To be a true legal sovereign citizen, you must be a self-governing person within a self-governing state that has beenSymbol - seal-colorado-fasces knighted by the proper knighting authority.

The only way to become a legal sovereign is to submit your own free will to that of the supreme power of authority under the sword.

If you live in a city government within a county government that is managed by the “state” inside a “federal government” you are what is called a citizen governed by the state.

If you want to resist the same said state, that does not make you a sovereign citizen. But simply a resistant citizen who is “trying” to resist the government in which there is simply no escape within the boundaries of the faces in which you are hopelessly bound.

This is when you then become an enemy of the state and are put on a watch list.

If you decided to break the laws of the state, you will be dealt with harshly under the Rule of Law.

Any secrets and or truths you wish to expose will also come with sever ramifications including but not limited to public ridicule, professional disgrace, banishment, charged with crimes, and or death.

There is nothing new under the royal sun.

Just the methods, means and punishments to ensnare the enemies of the state within the web of their own delusions created by self-governing fantasies that simply do not exist, nor will they ever will.

This the human governing nature of life on earth by those who rule and those citizens who are ruled under the fasces.

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