Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration

Quote on human energy

“This Principle embodies the truth that “everything is in motion”; “everything vibrates”; “nothing is at rest”; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify.

And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. (more…)

Unconscious is a process and that ego’s rapports with the unconscious

“Only by discovering alchemy have I clearly understood that the Unconscious is a process and that ego’s rapports with the unconscious and his contents initiate an evolution, more precisely a real metamorphoses of the psyche” ~ Carl G. Jung
Quote on conscious carl jung

There Is No Spiritual Fast Food Drive Through

“The Evolution of Consciousness is about change. One cannot realize Consciousness without change.”

By Storm Wolf – Are we there yet?

Sometimes when speaking to others about Spirituality, Enlightenment or realizing Consciousness it seems as if we are on a trip. Everyone wants to know how long it’s going to take to reach the “destination.” Of course this is quite comical to Me, as in Truth there is no destination, there is ALWAYS more. And yet it seems that the masses want a quick solution just as with everything else in Our culture. Well, I hate to break it to you, but there is no “Spiritual Fast Food” Drive Through window!

meditation (more…)

Consciousness, intelligence, and force are fittingly symbolized by the colors blue, yellow, and red

Many P. Hall had written in the Secret Teachings of All Ages – “Consciousness, intelligence, and force are fittingly symbolized by the consciousness colorscolors blue, yellow, and red. The therapeutic effects of the colors, moreover, are in harmony with this concept, for blue is a fine, soothing, electrical color; yellow, a vitalizing and refining color; and red, an agitating and heat-giving color. It has also been demonstrated that minerals and plants affect the human constitution according to their colors.

Thus a yellow flower generally yields a medicine that affects the constitution in a manner similar to yellow light or the musical tone mi. An orange flower will influence in a manner similar to orange light and, being one of the so-called secondary colors, corresponds either to the tone re or to the chord of do and mi. (more…)

Santos Bonacci to Meat Eaters: You will NOT ascend at all, Kill yourselves motherf*ckers

Over the last couple years, semi-infamous astrotheologist and wanna be sovereign, Santos Bonacci has been verbally attacking anyonesantos bonacci 3 and everyone who does not agree with his unprovable esoteric teachings and half baked vegetarian theories.

From the Pope and the Vatican, to round earthers and now, to every last woman, child, and man on earth who is a meat eater.

Bonacci says, I mean rants yet again in the message below that if you eat meat, “You will NOT ascend at all and in fact, he wants you to “KILL yourselves motherfuckers.” (more…)

Historian uncovers secrets of the Reformation hidden in England’s oldest printed bible

The annotations were discovered in England’s first printed Bible, published in 1535 by Henry VIII‘s printer. It is one of just seven
surviving copies, and is housed in Lambeth Palace Library, London. The secrets hidden in the Lambeth Library copy were revealed during research by Dr Eyal Poleg, a historian from Queen Mary University of London.


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