Masonic Rings: Points In Or Points Out?

(Source: Midnight Freemasons Contributors Noble Brian Schimian & Todd E. Creason, 33°) Masonic Rings

Todd Creason: Some time ago I wrote a piece about whether President Obama was a Freemason or not. There was a photo circulating at the time of what was purportedly the President’s hands, and the right hand was clearly wearing a Masonic ring. All the photo showed was two hands holding the Presidential Seal. There was a lot of buzz at the time that this was evidence that President Obama was a Freemason. However, the President is not a Freemason–the photo wasn’t of the President’s hands. It was posed by a photographer for a magazine piece. Some years ago, the President was speaking for an audience, and suddenly, the Presidential seal fell off the podium and crashed to the floor. The President took it in stride, walked around the podium, picked it up off the floor and rehung it on the podium to the amusement of the people in the audience. The piece was written about that funny incident, and the photo was taken later for the piece–the hands belonged to a stand-in.
But I made a mistake in the piece–I questioned whether the stand-in was a Mason, because (at least according to me) he was wearing his ring upside-down. I got over a hundred emails on the subject. As I quickly learned, the custom for wearing a Masonic rings varies a great deal by locale. I was dead wrong on that point. As it was quickly pointed out to me, many Masons wear their rings with the points out. Live and learn.

A couple weeks ago, the subject came up again–on Facebook. I posted a picture of a friend of mine, the Illustrious Brother William J. Hussey, Jr. 33°, and one of the Midnight Freemasons, Brother Brian Schimian, asked why he was wearing his ring upside-down. Bill Hussey was wearing his ring the same way I wear mine. I thought to myself “oh boy, here we go again!” There were a number of comments on that post–over 90 in an hour–including comments from Midnight Freemason Bill Hosler and our newest member Aaron Gardner. Brian Schimian and I later talked on the phone and decided this would be an excellent topic for a piece on the Midnight Freemasons. Since he was taught to wear his ring points out, and I was instructed to wear mine points in, we decided to write the piece together and compare the reasons why we wear our rings the way we do.

Points In?

In my part of the world, Masons wear their rings with the points down–towards your wrist. When I was a new Mason I didn’t know it mattered. Ever since the day I was raised a Master Mason, I wear my ring each and every day, and in the beginning, I wore it which ever way I happened to put it on that morning. I was at a degree one evening, and afterwards, we’re sitting around a table in the dining hall, and a Brother noticed how I had my ring on and told me I was wearing it upside-down. That particular day, I’d put it on points up. I looked around the table and noticed everyone at that table was wearing it points down. We had a discussion about it. The explanation is that the points of the compass should point towards your heart, to remind you of your obligation. That ring, according to our local custom, is a reminder to the wearer of those tenants we honor, and the Fraternity we represent. I’ve worn it that way since. I thought it was Universal at the time–as I learned later, it certainly is not. There are those that wear it points down.

Like Brother Brian Schimian.

Points Out?

Brian Schimian: For as long as I can remember while I was growing up, I wanted to wear my father’s Masonic ring. It represented everything that he was and what I strove to be. As I moved my way through Masonic education, that ring and the symbolism therein came to mean more. The typical Masonic ring is a combination of Masonic symbols. The Square, or earthly perfection, and Compasses, or heavenly perfection. Frequently, the letter G is incorporated into the center. Along my journey of enlightenment, I came to understand that the ends of the Square point up to show ones aspirations toward God and the points of the Compasses point down to represent heavenly qualities coming down to earth from God. The ring, as all Masonic symbols are displayed in the same manner, to show others that I know what my obligations are and to show the rest of the world I am a Mason. The ring exemplifies how I live my life: upright & on the level. If someone asks what that ring represents, it is easier for them to see the design as you show it to them and describe the different points if it is worn points down.

