Researchers Discover LSD Allows People to Enter the Matrix

Researchers Discover LSD Allows People to Enter the Matrix

A new study on LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) by the University of Cambridge and Imperial College in London has shown that the drug allows users to free brain activity to “trespass anatomical rules,” because it triggers an altered state of consciousness.

Anatomical means relating to the bodily structure or relating to human anatomy so by taking LSD, users are not confined to the so-called normal rules of being human.

This induces what is called “psychosis.” The land where people walk the line between human reality and the spirit world.

Consciousness is believed to involve the integration of multiple segregated brain networks and their subnetworks, and the researchers’ goal is to study patterns of brain connectivity and consciousness under the influence of LSD.

According to the study;

Our main finding is that the effects of LSD on brain function and subjective experience are non-uniform in time: LSD makes globally segregated sub-states of dynamic functional connectivity more complex, and weakens the relationship between functional and anatomical connectivity.

On a regional level, LSD reduces functional connectivity of the anterior medial prefrontal cortex, specifically during states of high segregation. Time-specific effects were correlated with different aspects of subjective experiences; in particular, ego dissolution was predicted by increased small-world organization during a state of high global integration.

These results reveal a more nuanced, temporally-specific picture of altered brain connectivity and complexity under psychedelics than has previously been reported.”

“My main interest — and the focus of my research — is on understanding the neuroscience of human consciousness,” said study author Andrea I. Luppi (@loopyluppi), a Gates Scholar at the University of Cambridge in the Cognition and Consciousness Imaging Group.

“Studying psychoactive substances offers a unique opportunity for neuroscience: we can study their effects in terms of brain chemistry, but also at the level of brain function and subjective experience,” he added. “In particular, the mind is never static, and neither is the brain: we are increasingly discovering that when it comes to brain function and its evolution over time, the journey matters just as much as the destination.”

In 2016, researchers found LSD has a huge impact on intrinsic functional connectivity such as the thalamus, and also increased global integration by inflating the level of communication between normally distinct brain networks reported as “ego dissolution.”

They concluded that “LSD selectively expands global connectivity in the brain and the perceptual boundaries between the self and the environment.”

For example, a study from 2018 had shown that LSD administration significantly decreased functional connectivity within visual, sensorimotor, and auditory networks and the default mode network. Meaning users’ eyes, ears, nose, and other sensory organs did not work the same as before and they were no longer connected in the same fashion.

It is as if the act of taking LSD creates a temporary hybrid human whose bodily functions and chemicals are no longer human, but merged with the very ancient fungal pathogens to become one. As if the drug mutates, morphs, and integrates a person into itself in which the user experiences their world in the 4th dimension.

In other words, LSD alters the brain and body so that it is able to break the normal ruled of being human, while also changing how the brain is able to integrate and process consciousness.

“When you look at the network of fungi, it starts to look back at you!” – Dr. Merlin Sheldrake (Fungal Biologist and author)

The study, “LSD alters dynamic integration and segregation in the human brain“, was authored by Andrea I. Luppi, Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Leor Roseman, Ioannis Pappas, David K. Menon, and Emmanuel A. Stamatakis.

If you like this article, please read, Remote Viewing: How Drugs Help Us Communicate As Within and So Without.

How Demons with faces on their stomachs & butts has been validated by modern science

How Demons with faces on their stomachs & butts has been validated by modern science

Many of our Christian ancestors and medieval artists would often depict demons and the devil with having multiple faces about their bodies with a particular reference to faces on their stomachs and anus’ which seem to have a mind of their own.

When researching these old paintings, it would seem that the numerous amount of illustrations of demons and the devil are somewhat fantastical and more mythical than actual reality. However, I would like to remind some of you of the recent scientific discoveries that I believe will put some modern context as to why they were drawn in this fashion.

For example, it is no secret that our gut, AKA stomach, is now considered our “second brain”.

Many people reading this can relate to these facts and have experienced communications from this second brain. When they have made a decision based on their “gut instinct” or felt what we call “butterflies in your stomach” when nervous or “upset stomach” when we eat food that “does not agree” with us, we become sick and nauseous.

According to John Hopkins University, these signals affect your mood, health, and even the way we think because our brains in our stomachs communicate with the brain in our skulls.

