From Sperm to the Worm: And from these worms God made angels

By understanding what happens in the worm cells, researchers also learn what happens in human cells. Of the 5,000 best-Bible and scienceknown human genes, 75 percent have matches in the worm – Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute

Now let us look to the bible and ancient science, for the Lord Himself says, “But I am a worm and no man. How much more is man rottenness, and the son of man a worm ? “First he said, ” Man is rottenness;” and afterwards, “The son of man a worm:” because a worm springs from rottenness, therefore “man is rottenness,” and “the son of man a worm.”

In a wonderful way, they are like miniature human beings.” – Dr John Sulston, Director, Sanger Centre, UK

Is man really rotten, and the son of man a worm?

The scientific facts are that many of the allegorical and literal stories that are told in the bible, can now be easily compared to modern science. In order to do so, you have to have an open mind to both science and religion, and also the willingness to use reason in the form of common sense to merge the two. Also, the fact that the office of the inquisition is no longer burning heretics at the stake; this really helps us layman to freely explore both science and religion without the fear of death for doing so.

Christ had called himself a worm, and the Jews had also esteemed Christ as a worm. He was considered loathsome to them and was hated by them to the point they had trampled upon him, and trod him under foot as men.(1) As said in Mark 9:48 – ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ Christ has said, “Because I fire, ye shall live also.”

devil-wormThe bible passage above and the quote from Dr. John Sulston, seems to correlate exactly with the current science of the various species of worms that can be found on earth. Worms are simply the most cunning and adaptable creatures in the world. They make the million year old cockroach who can survive just about anything and anywhere, look like child’s play; for the worm is truly king of this world. For example, I recently had written an article called Devil Worm which told the story of a worm like no other animal, that can withstand the highest heat temperatures and crushing pressure inside the earth. In fact, Scientists had interestingly named the worm after a demon named Mephistopheles of the Faustian legend, “Halicephalobus mephisto.” A name meaning, “he who loves not the light.”


In both the New Testament and the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), you can locate several stories about worms that may help us answer some of these life after death questions. Stories of men being called worms, or angels being connected to worms can be found in many places all throughout the bible.

And from these worms God made angels. If the Lord said of Himself: “I am a worm and not a man” (Ps 21:7) We find this passage more correctly rendered in the Hebrew Bible: “Man that is a worm (rimmah), and the son of man which is a maggot” (tole’ah).

Now my second question; “Is man that is a worm (rimmah), and the son of man which is a maggot” (tole’ah)?”

In studying science and the worms, or what could be called in the occult, elementals; I have found that worms infest the blood, organs, bones and  cells of the human body. There is not one human on earth who doesn’t carry these worms. They are a scientific fact of life, for all life is born from the origins of the worm of the sperm, to our ending of putrefaction of our bodies in the DNA of the worm. Hence, the biblical saying, “The son of man a worm,” is because that worm is essentially our DNA being when we die and in which it recycles itself back into Mother Earth.

In a 1998 article in the Associated Press, researchers proved that both humans and worms share many genes with one another, and that the study of the worm will lead to cures of diseases in humans.

Researchers Map Worm’s Entire Genetic Code; Could Lead to Cures for Diseases WASHINGTON (AP)

Researchers have mapped the entire gene pattern of a tiny soil worm, a feat that some say is the biological equal to landing on the moon and a major milestone toward finding new ways to cure disease.

The worm, a type of nematode called Caenorhabditis elegans, is as common as dirt. Thousands live in a typical handful of garden soil.

But the small creature also is a complex, multicelled organism that carries many genes that also exist in humans, and function in the same way.

As a result, the worm provides a crucial keyhole view of the vast world of genetics, said Robert H. Waterston, who led a team at the Washington University Medical School in St. Louis that joined with British scientists to map the worm’s genes.

“This worm is really an animal just as we are,” said Waterston. “It has muscles and many different kinds of cells. And it also ages, just as we do. By and large, it uses the same genes that we do.”

By studying genes shared by worm and human, researchers will learn at a molecular level what can go wrong and how to fix it. Such microscopic studies are virtually impossible in humans.

“Half of the disease genes in humans have identifiable counterparts in this worm,” said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute. He said researchers into many human diseases will be able to use the humble worm as a way of learning how to prevent, treat and cure the illnesses of man.

In order to find the light in the glow of a worm, we must first also ask ourselves;  “Where do we humans go, and what evidence or physical matter is left of we humans when we die that can be verified by science?