I remember one Brother explaining it like this as he showed me his ring: “Sharing the light of Masonry or advertising, if you will, being a mason is being “Upright” and “On The Level” as so should be the emblem of a Mason. By displaying the ring points out, a Mason makes the statement that as others see his actions, so will they gain a upright perception of the Craft.” This Brother wore an old Masonic Signet ring that was older than both of our ages combined. He continued, “The original Masonic signet rings had to face this direction to ensure that when the wearer pressed the ring into warm wax to validate and seal an authentic Masonic document, the legs of the compass pointed down on the resulting wax seal.”

Todd Creason: Well there you have it–two different ring customs, and two different philosophies on how Masonic rings should be worn. And I’m sure if our readers would chip in, you’d find there is a lot more diversity than just these two we’ve presented here, and I hope our readers will share those with us.

Brian Schimian: Should it look right side up to Him, you or them? In the end it may not matter how one chooses to wear the Points, as long as you act upon them and remember what it means to be able to wear them. Probably the most encompassing explanation I have found is this: “You are supposed to wear the ring with the Compasses pointed into yourself. Until such a time that you become a Past Master of your Lodge. At which time, you can turn the points out to the rest of the world, as spiritually speaking, you have reached the point of Master, and have mastered the art of the Quadrant, and you may now share your wisdom with others.”

Another answer to this question can be found in a new style of Masonic ring that is beginning to make itself around the market. The laser etched Square & Compasses are placed in both directions around the ring. So there you go, the free market has solved the dilemma for us.


SOURCE: Midnight Freemasons Blog

Todd E. Creason, 33° is the founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog and continues to be a regular contributor. He is the author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series. He is member of Homer Lodge No. 199, and a Past Master of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL). He is a member the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, the York Rite Bodies of Champaign/Urbana (IL), the Ansar Shrine (IL), Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees, and Charter President of the Illini High Twelve in Champaign-Urbana (IL). You can contact him at: [email protected]

Bro. Brian Schimian is a life member of A.O. Fay #676 in Highland Park Illinois and the Medinah Shriners – Lake County Shrine Club. He was also the Past Master Counselor of DeMolay – Lakes Chapter in 1995. Brian is a father of two Children. He is also the lead contributor to the Brothers In Arms blog, a pro 2nd Amendment blog page. “Start Square, Finish Level” You can contact him at: [email protected]

To live is the rarest thing in the world; Most people exist, that is all

Oscar Wilde“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ~Oscar Wilde – Apollo University Lodge #357 in Oxford England

(Source: Todd E. Creason) – We are the designers of our own lives.  We make all the decisions, good and bad.  It’s easy to look at your life as something that happens to you, instead of something you’re in charge of.  The truth is, it’s up to us whether we participate in life, or sit back and watch it pass by.

Perhaps you’re thinking to yourself right now, “Yeah, someday when I’m not so busy, and I have more time, I’d really like to spend more time enjoying life.”  But nobody knows how much time they have on earth.  It could all be over in another eighty years, or before the sun goes down today.  There are too many unknowns in life to assume you can do things tomorrow, or ten years from now, or when you retire maybe.  If you really want to get into the game, shouldn’t you do that today?

If not now, then when?



Todd E. Creason is an author and novelist whose work includes the award-winning non-fiction historical series Famous American Freemasons and the novels One Last Shot (2011) and A Shot After Midnight (2012). He’s currently working on the third novel Shot to Hell which will be released in Spring 2014.  You can contact Todd E. Creason at: [email protected]

Russian Masonic Spin Doctor

Here in an interesting article on Freemasons in Russia from the, titled “Masonic spin doctor ‘hijacks’ Navalny’s party Andrey Bogdanovname.” You simply do not see this type of political Masonic antics here in the United States like we are now seeing occur in other countries. But please don’t fret my fellow Freemasonic bred and led Americans, we will soon also see the Masons start to make mainstream news here in the states in a big way like never before. You can “mason mark” my words on that one folks…

From the;

The Russian Justice Ministry has re-registered the Rodnaya Strana (Native Country) party under the name People’s Alliance. That name had been unsuccessfully registered by the supporters of anti-corruption activist Aleksey Navalny.