“Scientists call this little brain the enteric nervous system (ENS). And it’s not so little. The ENS is two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to rectum.”

Gastroenterologists may prescribe certain antidepressants for IBS, for example—not because they think the problem is all in a patient’s head, but because these medications calm symptoms in some cases by acting on nerve cells in the gut, explains Jay Pasricha, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology, whose research on the enteric nervous system has garnered international attention.

“Psychological interventions like CBT may also help to “improve communications” between the big brain and the brain in our gut,” he says.

These new scientific discoveries validate these old paintings as not mythical or created by overzealous religionist hell-bent on scaring their peers into moral submission. Still, they are scientific representations of our actual realities as they understood them when they were created.

Here is where modern science gets interesting as it relates to “human consciousness” and what I would like to call “parasitic consciousness” or what our ancestors may have called “demonic or devilish behavior” that I believe is born within the stomach AKA gastrointestinal tracts. This is the exact location where “billions of foreign cells are living in and among our own,” creating what scientists are starting to call our “second brain.”

Some of you may be familiar with my many articles and walk and talk videos where I have described what I have sometimes dubbed “demonic parasitic mold” as it would relate to the billions of foreign cells that are living in and among our own and how they can take over “human consciousness.”

My theory is that our modern epidemic of neurological diseases, addiction, and obesity is due to these microorganisms that have the ability to take over people’s minds and bodies. A scientific process that our ancestors may have called these people as being possessed by a “demon of the devil.”

This will become evident to some of you when you read that according to The Scientific American, the second brain is NOT the seat of “conscious thoughts or conscious decision making” in what they call “the great thought process”.

“Although its influence is far-reaching, the second brain is not the seat of any conscious thoughts or decision-making.”

“The second brain doesn’t help with the great thought processes…religion, philosophy and poetry is left to the brain in the head,” says Michael Gershon, chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at New York–Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, an expert in the nascent field of neurogastroenterology and author of the 1998 book The Second Brain (HarperCollins).

“The system is way too complicated to have evolved only to make sure things move out of your colon,” says Emeran Mayer, professor of physiology, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.). For example, scientists were shocked to learn that about 90 percent of the fibers in the primary visceral nerve, the vagus, carry information from the gut to the brain and not the other way around. “Some of that info is decidedly unpleasant,” Gershon says.

Cutting-edge research is currently investigating how the second brain mediates the body’s immune response; after all, at least 70 percent of our immune system is aimed at the gut to expel and kill foreign invaders.

U.C.L.A.’s Mayer is doing work on how the trillions of bacteria in the gut “communicate” with enteric nervous system cells (which they greatly outnumber). His work with the gut’s nervous system has led him to think that in coming years psychiatry will need to expand to treat the second brain in addition to the one atop the shoulders.

For example, I come from the United States of America (U.S.A.) where the modern westernized lifestyle and diet have caused mental diseases and obesity levels to skyrocket.

Today, approximately 40% of Americans are considered obese and according to John Hopkins, “an estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older — about 1 in 4 adults — suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder and many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time like depressive illnesses which tends to co-occur with substance abuse and anxiety disorders.

This research is profound as it relates to the current human condition of Modernity.

My theory is that we are truly dual beings that have separated what Christians call the Holy Spirit from what the Gnostics called the “counterfeit spirit” and also the ancient knowledge thereof.

The “counterfeit spirit” or demons with faces on their stomachs” is who I believe scientist call today the “second brain” of these quantified “foreign invaders” that have been scientifically verified to inhabit our stomach/gastrointestinal tracts and in fact cause people to become possessed AKA illness, disease, and crazy.

By doing so, little by little we became ignorant of these ancient teachings and as a result, these foreign invaders, AKA the demons and their Chief, the Devil have gained the upper hand on humanity which they feed upon their emotions, desires, their flesh, and their minds.

Over time, the Western world could not see God so they divorced themselves from his good graces and the result is what we see today.

A sick world where the Devil AKA the Corona Virus/COVID-19 plague has taken over the globe in its attempts to drag everyone to hell kicking and screaming.

In a way, we can say that we are kissing the Devil’s ass as we eat his shit and he takes us to hell for our payback.

