The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

Listen to the Gnostic Warrior and Illuminatus Podcasts where we take you on a  journey from the depths of darkness to the illuminating realms of secret knowledge and enlightenment.


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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

Study Finds Human DNA in Hot Dogs

The stuff we call food in many Western countries would have our ancestors rolling in their graves. From chemical laced additives that cause a plethora of various diseases such as cancer, to genetically modified organisms (GMO) that we call food. Not only is our food...

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Here have we war for war and blood for blood, Controlment for controlment - Shakespeare, King John Blood is the seat of our soul. It is said that he who controls the blood, controls the mind. In the stressful and poisonous world that we live in today, many people do...

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The mind has to grow of itself towards its sun

"The mind has to grow of itself towards its sun. Most men’s minds are at best smouldering fire; they require a "breath" of the Great Breath to make them burst into flame, and so extend themselves, or possess themselves of new re-generative power. Most men’s minds, or...

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Hail to Thee, Amon Ra, Lord of the thrones of the earth

This post goes along with my thoroughly researched articles on the science of the hippocampus or ammon's horn such as the Ammon's Horn,  The Third Eye, Two Golden Cherubim in Our Brains, and The word for our brain’s third eye is the hippocampus. The ancient Egyptians...

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