Lost Tribe of Judah Found: The Bedas

In a previous article, The Tattooed American Hebrew Indians with Elongated Skulls in Texas, I wrote about the Bedai Tribe of judah lionIndians and how they may be connected to the ancient Hebrews/Phoenicians. For the purpose of this article, I would like to put forth the beginning of my research into the various tribes around the world, who I have found have the same exact name or a very similar one to the Bedai tribal name, along with them also sharing many physical traits, languages (words), and customs. A scattered tribe, whom I believe may in fact be the remnants of the lost Tribe of Judah.

These tribes seem to spawn from a time of conquest in ancient Egypt and Greece right around the 4th-1st centuries B.C. under the Greco-Egyptian Ptolemaic Pharaohs. The main tribal connections almost all of them share are found in their names, physical traits, customs, manners, and the fact that many of these tribes wherever they had gone, had carved their communities into mountains and cliffs where they lived in man-made caves and catacombs, which are found all over the world.

In my future articles on this subject, I will detail the names, locations and cities carved into the sides of mountains around the globe where they had lived. You can also check out my past articles on the Tribe of Judah that will help you get up to speed on this Apocalyptic research. (more…)

The power of the serpent of Egypt was broken on the Christian cross

The cross of life or the logos was used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Jews. Their cross was modeled after the Egyptian Ankh or the Greek Tau. The letter Tau, Saint Bede had Ankh Symbolwritten was the sign of salvation and of the cross. The Tau is represented by an uppercase Τ and is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. The Greek alphabet is derived from the Phoenicians who had represented it with the Phoenician letter taw. The tau is considered a symbol of salvation due to the identification of the tau being the sign that which in Ezekiel 9:4 was marked on the forehead of the saved ones (וְהִתְוִיתָ תָּו עַל־מִצְחֹות הָאֲנָשִׁים “set a mark (tav; after the Phoenician cross-shape on the forehead of the men”).

St. Mark informs us, “With the form of a serpent, He kills the serpent, for the serpent made out of the rod swallowed up the other serpents.” Jesus was crucified on the Christian Cross of Warfare on Friday, April 3, AD 33. “The power of the serpent of Egypt was broken on the cross.” That quote about the symbol and power of the serpent being broken on the cross was from the 1st century A.D. Christian apologist Justin Martyr, also known as Saint Justin ( c. 100 – 165 AD). St. Augustine tells us, that the image of Christ and his Cross was the new ensign of Christian Warfare that the Romans had carried before them; being the Ensign or Profession of their Warfare.

Many Christians are unaware of the fact that the Christian Cross is a symbol of Christian warfare. The cross is a symbol and war standard, and should not be worshipped or adored like an idol. The 7th-8th century Doctor of the Church and Father of English History, Saint Bede had explained, “A Cross of Silver, and the Image of our Saviour in a Picture. They bore a Cross for their Banner, Pro Vexillo: hon pro Adoratione, not for Adoration.” A Latin phrase meaning, “As standards: no honors for Adoration.”

Before the advent of Christianity, the Gnostic religion and brotherhood of the serpent (wisdom and health) had ruled the world for thousands of years. The religion of the serpent had originally come from the East in Ancient Greece, Crete and Egypt. It then moved West with the mass migrations of these tribes of the serpent into places such as America and England. It was here at this time, where the priesthood of the Druids, Saxon, Angles, Picts and various pagan Celtic tribes were dying for control of this land. It wasn’t until approximately in the 7th century A.D., when the cross had made its way into ancient England.

It was a time of war, bloodshed and lawlessness. Loyalty and peace were simply non-existent.

In order to bring peace to the region, a group of powerful ex-Druids of Italy, Gaul, Ireland, Britain, Scotland and Iona who were also known as Culdee Monks had made the decision to become Christians by joining the Celtic Druid Church with the Roman to create what we know today as the Catholic Church. The meaning of the name Catholic is universal and these monks were some of the true Doctors and Fathers of the Catholic Religion. (more…)

The Meaning of Esoteric and Esotericism

To truly see the world, we must envision the reality that lies in the light behind the darkness of the veil. Many secrets of our veiled realities remain hidden within our very own esotericlanguages, symbols, art and architecture. Almost every religion and secret society in existence today such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, have an innermost doctrine of truths which remain hidden from the masses who normally will not take the time to study or research this knowledge.

Albert Pike, former Grand Commander of Scottish Rite and a respected authority on the symbolism of Freemasonry, had said;

“The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. (more…)

GOAT – The Devilish “God of All Things”

There are many old stories and myths told that relate to the goat, and also goat symbology that has been passed down to us over thousands of years. In Ancient Crete, Greece, and Egypt, the goat received divine honors. The Egyptians rank the goat’ amongst the gods as the Goat of Mendes because as Herodotus had said, both a goat and Pan were called Mendes in the Egyptian language. In Crete and Greece, the he-goat was the God of All Things (GOAT), and in mythology is known as the God Pan. (more…)

The Healing Temples of the God Asclepius

“Pure must be he who enters the fragrant temple”Temple of Asclepius

The healing temples of the God Asclepius in ancient Crete and Greece were some of the most famous medical treatment centers (hospitals) ever built in the old world. They were the first sacred structures constructed specifically for the purpose of medical care. These healing temples were named after the Greek God of wisdom, medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians,  known as ‘Asclepius’.

Asclepius was the most important healer god of antiquity who brought prosperity to the ancient Greeks and Cretans in the 5th-1st centuries BC. These ancient physicians who served in these temples were also some of the first organized world wide priesthood who traveled the world in order to work for kings, and also themselves because their medical skills were in extreme demand.

They were a hereditary priesthood who at first only admitted family into the medical Brotherhood, and were known by various names throughout history such as the Sons of Asclepius or the Asklepiadi, Koans (Kohen or Kohanim) of Kos, Centaurs, (koan-taurs), the Curetes, and Telchines to name a few. Later in the West, such as in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Britain, they would be known as the Druids and Culdees. (more…)

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