by Moe | May 24, 2013 | Freemasons, History of the Brotherhood
(By 33rd Degree Freemason Author, Todd E. Creason) – Even before the Presidential Election of 2004 when he ran against
George W. Bush, it has been rumored that John Kerry, the Senator from Massachusetts, was a Freemason. Now that he’s the 68th Secretary of State, that rumor has been revived.
Actually, John Kerry is the member of a secret society–one even more secretive than the Illuminati. And oddly enough, his old adversary from the 2004 election, George W. Bush, and his father George Herbert Walker Bush are both members of that same organization. He is a Bonesman. He is a member of Skull and Bones, an ultra-secret society at Yale University whose membership roster reads like a who’s who of America’s elite and privileged. (more…)
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
by Moe | Mar 5, 2013 | Free Ebooks
By Beda Venerabilis (Saint Bede) – Explanatio Apocalypsis; Book I – The translation cited here can be found in Rev. Edward Marshall’s book The Explanation of the Apocalypse by Venerable Beda.
1 The revelation of Jesus Christ. The progress with which the Church that had been founded by the Apostles was to be extended, or the end with which it was to be perfected, had need to be revealed, in order to strengthen the preachers of the faith against the opposition of the world. And John, in his own manner, refers the glory of the Son to the Father, and testifies that Jesus Christ has received from God.
shortly. That is, which are to happen to the Church in the present time.
signified. He wrapped up this revelation in mystical words, that it might not be manifested to all, and become lightly esteemed.
angel. For an angel appeared to John in the form of Christ, as will be seen more clearly in that which follows.
John. That through John He might lay open to all His servants the things which he, by the privilege of a peculiar chastity, obtained above all others to behold. (more…)
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
by Moe | Mar 1, 2013 | Freemasons, Meaning of Symbols
Since the beginning formations of the Brotherhood of the Order of the Quest, the end goal for all who joined was to have peace, unity, wisdom and love on earth. A simple goal to help place an end to the endless wars and human misery that have plagued our planet for thousands of years via a coordinated effort of like minded brothers, where the purpose of our Great Work was to help create a world that was unified under this common banner of peace, love, unity and justice for all. What some may call , “heaven on earth” or even a “Solomon’s Temple” that covers the globe.
In order to accomplish this monumental task, Tubal Cain and his descendants were instructed by God in Matthew 10:34 where it is said, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Tubal Cain is the widow’s son who originally was “a sharpener”—one who whets or sharpens instruments. (more…)
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
by Moe | Sep 3, 2011 | Code of the Illuminati

Code of the Illuminati
Part III of
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism
by Abbé Barreul
tr. by Robert Edward Clifford
Start Reading
This is the third part (of four) of Abbé Barreul’s massive polemic history of the French Revolution. This portion of this book is of interest because it contains extensive quotes from the actual literature of the Bavarian Illuminati. This is the most comprehensive work in English on the historical theory, structure and practice of the Bavarian Illuminati. It complements Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy, the other major contemporary account.
Founded in 1776, shortly before the American Revolution, the Bavarian Illuminati were a secret society with a revolutionary ideology, and a centralized structure. According to Abbé Barreul, they subverted the Masonic lodges of Europe, and were one of the key driving forces behind the French Revolution. New members were gradually initiated into the group’s radical ideas, which, according to Barreul, were atheist and anarchist in essence.
Barreul was very conservative, and his translator, Robert Edward Clifford, likewise. However, Barreul was a serious historian, even though he wrote from a decidedly non-neutral point of view. As a contemporary, he was able to view the primary source documents and interview participants. As such this book is today, in and of itself, a primary source.
Today, civil society in Europe and America has enshrined the ideas of ‘Liberty and Equality’ that Barreul thought would lead to the complete breakdown of civilization. The Bavarian Illuminati are considered by some to be the forerunners of the Communist and Fascist movements. However, as I have stated before, this is probably parallel evolution. The more paranoid believe that the Illuminati (or some equivalent, such as a cabal of reptilian shape-shifters) are still in business and manipulating, e.g., world leaders, the education system, and mass movements. But this is for the individual reader to decide… –J.B. Hare, May 11th, 2008.