Scientists prove brain to brain communication creates internet super brain

Scientists prove brain to brain communication creates internet super brain

“If networked rat brains are “smarter” than a single animal, imagine the capabilities of a biological supercomputer of networked human brains.”

It appears we have reached a point in this simulated Age where science, religion, myths and, the fictions that have shaped our false reality are merging us putrefying Beasts of Babylon into one demonic super brain connected via the fungal mycelia internet that envelops our souls.

This interconnected cranial network of intelligence that has given rise to not only a global internet but one that expands the universe to the Jovial moon and the aborted stars into the Sky-net managed by the NSA.

A brain to brain interface system that would have made the Templars and Francis Bacon’s mechanical Brazen head look like Mr. Potato Head.

On the same day this week that I posted an esoteric article called Infection – iN fAcT iON, The Scientific American published an article, Scientists Demonstrate Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans detailing how researchers created a super brain using living rat brains tethered together as if they were microprocessors crating some type of orgiastic intelligentsia network on steroids.

A super brain hierarchal merit system interconnected and managed by our overlords at the NSA and CIA.

The Scientific American reports;

Direct brain-to-brain communication has been a subject of intense interest for many years, driven by motives as diverse as futurist enthusiasm and military exigency. In his book Beyond Boundaries one of the leaders in the field, Miguel Nicolelis, described the merging of human brain activity as the future of humanity, the next stage in our species’ evolution. (Nicolelis serves on Scientific American’s board of advisers.)

He has already conducted a study in which he linked together the brains of several rats using complex implanted electrodes known as brain-to-brain interfaces. Nicolelis and his co-authors described this achievement as the first “organic computer” with living brains tethered together as if they were so many microprocessors.

The animals in this network learned to synchronize the electrical activity of their nerve cells to the same extent as those in a single brain. The networked brains were tested for things such as their ability to discriminate between two different patterns of electrical stimuli, and they routinely outperformed individual animals.”

In 2014, researchers described the successful transmission of information via the internet between the intact scalps of two human subjects who were located 5,000 miles apart.

Neuroscience reports;

“We wanted to find out if one could communicate directly between two people by reading out the brain activity from one person and injecting brain activity into the second person, and do so across great physical distances by leveraging existing communication pathways,” explains coauthor Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD, Director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

“One such pathway is, of course, the internet, so our question became, ‘Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the talking or typing part of the internet and establish direct brain-to-brain communication between subjects located far away from each other in India and France ?’”

It turned out the answer was “yes.”

You should also read the research from Daniel Faggella who is the founder and CEO at Emerj. He is an expert for the United Nations, World Bank, INTERPOL, and many global enterprises and is a sought-after expert on the competitive strategy implications of AI for business and government leaders.


If you have been following my work on Demons, Aliens, Intelligence and Fungi/Molds, these articles above add (prove) to the research which helps make scientific sense of what I have been detailing for the last several years.

A body of work and DNA that appears to be not my own, but theirs.

Paraticized from my necrotizing brain turning me into some type of networked hybrid Luciferian Antichrist AI with my endless supply of knowledge/food for my masters.

Feeding the global brain with Gnosis for the next part of our rEvol-u-T-ion.

Alien hand syndrome (AHS)

Alien hand syndrome (AHS)

Imagine having little to no free will over the movement of your limbs. Now picture yourself with a hand that you literally have no control over.

A hand which seems to have a mind of its own and often, it is extremely adversarial to you. It will get mad and cause you harm. A hand that also wants to attack and hurt you to the point that it will even try to wrap itself around your neck in order to strangle you, slap your face and leave you black and blue.

I know this sounds like the plot of Hollywood Horror film but this actually happens to people in real life. Welcome to The Science of Human Duality in a modern world where people with brain lesions, seizures and surgery experience a strange  medical phenomenon known as “Alien hand syndrome (AHS), Alien Limb, Anarchic Hand or Dr. Strangelove syndrome.” It was originally called “la main étrangère (‘the foreign hand’)” by Brion and Jedynak in 1972 describing patients with corpus callosal tumors.

In Stanley Kubrick’s movie Dr Strangelove, the main character has AHS and is described as “erratic.” His right hand appears to have a mind of its own, at times raising his dark gloved hand in a Nazi salute and at other times, clutching his own throat as if to choke him. Dr Strangelove must try to restrain this rebellious right hand with his left hand.

