The Sarcophagus of Immortality

“Awake!..May you be alert as a living one, rejuvenated every day, healthy in millions of occasions of god sleep, while the gods protect you, protection being around you Sarcophagus egyptevery day.” – Ancient Egyptian Hymn

A sarcophagus is a stone coffin that is often associated with the royalty and El-ite of ancient Egypt, Crete, Greece and Rome. The meaning of the word comes to us from Greek sarkophagos ‘flesh-consuming’, from sarx, sark- ‘flesh’ + -phagos ‘-eating.’

The ancient Egyptians excelled in both the immortal art of embalming and preserving their dead bodies in eternal stone coffins. They believed in the immortality of the soul. As did many cultures all around the world and even to this very day. I believe this art and these religious ceremonies first originated in ancient Egypt and then spread into Crete, Greece, Italy, and then many other places all around the world. Even some of the church fathers and saints were entombed in their own immortal stone coffins. Evidence of these facts can be found in all these exact locations that have been documented by archaeologists over the last few hundred years.

Many of these ancient stone coffins were primarily built out of high alkaline stones such as limestone, marble and granite for two reasons. One being that they would help preserve the body against decay, and also the immortal properties of the stone which if left untouched, can last forever. This decay I speak of is mainly attributed to the flesh consuming worms that eat away the corpse and bones when a human leaves to the nether world. Worms simply do not like limestone and granite. Our ancient ancestors had realized this thousands of years ago, and this is why they had chosen to not only be buried in these type of stone coffins, but they also built many of their ancient structures out of limestone such as the pyramids.

These stone coffins were also normally decorated, and often had hieroglyphs and or texts etched into them which are said to assist the departed spirits in the nether world. In Egypt, you will find on the sides of each sarcophagus that judgment is almost always represented with Osiris as a judge, wrapped in the cerements of a mummy. We can see many of these coffins may also have an image of the deceased when they were living, with a detailed head and pair of eyes painted on the outside of the coffin to possibly enable them to see the outside world or the underworld. (more…)

The Centaurs: Half Men and Half Horse Sons of God

The Centaurs (Ken-taurs or Khan-taurs) are known as mythological monster type creatures with the head, arms, and torsoCentaur of a human, and the body and legs of a horse or a bull, who are often depicted holding a bow or a harp. The Centaurs were actually known to be a real tribe of people who originally inhabited Arcadia, now known as the island of Crete and also the mountains and forests of Magnesia which is now part of the region of Thessaly, Greece. In the bible they are known as the Nephilim, Anakim race, the Sons of God, and the Israelites who are also connected to both the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin. (more…)

Who is the Antichrist?

You will find that the actual name “antichrist” is only spoken about by the Apostle John a few times in the bible via the verses John Attis2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. He tells us that there are “many antichrists” who will appear between the time of Christ’s first and Second Coming, but there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power during the end times, or “last hour,” as 1 John phrases it. He will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

The antichrist is mentioned in 1 John 4:1-3 and says, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (NKJV) (more…)

Dante: Paradise Lost in Crete

The ancient holy island of Crete has a history that goes back thousands of years. It is a place where legends were made, Gods and Dante PurgatoryGoddesses born, Saints christened, and wars for rulership of the world fought. Both paradise found, and paradise lost.

Now a place in purgatory from the sins of their fathers. A people scattered amongst nations. Tribes kept in captivity.

Dante tells the story of Crete in Purgatorio, where he has a dream that he is on Mount Ida and is carried up to heaven by an eagle. Upon awakening, Dante finds that during his sleep he had been moved to the lowest part of the Mount that he called just below the Gate of Purgatory.

It is here, where the image with the allegory of the “old man” beneath Mount Ida from whom the three mythological rivers spring, and the statue of the Old Man of Crete who is made of gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay. The Old Man of Crete would be the Father of Zeus (Jupiter, Jove), and husband of Cybele (Rhea, Magna Mater), who is known in mythology as Father Time or Kronos (Saturn), and is the King of Crete. It was on Mount Ida, where Cybele raised her son the infant Jupiter secretly in the care of the priesthood of the Curetes (Priests of Jupiter, Pan), and by their frantic dancing and noise of cymbals concealed him from his father Saturn. (more…)

My name is Legion; because we are many

And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said. My name is Legion ; because we are many. (many devils were entered Demons-and-Angels timeinto him.)

