The Secret History of DNA w/ Max Rempel

The Secret History of DNA w/ Max Rempel

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Hello, this is Moe with the latest episode of the Gnostic Warrior Podcast with DNA scientist, Max Rempel. We talk about the science behind DNA Gnosis, DNA Resonance, Biofields, and Bloodlines.

Max got his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the Institute of Gene Biology in Moscow, Russia in 1994.

Please visit Max’s website @ – Human Colony – helping humanity ascend

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Max Rempel Quotes:

“Let me first start just to connect the idea of Gnosis and DNA. This double helix is very ancient. It comes from outside of the planet. It’s depicted on many ancient stones, two snakes wrapping around each other, and they are also present in the Middle East in Egypt and in America in, in, in the native American culture to snakes overlapping.

So that’s very ancient knowledge.”

“It is exactly what it’s called facia. And it is a network, a fiber-optic network, which transmits by energy by a field. DNA resonance model, genomic resonance model every cell with DNA in 99% of the cells have DNA except erythrocytes, which is red blood cells and everybody, everything else has DNA is participating in in the biofield.

And we are thinking in part of the brain’s thinking, but in part, we think with the whole body, the whole, with the whole DNA of the planet, and this facia is a fiber-optic network, which connects to the tissue. So it’s a. You have the computers on the internet you have with the wires.

So facial is the worse and the hubs, which connect everything. Obviously, the main thinking work happens in the cells, in the cells’ nucleous, in the brain cells, and all the other sense of the body’s cells makes sense.”

“Basically, it’s the molecular mechanism; scientists love that, and everybody else is scared like a nonscientist, but the molecular mechanism, how the DNA makes the biofield. One thing is to say DNA is a magic molecule that makes the biofield.

And another thing is to describe the physics of that. I described only minimum, but I can actually point to the molecular structure and say, these electrons, these aromatic electrons of Purin rings, basically of these structures within the GNA. They form a liquid crystal structure. Okay. DNA for Analytica, liquid, crystal structure and periods for within the structure, they form an antenna and they form an antenna that creates the field basically to create a field. You’d like to run to, to radiate it out.

So this is an antenna and this proton’s electrons are negatively charged. Protons are the smallest, positively charged elementary particles. There have the sign H plus protons H so they H two O they have two ages. There are protons in the water. So these protons in the DNA form a string. Electrons make clouds of spirits, specific shapes and protons make strings which also creates another oscillator and another antenna.

And together they create I pronounce the world, a computer and specifically a quantum computer. So a sequence of DNA made four letters, a C T it creates a program for that computer and creates the body of that computer. Within this letter, there is a badge of that computer, which thinks within the DNA.

And as I mentioned, each cell contains 6 billion letters. So this is a pretty sophisticated program like a big library equivalent of a big library, but it can also be written on a DVD or put on a flash drive, six gigabytes it’s big, but it is manageable. So now I have published the mechanism, how the DNA creates the field.”

Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls Reveals Deadly Mold was Cause of the Plague

Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls Reveals Deadly Mold was Cause of the Plague

The Dead Sea scrolls tell us in what is known as the “Words of the Sage to the Sons of the Dawn“, the need to destroy a house if it was infected with mildew or molds/fungi.

The story is told in approximately 30 B.C., about the leader, Maskill of a Gnostic sect known as the Essenes who addressed the Sons of Dawn, who were disciples of the Essenes serving a two-year probationary period before they would be accepted as full-fledged members of Sons of Light and allowed to fully enter the community.

Like me, author and researcher Dr. John S. Marr believe that past plagues were due to molds/fungi. My theory is that they caused fungal infections and death in people as we see in modern times, which can be proved by science as the leading cause of death in most people as if it is the king mold like the so-called coronavirus is today.

Dr. John S. Marr contends that molds/fungi were the cause of the 10th plague inflicted upon the ancient Egyptians, allowing the Jewish people to flee Pharaoh’s bondage.

Like we see with the coronavirus, the 10th plague of Egypt had killed the eldest Egyptians and their livestock but spared the Jews living in the Hebrew land of Goshen.

Dr Marr said, “Perhaps they were divinely guided to live away from the humidity of Memphis, the ancient capital, and to prepare their breads without leavening, thus preparing them during their exodus from another potentially deadly mold, Saccharomyces: toxic yeast.”