The BBC News in 1998 had wrote, “Small worm makes history”

Scientists have taken a historic step forward in unraveling the mysteries of life. Researchers in the UK and the US have mapped all the genes in a small worm called Caenorhabditis elegans. It is the first animal for which this has been done. It has taken 15 years to complete and will have major implications for human health.

Most people will never have heard of the creature which grows to about 1mm in length and lives in soil or among rotting plants, but it has much in common with man. Around 40% of the worm’s genes – which hold all the instructions to build and maintain the creature – are also found in humans. This means that a study of C. elegans will also reveal much about the biological processes inside humans. C. elegans may be a much simpler lifeform but it also begins life as a single, fertilised cell and undergoes a series of cell divisions as it grows into an adult animal. During this process, it also develops complex tissues and organ systems.

It even has a nervous system that can detect odour, taste, and respond to temperature and touch. .. Although it has taken until now to complete the worm genome, there are more than 200 labs around the world already engaged in C. elegans research.’

DID THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE MERGE A LONG TIME AGO?Opened magic book with space for copy text

To find the answers to this biblical and scientific question, we all must search inside one of the oldest alchemical and super natural history books known to human kind. A book which happens to be the oldest surviving book in the world, the bible. A word that simply means book. Please do not think just because you are not religious, a Christian, or a bible reader, that the words in the pages of the bible do not affect you or this world, because they do. Hence, it will do you much spiritual good to take heed to some of these teachings that can be found hidden in the pages of this 3,000 year old book, in both the Old and New Testaments.

In order to find the light in the glow of a worm, we must first also ask ourselves;  “Where do we humans go after we die, and what evidence or physical matter is left of us that can be verified by science? Could the worm be the answer to this Alpha and Omega immortal question? I think so…….

If you study the substance of sperm in which humans are born from, you will start to see how sperm is truly “worm-like” in its appearance. In fact, in a drop of sperm, you will find hundreds of millions of thin symmetrical shaped worms swimming around as if they have a life of their own. The English word sperm comes from the Greek word (σπέρμα) sperma (meaning “seed”). It is from these seeds, or should I say worms, that human life is formed; and yes, the strongest worm always wins. Hence, survival of the fittest is not a man made creation or sport, but a God given reality and plan to keep balance with the AS ABOVE, and SO BELOW.

Genesis 1:11 – And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so.

Luke 8:11 – Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

Luke 8:5 – “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it.

Sperm human eggSperm is from the Greek word seed, and these seeds we can clearly verify with science that they are really millions of microscopic worms that swim around in a fluid, which is akin to a fish swimming in the sea; this may be what is described in Genesis 1:21 – “So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

Here is a video below that shows the great sea creatures, and every living creature that moves. Every animal and mammal on earth born of the flesh is created the same way. From man, to the worm, to the fish. This is why in the bible, Jesus calls fisherman to follow him; “And Jesus said {as he saith}  unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.”

The facts are, that there are eight different kinds of worms that feed on human blood, flesh and bones. When we die, if we are not cremated, these same worms consume our rotting flesh as we decompose into the soil, to the point where the only thing left of our bodies is truly our DNA or life essence contained inside the worms who fed upon our very flesh. Worms who eventually die themselves, and are recycled through the Alpha and Omega process of the morning star. I had written about these worms that feed upon the human flesh in previous articles such as Wormwood: Bugs With Fiery Teeth Who Feed, Live And Die On Human Flesh, and Humans Infested With Worms From Hell.

Worms kinds in humans

Could these same worms that feed on our blood, carry more than just our DNA when we die? Is this a cycle of immortality, in which man can now use science to bottle up these worms and catch the life Alpha and Omega essence of any human they wish to keep immortalized. I think so, and that is essentially what the bible is telling us. In fact, I think at one time this was common knowledge among many kingdoms and priesthoods who would abuse this immortal process, thus starting the reign of the Nephilim or the fall of man, or should I say, the fall of the worm?

Here are the words of Saint Augustine who had educated his fellow brethren about worms, angels and God in the Gospel of Saint John:

Give good heed to what follows, brethren, “All things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made,”so as not to imagine that ” nothing” is something. For many, wrongly understanding “without Him was nothing made,”are wont to fancy that “nothing “is something. Sin, indeed, was not made by Him; and it is plain that sin is nothing,and men become nothing when they sin. An idol also was not made by the Word;—it has indeed a sort of human form, but man himself was made by the Word;— for the form of man in an idol was not made by the Word, and it is written, “We know that an idol is nothing.”

Therefore these things were not made by the Word; but whatever was made in the natural manner, whatever belongs to the creature, everything that is fixed in the sky, that shines from above, that flies under the heavens, and that moves in universal nature, every creature whatsoever: I will speak more plainly, brethren, that you may understand me; I will say, from an angel even to a worm. What more excellent than an angel among created things? what lower than a worm? He who made the angel made the worm also; but the angel is fit for heaven, the worm for earth. He who created .also arranged.