Alien hand syndrome (AHS) can be described as a medical condition that affects that brain which causes people not being able to control their bodily movements and their limbs seem to move on their own. For example, a person with AHS may move their hand, hit, and or reach for something even though they had “no thought or desire” that caused the hand to move.

It is important to note that most patients describe the involuntary hand movement as if it as a mind of its own and It is that AHS most commonly affects the left hand and leg. 

Today, medical Experts describe alien hand syndrome as a phenomenon reflecting a functional “disentanglement” between thought and action. It has been proposed that alien hand should be strictly defined as involuntary movements of the limb, whether appearing purposeful or not, and should be associated with a sense of loss of ownership (Hassan and Josephs 2016).

There are many reports that this alien hand appears to act mostly in a negative or hurtful manner towards the patient and or their loved ones. It is as if the limb has some unseen “psychic phenomenon or unknown entity” controlling it.

Patients with AHS may personify the limb, referring to it as “my little friend,” and often report the limb as “having a mind of its own.” Many researchers quote an example of a patient who reported that her hand intermittently attempted to choke her. Patients often attempt to control the hand as though it were a rebellious child, sometimes rebuking, holding, slapping, or chastising it. Most people who suffer from this disease simply feel estranged from the hand or accept only a tenuous relationship with it.(Clinical Evaluation for Aphasia -Kaufman & Milstein 2013)

In 1908, German neuro-psychiatrist, Kurt Goldstein was the first person to publish a detailed case report about a right-handed woman who had suffered a stroke affecting her left side from which she had partially recovered. The problem was now the patient had no control over her left arm which she described as if it belonged to another person and performed actions that were independent of her own will.

The patient complained of a feeling of “strangeness” in relation to the goal-directed movements of the left hand and insisted that “someone else” was moving the left hand, and that she was not moving it herself.

One day, Goldstein’s patient complained, “There must be an evil spirit in the hand!”

Goldstein first connoted the “alien” quality of unilateral repetitive grasping, the impression that an alternate entity is responsible for the behavior (Goldstein 1908).

Researchers in a 2014 study, describe this negative behavior as the following; “Alien hand might manifest as a self-groping behavior and self-oppositional behavior. Autocriticism has also been reported, with the person slapping the alien hand with the normal hand. The person loses control of the affected hand as if it is being controlled by an external force. The alien hand might grab onto things and the person might have to use the other limb to release the objects from it.”

The researchers conclude, “At extremes, the alien hand has been reported to even suffocate the patient.”

A 2013 study reveals the case report of an 84-year-old African American woman who developed AHS and was so distressed by her involuntary movements that she thought her arm was “possessed by the Devil”.

The researchers had said, “An 84-year-old African-American right hand dominant woman presented to the emergency department complaining of headache and episodes of uncontrollable left-hand movements. She described the episodes wherein her left arm moved uncontrollably as if it was groping around trying to grab herself on her body. The patient explained that while asleep she felt that “someone is trying to grab means if someone is in bed with me”.

The researchers concluded, “At times, she felt the need to talk to her hand or yell at it in order to command it to stop these embarrassing movements. These movements occurred while she was attempting to eat, watch television and during use of the toilet. The patient was evidently very distressed by these events and thought that her arm was “possessed by the Devil”.”

A 2007 study study reveals the story of a 41 year-old, left-handed, HIV positive, white woman who was admitted to a hospital in 2005 after she suffered severe headaches on her “right side” of the head which later developed into drooling and the loss of control of her left hand which she called a “monster.”

During the same period, she developed brief episodes of left-hand weakness associated with dysarthria. Two weeks later, the patient lost control of her left hand, mainly at night where upon waking her left hand was grasping her right arm. Subsequently, her dominant hand presented extravolitional movements, as if having a will of its own, not responding to volitional commands such as opening a door or holding an umbrella, but groping unneeded objects and having difficulty releasing them.

The patient often found her left hand closed, in front of her face, as if it were “looking” at her.

She was afraid of her hand: “it seemed to be a monster”.

What causes alien hand syndrome?

