Black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual

By 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall – “Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual black magick 2activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council — a committee of archsorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood. (more…)

The Devil and Last Judgement in the Vatican

Many of us live our lives in this world, never knowing the hidden spiritual drama that is being played out behind the scenes. A Last Judgement demonspiritual war for your soul, that some of us have lost before we ever knew we were in the game. A type of con-spirit-cy on a world-wide chessboard for humans that has become the playing field, and which leads a trail of fools to the king for their last judgement. A race that many have lost before they were ever even born.

There is a judge for these souls. He sits in the underworld with his golden scepter, as the demons do battle for their place in the hierarchy of the world. Most will fall like Lucifer into the pits of hell, and few others will redeem themselves in order to ascend and claim their place in the heavens.

These first laws of human kind were first given to us by historical figures such as Manu, Manes, Minos and Moses, which were all names for great law-givers and legislators in the ancient history of our world. Names that are all connected to the family of Jupiter and the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea.

In Crete, there is a large mountain known as Mount Ida where the ancient tomb of Minos can be found.  Here it has been written, “The grave of Minos the Jupiter.” The meaning of the name Minos is Jupiter, and the meaning of Minoans, are the children of Jupiter who was also known as Zeus in mythology. The planet Jupiter is where these divine communications of laws, art and life had inspired this specific race of people to create. It was on the Holy Island of Crete that the Children of Jupiter, who were also known as the Minoans, drafted some of these first laws of our world into writing to be given to other humans.

This island is also well known as the birthplace for Western Civilization. After all the name Crete is derived from the Greek word Kriti (Kri-ti), which means ‘creation.’ The meaning of the English word Cre’ate,  is “to form out of nothing, to creo, creatum – cause to exist.”

Homer calls Minos Jupiter’s disciple ; and Horace says he was admitted to the secrets of that god. Strabo and Ephorus both contend that Minos had lived nine years in retirement in the cave on Mount Ida, and that it was afterwards called the cave of Jupiter. Josephus, the 1st century Jewish-Roman historian had said that Minos was the only one among the ancients who deserved to be compared to Moses According to the 17th century French scholar, Huetius, Minos was the same with Moses.

Diodorus Siculus of Sicily had written;

“Many generations  after the births of the Gods in Crete, various heroes are said to have flourished; the principal of whom are Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon. The three here mentioned were the sons of Europa by Jupiter. Minos built the cities of Gnossus, Phsstus, and Cydonia j and was the founder of the Civil polity of the Cretans, which he pretended to derive from his father Jupiter, whom he visited once in nine years in a cavern of the Island.”

Sir Issac Newton wrote in The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended:

The two first Kings of Crete, who reigned after the coming of the Curetes, were AJlerius and Minos; and Europa was the Queen of Ajlerius, and mother of Minos; and the Idaean Curetes were her countrymen, and came with her and her brother Alymnus into Crete, and dwelt in the Idaean cave in her Reign, and there educated Jupiter, and found out iron, and made armour: and therefore these three, AJlerius, Europa, and Minos, must be the Saturn, Rhea and Jupiter of the Cretans. Minos is usually called the sonof Jupiter; but this is in relation, to the fable, that Jupiter in the shape of a bull, the Ensign of the Ship, carried away Europa from Zidon: for the Phoenicians, upon their first coming into Greece, gave the name of Jao-pater, Jupiter, to every King: and thus both Minos and his father were Jupiters.

Ecbemenes, said Minos was that Jupiter who committed the rape upon Ganimede; though others said more truly that it was Tantalus: Minos alone was that Jupiter who was most famous among the Greeks for Dominion and Justice, being the greatest King in all Greece in those days, and the only patriarch and legislator.

Jupiter is known in the Old Testament as Jehovah or Yahweh and in Ancient Greece as Zeus and Egypt as Osiris. He is the soul of the world and that which we ascend Jacob’s ladder to receive the divine communications of the light and truth.

33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall had said this Jupiter in his book, “Lectures on Ancient Philosophy;”

When Jupiter or Jehovah is called the lord of the sun, it does not necessarily mean the sun which is the ruler of this solar system; it means any one of the millions of universal suns which are functioning upon the plane or level of a solar orb. Jupiter manifests himself as a mystical energy which gives crops, perpetuates life, and bestows all the blessings of physical existence only to ultimately deprive mankind and his world of all these bounties. Jupiter is the sun of illusion, the light which lights the inferior creation but has nothing in common with that great spiritual light which is the life of man and the light of the world.

Minos was a personification of Zeus, whose sceptre he bore ; and his sons established in the Cyclades represented the Pantheon, of which his father’s head.  The meaning of the name Minos is “Son of Zeus.” There were several Cretan Kings who had taken that same title during their lifetime. Epimenides would have been a Minos or Son of Zeus. He was initiated into the secret mysteries of the Priesthood of Jupiter (Zeus) on Crete in a cave on Mount Ida just like Pythagoras had done approximately a century later. The same cave where Zeus had been hidden and educated.

