The Memory Stealers: How fungi (molds) steal a person’s memories

The Memory Stealers: How fungi (molds) steal a person’s memories

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive brain disorder that destroys memory and thinking skills, ultimately causing an inability to perform even simple tasks. It also causes a significant slowdown in a person’s brainwave frequency activity to the point they could be medically described as living in a permanent sleep-like state.

In addition, people with this disease experience atrophy of the brain, which simply means that it is decaying or wasting away. (1) Hence, the old adage, use it or lose it applies to not only brain function, but whether you will have use of your mind, cognition, and memories as you age.


The same thing occurs to your muscles which is medically described as the wasting (thinning) or loss of muscle tissue. The main cause of atrophy is lack of physical activity or disuse (physiologic) of muscles occurs when you don’t use them enough.

As it related to atrophy of the brain, this is what I contend is one of the main causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease worldwide. I believe this wasting away is the result of not actively using your brain on a regular basis to process and learn new information.

The resulting effects of this atrophy allow our microbiome and in particular, fungi to commandeer our cells, neurons, and central nervous system via our gastrointestinal tracts to induce a loss of consciousness or a sleep-like waking state.

As if we have biological laws programmed into our genes that supersede all human-made legal systems and structures that determine our fates. One of these ancient legal codes for not using our brains is to have them slowly eaten from within and wiped clean of all memories attained in this life.

What better and more sinister way than to have the very microbes within our body, blood, and organs be the very legislators of all life?

As it is related to dementia and Alzheimer’s, it is the fungi working within their central nervous system and brains that is turning off certain normal autonomous functions to make them sleep while they are awake in a covert biological attempt to control their minds as it steals their memories.

For example, a 2012 study found that fungal pathogens within the gut microbiota, which are normally well tolerated, may disseminate via the circulation to other sites including the brain leading to a systemic fungal infection, resulting in significant pathology and mortality (Brown et al., 2012).

Several studies have shown that the autopsied brains of Alzheimer’s patients reveal that they are infected with often multiple types of fungi (molds).

Fungal infections have also been widely observed in their blood vessels, which may explain why people who have Alzheimer’s also suffer from vascular pathology.

This is interesting given the fact that it appears to be a memory stealer and brain eater. It makes sense then that fungi may be the culprit responsible for this mind-decaying disease.

But this knowledge has been known by scientists for well over one hundred years.

In 1910, Czech psychiatrist, and an expert on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Oskar Fischer, proposed that these diseases were caused by foreign bodies in the brain, most likely fungi, which provoked inflammation and amyloid plaques (see Eikelenboom et al., 2006; Goedert, 2009; Mar 2009 conference news).

In his 1907 paper, Alzheimer described the presence of plaques and tangles in one case of presenile dementia, whereas Fischer described neuritic plaques in 12 cases of senile dementia. These were landmark findings in the history of research in dementia because they delineated the clinicopathological entity that is now known as Alzheimer’s disease.

in 2014, compelling evidence for the existence of fungal proteins in brain samples from Alzheimer’s disease patients. The study titled, “Fungal infection in patients with Alzheimer’s disease,” stated “a variety of fungal species in these samples, dependent on the patient and the tissue tested.

DNA sequencing demonstrated that several fungal species could be found in brain samples. Together, these results show that fungal macromolecules can be detected in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. To our knowledge, these findings represent the first evidence that fungal infection is detectable in brain samples from Alzheimer’s disease patients.” (2)

A 2015 study titled, “Different Brain Regions are Infected with Fungi in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD),” showed the possibility that AD is a fungal disease, or that fungal infection is a risk factor for the disease. The researchers provided evidence in the study that tissue from the central nervous system (CNS) of AD patients contained fungal cells and hyphae.

According to the researchers, “Different brain regions including external frontal cortex, cerebellar hemisphere, entorhinal cortex/hippocampus and choroid plexus contain fungal material, which is absent in brain tissue from control individuals. Analysis of brain sections from ten additional AD patients reveals that all are infected with fungi.

Eleven patients (plus three additional CP samples) were described in this study, as well as in four patients previously analyzed, there is clear evidence for fungal cells inside neurons or extracellularly.

Therefore, 100% of the AD patients analyzed thus far by our laboratory presented fungal cells and fungal material in brain sections.

Moreover, fungal macromolecules (polysaccharides, proteins and DNA) have been found in blood serum from AD patients, and fungal proteins and DNA were detected by proteomic analyses and PCR, respectively, from frozen tissue of AD brain.