If He had placed the worm in heaven, thou mightest have found fault; if He had willed that angels should spring from decaying flesh, thou mightest have found fault: and yet God almost does this, and He is not to be found fault with. For all men born of flesh, what are they but worms? and of these worms God makes angels. 

For if the Lord Himself says, “But I am a worm and no man,” ‘ who will hesitate to say what is written also in Job, “How much more is man rottenness, and the son of man a worm ? “3 First he said, ” Man is rottenness;” and afterwards, “The son of man a worm:” because a worm springs from rottenness, therefore “man is rottenness,” and “the son of man a worm.” Behold what for thy sake He was willing to become, who “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God!” Why did He for thy sake become this? That thou mightest suck, who wert not able to chew. Wholly in this sense, then, brethren, understand “All things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made.

“For every creature, great and small, was made by Him: by Him were made things above and things beneath; spiritual and corporeal, by Him were they made. For no form, no structure, no agreement of parts, no substance whatever, that can have weight, number, measure, exists but by that Word, and by that Creator Word, to whom it is said, “Thou hast ordered all things in measure, and in number, and in weight.”4 ,

14. Therefore, let no one deceive you, when perchance you suffer annoyance from flies. For some have been mocked by the devil, and taken with flies. As fowlers are accustomed to put flies in their traps to deceive hungry birds, so these have been deceived with flies by the devil. Some one or other was suffering annoyance from flies; a Manichoean found him in his trouble, and when he said that he could not bear flies, and hated them exceedingly, immediately the Manichaean said, “Who made them?” And since he was suffering from annoyance, and hated them, he dared not say, “God made them,” though he was a Catholic. The other immediately added, “If God did not make them, who made them?” “Truly,” replied the Catholic, “I believe the devil made them.” And the other immediately said, “If the devil made the fly, as I see you allow, because you understand the matter well, who made the bee, which is a little larger than the fly?”

The Catholic dared not say that God made the bee and not the fly, for the case was much the same. From the bee he led him to the locust; from the locust to the lizard; from the lizard to the bird; from the bird to the sheep; from the sheep to the cow; from that to the elephant, and at last to man; and persuaded a man that man was not made by God. Thus the miserable man, being troubled with the flies, became himself a fly, and the property of the devil. In fact, Beelzebub, they say, means ” Prince of flies;” and of these it is written, “Dying flies deprive the ointment of its sweetness.”

In Psalm 22, Verse 6 in the Treasury of David, it is said about the worm;

“But I am a worm, and no man.” This verse is a miracle in language. How could the Lord of glory be brought to such abasement as to be not only lower than the angels, but even lower than men. What a contrast between “I AM” and “I am a worm”! yet such a double nature was found in the person of our Lord Jesus when bleeding upon the tree. He felt himself to be comparable to a helpless, powerless, down-trodden worm, passive while crushed, and unnoticed and despised by those who trod upon him.

He selects the weakest of creatures, which is all flesh; and becomes, when trodden upon, writhing, quivering flesh, utterly devoid of any might except strength to suffer. This was a true likeness of himself when his body and soul had become a mass of misery—the very essence of agony—in the dying pangs of crucifixion. Man by nature is but a worm; but our Lord puts himself even beneath man, on account of the scorn that was heaped upon him and the weakness which he felt, and therefore he adds, “and no man.”

The privileges and blessings which belonged to the fathers he could not obtain while deserted by God, and common acts of humanity were not allowed him, for he was rejected of men; he was outlawed from the society of earth, and shut out from the smile of heaven. How utterly did the Saviour empty himself of all glory, and become of no reputation for our sakes! “A reproach of men” —their common butt and jest; a byword and a proverb unto them: the sport of the rabble, and the scorn of the rulers. Oh the caustic power of reproach, to those who endure it with patience, yet smart under it most painfully!

