The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

Listen to the Gnostic Warrior and Illuminatus Podcasts where we take you on a  journey from the depths of darkness to the illuminating realms of secret knowledge and enlightenment.


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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

Secrets of the Watchers

Many of us who have researched the hidden secrets of our world, have come across a mysterious story about a group of supernatural beings who are known by the names of the Watchers, Nephilim, Sons of God, Giants, Fallen Angels, Egregores and/or Demons (Daemons and...

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Sir Godfrey Higgins on the Gnostics

The more I reflect upon Gnosticism, the more I am convinced that in it we have, in fact, the real science of antiquity—for a long time almost lost—but, I trust, by means of our oriental discoveries, yet to be recovered. - Godfrey Higgins In Anacalypsis: an Attempt to...

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The African Master Builders and Jedi Nights

A little known mysterious secret society that had originated in Germany in the 18th century was known as the "African Master Builders." They also called themselves the Jedile Architects, or Master Builders. The order was founded in approximately the year 1765, by Von...

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The Emerald Tablet (Tabula Smaragdina)

1) It is true without untruth, certain and most true: 2) that which is below is like that which is on high, and that which is on high is like that which is below; by these things are made the miracles of one thing. 3) And as all things are, and come from One, by the...

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What is a Modern Gnostic?

The Order of the Gnostics is dedicated to what we call "Modern Gnosticism" for the Gnostic living today. Our online school, podcasts and books use modern methods of teaching such as science that are based on the ancient life lessons of the illuminated Gnostics who...

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The Hidden Side of Reality

By Paracelsus (The "Swiss Hermes") - In nature we find a light that illumines us more than the sun and the moon. For it is so ordered that we see but half of man and all the other creatures, and therefore must explore them further . . . Nor should we become drowned in...

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Dreams are not without meaning

“Dreams are not without meaning wherever they may come from -from fantasy, from the elements, or from other inspiration. Dreams must be heeded and accepted. For a great many of them come true.” ~ Paracelsus

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