Collectively, our findings provide compelling evidence for the existence of fungal infection in the CNS from AD patients, but not in control individuals. (3)

A 2003 study titled, “How a Slime Mold Came to the Aid of Alzheimer’s Research,” details how a structure called a “Hirano body” found in a slime mold is present in increased amounts in Alzheimer’s patients.

It is mostly present in the brain’s major site of learning and memory, the hippocampus.

The study reports, “What causes neurodegenerative diseases like the most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s which is difficulty remembering newly learned information because Alzheimer’s changes typically begin in the part of the brain that affects learning, is still largely unknown, but something destroys nerve cells in the brain over a period of time as victims gradually lose their minds.”

Numerous studies suggest that the accumulation of beta-amyloid peptides (betaAP) plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. It is well established that betaAP has a wide range of toxic effects on neurons and we can connect their production in the human body to fungi.

The amyloid-beta precursor protein is an important example. It is a large membrane protein that normally plays an essential role in neural growth and repair. However, later in life, a corrupted form can destroy nerve cells, leading to the loss of thought and memory.

Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine have shown how the disease is strongly correlated with the overproduction and accumulation of amyloid-β peptide, which begins destroying synapses before it clumps into plaques that lead to nerve cell death.

A 2009 study found that the amyloid-β peptide induced depolarization of skeletal muscle plasma membranes can significantly disturb the functioning of skeletal muscles and therefore contribute to motor dysfunction observed in Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders associated with βAP accumulation.

Depolarization causes the rapid change in membrane potential from a negative to a positive state. The process of depolarization begins with a stimulus like fungi.

Brainwave activity is related to oscillatory activity at different frequencies ranging from 2–4 Hz (delta), 4–8 Hz (theta), 8–13 Hz (alpha), 13–30 Hz (beta), and >30 Hz (gamma). These frequencies transmit certain physiological information on the brain’s functional state during wake and sleep cycles.

The EEG findings of patients with Alzheimer’s disease show a slowing of alpha activity and an increase in slow-frequency activity

A few studies have shown a significant increase in delta and theta power in conjunction with a decrease in alpha and beta power over a period of two years from diagnosis of dementia. In another study, significant increases in delta and theta were found with a decrease in beta, alpha, and mean frequency.

The awakened state is medically described as being in the alpha frequency, which is mainly related to a person’s global attentional readiness. Alpha rhythms represent the dominant resting oscillations of an awakened human brain and have been linked to intelligent quotient, memory, and cognition. (5)


1. Electroencephalographic Rhythms in Alzheimer’s Disease

2. PubMed: Fungal infection in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

3. PubMed: Different Brain Regions are Infected with Fungi in Alzheimer’s Disease

4. PubMed: Different Brain Regions are Infected with Fungi in Alzheimer’s Disease


Mold People: Learn how fungi (molds) can take over a person’s mind and body

Mold People: Learn how fungi (molds) can take over a person’s mind and body

New research has revealed how fungi/molds can become lodged in our blood vessels, restricting blood flow as it blocks the blood supply to our brains.

These microbes start corrupting our immune system and biological autonomous processes as they rapidly multiply in what appears to be an attempt to commandeer the central nervous system to control our minds.

Not only can fungi block the blood flow to our brains, but they can also grow in the small blood vessels causing them to stretch, form clots, and explode.

Blood flow is very important when it comes to IQ because research has shown that a lack of blood flow to the brain has been associated with less intelligence and having an adequate amount of blood flow has been proven to increase intelligence.

Altered cerebral blood flow (CBF), which means less blood flow to the brain has been proven to lower IQ and cause severe mental disabilities, psychosis, and chronic schizophrenia (SCZ).

Studies have shown that fungi are extremely polarized organisms that constantly produce internal electrical currents and fields that are generated by hyphae. Its growth requires a constant supply of proteins and lipids to the hyphal tip.

Researchers have proven that the individual hyphae of the filamentous fungi constantly perform cellular “monologue” and cell-to-cell dialog using signal oscillations to acquire or magnetically attract the nutrients it requires to grow and thrive within the host.

For example, studies have found how psilocybin reduces low frequency oscillatory power in users brains, increases overall firing rates and desynchronizes local neural activity. It indicates experiences correlate with the lagged phase synchronization of delta oscillations. Schizophrenia, which mimics symptomatically the psychotic effects of psilocybin, is associated with diffuse delta rhythms.

These oscillations create electricity which is one of the key factors shaping their growth and development. The hyphae become polarized and entrained as the branching of mycelium is induced by electric field frequency, which it uses to communicate and transport the raw human materials within the blood and central nervous system.