“And despised of the people.” The vox populi was against him. The very people who would once have crowned him then contemned him, and they who were benefited by his cures sneered at him in his woes. Sin is worthy of all reproach and contempt, and for this reason Jesus, the Sinbearer, was given up to be thus unworthily and shamefully entreated.(1)

Chron. 16.29. to.the Lord in the beauty of holiness, Plat. 29. 2. | 66. 4. | 96. 9. Mat. 4. 10. Luke 4. 8. Psal. 5. 7. I will to. toward thy temple, 138. 2. 45. 11.he is thy Lord, and to. thou him 81. 9. neither shalt thou to any strange god that is weak, mean, and despised in the world, 95.6. O come, let us to. and bow down and kneel it compares him to a worm of the earth, 

because 97. 7. to. him, all ye gods, then heard, was glad nothing is found to be morecontemptible than this 99. 5. to. at his footstool, for he is holy, 132.7. creature, Job 25. 6. How much less man that 9. exalt the Lord, and to. at his holy hill is a worm? And the Psalmist says, I am a Isa. 2.8. they to. the work of their hands, 20. | 46. 6. worm and no man, Psalm 22. 6. The worm 27. 13. shall to. the Lord in hol v mountain at Jerusalem of the damned dies not, and their fire shall 49. 7. princes also shall to. because of the Lord never be quenched, Isa. 66. 24. “They will 66. 23. all flesh shall come to to. before me feel a worm of conscience that shall never die, Jer. 7-2. that enter in at these gates to to. 26. 2.

“and the fiery wrath of God upon their souls “and bodies that shall never go out.” Exod. 16. 24. neither was there any to. therein Job 17. 14. I said to the to, thou art my mother 24.20. the to. shall feed sweetly upon him 25. 6. much less man that is a to. and son of man Psal. 22. 6. but I am a to. and no man, a reproach Isa. 14.1 l.the to. is spread under thee, and worms 41.14. fear not, thou w. Jacob, and ye men of Israel 51. 8. and the to. shall eat them like wool 66. 24. for their to. shall not die, nor their fire be quenched, Mark 9. 44, 46, 48. Jonah 4. 7. God prepared to smote the gourd WORMS.(3)

Leviticus 19:19 – “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material.


1. The Treasury of David: Containing an Original Exposition of the …, Volume 1  By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

2. A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian … By Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.), Saint John Chrysostom, Philip Schaff

3. A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments …  By Alexander Cruden

4. The Bible

The Great Dragon of the Book of Revelation

“The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was Great Dragon of Revelationhurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” – Revelation 12:9

(This is Part 1 in a series of articles on The Great Dragon) – Some theologians say it is not the devil or demons who created evil, but that they were cast forth from heaven by the orders of good angels for their pride. There are many cultures such as the Hebrew, Assyrian, Greek, Egyptian and Arabian which agree with these theologians. Pherecides the Syrian describes the fall of the devils, and that Ophion, that is the devilish serpent was the head of the rebelling army.

An army whose origins are from Athens and the island of Crete in Greece.

The connection of the devilish serpent who ruled the rebelling armies can be traced back to the time before Rome had became a super power, when Greece had ruled much of the world. The first law giving king that held the office of Archon in the Capital of Greece at Athens was named Draco. He had given the Athenians their first written laws in blood, and this is the time when ‘draconian laws” were introduced to the world. From this same name of Draco, we get the modern English word ‘dragon.’ A name that means a “large serpent.”


The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians like many other cultures around the world had venerated the serpent, and in particular, a serpent god that I believe to be the Great Dragon found in the bible. In the book of Ezekiel, the Bible calls the king of Egypt ‘the great dragon that lie in the midst of his rivers’. In ancient Greek mythology, there was a Dragon King known by the Latin name of ‘Ophion.’ The meaning of Ophion is serpent, and in Hebrew: נחש‎, nachash. He was known as one of the five builders of Thebes and the first Titan Kings who ruled over the whole world from the Sacred Mountain called today, Mount Ida (Dicte), and in mythology, Mount Olympus located on the Holy Island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea.

The whole race of Titans were subject to the Serpent-King and Great Dragon who is known as Ophion.

It was said that Ophion had enlightened Man. In Egypt, serpents were called Agathodemones. A name that means “Good Demons.” From Crete, Greece and into Egypt, these were the lands where the  great dragon Ophion had ruled with his Queen of the Titans, Eurynome. The meaning of his queen’s name Eurynome is “wide ruling.” Hence, together with his queen, “the serpent Ophion and Dragon is wide ruling.”


Not many people today are aware that Crete was at one time, the most important and sacred islands in all the world. Crete was once called Arcadia and the people, the Arcadians (Children of the Ark of the Covenant). Crete was known as Keftiu by the Ancient Egyptians who called them also by the name of the Sea Peoples. In the bible, this island is known under the Hebrew “Kaftor or Caphtor”, and the Arabs had called it Kerith.  The Latins changed the name to Cappadocia, and later the Europeans had named it Candia. However, after the Turks conquered the island, they changed the name of the island to its current name ‘Kriti’, which is Greek for the English word Crete. In the bible, they are known as the Canaanites, Amorites and Philistines. In myth they are known as the Minoans, and in history books they are often called the Phoenicians.

