Cult of Demons Podcast
A true crime podcast series exploring the spiritual and psychological states of some of the evilest people in history who have claimed to be possessed by some type of entity, a demon and or worship Satan.
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Cult of Demons Articles and Media
The Scent of Illness and Death: The smell of fungi eating rotting humans
Fungi or molds are the true ouroboros of nature. After all, fungi eat illness and death, and in doing so, create new life. I find the concept of fungi controlling the cycle of destruction and creation highly intriguing. I often ponder the biological processes that...
Cognitive Biometrics: Brain wave patterns are unique for every individual
Brain waves, also known as brain rhythms or oscillations, emerge from the synchronized network of electrical activity of neurons in our brains. These coordinated efforts facilitate crucial functions like perception, cognition, and intelligence. From our thoughts and...
Florida Surgeon General: These Vaccines Are the Antichrists of All Products
On Thursday, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo went on the Steve Bannon War Room Podcast calling the COVID-19 vaccine inoculations - the "Antichrist of all products" Lapado brought the conversation about vaccines into the religious dimension with his criticism...
Phillip K. Dick: The Black Iron Prison of the Empire that Never Ended
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“So long as the root of wickedness is hidden, it is strong. But when it is recognized, it is dissolved. When it is revealed, it perishes…. It is powerful because we have not recognized it.” - The Gospel of Phillip (Gnostic Text) One of Phillip K. Dick's most famous...
The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect: Why we cannot always trust the media and news
The prevalence of fake news, biased reporting, and sensationalism has created an environment where it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect is a fascinating phenomenon that sheds light on the way our brains process information...
Michael Crichton’s Speech on the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect
A talk given by the late Michael Crichton (1942-2008) called, "Why Speculate," on April 26, 2002 at the International Leadership Forum in La Jolla, CA. "There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it and when he can." -- Mark...
The Flow State: How to reach a heightened mental state in everything you do
Have you ever experienced a state of being completely absorbed in an activity, losing track of time, and feeling a sense of effortless focus and enjoyment? This is known as the flow state, also referred to as being in the zone. It is characterized by a deep sense of...
Human Mutants: How Fungi/Molds Control the Bodies and Minds of Its Victims
"This is one of the most complex examples of parasites controlling animal behavior because it is a microbe controlling an animal - the one without the brain controls the one with the brain." - David Hughes Penn State University Within the cosmic battleground of Earth,...
Biocommunication: How Molds (Fungi) Are Magnetized to Low Vibrations (Sound Waves)
We live in a world of sound. Nature and life all around us are listening and secretly communicating via hidden networks. A phenomenon called "bioacoustics and biocommunication." Meaning, "the sound of life" or "the communication of life." The birds sing as they work...
Delta Mind Control: Stanford Researchers Discover Delta Brain Waves Cause Dissociation Disorder
Mind control is the art of controlling your own mind and/or the minds of other people. If you do not properly manage and control your thoughts, this leads you to become more susceptible to other entities manipulating or controlling your mind and physical actions. As I...
The Counterfeit Spirit That Enslaves Most All of Humanity
According to the Gnostics, there were only two spirits that were in control of all humanity. The material world was created by an inferior deity known as the Demiurge who was in control of a counterfeit spirit, which they believed was a malevolent force that sought to...
Tucker Carlson: What you’re watching is not a political movement. It’s evil!
On April 21, 2023, former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson was the keynote speaker at The Heritage Foundation's 50th anniversary gala. He used his 36-minute speech to talk about the current political movement that wants to sexually mutilate and abort children as"evil"....
Peter Thiel Warns of the Antichrist
Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and Palantir, and the first outside investor in Facebook, has been on a speaking tour discussing theological themes such as the Antichrist and the Apocalypse in relation to scientific and technological progress. Thiel’s concern is the...
Thumos: The Ancient Greek Concept of the Human Spirit or Ego
"For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.” - Plato The Ancient Greeks divided the soul of a person into three different parts - the mind (nous), the spirit (thumos), and needs or desires...
Resurrection of the Mentally Dead: Mark the tau cross upon the forehead of the saved (enlightened)
The Scripture tells us that the saved people of Israel had the sign of the Tau marked upon the forehead. In Revelation, the tau is called "the seal of our God on the foreheads of his servants." (Rev 7,2-4). It was said to be for the guidance of the angelic executors...
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Your Host
Moe Bedard is the host and creator of the Cult of Demons. He is an author and expert on the occult, demonology, and Satanism. Moe is also the founder of Gnostic Warrior.