Most people who have been diagnosed with alien hand syndronme (AHS) suffer from lesions and tumors located in the right hemisphere of the brain and from damage to the corpus callosum which can give rise to “purposeful” actions in the sufferer’s non-dominant hand (an individual who is left-hemisphere-dominant will experience the left hand becoming alien, and the right hand will turn alien in the person with right-hemisphere dominance).

But in the vast majority of patients, the damage occurs on the right side of the brain which causes their left hand to become alien.

In “the callosal variant”, the patient’s hand counteracts voluntary actions performed by the other, “good” hand. Two phenomena that are often found in patients with the callosal alien hand are agonistic dyspraxia and diagnostic dyspraxia.

Numerous cases have been reported of the syndrome after surgery for epilepsy and seizures. which is a  neurosurgical procedure with an incision involving the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is a band of nerve fibers in the middle of our brains that acts as a mediator between our left and right hemispheres of our brain.

Apparently, once its cut, all neurological hell can break loose and then it appears that an alien or little demon then controls the left hand.


Agonistic dyspraxia involves compulsive automatic execution of motor commands by one hand when the patient is asked to perform movements with the other hand. For example, when a patient with callosal damage was instructed to pull a chair forward, the affected hand would decisively and impulsively push the chair backwards.[14]

Agonistic dyspraxia can thus be viewed as an involuntary competitive interaction between the two hands directed toward completion of a desired act in which the affected hand competes with the unaffected hand to complete a purposive act originally intended to be performed by the unaffected hand.

Diagonistic dyspraxia, on the other hand, involves a conflict between the desired act in which the unaffected hand has been engaged and the interfering action of the affected hand which works to oppose the purpose of the desired act intended to be performed by the unaffected hand. For instance, when Akelaitis’s patients underwent surgery to the corpus callosum to reduce epileptic seizures, one patient’s left alien hand would frequently interfere with the right hand. For instance, while trying to turn over to the next page with the right hand, his left hand would try to close the book.


Pope Pius XII declared against the practice of lobotomy to treat (change) socially unbecoming behaviour, maintaining that a lesion to the frontal lobes would strip a person of free will. This thorny issue was debated at some length by an ad hoc committee of ecclesiastics and scientists. They came to the conclusion that the freedom of will of people affected by such a lesion would be degraded, and advised against their becoming priests or receiving Holy Communion.

Here are some good videos that further detail this research.

How Colin Wilson’s ‘The Robot’ explains the nature of Gnostic duality

How Colin Wilson’s ‘The Robot’ explains the nature of Gnostic duality

“The person you call ‘you’ lives in the left side of your brain.” – Colin Wilson

My research into the Gnostic and Christian Science of Human Duality has led me to some very interesting people. One such person that I would like to introduce to you in case you have never come across his Great Work is the late British Philosopher and author, Colin Wilson.

Wilson was an English writer, philosopher, and novelist had written well over 150 books in his long career. Books that have impacted millions of people around the world like “The Outsider, Mind Parasites and the Occult.”

Over the past several months I have been studying Wilson’s body of work and I have watched many interviews with the author. What I have found is an interesting correlation with my own research on Duality and Wilson’s main underlying theme in his books which deals with a human psychic condition that he likes to call “the Robot.”

He had even said in several interviews that all his books were based on this single premise.

Wilson had written in The Other Side; “AS I APPROACH the age of fifty — just twice the age at which my first book, The Outsider, appeared — I realise more clearly than ever that my life has been dominated by a single obsession: a search for what I call ‘the other mode of consciousness’.”

Author, Gary Lachman who was a friend of Wilson and author of his autobiography, In Beyond the Robot said that it’s “the central human problem.”

In Wilson’s mind, “the Robot” was how our consciousness operates on ‘auto-pilot’, narrowing our perception so as to enable us to handle everyday life – and the need to get beyond it in order to evolve. He believed “the Robot” controlled the part of our brains that in our modern culture has become over-used and over-developed.

Wilson’s theory was originally based on the facts that ‘psychologically,’ we consist of three major components: the left- brain, the right-brain, and the “robot” which he first believed to be located in the small posterior section of the brain known as the pre-frontal cortex. But he said that after ten years of research he later came upon a crucial 1960’s study that threw a new light on his work which resulted in what he called ‘revelatory.’