Native Country was founded by professional political consultant and the Grand Master of Russia’s Great Masonic Lodge Andrey Bogdanov in June 2012, a month after Russia introduced a law allowing the creation of new political parties.

On November 1 this year Bogdanov announced that he was changing the name of his party to People’s Alliance – despite the fact that the name was already used by supporters of Aleksey Navalny. Back then, Bogdanov told the press that he did not intend to act against Navalny or anybody else, and on the contrary his move helped the popular anti-corruption blogger to get an already registered organization. Navalny’s supporters had failed to register a party in two years of trying.


What is interesting to me, is that I have seen a lot of Masonic type news lately coming out from the press. Definitely more so now, than in the recent past. In addition, the Jesuits have entered the world stage in a big way, in which they control the Vatican press with a member of their own order becoming the current Pope, who is also making headlines of his own almost daily.

I don’t know about you, but this is beginning to resemble a Jesuit led and Masonic engineered alchemical Apocalypse…

All of our souls evolutions are not ready for further knowledge

“All of our souls evolutions are not ready for further knowledge, it is our place to provide the tools to be used but not to powerhammer on a stone that is not ready. This is unfortunately a solitary journey my friend, let us pray to meet a fellow traveler along the way to keep us company.” – Vitriol Knight

This is a great comment from a anonymous esoteric Freemason of both the Scottish and the Ancient York rite, that I thought I would share his wise words with the Gnostic Warrior community.


I really appreciate the work that you do.I would prefer not to give my name in a public forum so Vitriol Knight would work for a handle. I am a esoteric Freemason of both the Scottish and the Ancient York rite, having been initiated in and performing initiations in many degrees and performed various roles of leadership.I wanted to layout my perspective so here it is.

Freemasonry is a vehicle through the ages, or a museum if you will. In a museum every worker and visitor has a part to play, the curator and workers in the museum do not always understand the intricacies or the nature of what they care for, likewise the visitors may come an go and stare in wonder at the images and devices that are only partly explained to them. The very keepers of the knowledge in fact are at times the most ignorant among us, due to obsessions with the material, they keep every item, memorize every word, and document every detail, this while knowing nothing of the inner truths behind the symbols and structure of the rites. While through different times FM has been overloaded with the ignorant, it is these that have protected and shielded the precious artifacts throughout the dark ages from which we are now, hopefully, ascending. Every candidate (who takes the time to go through all of the degrees) is given every piece of the puzzle, some are bewildered and go away in confusion, some continue on happy in ignorance which is the easier path, and some search and piece the puzzle together. Be not disheartened by the Freemasons who espouse that all is lost, or tell stories of corruption, they may in fact be right in regards to corruption, however, the workers may be corrupt (not in my experience entirely) but the knowledge is in the building.

Many candidates are simply refractory and cannot be reached by the light, it is not our place to force anything beyond the means of the vessel to contain it, for this reason we tell the entered apprentice that this instrument will be instantly removed in case of resistance.

I would like to share a masonic charge with you that is told to every freemason at every lodge:

The ways of Wisdom are beautiful and lead to pleasure, Knowledge is obtained by degrees and cannot everywhere be found. Wisdom seeks the secret shade, the lonely cell designed for contemplation, there enthroned she sits dispelling her sacred oracles, there we are to seek her and pursue the real bliss. Though the passage is difficult, the further we trace it the easier it becomes.