For thousands of years, the Cretans with their serpent God had played a huge role in forming the world we see today. They invented maritime commerce and international trade through their mastery of arts, crafts, and the sea as the first true Navy that had operated through their vast network of cities around the world such as Knossus, Athens, Thebes, Rome and Sicily. After all, the name Crete is derived from the Greek word Kriti (Kri-ti), which means ‘creation.’ The meaning of the English word Cre’ate,  is “to form out of nothing, to creo, creatum – cause to exist.” Hence, FIAT LUX.

Crete is also well known in myth as the birthplace and home to the greatest of all Gods, Zeus (Jove or Jupiter) who was hidden there Mount Ida Cavein a cave on Mount Ida (Zion) by his mother Rhea. It was here, where the infant Zeus was entrusted to the care of the Priesthood of Jupiter. Pliny had mentioned, they were called the Curetes (Kuretes, Kri’ti). The Curetes were also known by several names such as the Priest of Pan, Priests of Cybcle, Luperci,  Corybantes, Dactyls, Cabiri, and Telchines.

In myth, Crete is home to the mythical king Minos and the Minoans. The meaning of the name Minos, is “Son of Zeus.” Several Cretan kings were known to have taken the name Minos. The Minoans would be the children of Zeus, who are also known mythologically as the Titans.

In Greek mythology, the Titans (Greek: Τιτάν—Ti-tan; plural: Τιτᾶνες—Ti-tânes) were a primeval race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia (Earth or Rhea) and Jupiter (Lord and Soul of the World), that ruled during the legendary Golden Age. They were immortal giants of incredible strength and were also the first pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses. The whole race of Titans were subject to the Serpent-King and Great Dragon who is known as Ophion.

These were who the Ancient Greeks had called Gods, Goddesses, Daemons, and in mythology, Titans. Both Ophion and Eurynome are who some people would call today in English, ‘demons.’ To the Greeks of old, these demons were not all evil or all bad. If you research the true meaning of the English word demon, you will find that it comes from the Latinized version, dæmon and daimôn which is derived from the original Greek δαίμων. According to Plato, in his Cratylus, the etymology of daimôn/daēmones (δαίμονες: deity/daêmôn δαήμονες) means “knowing, wise or intelligent.”

Manly P. Hall wrote about these demons and the views of the Christian Church in his book, “The Secret Teachings of all Ages;”

The Christian Church gathered all the elemental entities together under the title of demon. This is a misnomer with far-reaching consequences, for to the average mind the word demon means an evil thing, and the Nature spirits are essentially no more malevolent than are the minerals, plants, and animals. Many of the early Church Fathers asserted that they had met and debated with the elementals.

Some of these good wise demons were considered as Gods to the ancient Titans, whom they had venerated such as Ophion and Eurynome. According to Plutarch, “that according to a divine nature and justice, the souls of virtuous men are advanced to the rank of daemons; and that from demons, if they are properly purified, they are exalted into gods, not by any political institution, but according to right reason.” Hesiod had said, “when those happy men of the first and golden age of the world were departed from this life, great Jupiter promoted them to be demons, that is, keepers and protectors, or patrons, of earthly mortals, and overseers of their good and evil works.” Plato had said this about these demons, “that when the great leader Jupiter drives his chariot swiftly in the heavens, he marches first, as disposing and taking care of all things, a vast host of gods and demons then follow, distributed into twelve parties, but that Vesta alone remains in the mansion of the gods.”

They had ruled the world from Crete until they were eventually dethroned by the God Kronos (Saturn) and Goddess Rhea (Discharge or Flow) who had banished the Titans to the darkness of the earth-encircling river Oceanus. This event is described in the mythology of Apollonius of Rhodes, in his Argonautica (1.495f) summarizes a song of Orpheus:

He sang how the earth, the heaven and the sea, once mingled together in one form, after deadly strife were separated each from other; and how the stars and the moon and the paths of the sun ever keep their fixed place in the sky; and how the mountains rose, and how the resounding rivers with their nymphs came into being and all creeping things. And he sang how first of all Ophion and Eurynome, daughter of Oceanus, held the sway of snowy Olympus, and how through strength of arm one yielded his prerogative to Cronos and the other to Rhea, and how they fell into the waves of Oceanus; but the other two meanwhile ruled over the blessed Titan-gods, while Zeus, still a child and with the thoughts of a child, dwelt in the Dictaean cave; and the earthborn Cyclopes had not yet armed him with the bolt, with thunder and lightning; for these things give renown to Zeus.


