim Levites.  We also now have DNA to help match the many places they had migrated to. A science we can now use to match the DNA haplogroup of the many descendants that can be found in these same exact received cities as described in Deuteronomy 18:2, where they had received cities “because the Lord the God of Israel Himself is their inheritance”

My family had originally come to America from Canada, and before they migrated to New France, they had lived in Old France in a city called Paris. Many of them were Saints, Fathers and theologians. One of my ancestors, Noel Beda (Bede) was principal of the College of Montaign there at Paris in 1502, and syndic of the faculty of theology about 1520. He had fiercely opposed the divorce of the Norman king Henry VIII of England, and he had often let his voice be heard in Paris about his disapproval of the divorce. In fact, he upset the king so much, that he was arrested in the year 1530 and then banished to Mont Saint Michel, where he died the following year. Soon thereafter, the Beda name was corrupted and later became Bedard, whose family in the mid 1600’s was part of the first migrants to New France, now known as Canada. This is how some of the Kohen DNA would migrate to North America, and eventually my immediate family to the United States where I now live in the state of California. Today, there are estimated to be 300,000 Levites living now in the United States and another 25,000 in Canada.

This Noel Beda from Paris, I believe to be a direct descendant of Saint Beda who had actually lived and taught in Paris as well. In fact, I believe he had helped found the school there. Saint Bede had written many books that would indicate he was a Levite. Books such as Bede: On the Tabernacle, and Bede: On the Temple, where he was the first Kohen Christian and Catholic to put in writing the relationship of the Old Testament with the Tabernacle, and Solomon’s Temple with the New Testament, in which Solomon’s Temple would be built by living stones composed of both Jews and Gentiles. In the Book of Numbers, the Levites were charged with ministering to the Kohanim (priests) and keeping watch over the Tabernacle.(Wikipedia) These traditions have always been passed from father to son, and this is why Bede was such an authority to be chosen by the priesthood to be the voice of their Brotherhood.

This is why I believe based on Kohanim Levites, that they were the priests of both the Old Testament and the chosen Hebrew priesthood of Rome under Augustus Caesar of the New Testament and the New Covenant. The first Pontifex Maximus or Pope of this 6th Age was Augustus Caesar, who was also considered their anointed messiah because he had saved them and absorbed their priesthood into the Roman religion and government, where their influences can still be seen to this very day. A new law under Rome, in which both Jews and Gentiles would be accepted into the Universal Brotherhood, based on merit and work they had put in for this same said Brotherhood who would help establish the institution we know of today as the “Catholic Church.”


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Courtesy of Uncle Mikey

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