Freemasonry has kept, as a museum if you will, every broken shard, every relic, and every idea of ancient practices and “religion” through time for the contemplation of the candidate, this is why many of the degrees are of quite different nature, you will see Judaic, Assyrian, Babylonian, Essene, Qabbalistic, Vedic, Egyptian, Rosicrucian, Christian, Catholic, and many other elements in them. In the ages past these elements have been attacked and partially destroyed, freemasonry has provided the vehicle to sustain them, compile and document them, and hide them under the apron. It is not supposed that Freemasonry believes or espouses any of these specific parts, it simply has existed as a safe harbor through the ages. This leads many initiates to be confused, thinking that each one is independent from the other or that they are all intertwined, this is not quite the case, each part is of a greater whole and is provided for the initiate to see a glimpse behind the veil, to see the similarities and find the ultimate truth that the initiate already knows.

While I agree that the Scottish Rite branch is materialistic, has become ever present throughout masonry in North America, and has provided a form of secular, Freemasonry Lite 2.0; they are an appendant body and the museum has no regard to its present “loudest” occupants. Simultaneous with the supposed watering down of Freemasonry is a movement on the esoteric side from within (Traditional Observance), this is supported, maintained, and promoted, albeit quietly from the top down.

No Freemason initiate is lied to (at least not in the degrees or official lecture, what individuals do I don’t know), all of the ancient teachings are there if the initiate has the strength, and ability to find them. What I do see is that for the past two centuries, especially after the Morgan Affair, the mysteries had been re-veiled in the degrees and esoteric teachings had been discouraged, not so much to keep the initiate in the dark but for protection. Look through history, Freemasons have been persecuted time and again, we have held on to and protected what we carry for a very long time, we have come to far to risk losing it now due to some modern day (1700 +) inquisition. All of the previously mentioned sects and teachings have came under attack and been partially destroyed at one time or another, our inner secret, the hidden stone in all of Man (no gender reference) must be found, formed, and carried individually, this may take a millennia, until that happens Freemasonry in whatever form or size must continue.

Look what happened to Freemasons under Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, General Franko, you name it, and this is all recent history.

This leads to my second comment which is in regards to the oaths.

As an initiate you swear to support a brother, to keep secret the secrets of freemasonry etc. First off the secrets of Freemasonry are not the degrees or passwords, handshakes, etc. The secret is all encompassing and if you know the secret you probably couldn’t explain it well enough to expose it in a way to be understood, the secret can be shouted from the highest rooftop and still not be heard much less understood. The secret is but a brief glimpse behind the veil, cannot be explained in words, and takes a lifetime to achieve. You can have every glorious title, have been initiated into every rite and degree, and still not obtain the secret. Yet the secret can be obtained by every one of us, freemason or not, nothing is held back from us, we ourselves are the only agent blocking the way.

As for the penalties, never do we say that we will inflict these penalties upon a brother who betrays his oath, they are metaphorical. The penalty is self inflicted on the soul by the lower man inside who through blindness destroys. Also in past times, and probably in the future, if it had been known that a Hebrew, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian could sit together and communicate ideas, those penalties would have been inflicted upon that brother by the inquisition or any other number of destroyers.

All of our souls evolutions are not ready for further knowledge, it is our place to provide the tools to be used but not to hammer on a stone that is not ready. This is unfortunately a solitary journey my friend, let us pray to meet a fellow traveler along the way to keep us company.

Vitriol Knight


Masonic Welcome Sign in Boone, Iowa

A city that is close to me here in San Diego County, California called Vista, has a similar welcome sign to this one from Boone, Iowa. It appears Masonic Signs Boonemany of these cities, where you will find these signs, may have been donated by Freemasons or are cities that were founded by Freemasons.

Thanks to Google and a little mind power; I figured my theory out in about 60 seconds flat, and it appears that many of these cities were in fact founded by Freemasons.

The city of Boone was platted as a town in 1865 by John Insley Blair. It was incorporated the following year, when the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company railroad station was built there. The town was originally named “Montana”; it was renamed to Boone in 1877.

John Insley Blair’s father was John Blair, Jr. (1732 – August 31, 1800) was an American politician, Founding Father and jurist. Blair was a Freemason. He was named Grand Master of Freemasons in Virginia under the newly organized Grand Lodge of Virginia in 1778. (Wikipedia)

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