Crete is the same holy island and sacred mountain where the god Zeus (Jove or Jupiter) was hidden in a cave by his mother who was also the goddess of the earth, Rhea. She had hid him there in order to protect Zeus from his vengeful father Cronos (Saturn). It was here on the island of Crete where Rhea had entrusted the care and education of the infant Zeus to the Priesthood of Jupiter, who were also known by many other names such as the Priests of Pan, Ophites, Idaean Dactyli, Luperci, Curetes and Telchines, to name a few. After they were conquered and banished by the Romans, these same priests eventually had become part of the Roman Empire as the Levites. The 7th Century Doctor of the Catholic Church and Father to English History, the Venerable Saint Bede (Beda)  had written on the Levites being connected to the Catholic Church in his book, “On Ezra and Nehemiah;” “Allegorically, the Levites represent those attached to the Catholic Church.”

In Egypt, the Levites were the only tribe that remained committed to God. During the Exodus, the Levite tribes were particularly Levites catholic churchzealous in protecting the Mosaic law in the face of those worshipping the Golden Calf, which may have been a reason for their priestly status.

In the Book of Malachi, God explains why he chose the Levites to be his priests. This would make sense, since the high priests for judgment of the New Testament are the Levites. The root in Hebrew means “to join,” to “‘ bind ” (see Lui-than “snaky-monster “). When the land of Israel was apportioned among the tribes in the days of Joshua, the Tribe of Levi, being chosen as priests, did not receive land (Joshua 13:33, (14:3). However, the tribe of Levi were given cities. Six cities were given to the tribe as refuge cities for all men of Israel, which were to be controlled by the Levites. Three of these cities were located on each side of the Jordan River. In addition, 42 other cities (and their respective open spaces), totaling 48 cities were given to the Tribe of Levi. (Numbers 35).

Saint Peter KeysThe Levites would now be part of a new Roman army under their messiah of the New Testament (New Law), Jesus Christ. The other tribes of Israel and various serpent cults ruled by the dragon would be the rebelling army, whom under Roman Law would be subject to the Levitical priesthood and brotherhood who hold the keys of Saint Peter.

Revelation 20:2 – Satan Bound the Thousand Years: Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time.

Meaning of Cosmos – ORDO AB CHAO

The word cosmos, or kosmos (Greek κόσμος) means “beauty of arrangement.” The meaning of the word was first applied to Cosmoscreation by one of the greatest Greek philosophers and mathematicians ever, Pythagoras of Samos. Today, the English standard version of the meaning is order, good order, orderly arrangement, along with other meanings you can also find which are “Order of Creation,” and “Order of the World.”

It is interesting that the compound word Kos’mos, may also have another ancient hidden meaning that has never been revealed, until now. This meaning would come down to us from Pythagoras, who happened to also reside and worship Apollo on an island that was once named Kos or Cos. In various books that have been written about Pythagoras, it is said he traveled to Crete in order to be initiated in the cave where the God Zeus was hid and educated by the  Idaean Dactyls, also known as the “Curetes, Telchines, Priesthood of Jupiter or Pan.”

After his initiation into this ancient priesthood, Pythagoras then traveled to the island across from Crete called Delos, in order to worship at the bloodless alter of the God Apollo, at the House of Asklepios (iEsculapius). This island Delos has also went by many names throughout history such as Cos, Kos, Lemnos, and now, Dia which is an ancient name for Zeus or Jupiter.

Levites catholic churchKos, or what is now called Dia, is a dragon shaped island that sits just 7 miles across the sea from the island named after creation, Crete. This island is where the original Hebrew Cohen Levite Priesthood had originated, or one of their homelands before they were eventually banished from Crete and Kos by the Romans. Back around the time of Pythagoras, the family and people from this island were simply known as the Koans (Koans or Kohens) of Kos (Cos or Coos)The people from the ancient island that was once known as Kos, (Cos, Coos, Ceus, Zia etc) are mentioned in the time of Alexander the Great as some of the most powerful people in the Mediterranean Sea. I have written many articles on the Kohen of Kos such as The Origins of the Kohen PriesthoodThe Lost Priesthood of the Kohen, and Kohen Levite DNA.

A Kohen or Kohain; Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, pl. כֹּהֲנִים Kohanim is simply a Hebrew (Phoenician) word for priest. Kos (Dia) is the same island, where about 100 years after Pythagoras had visited there, the Father of Modern Medicine and a great philosopher himself, Hippocrates was practicing his medical craft and laying the foundations of truth and knowledge in his school, not only on the island of Kos, but also around the world. The Apostle Paul had also visited this island of Kos (Coos) as described in Acts 21: “And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara.”


