Freemasonry is Gnosis

By Eliphas Levi – Freemasonry is gnosis, and the false Gnostics have had the real ones condemned.g FREEMASONRY

Which has forced them to hide themselves, it’s not because of the fear of the light, the light is what they want, what they seek, and what they love.

But they fear profane, the slanderers, the skeptics with their stupid laugh, and then enemies of beliefs and morality.

Moreover, in our present time, there are a great number of men who believe themselves to be Freemasons yet they ignore the meaning of their rites, and have lost the key of the mysteries.



The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a Mason

By Manly P. Hall – The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a Mason. A Masonry degreesMason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life. (more…)

Masonic Sons of Light Vs the Masonic Sons of Darkness

Do you pledge your soul to the light or to the darkness?sons of light vs sons of darkness 2

In the occult, the meaning of the term when referring to the Sons of Light are those brethren who dedicate their lives to truth, love, gnosis and serving their fellow mankind to the best of their God-given abilities. To be a true member of the Sons of Light is to be an immortal soul on the course of evolution who has made the sacrificial pledge to serve others in order make the world a better place than you found it, rather than serve yourself and pursue selfish desires.

Hence, the Masonic term, “To make good men better.”

The idea of the term is to create an organized fraternity of good men who make the world better by bettering themselves and the world around them. It is not just about hanging out in a lodge with your fellow Bros for 20-30 years collecting degrees without putting what you have been taught about the light and truth into real life practice. A life dedicated to the building Solomon’s Temple in which you are to be a living stone, and not a dying stone who does nothing with your years of teaching. But a true Masonic builder of a heaven on earth for your future Bros and family of descendants who are to follow you.

Freemasons Created the Game of Football

The Freemasons have always been a secret society, whose large role as builders of our current man-Toucdown 1made world is undisputable. Anyone who has done their research into the history of this famous group of Brethren understand that some of the world’s smartest and most powerful men have been Freemasons. In fact, their unique mason marks can be found in just about every fabric, stone, media and even the games in modern society that we all love to play and watch today.

One of these Masonic created games that we know of as an English national pastime, is the game of Football. The Football Association was founded on 26 October 1863 at the Freemason’s Tavern (Arms) in London. This English game of ball then gave rise to a modern-day gladiator type sporting event played by men in tights and pads, with fierce-looking padded Spartan like helmets in an arena known as American football. (more…)

Those who are really the living powers behind the thrones

“In Freemasonry is concealed a mystery of creation, the answer to the problem of existence, and theFreemason one world path the student must tread in order to join those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs.” ― Manly P. Hall

33rd Degree Mason Buzz Aldrin Brings Scottish Rite Banner to the Moon

Today is the 85th Birthday of 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason & Astronaut, Buzz Aldrin. Aldrin was the Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 11 on the first manned moon landing mission in 1969.

But did you know he took a hand-made silk Masonic Scottish Rite banner with him on that journey?

Buzz Aldrin (more…)

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