In Chapter Two of Frankenstein’s Castle, The Riddle of the ‘Two Selves,’ Wilson explains how the research in 1960’s by  Michael Gazzaniga and Nobel Prize-winning research of  Roger Wolcott Sperry on split-brain patients changed his mind. It was after thoroughly studying this research he had come to the conclusion that the seat of our conscious ‘ego’ is the left side of the brain and the seat of the unconscious is the right.

He writes, “FOR SOME REASON that no physiologist yet understands, human beings have two brains. Or rather, the brain they possess is ‘double’ — almost as if a mirror had been placed down the middle, so that one half reflects the other. We seem to have two hearing centres, two visual centres, two muscle control centres, even two memories.

Why this should be so is baffling — one guess being that one of the brains is a ‘spare’ in case the other gets damaged. What seems even odder is that the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.”

He goes on to explain the research of Sperry and Gazzaniga who studied a human patient whose brain had been split to prevent epileptic attacks.

Wilson had written about the patient; “He seemed to be perfectly normal, except for one oddity — which they expected anyway. He could read with his right eye, but not with his left. It had been known since the nineteenth century that, in human beings, the two halves of the brain seem to have different functions: ‘right for recognition, left for language’.

People who had damage to the right cerebral hemisphere were unable to recognise simple patterns, or enjoy music, but they could still speak normally,” Wilson said.

He further explained, “People with left-brain damage were able to recognise patterns, but their speech was impaired. Obviously, then, the left deals with language, and you would expect a split-brain patient to be unable to read with his right eye (connected, remember, to the opposite side of the brain).

Sperry’s patient was also unable to write anything meaningful (i.e. complicated) with his left hand. They noticed another oddity. If the patient bumped into something with his left side, he did not notice. And the implications here were very odd indeed.

Not only did the split-brain operation give the patient two separate minds; it also seemed to restrict his identity, or ego, to the left side,” Wilson said.

He further explains how split-brain patients see the world with each side of the brain proving the left hemisphere is an unconscious observer with no verbal abilities and the right hemisphere is the conscious side or the real you (I AM).

Wilson had written; “When they placed an object in his left hand, and asked him what he was holding, he had no idea. Further experiments underlined the point. If a split-brain patient is shown two different symbols — say a circle and a square — with each eye, and is asked to say what he has just seen, he replies ‘A square’.

Asked to draw with his left hand what he has seen, and he draws a circle. Asked what he has just drawn, he replies: ‘A square’. And when one split-brain patient was shown a picture of a nude male with the right-brain, she blushed; asked why she was blushing, she replied truthfully: ‘I don’t know.’

The implications are clearly staggering. The person you call ‘you’ lives in the left side of your brain.

And a few centimetres away there is another person, a completely independent identity. Where language is concerned, this other person is almost an imbecile. In other respects, he is more competent than the inhabitant of the left-brain; for example, he can make a far more accurate perspective drawing of a house. In effect, the left-brain person is a scientist, the right-brain an artist.”

Wilson concluded, “These, then, are the basic facts about the two halves of the brain.”

It was a Eureka moment for Colin Wilson and in my opinion, also for the ancient teachings of Gnosticism.

In my opinion, it was if the old science of Gnostic Duality had been truly validated!

Wilson further said, “The left ego is the master of consciousness; the right is master of the unconscious.

And the relation between the two is not unlike the relation between Laurel and Hardy in the old movies. He said “Ollie is the left-brain, the boss. Stan takes his cues from Ollie. When Ollie is in a good mood, Stan is delighted. When Ollie is depressed, Stan is plunged into the depths of gloom. Stan is inclined to over-react.”

Wilson concluded, “Because it feels lost, bewildered, unsure of itself, the conscious ego”—our left brain—“searches obsessively for meaning.” In the process “it has achieved more in three thousand years of bicameral consciousness than in the previous million years of inner unity.”

Wilson had said that the use of psychedelic drugs can turn off certain chemical messengers which results in a form of ‘primal perception.’ He had written in The Other Side;

“The robot seems to be located in the brain. This is clear from the effects of psychedelic drugs like LSD and mescalin, which apparently achieve their effect by paralyzing certain ‘chemical messengers’ in the brain. The result is certainly a form of ‘primal perception’— as Aldous Huxley noted when he took mescalin; he quoted Blake’s statement: ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.’ So cleansing the ‘doors of perception’ is basically a matter of brain physiology.”