The Freemasons, along with various Knight orders working more often than not at times and directed by the Church, were the custodians of this hidden knowledge from people such as Pythagoras. This would make them the defacto masters of the SO BELOW kosmos, which is almost all humanity, since after all like Carl Sagan had once famously said, “we are all made of star-dust.” He also said, “A galaxy is composed of gas and dust and stars—billions upon billions of stars.(Carl Sagan, Cosmos, page 3) Just like a galaxy, our human bodies are composed of the same billions of cells, gas and chemical energies found in the heavens. This order of the SO BELOW star-dust of humanity is an orderly plan from chaos based on the heavens which is simply an AS ABOVE, SO BELOW event. Hence, the Latin phrase which is the motto of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry, “ORDO AB CHAO.” In English this means, “ORDER FROM CHAOS.”


The meaning of the word Kos is Order, and Mos means “to manage, to direct, or I direct my will for you.” In English, the phrase “to tread in the steps of another.” This is why poets such as Shakespeare say all the worlds  a stage and we all play our parts, or in modern media with the movie ” the Matrix”, where the newly awoken slave, Neo has a cool handler named Morpheus (God of Dreams & Sleep) who calls this world “the Matrix” and tells Neo that he can choose his own reality with the red pill or the blue pill.


A type of man-made ORDO AB CHAO stage or game, where each one of us gets to not only choose our roles we wish to play, but also between mortality or immortality. Hence, you can choose to strive for the spiritual balance of the AS ABOVE light of the cosmos, and live a truly cosmic life with the combination of the darkness of materiality in our incarnated bodies on the SO BELOW as a ‘cosmopolite’, or what I like to call myself,  “a citizen of the world.” A world citizen, in a New World Order that has been planned for thousands of years by the priesthood from Kos who were one of the first developers of the true “Order of the World.”


Minerva’s Web and Gnosis

Pythagoras Initiated Into the Secret Mysteries on Crete

Pythagoras of Samos had lived from 570 to 490 BCE. He was an Ionian Greek who eventually became one of the most famous pythagoras cretephilosophers, mathematicians, Gnostics and brothers who has ever lived. He was the founder of a very popular religious movement called Pythagoreanism, and his followers were known as the Pythagoreans. The life and teachings of Pythagoras are still followed to this day. Especially amongst the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, who carry on his teachings to this very day.


Manly P. Hall had written about the importance of Pythagoras in Masonry in his book, “The Secret Teachings of all Ages;”

“Pythagoras’ teachings are of the most transcendental importance to Masons, inasmuch as they are the necessary fruit of his contact with the leading philosophers of the whole civilized world of his own day, and must represent that in which all were agreed, shorn of all weeds of controversy. Thus, the determined stand made by Pythagoras, in defense of pure monotheism, is sufficient evidence that the tradition to the effect that the unity of God was the supreme secret of all the ancient initiations is substantially correct.

The philosophical school of Pythagoras was, in a measure, also a series of initiations, for he caused his pupils to pass through a series of degrees and never permitted them personal contact with himself until they had reached the higher grades. According to his biographers, his degrees were three in number. The first, that of ‘Mathematicus,’ assuring his pupils proficiency in mathematics and geometry, which was then, as it would be now if Masonry were properly inculcated, the basis upon which all other knowledge was erected. Secondly, the degree of ‘Theoreticus,’ which dealt with superficial applications of the exact sciences, and, lastly, the degree of ‘Electus,’ which entitled the candidate to pass forward into the light of the fullest illumination which he was capable of absorbing. The pupils of the Pythagorean school were divided into ‘exoterici,’ or pupils in the outer grades, and ‘esoterici,’ after they had passed the third degree of initiation and were entitled to the secret wisdom. Silence, secrecy and unconditional obedience were cardinal principles of this great order.” (See Ancient Freemasonry.)


Pythagoras was simply the lover of wisdom. He had travelled extensively around the world in seek of the secret knowledge of various cultures, religions and orders, where he would be initiated into the secret mysteries of some of these orders. Not only did he travel into Egypt and Chaldaea, he also had traveled to learn from the Ancient Brotherhood that had resided on the Island now called Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. An island that I like to call, the “land of creation”; since after all, the name Crete means “to create.” A place also known throughout history as the Garden of Eden, Atlantis, Arcadia, the Holy Land, Land of Milk and Honey, and the Sacred Mountain of Zeus (Jove or Jupiter). Crete was where the Rule of Law under the mythical Minos had first began, and where the order for thousands of years had ruled both the land and sea.