Plato had written: “Homer tells us that Minos conversed with Jupiter every ninth year; and went to be instructed by him as a scholar by a master;” and “‘ he went into the cave of Jupiter to learn new laws, or to reform the old which he had received in the former period”

Plutarch had said this about Minos: ‘Homer (says he) has not honoured with the glorious title of the disciple of Jupiter the greatest warrior or oppressor, or a renowned tyrant; but the man famous for his justice and probity; a legislator, and a benefactor to mankind.’

In Rome at the Vatican in the Sistine Chapel is a painting called the Last Judgement (1536-41) by Michelangelo. It is a painting of the Second Coming of Christ and the final and eternal judgment by God of all humanity.


It is here where the judge of the underworld, Minos sits on a throne by himself, and wielded a golden sceptre. Michelangelo depicts Minos with donkey (ass) ears with his body being entwined by a huge serpent that is biting off the penis of Minos.  This appears to be a hidden message to his people and race. As Minos judges his people, a line of demons and angels descend and ascend to their proper places aloted to them by his judgement. Many have already had their cases determined to be been damned to hell or blessed to heavan.
Minos judge underworld

It is clear Christ is the judge in heaven who is surrounded by the Saints including the Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Peter, Lawrence, Bartholomew, Paul, Sebastian, John the Baptist, and others.

Last Judgement CHRIST

It is said that Michelangelo had a critic who was a Papal Court official in the Vatican who disliked his painting. His name was  Biagio da Cesena who was also the judge and Master of Ceremonies for the Pope Paul III.  Cesena said of the painting “it was mostly disgraceful that in so sacred a place there should have been depicted all those nude figures, exposing themselves so shamefully.” 

Michelangelo’s response was to secretly paint Cesena into the underworld as the naked Minos with donkey ears and a snake biting off the head of his genitals. When Cesena realized what Michelangelo had done, he pleaded with the Pope to make the artist remove the image, Paul III replied, “If he had placed you into the purgatory, I would have attempted getting you out of there, but he put you into the hell – my power does not extend that far”.

“I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that can do nothing more. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! … I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” – Luke 12:4–5, 49:

From Superstition to Fanaticism is Only one Step

By ELIPHAS LEVI – SUPERSTITION, from the Latin word “superstes,” surviving, is the sign which survives the idea which it theevolutionofsuperstition.lgrepresents; it is the form preferred to the thing, the rite without reason, faith become insensate through isolating itself. It is in consequence the corpse of religion, the death of life, stupefaction substituted for inspiration.

Fanaticism is superstition become passionate, its name comes from the word “fanum,” which signifies “temple,” it is the temple put in place of God, it is the human and temporal interest of the priest substituted for the honour of priesthood, the wretched passion of the man exploiting the faith of the believer. (more…)

The Land of Giants & Nephilim of Crete

Not many people today are aware that there used to be a giant race of beings that had walked and ruled the earth. Throughout Nephilim - News San Antoniohistory they have been known in literature as the Nephilim, Anunnaki, mighty men of renown, and simply as giants who became Gods on earth. Men who were renown for the super human mental power, strength, and length in years which they had lived. Nearly 2,500 years ago, the Greek historian, Homer had often complained of the decreasing size of the human species, and in the bible we find these same people written about who are both giant in size and lived to extremely old ages.

Brien FoersterToday, there is real true-life modern day science that backs up these stories, and that any one of us can research to find out the truth for ourselves. In fact, the actual bones of these giants have been found all over the world in places such as America, Italy, Peru, Crete and many other countries. Just recently, I had written on these giants in my article titled: The Alien DNA of the Elongated Nephilim Skulls, where I state the words of a geneticist working with one of the world’s top experts on these giant skulls, Brien Foerster who lives in Peru and had the DNA tested on one of the elongated skulls that have been found all over Peru. The Geneticist had this to say; (more…)

Saint John Vs The Gnostics

Saint John vs the Arch-Heretic Gnostics of Crete, is a little known biblical battle that is one of the most important Gnostic Resurrectionstories about Gnosticism that has ever been told. A battle of Gnosis, that some Christians might consider a war of Christ vs the Antichrist, angel vs demon, or good vs evil.

But in simple truth, it is really a battle that places the Christian Gnostics of the New Testament Magic (New Law) vs the much older Gnostic Jews of the Old Testament Magic (Old Law). A battle of races, magic, immortality, religion, law, and glory that has been waged here on earth, in the heavens and in hell between these two empires for well over 2,000 years.

In summary, this was an allegorical battle of being a Gnostic who is in charge of his own soul, body, thoughts, actions and destiny, to then handing over this sovereign authority to the Roman Republic and their new Messiah who would now preside as Chief Gnostic under the title of Pontifex Maximus. (more…)

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