Freemasonry and the Druids – By W. Winwood Reade

“Love one another, teach one another, help one another. That is all our doctrine, all our science, all our law.”churchill_druid

Ah! rail against us bigoted and ignorant men, slander us curious and jealous women if you will. Those who obey the precepts of their masters, and those who listen to the truths which they inculcate can readily forgive you. It is impossible to be a good Mason without being a good man.

We have no narrow-minded prejudices; we do not debar from our society this sect or that sect; it is sufficient for us that a man worships God, no matter under what name or in what manner, and we admit him. Christians, Jews, Mahometans, Buddhists are enrolled among us, and it is in the Mason’s Lodge alone that they can kneel down together without feeling hatred, without professing contempt against their brother worshippers.

(The image above is of Freemason, and Prime Minister: Winston Churchill (center) in a gathering of The Ancient Order of Druids.) (more…)

Was Abraham Lincoln a Freemason?

Wherever there is a conspiracy, you’ll always seem to find a mysterious group of men who meet in secret and have been Abraham-Lincolninvolved in some of the most powerful positions in government all over the world. They put the word “secret” in the term “secret society,” and we know them today as the Freemasons.

It is no big mystery that our country of the United States was founded by powerful masons like Bro.’ George Washington who was our first president and his Masonic Bro.’ Thomas Jefferson. There have been many more presidents who are known to be high level masons and some who are alleged members of the fraternity such as Abraham Lincoln.

I found a cool old book that delves into the conspiracy if in fact Abraham Lincoln was a Freemason or not. Below is a copy of the PDF version of the book written by Freemason and author, Dr. L. D. Carman in 1914.

It was delivered before the Harmony Lodge No. 17, F.A.A.M. in Washington, D. C, January 28, 1914 – With an Appendix Containing the Actions taken by the Masonic Grand Lodges of the United States on Lincoln’s Death. (more…)

The Secret Society of Journalists

There have been many conspiracies surrounding our world’s most popular journalists over the last 50 years are so. These Quotes - mediaconspiracies often deal with what these reporters are willing to report on, and the subjects they will not touch. We also have the many mysterious deaths of journalists over the years who have allegedly got too close to the truth and met with their untimely deaths such as with a self-inflicted gun shot to the chest with their left hand when they are right handed.

In addition to the dark alternative media conspiracies, there are also many people in the truth movement who proclaim that our corporate media is controlled by a secret group of elite families and powerful bankers.

There may be some truth to these accusations because my own research into these media matters has led me to a powerful modern secret group of media moguls and business power brokers who meet every year known as the Bilderberg Group, and another super secret media movement that was an alleged American Secret Society of Journalists called the “Order of the Occult Hand (OHH).”

The word occult simply means hidden. (more…)

Before there was Bro, there was Feolagan Wed Brodra

Long before the Masonic brotherhood had called each other by the name Bro.’, they would greet one Broanother by the Old English name of “Feolagan Wed Brodra” A name meaning pledge brothers and or Brother of Odin.

The predominant language up until about the 13th century was Old English; and it eventually evolved into the modern English that we speak today.

The various Old English words that I have found related to the modern Bro.’ through my research, are as follows; “wurdon feolagan or fiolagan, wed brodra,  wed Broders meaning fellows, sworn brothers, pledge-brothers or Brother of Woden.

Today of course they would simply call one another Brother or Bro.’

Below are some examples of these historical Feolagan Wed Brodra events I have discovered that are mainly from around the 6th-11th centuries .


Fake California Masonic Fraternal Police Department Busted

This real news story about a group who claimed to be a Masonic and Knights Templar police force in Los Masonic Police badgeAngeles, California appears to be taken from a bad script of a never produced Monty Python movie. A rogue police force who had said they have existed for more than 3,000 years and have jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

But this is no movie folks, and these D Hollywood actors got arrested for their bad acting skills, and evil Masonic plot to take over the world.

Last week, Brandon Kiel, David Henry and Tonette Hayes (pictured below) were arrested last week on suspicion of impersonating a police officer through their involvement in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. (more…)

The Freemason Handshake

A secret Masonic hand clasp, handshake or handgrip is used between two Freemasons in order to recognize Symbols - masonic_handshakethat they are Brothers of the same Order. This is how they simply identify who is a Mason and who is not.

Even the type of grip they hold can identify which Masons are of the lower degrees and higher degrees by testing his handshake. It is a universal sign of unity and an important Bro’ mode of recognition.

The facts are that if you want to get anywhere into the true power centers of the upper echelons of this world, you will have to know these Masonic secret handshakes and earn your degrees.  (more…)

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