The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

The First Gnostics: Brotherhood of Amon Ra

The ancient Egyptians not only worshiped the As Above, So Below of the planets, stars and the heavens, they had also practiced a secret mystery religion of Gnosticism. Evidence of these facts we can witness in the ancient Egyptian King of the Gods, Amon-Ra, and in...

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Rosicrucian concept of the Creation

(Source: European Rosicrucians) - This diagram shows the Rosicrucian concept of the Creation. This is a process that continually evolves. It is not a static thing that is forever fixed and unchangeable. The process is dynamic because creation has never stopped, it...

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Immortality of the Soul and Gnosis

(By Freemason, Gnostic and author, Hank Kraychir) - The term “Immortality of the Soul” should not be a foreign concept to the Enlightened Mason. In fact, Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma (1871) wrote about the topic extensively, like on page 622; “Among all the...

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The Big Greek Elongated Head of Pericles

The Greek statesman and and general of Athens during the Golden Age, Pericles was said to have an abnormally large head that can be called an elongated skull. He was descended, through his mother, from the powerful and historically influential Alcmaeonid family. The...

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King Tutankhamen’s Big Head

King Tutankhamun was a pharaoh approximately 3,300 year ago during ancient Egypt's New Kingdom era. He ascended to the throne at the age of 9 but ruled for only ten years before dying at 19 around 1324 B.C. There are many images and artists depictions of King...

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Walt Disney and Gnosis

(By Gnostic Masonic Author, Hank Kraychir @ Gnosis Masonry) - As I had written in my book Tales From a Masonic Storyteller (2014), Walt Disney was a Mason. In fact, I listed five different sources in the reference section to help bolster my statement. Despite my...

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