This makes perfect sense given the fact that humid climates and cities near the ocean and sea are overly humid, and both science and mold remediation experts have proved these properties located in this type of climate zone to contain more mold. Hence, people who are sensitive and or their immune system becomes weakened after prolonged exposure often suffer from allergies, asthma, illness, disease, and death i.e.: The Plague.

The EPA recommends maintaining low indoor humidity, below 60% relative humidity (RH), ideally 30-50%, if possible to prevent mold growth but in ancient times, this would have been almost impossible to accomplish in climate zones near large bodies of water where humidity levels are regularly above 60%.

Another interesting fact is that the Dead Sea is also home to various fungi.

In 2014, a team of scientists from Israel, Germany, and the US studies a filamentous fungus found in the depths of the Dead Sea called are studying Eurotium rubrum to research why it tolerates sea salt so well. The scientists are finding that the fresh groundwater deteriorates and increases in salinity in parts of the world undergoing accelerated desertification, the scientists said.

Science Proves We Are Human Batteries Powering the Matrix

Science Proves We Are Human Batteries Powering the Matrix

“Incredibly, when it comes to learning, the neuron behaves like a giant antenna, with different branches of dendrites tuned to different frequencies for maximal learning.”Mayank R. Mehta – UCLA Neurophysicist

In the movie the Matrix, the reference to humans as battery sources is one of the main themes in which the movie is based. The most prized human battery in the movie is Neo who in the scene below while still trapped in the Matrix he is referred to as ‘Coppertop’ by a character named ‘Switch.’

Exiting the Matrix, Neo is told by Morpheus that he is not a human living in the modern era but that he and everyone else are harvested for their energy, batteries for the machine civilization ruling the world. Morpheus instructs Neo;

“The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. We are grown…

What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this – and he then holds up a “Coppertop Battery” for Neo to see.

While the Matrix movie is intended to be a modern Gnostic fiction, it is actually based on science and the fact that our bodies have been proven to act like and even power batteries. An ancient occult science about the secrets to true human consciousness is now being revealed.

The 16th-century Occultist, Eliphas Levi had written about the four elementary forms in The Doctrine and Ritual of Transcendental Magic, where he makes specific reference to copper being metal that is related to fire. He writes;

“The metals that correspond to the four elementary forms are gold and silver for air; mercury for water; iron and copper for fire; and lead for the earth. Talismans are prepared from them, having relation to the forces which they represent, and to the effects proposed to be obtained.”

In my own attempts to find out who and what Archonic force is harvesting my energy and for what purposes, I have come to the conclusion that one of the words left out of the battery references in the Matrix is a word that we often hear in modern marketing and even today as one of the main identifiers of health. For example, one of the most famous batteries used to power our electronic devices is the “Duracell Coppertop Alkaline Batteries” and one of the most popular drinking waters for the modern health craze is “alkaline water”

The basic science behind this modern craze is that people are acidic and they believe drinking high PH alkaline water will alchemically transform their blood to be more alkaline. I honestly do not believe that is the case and it is much more complicated to turn human lead into Gold.

You see, it isn’t the metal copper that is the key to the mystery of human batteries because this metal is really just a conduit for a much higher power which is encoded into the word ‘alkaline’ or more appropriately named alkaline phosphatase (ALP) which is a protein found in all body tissues with the highest amounts found in the liver, bile ducts, and bone.

The meaning of alkaline is relating to, containing, or having the properties of an alkali or alkali metal and has it relates to the human bloodstream – having a pH of more than 7.

To become a battery, Neo, or get the top of the pyramid I contend is through the initiation into the Great Work in which the initiate attempts to connect via their consciousness to what Plato had called the World of Forms or Ideas (Platonic Eidos or Idea). A special level of consciousness or radio/internet channel that Plato calls the more real world, the world of eidos (idea in English) which is the Matrix or material reality constructed by man through ‘Forms’ or ‘Ideas which is the most accurate reality.

Now let’s delve into a little science.


Scientists are finding out our brains work like a radio receiver and it has a ‘tuning knob’ to a specific frequency creating mental maps that are actually influencing behavior.

According to Science Daily, researchers at Radboud University the Netherlands recently reported that brain circuits can tune into the frequency of other brain parts relevant at the time. They said;

Animals (and humans alike) have a mental map of the surrounding environment, consisting of place cells. These cells correspond with places in the physical space and fire when the animal reaches the place or remembers it. The mental map is fed by two sorts of information: with memories from earlier experiences, and with sensory information.

