
Many people think that demons are composed only of legions of evil spirits, but this is simply not true. There were many Demons-and-Angels timevarious ancient cultures in history, and also people today, who still believe that demons are the recently departed spirits of their ancestors, who can be either good or bad. The Christian concept of a demon, would be the angels and saints of Catholicism. Therefor, a demon is more of a pagan concept and an angel is a Christian invention; both basically have the same spiritual meaning across many cultures.

The English word demon is derived from the Latinized versions, “dæmon” and “daimôn” of the original Greek “δαίμων.” According to Plato, in his Cratylus, the etymology of daimôn/daēmones (δαίμονες: deity/daêmôn δαήμονες) is from tfanuwv, knowing, wise or intelligent.

Like Socrates, Plato had also taught that the soul is immortal and all knowledge gained in one’s life, is actually knowledge learned from a previous lifetime. This is also where human intuition (wisdom) originates from. The knowing within our very DNA that helps our soul to be guided through the waters of life with the assistance of our spirit guides, AKA demons.

33rd Degree Freemason and Master Rosicrucian, Manly P. Hall had written on demons and angels in his most popular book, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages;”

The Christian Church gathered all the elemental entities together under the title of demon. This is a misnomer with far-reaching consequences, for to the average mind the word demon means an evil thing, and the Nature spirits are essentially no more malevolent than are the minerals, plants, and animals. Many of the early Church Fathers asserted that they had met and debated with the elementals.


DNA Gnosis

“Your blood contains DNA, which is like a history book.” Spencer Wells (DNA Geneticist)DNA Brain

Many ancient cultures had said that our blood was the seat of our soul. The giver of life. I would like to go one step further by claiming that our blood is where we obtain true Gnosis, wisdom and by its mastery, evolution of the soul.

A red reservoir of our family’s history that some of us are able to tap into in order to discover the secrets of our pasts. When a person successfully connects with this Gnosis, they have become enlightened and awakened to who they truly are.

Gnosis (Greek for knowledge) in its simplest form is the intuitive spiritual knowledge that comes with knowing thyself, and thyworld. A type of computer code encoded within each of our own DNA that contains unique “genetic knowledge” or “intuitive insight” that each of us are born with. A computer hard drive in our blood that we can use to help us think, reason, intuit and form knowledge with the help of our very own DNA. (more…)

The Illuminati Hand Sign of the Pyramid

“The good hand of our God upon us.”Symbols - hand signs

In our modern American culture of Holly-wood entertainment and lost angles media, the so-called stars and entertainers of our Masonic man-made world are at the center of attention for many of the globe’s citizens. It is through these high paid people who are actors playing a part via a script on the grand stage of life that many people today who sit and watch the show from their couches or standing peering at the latest i-Phone “tune into their energies.” Quite simply, many of these same said people have given up on living their own lives and now artificially live through the actors they see on a screen.

There is nothing new under the entertainment sun.

In the not so distant past, many of these overpaid actors would have been low paid court gestures and poets working for beer and food in the Kings Court who were tasked with entertaining the King’s subjects. Their job was to take the stress, kingdoms troubles and future plans of the royal court off the minds of the people who were akin to pawns on a chessboard much like they are today. As time rolled on, these methods and techniques of the ruling elite became more and more refined to the point of what we see today in the technological entertainment and media world. (more…)

The Gnostic Sethians

The Sethians, also known as the Sons of Seth are an ancient royal family and priesthood who had venerated the Sethiansserpent (worm). The various spellings of the name are Sethites, Setium, Kittim, Chittim, Chethim, Chusus, Chusaeans Cethim, Cethians, or Heth. It is said they attributed their gnosis to the founder of their race Seth who was the son of Javan, third son of Adam and Eve and Norea, wife of Noah.

He is also considered the Messiah to the Jewish people in later Jewish tradition. The Roman-Jewish historian Josephus said that Seth was a virtuous man, and that his descendants lived in perfect harmony and happiness.

The Sethians were said to have discovered astronomy, and inscribed their discoveries on two pillars, one of which, says Josephus, survived in his time. They were the true founders of what we know as ancient Gnosticism one of many Gnostic groups that had flourished in the North Africa and around the Mediterranean region, and especially in ancient Egypt, the island of Crete, Cyprus, mainland Greece and Rome at the time before and during the formations of early Christianity. The Sons of Seth held the doctrine that the Serpent (worm) was the violent wind, which came out of darkness, the first-born of the waters, and the generating principle of all things, especially of man. (more…)

Cernunnos: The Horned Pan of the Celts

The ancient Celts and Druids in the West had worshiped a horned God who went by the names of Cernunnos (KER-Symbols -  Cernunnosnoo-nos) by the Gauls, and in Old Irish literature as Uindos, Herne (Hermes), Hu Gadarn, and Hesus (Jesus). He was known as the most ancient and powerful Celtic deity who was called the “lord of wild and all things.” His sons were said to be Teutates, Esus, Taranis or Taranus who are sometimes referred to as his doubles.

The meaning of Cernunnos in Gaelic and Old English and Irish is the “horned one or he who has horns.” This God was usually depicted in artwork wearing stag antlers and was normally accompanied by his symbols of the stag, ram, bull and holding a horned and spotted serpent or worm.

The earliest known depictions of Cernunnos were found at Val Camonica, in northern Italy, which was under Celtic occupation from about 400 BC. The most famous was also portrayed on the Gundestrup Caldron (pictured above), which is a silver ritual vessel found at Gundestrup in Jutland, Denmark and dating to about the 1st century BC. The name “Jutland” would correspond with the Tribe of Judah who are also known as the Phoenicians and Greek Hellenes from Crete who I have written about extensively in articles such as The First Jews of Crete, and The Masonic Archons of the Tribe of Judah. (more…)

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