In the 20th century book, The Pythagorean Sourcebook by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, he explains the initiation in Crete;

Going to Crete, Pythagoras besought initiation from the priests of Morgos, one of the Idaean Dactyli, by whom he was purified with the meteoritic thunder-stone. In the morning he lay stretched upon his face by the sea-side; at night, he lay beside a river, crowned with a black lamb’s wollen wreath. Descending into the Idaean cave, wrapped in black wool, he stayed there twentyseven days, according to custom; he sacrificed to zeus, and saw the throne which there is yearly made for him. On Zeus’s tomb, Pythagoras inscribed an epigram, “Pythagoras to Zeus,” which begins: “Zeus deceased here lies, whom men call Jove.”

Mount Ida Cave

It was here where Pythagoras had learned the laws of Minos and was initiated by the Ancient Priesthood of Jupiter (Amon) on the Sacred Mountain of Mount Ida (Zion), and in the same cave on Crete that the greatest of all Greek Gods, Zeus was educated and also hidden from his most vengeful father, known in mythology as Cronus and in science as Saturn.  This priesthood is the same one who had also initiated many other very famous people throughout history who had huge impacts on the world. People you may know, such as Alexander the Great who was initiated in the Siwa Oasis in Egypt, and Roman Emperors like Julius Caesar, and Augustus Caesar who would become the first Pontifex Maximus of this 6th Age, in which we are currently, in the year of 2014.

The Priesthood of Jupiter have been known by many names throughout history such as the the Priests of Pan, Luperci, Curetes (Kuretes), Corybantes, Dactyls, Cabiri, Telchines, Sea Peoples, Philistines, Nephilim, Boetians, Levites and Tribe of Benjamin. Strabo had written, that these are the names of the various groups that are often used interchangeably with one another. He also said in his book ‘Geography’, the connection between the Telchines, Curetes and the Corbanytes;

“Some say that, of the nine Telkhines (Telchines) who lived in Rhodes, those who accompanied Rhea to Krete (Crete) and ‘reared’ Zeus ‘in his youth’ were named Kouretes (Curetes); and thatKyrbas (Cyrbas), a comrade of these, who was the founder of Hierapytna, afforded a pretext to the Prasians for saying among the Rhodians that theKorybantes(Corybantes) were certain Daimones, sons of Athena and Helios (the Sun) [i.e. this was regarded as a lie].”

Plutarch had said, “that according to a divine nature and justice, the souls of virtuous men are advanced to the rank of daemons; and that from demons, if they are properly purified, they are exalted into gods, not by any political institution, but according to right reason.”


He [Pythagoras] gathered around him a small group of sincere disciples whom he instructed in the secret wisdom which had been revealed to him, and also in the fundamentals of occult mathematics, music, and astronomy, which he considered to be the triangular foundation of all the arts and sciences. — Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages


phoenix cap stoneMy research and travels have led me back to the original homeland of the Brotherhood, which is on the island of Crete. This conclusion is based on over three years of extensive work, communication, and science that backs up my research with real-life facts. These articles and my subsequent research on Crete are witness and testament to this truth and light I have brought forward to the Brotherhood at their request.

I believe Pythagoras is an ancient Greek ancestor of mine. The reason I state this, is NOT to claim divine right or to be on the same level as Pythagoras, but to write about truth. This information is not based on allusions of self grander, but on the science and of various physical characteristics.  This would relate to my comprehension of the secret mysteries, and the fact that I easily excel most people in the occult. There is also the science such as the white birthmark on my thigh, which Pythagoras also had, and the science of DNA tests that I had done in the past two years. My birthmarks and DNA all trace back to many of the same locations where Pythagoras had lived and traveled. These same places could also be where the current original government of the Great White Brotherhood via their various secret orders had first originated on the planet earth.

Notwithstanding attempts made to obliterate all records of the teachings of Pythagoras, fragments have survived which give clues to some of the simpler parts of his philosophy. The major secrets were never committed to writing, but were communicated orally to a few chosen disciples. These apparently dated not divulge their secrets to the profane, the result being that when death sealed their lips the arcana died with them. — Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages

Or so they thought. The Phoenix arises and the arcana never dies……

Binding and Loosing: Once Upon a Blue Moon With the Pope and a Lion

The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of Brazil Supermoonthe people be. – Genesis 49:10

This past July 2013, the newly elected Pope Francis had issued a formal law decree from the Vatican that was addressed to all the public officials of the Roman Curia around the world. In this letter, Pope Francis had said; “In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the improper use of the markets and of the economy, as well as by terrorism.

It is therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters. In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.” (more…)

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