Direct measurements in the brain of mice, looking for their way in a maze, show that memory information is sent with another frequency to the mental map than sensory information is. The brain area representing the mental map synchronizes with these frequencies like a radio receiver: it is only tuning into the information that is important at a given time, an international team of researchers led by Francesco Battaglia from the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University Nijmegen show.”

In another study, UCLA Neurophysicists found that our brains have a preferred frequency that needs to be perfectly rhythmic—timed at exact intervals for achieving optimal learning. Even at the optimal frequency, if the rhythm was thrown off, synaptic learning was substantially diminished.

Psychology Today had reported;

“This research also showed that once a synapse learns, its optimal frequency changes. In other words, if the optimal frequency for a naïve synapse—one that has not learned anything yet—was 30 impulses per second, after learning, that very same synapse would learn optimally at a lower frequency, perhaps 24 per second. Thus, learning itself changes the optimal frequency for a synapse.”

“Our work suggests that some problems with learning and memory are caused by synapses not being tuned to the right frequency,” said Mehta. If that’s true, the findings may lead to new therapies for treating learning disabilities. Perhaps drugs can be developed to “retune” the brain rhythms of people with learning or memory disorders. “We already know there are drugs and electrical stimuli that can alter brain rhythms,” Mayank R. Mehta said. “Our findings suggest that we can use these tools to deliver the optimal brain rhythm to targeted connections to enhance learning.”

Mehta concludes, “Incredibly, when it comes to learning, the neuron behaves like a giant antenna, with different branches of dendrites tuned to different frequencies for maximal learning.”

This science I actually came across after I created the article, The mycelium network of fungal infected Geniuses who built our world, where I explain my theory that true philosophers have formed a world-wide-web of knowledge and memories via a secret mycelium channel of interconnectedness that only certain initiated/infected humans can access.

Another article that covers my theory is A Demiurge Democracy With Demagogues Ruling the Demography, where I delve into the science of Plato’s Demiurge, the “primordial receptacle,” and this receptacle is compared to the element we know as gold (phosphorus), which “can be molded into any number of distinct figures,” but which contributes nothing of its own characteristics to the final product.

These theories I still stand by but this science would also now include the research contained in this article which helps substantiate it even more.


This future science even includes human battery-powered devices that are already being made.

According to The Verge;

“Batteries are the bottleneck of any electronic system, says Dina El-Damak, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California. A device is only as good as its power source, and already the quest for more power and faster computing has led to dangerous situations like the Samsung Galaxy 7 explosions.

One solution is creating self-powered devices that generate electricity from sources like motion and body heat with no internal battery needed.”

The scientific facts are that the main power we get to create energy is derived from the chemical known as phosphorus and in Latin as Lucifer. As the Rosicrucian (AMORC) Grand Master, Max Heindel once said that ” phosphorus is peculiar to the brain alone and that idiots have very little phosphorus; shrewd thinkers have much; and in the animal world, the degree of consciousness and intelligence is in proportion to the amount of phosphorus contained in the brain.”

They are even making better, long last batteries out of the stuff.

For example, a recent study led by the Rice University chemist James Tour and his team found that red phosphorus was a way to “spy” or keep lithium dendrites in check on the battery. In the study, they created a lithium cell with a red coat of phosphorous.

By utilizing the red Phosphorus-coated separator, the battery charging voltage changes, signaling to the battery to stop charging, preventing any serious damage to the battery.

“By combining the two recent advances, the growth of lithium dendrites can be mitigated, and there is an internal insurance policy that the battery will shut down in the unlikely event that even a single dendrite will start to grow toward the cathode,” says, Tour.

This, of course, brings me back to my most recent article where I discuss the God Dionysus as a protector of trees and harvest being “Dionysus of the tree”, this ancient myth is actually connected to modern science given the fact that today a dendrite means “a structure of nerve cells that comprise the human brain.” The word was coined by scientists who first studied the structure of the brain, they noted its strong resemblance to trees so they named it after the Greek Dendron, meaning “tree.”

Dionysus Dendrites: The Filamentous God of the World Wide Fungal Web

Trees actually communicate through a complex network of fungi that connect trees forming a symbiotic relationship. The uncanny resemblance between the human dendrites which like filamentous structures within the brain and the fungi in the air and within the soil (mycelium).

Possibly this is how we tune in to one another and access the great philosophical divide between the Giants, the Sons of God or Neo, and the masses of mental midgets whose dendrites go downwards into the ground where the parasitic and ghost frequencies reside.

