All Americans Are Liars

The original Gnostic quote comes from the Cretan philosopher Epimenides Gnosis who said, ” All Cretans are liars.”

Today, we find the lying Cretans in America.

Paid Liars in fake American media. Paid Liars in politics. Lies from our Satanic cult down from Santa Claus and our sacrilegious commercial Christmas celebrations and Black Fridays.

Let us not forget our current social media hell with fake social media lies and lying fake friends.

I have knowingly participated in the orgies of lies as an American Liar because just like “All Cretans Are Liars!” –  “All Americans Are Liars!”

Therefore, I can honestly say the truth when I declare today that “All Americans are Liars!”


Carl Jung On Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a concept first explained by Swiss psychiatrist and Gnostic Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences.”

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