The Third Eye

The Ammon is the Abraxas, and place of Sophia (wisdom); to the Gnostics, Christos (or Gnosis), and the Third Eye to many people today hippocampus 3d2who may be considered New Age. The Ammon’s Horn is also known in science as our hippocampus located in a section of our brains that we access the hidden supreme power deep within the DNA of each one of us to obtain gnosis, intuition, wisdom, and to relearn from our past lives.

Third eye activation to enlightenment and gnosis here we come…

The subject of the third eye is a favorite topic amongst many modern researchers, and authors like myself. When studying the history of any topic, my path is one in which I try to utilize science and real world descriptions in order to attempt to make actual connections between the subject I’m researching and with scientific research. The many times I have employed this method, I have been able to make sense of some of these terms like the third eye, ancient myths, and/or religious allegories. (more…)

The Science of Demon Possession

Is demon possession real? Are there actual demons who can possess the bodies of humans?Demon serpent

You would be surprised to know that I believe I can prove to you that demon possession is not only possible, but that I also have modern science to back up my demonic claims.

The old beliefs of spirits, demons and devils possessing, impregnating, and even killing their victims can be compared today to modern science with our medical knowledge of microbes, viruses, and worms which kill humans by the billions. Many ancient cultures had believed in both what we call demons or angels possessing humans, and the science of worms being the cause of almost all human disease and sickness. These similarities between the demons of mythology with the scientific facts of the various worms and parasites of today is not a coincidence, but evidence that this science has been known for millenia. (more…)

The High Priest

The word magic, comes from the Greek: μάγοι, magoi, or magus and mag in the ancient Persian language High Priestwhich means “priest.” The High Priest is the chief Judge or Interpreter of sacred mysteries and/or arcane knowledge of his people, religion, and/or order.

The title of the High Priest in Ancient Israel, in Hebrew is כהן גדול Kohen Gadol. In Ancient Greece, they were known as the Archiereus, and in Rome, the Pontifex Maximus. The Celtic Druids had the Arch Druid (Welsh: Archdderwydd) taken from the Greek Archiereus. (more…)

The Gnostic Archon Lawgiver of the Underworld

There have been many lawgivers who have brought their laws to mankind. Some of the most Epimenides 2famous are the Israelite Prince Moses with his 10 commandments, King Minos of Crete, and Solon of Athens.

There is another influential lawgiver that I would like to bring to your attention to, and that is less known than those mentioned above. He was one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece, and his name is Epimenides (Greek: Ἐπιμενίδης). In many ancient written accounts, he is said to be one of the most famous legislators of his era, and let me point out that he had lived at the same time as that of Solon. (more…)

Who were the Canaanites?

The term “Canaanites” in the Old Testament was normally applied  to the inhabitants of the lower coastal regions of the LandVulcan of Canaan, as opposed to the inhabitants of the mountainous regions like that of the Amorites, who are often referred to in the bible as “certain highland mountaineers in the Land of Canaan.”

The name Amorite is regarded as synonymous with “Canaanite”—only “Amorite” is never used for the population on the coast.  They are described as a powerful people of great stature “like the height of the cedars” (Amos 2:9). By the time of the Second Temple, “Canaanite” in Hebrew had come to be not an ethnic designation, so much as a general synonym for “merchant”, as it is interpreted in, for example, Job 40:30, or Proverbs 31:24. (Wikipedia) Hence, when we see various tribes such as the Amorites and Canaanites, we must not immediately assume that they are of a different race from one another, as I will explain below. You can also read more about the Amorites in this article link I had written last year.

The term applied to these people, such as the name ‘Canaanites, was to distinguish this race as a class of merchants which can be discovered in the etymology of the name. Another spelling for Canaanite is ‘Kenite.’  The meaning of the word Kenite is “smith,” which is a worker in metal. This corresponds with the bible that says the Kenites were coppersmiths and metalworkers. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, was a shepherd and a priest in the land of Midian. Judges 1:16 says that Moses had a father-in-law who was a Kenite. Jethro is from the Hebrew name יִתְרוֹ (Yitro), which was derived from the Hebrew word יֶתֶר (yeter) meaning “abundance”.’ (more…)

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