A Demiurge Democracy With Demagogues Ruling the Demography

A Demiurge Democracy With Demagogues Ruling the Demography

Plato’s Demiurge is a “world-forming God,” and the universe is “filled with mortal organisms” at the center or inner being of all life ie: the microcosm which acts upon everything else. It is interesting to mention that modern science is proving that Plato’s theory of a world forming god that acts like the Masonic Grand Architect of the Universe intelligently crafting everything out of primordial matter that is teeming with organisms filling the entire universe is, in fact, truer than we or probably Plato could have ever imagined.

These Platonic teachings later developed into the Neoplatonic concept of the Counterfeit Spirit of Gnosticism and then progressed into the Christian ideology of the Devil of this world and then made its way into the secret teaching of the Kaballah as Peels”, “Shells” or “Husks” (from singular: קְלִפָּה qlippah “Husk”) – the domain of evil or impure spirits. (more…)

The Demiurge: A Living Organism Intelligently Creating the World

The Demiurge: A Living Organism Intelligently Creating the World

Plato, writing in approximately 360 BC is the first philosopher to bring forth the concept known primarily in Gnosticism as the Demiurge which was derived from the “Platonic theory of creation out of primordial matter.” His theory was described in his most infamous book, Timeus which was based on his dialogue with his former Master, Socrates.

Plato’s theory of the Demiurge is the result of carrying on the Greek philosophical tradition of studying the As Without ie: nature of space and time to that of his master Socrates who shifted the focus of his students from studying the world and universe which they believed to be a living and breathing organism to the moral issues and the nature of man as it relates and how it is all interconnected with one another.

Plato’s cosmology had put forth a theory that the behavior of human beings could not be understood purely by their behavior and or in mechanistic terms but required a knowledge of the environment ie: the world and universe in which the self is intimately linked.

These concepts of the self later led to the ideas that humans are a microcosm of the great macrocosm and to the most infamous Gnostic axioms, “Know Thyself” and “As Above So Below, As Within, So Without.”

In Timaeus, Plato continues the dialogue as the character Timaeus with Socrates in which he refers to the Demiurge as a benevolent entity who “fashioned and shaped” the material world which remains imperfect. Plato’s cosmology of the “world-forming God” (Srjiuovpyos, demiurge) is the agent who takes the preexisting materials of chaos, arranges them intelligently according to the models of eternal forms, and produces all the physical things of the world, including human bodies formed or shaped out that which is not being, ie; space, “with regard to the Ideas.”

According to the Timaeus, humans live on earth at the center of the kosmos which he compares to one unique perfect cosmic organism, in whose image we have been created, and whose nature and destiny have been ordained by unseen forces from eternity. Plato’s Demiurge became the foundation of the natural philosophical concept called Organicism which views the universe and its parts as an organic living organism based on the Ancient Greek view that the world is orderly and alive.

Platos theories are a continuation of the teaching of previous Philosophers such as Pythagoras who said that the world as a living breathing being (Robinson, 1968) and claimed that “The whole air is full of souls which are called genii or heroes” which played such a prominent role in Greek creation stories for many centuries. The ancient mythos that I will attempt to prove in my next article on the Demiurge is now being validated by science to become part of our new organic reality based on Truth rather than theories.

It is interesting to note that Plato makes it clear that in attempting to explain the Demiurge and understand the “beginning,” Socrates and his friends specify that they do not expect to find the “truth,” but only a “likely story” (eikos mythos), which can be construed today as philosophical theories, worthy of scientific belief.

According to Plato’s “likely story,” the four physical elements of earth are water, air, and fire had existed before the creation of the world and the Demiurge created the world out of primordial material. The Demiurge creates an intelligent universe because intelligent life is better than mere life. It is alive and intelligent filled with mortal organisms that act as a microcosm of the great macrocosm.

Plato mentions the “primordial receptacle” which is defined as “empty of all forms” and it receives all things in a “wondrous” way, and its connection to the intelligible is “incomprehensible.” He describes the primordial receptacle as “not a substance” but merely an amorphous “stuff” that is not “tangible” and is “in no way perceptible to the senses.”

The meaning of primordia is an organ, structure, or tissue in the earliest stage of development from the Latin, neuter of primordius ‘original’, from primus ‘first’ + ordiri ‘begin’. A receptacle is defined as a container, device, etc., that receives or holds something.

This concept of a primordial receptacle had led me to what I believe is one of the best modern interpretations of the Demiurge that I have found and will scientifically expand upon in the future is from, Baruch Spinoza who was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Sephardi origin and considered a radical by his contemporaries. He had written, “Alles ist eins, und eins ist alles.”

