Walt Disney and Gnosis

(By Gnostic Masonic Author, Hank Kraychir @ Gnosis Masonry) – As I had written in my book Tales From a Masonic Storyteller (2014), Walt Disney was a Mason. In fact, I listed five different sources in the reference section to help bolster my statement. Despite my research and referencing these facts, some people, and even other Masons, still believe he was not a Mason and was never associated with the Craft, or the ancient mysteries. Well, if a picture is worth a thousand words, perhaps these two related pictures will help solve the debated question. The pictures below shows Walt Disney in a DeMolay uniform. (more…)

Origins of Freemasonry: The Church Hires Merovingian Stone Masons

Freemason stone“Benedict crossed the ocean and passed into Gaul, when he made inquiry for masons who could build him a church of stone after the Roman style, which he always loved.” – Saint Bede, Doctor of the Catholic Church and Father of English History

In my search for the beginning origins of freemasonry, my path has led me to a most mysterious and almost forgotten medieval time that seems to be lost in history. It was an era with very little brotherly unity, when various peoples such as the Saxons, Picts, Angles, and other pagan tribes, along with the Celtic Druid Priesthood had held sway in much of what we know today as England, Ireland, Scotland, and France in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th centuries.

This was also the pivotal period in the past when some of these kingdoms, tribes, and members of this same Druid priesthood would make an alliance with the Roman Church to create a new unified Brotherhood called the “Universal Church (Catholic).” This would be the same exact time in history where you will find stone masons (freemasons) that were specifically hired by this new Christian Brotherhood to perform a mass building campaign for the Universal Church across the world. (more…)

Origins of Freemasonry: The Grand Architects of Solomon’s Temple

Origins of FreemasonryThe document that freemason scholars and historians have been searching for, that establishes the exact date of the start of Freemasonry is actually not a document, but what I believe to be a book and series of events that help signify the dating of the master plans to Solomon’s Temple. The same master plans for the allegorical Solomon’s Temple that are still used by Freemasons to help build society to this very day.

The book is called, De Templo or On the Temple that was written by Saint Bede (Beda, John Scotus or Hiram Abiff). Bede was a Doctor of the Catholic Church and Father of English History and he had lived during the 7th and 8th centuries. Bede’s On the Temple is the first book of its kind in history that describes the nature of Solomon’s Temple that Freemasons still utilize today in their symbols, philosophical teachings and degrees. (more…)

The Roman Collegia were Ancient Masons of the Mysteries

By Gnostic Masonic Author, Hank Kraychir @ Gnosis Masonry

To truly understand English Masonic history, an important link in its lineage must be studied. This link is generally referred to as the Collegia, which can be traced back to 1000 BC. In fact, prominent Masonic author Joseph Newtonwrote in his book, The Builders (1914), about the Collegia on page 112: (more…)

Masonry’s Link To The Roman Religion Of Mithraism

By Hank Kraychir @ Gnosis Masonry


I have looked at the above picture several hundred times in the past several years, but until recently, I did not see the Compass near the top of the middle altar. To my knowledge, I have not seen this particular point mentioned on any other Masonic website? In any event, the three altars are from the Carrawburgh Mithras Temple site in Britain. The site is near Hadrian’s Wall, which was built by the Romans about 2000 years ago. So, in essence, this is additional anecdotal evidence of Freemasonry’s link to the Roman religion of Mithraism and the Collegia system. (more…)

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