DNA of the Ancient Tribe of Ethiopian Levites

For the purpose of this article, I will mainly concentrate on the YDNA of the ancient Tribe of Levi who are also known as the Levites, simply 247S1 Benjamin Netanyahu & Ethiopians. Jerusalem Day (6205).jpgbecause of the fact that this tribe was mainly composed of males whose priestly roles were passed down from father to son. If they were males, and their priesthood males passed down their inheritance from father to son, then it makes perfect scientific sense to focus mainly on their YDNA.

In this article, I will attempt to prove my theory that the original Levites were of the E1b1b1c M123+ haplogroup. This theory I will help substantiate by science, using history, geography, the bible, DNA, and what I call inherited Gnosis, since I am also a Levite from the E1b1b1c M123+ haplogroup. What I mean by this, is that these facts, history and blood are not just something I’m writing about as an outsider looking in, but something that is part of my inheritance, my ancestry and in my DNA. (more…)

The Scottish Rite of the Irish Children of the Nephilim

It was in the lands of Western Europe where the mighty Nephilim would continue their sagas of kings, conquest, religion and Nephilim on fire 2legends. The true origins of the Scottish Rite of the Irish Children of the Nephilim would begin early in the fourth and fifth centuries. These epic stories of the Sons of God in Western Europe would carry on into the modern world; such as in Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, America and many other countries where we can all witness their influence to this very day.

This is their true apocalyptic story like it has never been told before. (more…)

The Lost Tribe of Judah in Ireland

“They went into the eternal kingdom into eternal life of brightest splendour; Baedan the noble the angelical Columba theIreland coat of arms resplendent.”

The research I will put forth below is based on the Tribe of Judah, known as the Bedas (Baedans) in Ireland who ruled for approximately 10 centuries. The priesthood of the Bedas in Ireland were known biblically as the High Priests of the Tribe of Levi; who some later became Kings, Celtic Druids, Culdees, Fathers, Doctors and Saints of the Catholic Church.

My last name is Bedard, and the Bedas are my ancestors. This article is part of their fascinating story in Ireland.

As I have explained in some of my previous articles before, in the Tribe of Judah was an important sect of people known as the Bedas that have been scattered all around the world. I have written how part of the Tribe of Judah ended up in England as the Jutes, and in a land now known as the Kingdom of Kent in my article “The Masonic Archons of the Tribe of Judah.”  I also had written about the many different Beda tribes in articles such as the Lost Tribe of Judah Found: The Bedas, and the Lost Tribe of Judah Found: The Scattered Children of Bab-El, where I connect several different Beda tribes together; who sometimes live thousands of miles apart, but they all seem to have almost the exact same names, customs and beliefs. (more…)

Hermes the Billion Dollar Worm God

This is a fascinating story about the God of Commerce we know as Hermes, worms, servants, purple silk, gold, and power. A Hermes colortrue story hidden in myth, and concealed in allegorized tales. Let me help lift the purple veil on these truths, to dispel these myths and explain these allegories.

The God Hermes was created by a race of people who were primarily known by the name of the Phoenicians who had ruled the Mediterranean Sea, and many other countries for thousands of years. They were, and are still well-known world-wide as a wealthy sea-faring race who produced some of the most profitable commercial goods ever known to humankind. The Phoenicians were the first people to become world-wide travelers of the sea and waterways, who had made home to wherever they brought their boats, goods, gods, goddesses and languages.

Much of the commercial goods they had created never went out of style such as the God Hermes, weapons, poisons, medicines, pottery, baskets, wine, beer, and what they were really most anciently famous for, purple dye and purple garments that they had created from the purple or crimson dye produced by silkworms.

This silk of the Phoenicians was called “royal purple,” and was mainly worn by the priesthood, royalty, and Elite. I wrote about this is a previous article called The Royal Purple Silk ProstituteSocrates had said of Athens, that purple cost three minas, which in his time would equate to almost a years worth of wages to the average Greek. The Athenian nation was said to be the only one clothed in purple, that had vanquished men clad in steel. (more…)

The Meaning of Hermes

In mythology, the Phoenician God Hermes was known by the Greeks and Romans as Mercury. He is credited with the invention of Hermes 4the fine arts,’ of the lyre, of medicine, of letters, of commerce, of magic, and of wrestling. The ancient Egyptians version of Hermes was known as Thoth, who was also the inventor of writing, magic and the arts. He is sometimes referred to as the trickster, and in the Iliad he was called “the bringer of good luck,” “guide and guardian”, and “excellent in all the tricks.” Hermes is also known as an inventor of fire, god of commerce and profit.

The confusion, or multitude of various character aspects to the God Hermes is primarily due to both the mythological creations by various authors such as Homer who attributed secrets, or their own perceptions to his character, and also the many authors who have also done the same. Fast forward 3,000 years to today and thousands of stories later, and we now have the end result being about 100 different meanings for this God.

Over the course of my research during the last several years, I have come to realize that if you want to find the true meaning of any subject, myth or God, you have to begin by studying the actual etymology of the words used to name that which you seek to understand. Another rule I have, is that you cannot be placed under a spell by those authors who spell and entrance their words and works into your head, without doing your own type of magical spelling to make sure you do not become spell bound.

Hence, don’t be tricked by the trickster……. (more…)

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