He says, “The Demiurge is the space that holds the universe. He himself being one is the universe”

In researching the various interpretations from Plato, Neoplatonists, the Gnostics, early Judeo Christian writers, and Church Fathers, the main consensus is that he is the “God of Matter”, “Judge and sanctioned by God himself,” “Lord of the Material Realm and Flesh” and the Gospel of Phillip reveals to us that the bad angels of the Demiurge are known as the “domesticated ones” that are “wild and living apart,” and who are “submissive and obedient” in which Sophia uses them in “preparing for everything to come into being.” (Gospel of Philip 60:24-31)

To explain the Demiurge in the most simplest terms, we can say that he is an ancient philosophical concept that has been used since the time of Plato (Timaeus) to describe an organic entity, diety and even a God that was endowed by the Universe with a special type of the creative energy for intelligently fashioning, molding, maintaining, and even legislating what we know as you, me, and the world.

In Freemasonry, the Demiurge is known as the “Great Architect of the Universe or G.A.O.T.U.” and the Masonic motto “ORDO AB CHAO.”

To Plato, space was the “nothing ” out of which the world of phenomena based on ideas that take the shape of mathematical forms in which space is then molded into the world of Ideas. These ideas are now mathematical structures that provide the intermediate link from the phenomena of pure “forms” born from the world of Ideas.

The ancient Greek word idea was spelled “εἴδω or eídō” and was pronounced I-do. The verb oida (to know) comes from the root eido (to see). In Plato’s philosophy, he calls the more real world, the world of eidos (idea in English) which is the Matrix or material reality constructed by man through ‘Forms’ or ‘Ideas’. This is the Platonic Eidos or Idea which is the main premise behind  “The theory of Forms or theory of Ideas” to represent the most accurate reality.

The Greek words found in the New Testament that are often translated in English as “know” and “to see” are “eido, eida, eidos, oida, ida, ginosko, epiginosko, epistamai, gnosis and epignosis.” These words have the same semantic range and general meaning as the Greek words “ginosko and eido” are translated as, “to observe or to come to know through observation – to perceive and understand.”

This is why the word idea means, “to conceive anything in the mind; also a model, a copy to be imitated.”

To copy ideas of a philosophical model and expand upon its sacred instruction is the very reason that since the beginning of recorded time, the greatest philosophers, religionists, and scientists are almost always imitated and honored by those who have gone after them. A divine right of succession that makes the Son the Father just like Plato had done with the teachings of his spiritual forefathers being Pythagoras and Socrates.

As if we are all products of creation and from the world of ideas,  we are Sons molding one another from the First Father, and then if we supersede these spiritual teachings of our Forefathers as was their desire, we would become Fathers ourselves whose Philosophies develop or enhance religious tradition, doctrines, laws, and the foundation of all sciences from the beginning of recorded time. As if we are passing the baton of ideas to one another which are molds meant to be expanded upon and grow rather then remain the same or stagnate which is the first phase of decay/death.

By doing so, we break free of the Demiurge.

This phenomenon of ideas connected via space and time I intuitively experience almost every day in my research of these ancient concepts through the thread of time when I encounter the very same people such as Pythagoras, Plato, Gnostics, and Church Fathers stretching back thousands of years, over and over again. Then there is the current world of modernity where we use the 5G internet as a vehicle in space to connect with like-minded souls around the globe who seem to be operating in the same frequency in the air with this same philosophical research.

Hence, “You Will Know Them by Their Fruits.

This is why I believe Plato is honored by Christian Fathers as one of the premiere Gnostics and his teachings became part of Christian doctrine while other Gnostic concepts were analyzed and deemed to be inappropriate for the teachings of Gentiles. In speaking against the heresies of these ‘other Gnostics,’ Irenaeus had said that;

“Plato is proved to be more religious than these men, for he allowed that the same God was both just and good, having power over all things and Himself executing judgment, expressing himself thus, And God indeed, as He is also the ancient Word, possessing the beginning, the end, and the mean of all existing things, does everything rightly, moving round about them according to their nature; but retributive justice always follows Him against those who depart from the divine law.

He continues, “Then, again, he points out that the Maker and Framer of the universe is goodAnd to the good, he says, no envy ever springs up with regard to anything; thus establishing the goodness of God, as the beginning and the cause of the creation of the world, but not ignorance, nor an erring Æon, nor the consequence of a defect, nor the Mother weeping and lamenting, nor another God or Father.”