Title Page 2
Part III. The Antisocial Conspiracy
Preliminary Observations
Chapter I. Spartacus-Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminees
Chapter II. Code of the Illuminees
Chapter III. Of the Brother Insinuator, or the Recruiter
Chapter IV. First Preparatory Degree: Novice
Chapter V. Second Preparatory Degree: The Brethren of Minerva
Chapter VI. Third Preparatory Degree: The Minor Illuminee
Chapter VII. Fourth Preparatory Degree: The Major Illuminee, or the Scotch Novice
Chapter VIII. Intermediate Class: The Scotch Knight
Chapter IX. The Lesser Mysteries; The Epopt or Priest of Illuminism
Chapter X. Continuation of the Discourse on the Lesser Mysteries
Chapter XI. The Regent, or the Prince Illuminee
Chapter XII. Class of Grand Mysteries; the Mage or the Philosopher, and the Man King Part 1
Chapter XII. Class of Grand Mysteries; the Mage or the Philosopher, and the Man King Part 2
Chapter XIII. Government of the Order
Chapter XIV. Of the Government and Political Instructions for the Epopts
Chapter XV. Instructions for the Regent or Prince Illuminee, on the Government of the Order
Chapter XVI. Continuation of the Instructions on the Government of the Illuminees
Chapter XVII. Instructions for the Provincial
Chapter XVIII. Of the National Directors, of the Areopagites, and of the General of Illuminism
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
by Moe | Sep 3, 2011 | Code of the Illuminati
Written in French by
And translated into English by
Princes and Nations shall disappear from the face of the Earth . . . and this Revolution shall be the Work of secret societies.
Weishaupt’s Discourse for the Mysteries
Part III.
Second Edition, revised and corrected.
Printed for the Translator, by T. Burton, No. 11, Gate-street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields. Sold by E. Booker, No. 56, New Bond-street.
This text is in the public domain in the US because it was published prior to 1923.

Title Page
Next: Preliminary Observations
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
by Moe | Sep 3, 2011 | Code of the Illuminati
p. 393
On the Illuminees 1 and on the different Works whereon these Memoirs are grounded. The third conspiracy, which I am now about to investigate, is that of the Atheistical Illuminees, which at my outset 2 I denominated the conspiracy of the Sophisters of Impiety and Anarchy against every religion natural or revealed; not only against kings, but against every government, against all civil society, even against all property whatsoever.
The name of Illuminee which this Sect (the most disastrous in its principles, the most extensive in its views, the most atrociously cunning in its means) has chosen, is of ancient standing in the annals of disorganizing Sophistry. It was the name which Manes and his disciples first affected, gloriantur Manichæi se de cælo illuminatos. 3 The first Rosicrucians also, who appeared in Germany, called themselves Illuminees. And later, in our time, the Martinists (with many other sects) have pretended to Illuminism. As an outline for history I distinguish them by their plots and tenets, and will reduce them into two classes, the Atheistical and the Theosophical Illuminees. These latter more particularly comprehend the Martinists, whom I have already mentioned in my second volume, and the Swedenbourgians, whom I shall mention in their proper place, where also I shall give what information I have been able to collect relating to them. The Atheistical Illuminees are the objects of the present volume, and it is their conspiracy that I mean to disclose.
The very numerous letters, books, and manuscripts, which I have received since the publication of my proposals, has rendered it impossible for me to comprise the proposed investigation in one volume. The baleful projects of the Sect and the laws for their execution are so strangely combined, that I thought it necessary to begin by making my reader perfectly acquainted with its code; that is to say, with the regular progression of its degrees, mysteries, and government.
This alone requiring an entire volume, I am reduced to the necessity of giving a fourth, in which I shall develope the history of Illuminism, and make
p. 394
an application of the triple conspiracy to the French Revolution. I have more particularly applied myself to the investigation of the legislative part of this conspiring Sect, as no work has yet been published in which the whole of their code is to be found. Detached parts only were to be met with scattered throughout the papers which had been seized by the public authority. These I have collected and digested; thus enabling the reader more easily to judge what has been and what must have been the result of such laws. In such an undertaking, I feel myself bound to lay before the public an account of the documents on which I ground my proofs. The following then is a list of the principal works, with a few observations on each, that the reader may form his own judgment as to their authenticity.
I. The first is a collection entitled “Some of the Original Writings of the Sect of Illuminees, which were discovered on the 11th and 12th of October, 1786, at Landshut, on a search made in the House of the Sieur Zwack, heretofore Counsellor of the Regency; and printed by Order of His Highness the Elector.—Munich, by Ant. Franz, Printer to the Court.” 4
II. The second is a supplement to the Original Writings, chiefly containing those which were found on a search made at the castle of Sandersdorf, a famous haunt of the Illuminees, by order of His Highness the Elector. Munich, 1787. 5
These two volumes contain irrefragable proofs of the most detestable conspiracy. They disclose the principles, the object, and the means of the Sect; the essential parts of their code, the diligent correspondence of the adepts, particularly that of their chief, and a statement of their progress and future hopes. The editors indeed have carried their attention so far, as to mention by whose hand the principal documents or letters were written. At the beginning of the first volume, and on the frontispiece of the second, is seen the following remarkable advertisement by order of the Elector:—”Those who may harbour any doubt as to the authenticity of this collection, have only to apply to the office where the secret archives are kept at Munich, and where orders are left to show the originals.” 6
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.