The Masonic Serpent Kings

“The Serpent is universally esteemed a legitimate symbol of Freemasonry.”- Signs and Symbols by OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGeorge Oliver

Two of the most esteemed kings in all of Freemasonry were Solomon, King of Israel, and Hiram, the Phoenician king of Tyre who provided masons cedar and gold for the building of Solomon’s Temple. Many of the world’s most prolific Masonic historians have stated that the Freemasons trace their traditions, rituals and heritage to Solomon’s Temple. (more…)

The world will be ruled by its most illumined minds

By Manly P. Hall – The Hiramic legend may be considered to embody the vicissitudes of philosophy itself. As institutions for wisdomthe dissemination of ethical culture, the pagan Mysteries were the architects of civilization. Their power and dignity were personified in CHiram Abiff–the Master Builder–but they eventually fell a victim to the onslaughts of that recurrent trio of state, church, and mob.

They were desecrated by the state, jealous of their wealth and power; by the early church, fearful of their wisdom; and by the rabble or soldiery incited by both state and church. As CHiram when raised from his grave whispers the Master Mason’s Word which was lost through his untimely death, so according to the tenets of philosophy the reestablishment or resurrection of the ancient Mysteries will result in the rediscovery of that secret teaching without which civilization must continue in a state of spiritual confusion and uncertainty. (more…)

What are Freemasons doing on the bible?

The images below are from the cover of the King James Bible. Please study them and see if you can find the hidden clues, freemasons, saints, and other secret symbolism.

It has been rumored that King James was a freemason and employed fellow mason conspirators, John Dee and Francis Bacon to help him write it. (more…)

Are freemasons evil?

Before I begin, I wanted to explain to you that the purpose of this brief article is to shine a light on my simple views on Evil freemasonsFreemasonry and the age old question, if it is an evil organization? In the end, that question you will have to answer on your own. But all I ask is that before you do so, you put in the necessary time and research to really study their masonic history.

Let me state that I’m not a Mason, and that allows me to look at their history and motives from a unique unbiased perspective. This is what I have done for the last five years.

By no means is the information I present on this blog an attempt by me to make the craft look evil, or to discredit their fraternity. Their teachings and true alternative history which is hidden right in front of our faces is what fascinates me, and draws me to study the craft and masonic history like I’m sure it has so many other people.   (more…)

Famous American Freemason: Brother Harry Houdini

“My brain is the key that sets my mind free.”Harry Houdini

(By 33rd Degree Freemason and Author, Todd E. Creason) – Every day, the boy’s boss, the local locksmith, went to get a few beers over the lunch hour. Most days, he didn’t leave the boy alone with a hulking, surly giant, but one day he did. There was no question that the boy was afraid. The man was the ugliest, most terrifying looking character the boy had ever seen, with a bristly beard, a mean disposition, and an jagged scar that ran down the side of his face. And this man—a criminal and prisoner—was wearing heavy handcuffs. The sheriff had brought his prisoner, handcuffs and all, into the shop because he’d broken his key off in the lock, and there was no way to get the handcuffs off. (more…)

The Masonic Archons of the Tribe of Judah

In my last article on the Centaurs (Ken-taurs or Khan-taurs) titled “The Centaurs: Half Men and Half Horse Sons of God“, I Trooping The Colourbriefly explained this tribe of people who originally inhabited the island of Crete, Greece and Egypt; who then made their way into Britain. The first century Roman-Jewish historian Josephus calls them the Jud or the Judeans (Idumean) of Mount Ida, who I believe are connected today to the biblical Tribes of Judah and Benjamin. In the bible these people are also known as the Nephilim, Anakim race, the Sons of God, and connected to both the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

Today their Masonic descendants we may find represented in the Old Kingdom of Jute, which was originally Juteland or the land of the Jutes, and is now known as the Kingdom of Kent. Jutland, is regarded as Judah’s land. An adjective for Jute is “Jutish,” pronounced jootish. (more…)

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