The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

Listen to the Gnostic Warrior and Illuminatus Podcasts where we take you on a  journey from the depths of darkness to the illuminating realms of secret knowledge and enlightenment.


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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

Worm Brain Controls Plastic LEGO

There are many stories that have been told over the course of history about animated statues that come to life, brazen talking heads, and wooden puppets who become little boys. I had written about some of them in my recent article, The Medieval Artificial Intelligence...

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The eye of the world, Lucifer, seeing all things….

By Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - He is called also Arcitenens, burning, fiery, golden, flaming, radiating, of a fiery hair, of a golden hair, the eye of the world, Lucifer, seeing all things, ruling all things; the creator of light, the king of stars, the great lord,...

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The Science of Demon Possession

Is demon possession real? Are there actual demons who can possess the bodies of humans? You would be surprised to know that I believe I can prove to you that demon possession is not only possible, but that I also have modern science to back up my demonic claims. The...

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Godlike Men Who Were Born of the Serpent

The symbol of the serpent and ouroboros you will often find in many sacred teachings such as Gnosticism and Hermeticism. The serpent in ouroboros form represents the eternity of the soul, and with the philosophers, it was a symbol for men of renown who were known as...

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The Sexual Demons of Our Nightmares

"Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth; Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep." Milton Incubi and succubi are said to be nocturnal demons who are able to switch between male and female forms. A succubus: (plural: succubi) is a demon or creature of...

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