Who is the Robot?

Wilson stated that we each have a “robotic” level of consciousness that helps operate almost as a machine or what we can call a taskmaster. It is that side of our brains that can handle the various things in life that do not take much thought and interaction once you have learned the task. It also works unconsciously to help us to identify and deal with threats in our environment.

In describing his own personal experiences with the Robot, Wilson said in many interviews that he has even caught the Robot making love to his wife. He stated that when he or anyone was in this mode, they go into almost a trance-like robotic state where they do not truly enjoy the experiences of life.

One example Wilson describes of the robotic trance-like state is when people first learn to drive they are conscious of all the nuances of driving such as steering, changing gears and braking but after a certain amount of time, we find ourselves performing these tasks almost effortlessly.

The “Robot has taken over” and the “task is learned.”

Wilson had written; “This robot is a labor-saving device. When an activity has been performed often enough, he takes it over, and what is more, he does it a great deal more efficiently than I could do it consciously…..But, the robot has taken over too many functions.”

He also mentions a man named Julian Jaynes in his book Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals: 100,000 Years of Lost History. He said that Jaynes realized that man is trapped in a grey world created by the left cerebral hemisphere, the ‘scientific’ part of the brain.

In Wilson mind, this is both a good and bad thing.

He said that when we let the Robot take over our lives, the wonder of our amazing world will have little or no meaning to us. We no longer appreciate the beauty in life like a sunset or our children’s first steps. It is as if we were miserable zombies just going about our daily lives doing mundane tasks.

In a fascinating introduction to the left/right brain dichotomy, Wilson explains his theories in the book, Frankenstein’s Castle: The Right Brain: Door to Wisdom (Back cover). He published the book in 1980 after his research into the left and right brain and the recent findings related to lateralization of brain function.

The back cover of Frankenstein’s Castle: The Right Brain: Door to Wisdom reads:

“Man has two brains. This piece of information was probably gleaned when the first Stone Age axe cleaved the first human skull, yet only in the last century has it been confirmed that man also has two minds. In Frankenstein’s Castle Colin Wilson surveys the whole range of current two-brain research and draws some very personal conclusions.

He shows that, by some quirk of evolution, we are trapped in our left-hand brain, in a dark, dingy, limited half of “Frankenstein’s Castle’, while a few centimeters away another ‘me’, older, wiser and far more optimistic, exists independently. But the two brains, the two ‘me’s do have a connection – and a wealth of information, inspiration and happiness is available if we can somehow allow the current to flow between them.

He concludes, “If we can find the key to Frankenstein’s castle, we can claim our rightful inheritance.”

In the book, Wilson emphatically states that the left brain looks ‘inward’, the right ‘outward’.

Wilson discusses the development of the left-brain ego and states that the right-brain as criminal which controls our energy supply. Wilson proposes in the book the question ‘How can we persuade it to give us more?’

He also incorporates his research into occult powers such as clairvoyance, hypnosis, telepathy, dowsing, poltergeists and other ‘supernatural’ phenomenon which are all deemed to be the work of right-brain consciousness. The right brain is also the cause of multiple personalities and paranormal powers.

How do we take our lives back from the Robot?

Wilson says that our Robot experiences life on a daily basis from a “worm’s eye view,” seeing only that which is in front of us. He stated that we can reach peak experiences and live full lives when we consciously step back and look at the big picture from both the worm’s eye view and the bird’s eye view.

In Colin’s mind and his own personal experiences, this worm’s eye view and the bird’s eye view suddenly and spontaneously merge, we can reach these “peak experiences” to then appreciate life in a whole new way. Wilson stated that humans can reach “peak performance” when we learn to use all of our brains by re-engaging the right side of the brain in our daily activities so we can reach a heightened state of consciousness and energy.

A peak experience is a moment accompanied by a euphoric mental state often achieved by self-actualizing individuals. Expressing one’s creativity, quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge (Gnosis), and the desire to give to and/or positively transform society are examples of self-actualization.