‘And he cured many that were sick of various diseases: and cast out many demons; and suffered not the demons to say that they knew him.” – Mark i. 34

Many bible interpreters and modern priests would say that the people Jesus had cured, were most likely crazy and/or mad lunatics. People who today, would be given medications or placed in mental hospitals.

The Father of medicine and a Koan from Kos, Hippocrates wrote a treatise on epilepsy and said, that these mental disorders, normally attributed to demons, was not more divine, or more sacred than other disorders; and that like other disorders, it was to be cured, not by charms, but by medicine.

However, for many centuries it was said that many of these people were possessed by a legion of demons who would cause disorder and insanity. Demons who are said to have the power of entering into the bodies of any living man, and of tormenting them at will.

A legion is an army of men numbering in the thousands. Outside of Christianity, these demons are not all considered evil or bad.

Many ancient and current cultures from all around the world believe in both good and evil demons. Pagan priests had often attributed their divine inspiration to good demons. The ancient Jews had called them divine beings, and that they were the divine spirits of departed men who became demons. According to Plato, they hold a place in order between God and mortals.

Demons genie“These causes of our wickedness are derived from our parents, and from our constitutions, rather than from ourselves; for while we recoil from the works of our ancestors they are not idle.” – Plato

The 1st century Roman-Jewish historian and Roman advocate, Josephus had said, ”demons are the spirits of wicked men, who enter the living, and kill those who receive no help;” and again, “demoniacs are they, who are possessed by the spirits of wicked men.” The Jews believed that all demons, and Beelzebub, their prince, were in subjection of  Samuel, the prince of the devils, or who is simply known today as Satan.

I had written about Beelzebub in a previous article:

In the cult of Serapis, Beelzebul (Beelzeboul, Beelzebub, Beelsebab, Baalzebub or Ba’al) is prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. The cult of Serapis had originated from the Greco-Egyptian priesthood under the Ptolemies. The testimony of Pausanias, says the temples of Serapis were the most famous at Alexandria, and the most ancient at Memphis. Tacitus, the Roman senator and historian had said that Serapis was worshipped as a type of universal deity that represented Jupiter, Osiris, Pluto, and sometimes Jupiter Ammon.

The Seraphim are six-winged beings that fly around the Throne of God crying “holy, holy, holy.” The seraphs hold 5th rank often in the Jewish angelic hierarchy and the highest rank in the Christian angelic hierarchy of angels that govern this current world. The various spellings of the Hebrew name Seraphs are the Greek Hellenized version of the Egyptian Osiris-Apis which is spelled Serapis, Sarapis (Σάραπις, Dorian Greek), Sor-apis (Σέραπις, Attic/Ionian Greek), Serapin (Greek Ὄφις), and the name ‘Seraphim’ being the plural form.

Francis of Assisi, also known as St. Francis, was considered by many people to be equal to Christ and to have possessed a great power of working miracles. He was the founder of the Cordeliers and Franciscans. He was also known as the Seraphic Father and Seraphic Saint because of a vision he saw on Mount Alverna where he witnessed a crucified seraph who perforated his feet, hands, and right side.

“If Satan Cast Out Satan, he his divided against himself. How then shall his kingdom stand?” (Matt. xii. 24. and seq)

“And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” – Revelation 12:9

Just last year, Pope Francis had given a sermon in which he had reminded Catholics, “That Jesus fought the devil and you must too. All of these (people) were not possessed; they were mentally ill’. No! The presence of the devil is on the first page of the Bible, and the Bible ends as well with the presence of the devil, with the victory of God over the devil.”

There are some priests who, when they read this Gospel passage, this and others say: ‘But, Jesus healed a person with a mental illness’. They do not read this, no? It is true that at that time, they could confuse epilepsy with demonic possession; but it is also true that there was the devil! And we do not have the right to simplify the matter, as if to say: ‘All of these (people) were not possessed; they were mentally ill’. No! The presence of the devil is on the first page of the Bible, and the Bible ends as well with the presence of the devil, with the victory of God over the devil.

Do not confuse the truth. Jesus fights the devil: first criterion. Second criterion: he who is not with Jesus, is against Jesus. There are no attitudes in the middle. Third criterion: vigilance over our hearts because the devil is astute. He is never cast out forever. It will only be so on the last day.

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.” – Revelation 20:1-3

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