From Plato, the next interpretations of the Demiurge would come from the likes of Philo of Alexandria, Ptolemy, Marcion, Valentinus, and early Church Fathers who all expanded upon Plato’s originally theory which I will explain below. I will also attempt to expand upon Plato and his Gnostic predecessor’s “likely story” of the Demiurge using modern science which I believe will if it has not already become in the year 2020, a true story, the year of the Demiurge.

One of the earliest descriptions from the school of Plato comes down to us from Philo of Alexandria who says, “God is not only the Demiurge or Architect of the world but also its Creator.” (De Somn. 577) Plotinus, who is considered the founders of Neoplatonism had said, “the mundane soul (pvpavia, that quickens the material heavens), and our own souls rank next in order to the Demiurge” [Plotin. Enn. II. i. 5].

The Marcionites, the followers of the Doctrines of Marcion (Rome 140-150 AD) claimed that Jesus was the Son of the True God, who came to reveal the existence of his Father,” and “to deliver man from the empire of the Demiurge.” According to Origen, the Marcionites held that the good principle governs the Christians, the creating principle the Jews, and the evil principle the heathen.

The main tenants of the Marcionite system were to deny the influences of the flesh in which the Demiurge was the ruler by condemning marriage, wine, and whatever is grateful and pleasant to the body.

Ptolemy, in his Letters to Flora said the Demiurge acts as “the arbitrator of the justice which depends on him” (Letter to Flora 7:5) and he “established a rest for those who obey him, but for those who disobey him, he also established punishments” (Tripartite Tractate 101: 25-28).

“The one who judges and punishes is . . . the law-giver himself” (Herakleon Fragment 48). According to him, the Demiurge’s role as a judge is sanctioned by God himself. He is the “the servant commissioned for that purpose, who does not bear the sword in vain, the avenger of the king” (Herakleon Fragment 48). Judging and punishing the wicked as he rewards the virtuous, he acts as a servant of the true God. However, the spiritual ones who have attained Gnosis appear not to be subject to his judgment. Because of their redemption, “it has come to pass that they can neither be detained nor even seen by the judge” (Against Heresies 1:13:6)

Valentineus , the founder of the Valentinians says but folly is the power of the Demiurge, for he was foolish and devoid of understanding, and imagined himself to be fabricating the world. Valentinus quoting the quaternion said the Demiurge is “a source of the everlasting nature having roots; “and Sophia (is the power) from whom the animal and material creation has derived its present condition. But Sophia is called “Spirit,” and the Demiurge “Soul,” and the Devil ” the ruler of this world,” and Beelzebub “the (ruler) of demons.”

According to Valentinian tradition, the Demiurge is formed as an “an image of the Father”(Excerpts of Theodotus 47:1-3) and ‘god’ and ‘demiurge’ and ‘king’ and ‘judge’ and ‘place’ and ‘dwelling’ and ‘law'” (Tripartite Tractate 100:21-30).

It is interesting that the Valentinians find no issue in also calling the Demiurge by the names “Father” and “God” to describe him (cf. also Against Heresies 1:5:1, Valentinian Exposition 38). In their system, he is an actual image of the true God, but in a fallen state since the Demiurge is ignorant on account of his non-spiritual nature when compared with the true God and his Son, Jesus Christ, he is “coarse” or “rough” (Excerpts of Theodotus 33:4).

Church Father Irenaeus said that in order to deliver the souls of mankind from the Demiurge and put an end to this war, the Supreme God sent his Son Jesus Christ, in the appearance of a body, “dissolving the law and the prophets, and all the works of him that made the world.”

The Demiurge’s son is thus the representative of a union between the systems of the East and of the West.

For God proclaims in Isaiah; “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” (Isa. xlv. 7.)

No Killing Joke: How Jaz Coleman is Invoking the Global Gnostic Mass

No Killing Joke: How Jaz Coleman is Invoking the Global Gnostic Mass

There is something mystical about the English musical geniuses known as Killing Joke that makes them more than just a band. For 40 years, with the help of their frontman and founding member, Jaz Coleman, they have unleashed their particular brand of esotericism onto the world to create a completely unique occult genre of tunes.

Music that would magically carry Coleman and his band from the old dirty streets of London to rocking in the king’s chamber at the Great Pyramid of Giza and to befriending and collaborating with Russia’s greatest musicians.

A feat that no other modern musician could accomplish, nor fully appreciate and understand the deep meaning behind their Great Work. (more…)

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