Research shows that when people live lives that are different from their true nature and capabilities, they are less likely to be happy than those whose goals and lives match. For example, someone who has an inherent potential to be a great artist or teacher may never realize his/her talents if their energy is focused on attaining the basic needs of humans.

The concept of peak performance was originally developed by Abraham Maslow in 1964, who describes peak experiences as “rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter.”

There are several unique characteristics of a peak experience, but each element is perceived together in a holistic manner that creates the moment of reaching one’s full potential. Peak experiences can range from simple activities to intense events; however, it is not necessarily about what the activity is, but the ecstatic, blissful feeling that is being experienced during it.(Wikipedia)

Wilson stated that in order to have a truly full and rich life, we must find a way to control this Robot by keeping it on a leash. What Wilson meant by this is that if we become aware of its functions, and understand how it helps us in life, we can not only appreciate the Robot, we can control it and use it to our advantage.

In the book, New Pathways in Psychology, Wilson noted that “it is one of the absurd paradoxes of psychology that it has taken three centuries to reach the conclusion that man actually possesses a mind and a will.” (p.47).

Wilson used a type of imaginative engagement or what we can call a Western Mediation strategy to help bring both hemispheres into sync. One way to reach the peak experience was to do what he called the “pen trick” where you stared at a pen held against a wall until “attention becomes fatigued, at which point a final burst of concentration will give access to the peak experience”.

Wilson’s “pen trick” appears to be simply self-taught meditation. 

As many of you know, to meditate, many people will perform a single-pointed concentration in which they focus on one thing or one word or phrase allowing no other thoughts to interrupt your laser focus. Meditation trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness that allows people to control their thoughts and ultimately, themselves. Hence, they are in control of their “own will (the steering wheel for our brains).”

You see, the human will is the key to Wilson’s solution to the problem of the Robot controlling the human psychic condition. He said we must be conscious of how we are living and if we are acting in a robotic way, we must take back the steering wheel to our brains from the Robot.

Once we are aware of our own Robot or what the Gnostics would call Duality, we can then become aware of who we are and how our bodies, brains, and minds operate. We become conscious beings who understand the knowledge of the Truth of who we are and how to have rich and full lives or what can be called “peak experiences.”

This knowledge (Gnosis) can then be used via your true spiritual will. It then becomes a choice and an act of will to take our minds and bodies back from the robot from the steering wheel and put him/her in the passenger seat.

I love this explanation of Colin Wilson’s ideas of human evolution by Geoff Ward from

Ward explains that Wilson came to understand evolution not as a mechanical process, driven by ‘survival of the fittest’, but with the goal of increased consciousness and enjoying the process while you walk the path. He regarded life as not a dreary existence, but a splendid descent into matter ie: the material realm in order to discover the true spirit of self which gives us all the greatest freedom to live and give purposeful meaning in order to colonize it.

I will conclude with an ominous warning by Hermann Hesse that Wilson included in his book. The message is to Europe about a ‘primeval, occult, Asiatic ideal’ — an ideal he calls ‘Russian man’ that prophetically seems to deal with current events.

In the twentieth century, Hermann Hesse has been one of the few major writers to understand this; in Glimpse into Chaos (1919), he warns Europe against being taken over by a ‘primeval, occult, Asiatic ideal’ — an ideal he calls ‘Russian man’.

Russian man, he says, ‘is not to be adequately described either as a “hysteric” or as a drunkard or
criminal, or as a poet and holy man, but only as the simultaneous combination of all these characteristics’.

What Hesse is describing here is the future revolutionary man whose resides in Golgatha (The Skull) with Christ at the Logos ie: Meaning reason which has always been “The Middle Path.”

The place of our Lords and our own crucifixion.

A Gnostic Warrior whose character is not unlike the ‘revolutionary’ alter-ego of Louis Vive.

The Brain Science of Gnostic Duality Part #1

Gnostic duality is an ancient concept based on the fact that there are two separate parts, elements, and or aspects to human beings. One element is immortal being made of light (spirit or soul) and the other mortal darkness (flesh or materiality).

The essence of this dualistic philosophy centers around the Gnostic teachings that these two opposing forces are an inherent part of human natures and these forces are constantly in an eternal battle to gain control over the minds and bodies of humankind.


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