Few of the Original Meanings of the Masonic Symbols are Known to the Modern Order

33rd Degree Freemasons, Many P. Hall had said that the modern rituals in Freemasonry do not in every case represent the original Symbols - Masonsrites of the Craft. He also adds that Pike had said that the true meanings of much of the symbolism such familiar emblems as the apron and the pillars were locked mysteries, whose “keys” had been thrown away by the uninformed.

Hall had said, “The average Masonic student is content, therefore, to trace his Craft back to the workmen’s guilds who chipped and chiselled the cathedrals and public buildings of medieval Europe. While such men as Albert Pike have realized this attitude to be ridiculous, it is one thing to declare it insufficient and quite another to prove the fallacy to an adamantine mind.

So much has been lot and forgotten, so much ruled in and out by those unfitted for such legislative revision that the modern rituals do not in every case represent the original rites of the Craft. (more…)

Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity

By 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall – “Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity – an outer organization concealing an inner manly p hall 4brotherhood of the elect…It is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible.

The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of the mysterious arcanum acandrum (a secret or mystery).

In each generation, only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the Work.”

By Manly P. Hall – Lectures on Ancient Philosophy

Cyrus the Great: The Masonic Messiah and His Masons at the City of Gnosis on Crete

In the Old Testament, Ezra (3.7) infers that Jews and Phoenicians renew commercial relations:cyrus-the-great

“So they gave money to the masons and the carpenters and food, drink and oil to the Sidonians and Tyrians to bring cedar trees from Lebanon to the sea to Joppa, according to the grant that they had from Cyrus, king of Persia.”

The Book of Ezra narrates a story of the first return of exiles in the first year of Cyrus, in which Cyrus boastfully proclaims: “All the kingdoms of the earth hath the LORD, the God of heaven, given me; and He hath charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.”(Ezra 1:2) (more…)

Prince of darkness: P2 freemason and loyal fascist Licio Gelli dies at 96

Man at the heart of Italy’s darkest mysteries dies at 96 after being convicted several times for conspiracy and tax fraudlicio_gelli

The venerable master of the clandestine freemasons lodge Propaganda P2, one of Italy’s most sinister organisations believed to be at the heart of a fascist conspiracy, has died.

Licio Gelli (born 1919) died on Tuesday, 15 December, at the age of 96 at his house, Villa Wanda, in Arezzo.

La Repubblica dubbed the financier, as the man behind “all of Italy’s darkest mysteries”: in 1981, his P2 lodge was raided by the police, and since then he has been nicknamed ‘the puppetteer’, ‘Belfagor’, and ‘the venerable master’, having played a part in 40 years of scandals against the Italian republic: the Borghese coup, the strategy of tension that rocked Italy in the 1970s, the Sindona bank scandal, the Calvi murder, the Moro assassination, mafia and tangentopoli. (more…)

Karl Marx on Freemasonry

Karl Marx Lions PawMarx Quote –I should not be surprised, indeed, to find the Pope setting down the whole insurrection to their account.

“1871 Interview with Karl Marx, the prophet, Pope and head of L’Internationale

Landor:    …what is the International Society?

Dr. Marx:    You have only to look at the individuals of which it is composed — workmen.

Landor:    Yes, but the soldier need be no exponent of the statecraft that sets him in motion. I know some of your members, and I can believe that they are not of the stuff of which conspirators are made. Besides, a secret shared by a million men would be no secret at all. But what if these were only the instruments in the hands of a bold, and, I hope you will forgive me for adding, not overscrupulous conclave?

Dr. Marx:    There is nothing to prove.

Landor:    The last Paris insurrection?

Dr. Marx:    I demand firstly the proof that there was any plot at all — that anything happened that was not the legitimate effect of the circumstances of the moment; or the plot granted, I demand the proofs of the participation in it of the International Association.

Landor:    The presence of the communal body of so many members of the Association.

Dr. Marx:    Then it was a plot of the Freemasons, too, for their share in the work as individuals was by no means a slight one. I should not be surprised, indeed, to find the Pope setting down the whole insurrection to their account. But try another explanation. The insurrection in Paris was made by the workmen of Paris. The ablest of the workmen must necessarily have been its leaders and administration, but the ablest of the workmen happen also to be members of the International Association. Yet, the Association, as such, may be in no way responsible for their action. (more…)

Freemasonry and Catholicism: Lucifer, the Rebel Angel

This is Chapter 1, from the book, Freemasonry and Catholicism by Max Heindel of the Rosicrucian FellowshipLucifer - Image

The Rosicrucian Fellowship aims to educate and construct, to be charitable even to those from whom we differ, and never to vent the venom of vituperation, spite, or malice even upon those who seem deliberately determined to mislead. We revere the Catholic religion; it is as divine in its essence, as Mystic Masonry—both are rooted in hoary antiquity, both were born to further the aspiration of the striving soul, and both have a message and a mission in the world not apparent upon the surface today, because man-made ceremonial as a scale has hidden the kernel of divinity in each.

It is the object of the present articles to remove that scale and show the Cosmic purpose of these two Great Organizations, which are so bitterly antagonistic to each other. We do not aim to reconcile them, however, for though they are both designed to further the emancipation of the soul, their methods are different, and the attributes of the soul fostered by one method will indeed be very different from the quality of the soul nurtured in the other School. Therefore the strife must continue until the battle for the souls of men has been lost and won. (more…)

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