The ignorant Freemason is a drone and an encumbrance in the Order

The ignorant Freemason is a drone and an encumbrance in the Order.albert-mackey

He who does not study the nature, the design, the history and character of the Institution, but from the hour of his initiation neither gives nor receives any ideas that could not be shared by a profane, is of no more advantage to Freemasonry than Freemasonry is to him.

The true Freemason seeks light that darkness may be dispelled, and knowledge that ignorance may be removed.

The ignorant aspirant, no matter how loudly he may have asked for light, is still a blind grouper in the dark.

— Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry



Freemasonry is Ornamented With the Gnostic Jewels of a Thousand Ages

“The sanctum sanctorum of Freemasonry is ornamented with the gnostic jewels of a thousand ages; its rituals ring with the divinely Freemason Symbolsinspired words of seers and sages.

A hundred religious have brought their gifts of wisdom to its altar; arts and sciences unnumbered have contributed to its symbolism.

Freemasonry is a world-wide university, teaching the liberal arts and sciences of the soul to all who will hearken to its words.

Its chairs are seats of learning and its pillars uphold an arch of universal education.

Its trestleboards are inscribed with the eternal verities of all ages and upon those who comprehend its sacred depths has dawned the realization that within the Freemasonic Mysteries lie hidden the long-lost arcana sought by all peoples since the genesis of human reason.” By Manly P. Hall – The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Hiram’s First Masons: The Cunning Daedalus Invented the Masonic Working Tools

At the time of the Masonic King Hiram and Phoenician rule of the Holy Island of Crete, it was one of the few places in the world that Daedalushad plenty of skilled Masons, wood and metal workers to complete the job. Please keep in mind that these masons are real people who were well documented by many historians.

For example, in the legend of Hiram, he is said to be a cunning man. In 2 Chronicles ii., 13, ‘And I have sent a cunning man (endued with understanding) of Hiram my fathers. In the Hebrew text, the word rendered ‘ my father’s’ is in English letters ‘ Abi.’ (The Hebrew word ‘Ab’ signifies ‘father,’ ‘Abi,’ my father, and ‘Abiv,’ his father.)

You will also find in ancient Crete a family of builders who had descended from one of the first documented builder masons who specialized in wood, Daedalus. He is one of the most famous artists and builders of Crete who were the forerunners to the Grecian building communities, and Roman collegia. The very same ancient guilds which modern Freemasonry descends. (more…)

Famous Freemasons

If you don’t think that Freemasons are big players in the way the world is ran as we know it, then you are simply ignorant to the famous freemasonshistory of this ancient fraternity. Some of the most powerful and influential people in the world have been and are Freemasons.

We can also safely say that the United States is a Masonic republic.

Many of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America were Freemasons. Men like Benjamin Franklin who became a grand master in 1734 and edited and published the first Masonic book in America that same year. The first President, George Washington was a Freemason who was initiated into the group in 1752 in Virginia.

Other important Freemasons in the forming of America were people like John Hancock, Paul Revere, Marquis de Lafayette, Robert R. Livingstone, Elbridge Gerry, Josiah Bartlett, and George Clinton.

The first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States, J Edgar Hoover was a Freemason. US Congressmen Henry Clay, Nelson Aldrich, and William Jennings Bryan were members. More recently, Senators Birch Bayh, Lloyd Bentsen, Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, and Sam Ervin were Masons. So were the father and grandfather of Sen. John McCain. Former senators Bob Dole, Trent Lott, Conrad Burns, and Sam Nunn are Masons, as are Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Charles Rangel. Famous Masonic governors include DeWitt Clinton, Thomas Dewey, George Wallace, George Ryan, Ed Rendell, and ex-New York Mayor, David Paterson. (more…)

Every Land Where the Phoenicians had Planted Masonry

“John Leylande was appointed by King Henry VIII to go through the archives of the various religious institutions dissolved by the king Symbols G In Freemasonryand remove for preservation any books or manuscripts of an important character.

Among the documents copied by Leylande was a series of questions and answers concerning the mystery of Masonry written by King Henry VI. (more…)

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