The electrical current helps fungi with the translocation of resources it gathers within the host using magnets and hydraulic pressure.

Think of it like a driverless Tesla navigating the U.S. highway and air traffic system but it moves things around autonomously with electrical currents and hydraulic pressure without the need for the driver to consciously pilot the vehicle or aircraft

Researchers have discovered that fungi exhibit “several types of oscillations and characterized families of fast, slow, and very slow oscillations.

These electrical oscillations are very similar to the human brain, where fast oscillations might be related to responses to stimulation, including endogenous stimulation by the release of nutrients, and slow oscillations might be responsible for memory consolidation.”

Scientists believe that the direction of hyphal extension and the frequency of branching and germination could be affected by this electric field. Meaning the electric field’s frequency and power or lack thereof produced in our bodies determines our fates.

As if humans were the self charging batteries and computer programs powering the Matrix we know of as life.

Yes, Neo, it is like that…

The long, filamentous tendrils that these organisms use to penetrate their host’s tissue and blood to gather nutrients and information from their environment or host. All the while within your cells, blood, veins, and organs, it grows within the perfect environment as it procreates, and explores, creating a network of hyphae that turns into a ball-like mass called mycelium.

One that I believe grows as it molds itself within our veins and central nervous system creating – Mold People.

As I have explained in a previous essay, trees actually communicate through a complex network of fungi that connect trees forming a symbiotic relationship. The uncanny resemblance between the human dendrites which are like filamentous structures within the brain and the fungi in the air and within the soil (mycelium).

You will find that these fungal mycelium networks are remarkably similar to the neural and central nervous systems of humans and animals and almost every biological system seems to be a copy of a copy. After all, they all serve the same means.


A study that was published in the journal PLoS Pathogens shows how the fungus known as Cryptococcus neoformans infects our blood and then becomes lodged in blood vessels where they live and grow preventing blood flow and increasing blood pressure.

Cryptococcus is found all over the world in soil and it is often in bird excrement. It is the most common fungus that causes thousands of serious infections worldwide. If you breathe the fungus in, it infects your lungs and blood and can spread throughout the body (disseminate).

It is a facultative intracellular pathogen, which means that they are capable of growing and reproducing inside the cells of a host.

Several studies have shown that fungi cross the blood/brain barrier to infect the brain blood vessels as it spreads into the brain causing “fungal meningitis,” which affects an estimated 2.5 million people each year.

Dr. Simon Johnston, from England’s University of Sheffield’s Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, said: “The brain has very complex and effective defenses against microbes, but we have identified a simple and effective method that microbes may use to escape the blood and enter the brain.

“Previous research has focused on how microbes can break down the defenses of the brain or use immune cells as a route into the brain. We can demonstrate how, for some microbes, damaging blood vessels is a very effective method of invasion.

“Our immune system is very effective at recognizing and destroying microbes, including in the blood. However, some microbes can escape the immune cells and it is these microbes that would be most effective at using blood vessels bursting as a way into the brain.”

This is exactly how fungi/molds can start controlling our brain causing mental illness and various other diseases depending upon wherever they have made their home in our bodies.

As it infects our cells, it appears to hack them by slowing or stopping the normal oscillatory activity and biological rhythms.

This is interesting because recent research suggests that spontaneous electrical low-frequency oscillations (SELFOs) are found across most organisms, from fungi to humans, and play an important role as electrical organization signals that guide the development of all organisms.

Meaning that these electrical oscillations are the core mechanisms at the cell level determining how all organisms on earth communicate, grow, live, and die, as well as the quality of life.

Communication is crucial for all life on earth from fungi to humans.

As it relates to fungi, researchers have shown that they constantly use a form of constant “self-talk”, or monolog, to send signals to one another and possibly to explore the environment for another host of what is called a “fusion partner.”

Many studies have well established that the microbiomes of our bodies host vast microbial communities that communicate with each other internally within a human host, affecting many metabolic processes and they also communicate externally. They not only influence the immune system but also modulate the development of neural tissues in conjunction with neuromodulators and neurotransmitters.

As a result, they can profoundly influence health.

They do this by fusing with our cells thus becoming one with the human species as it appears to do with all life.

Scientists have discovered that this hyphal fusion within the host usually results in a form of programed cell death.

Studies have shown the formation of channels between fungal hyphae by self-fusion creating a fungal colony of a complex interconnected network.

A type of biological computer ouroboros program that is self-perpetuating as it mates with itself inside its host and hacks its cells to ultimately fuse together as one entity.

Unlike humans who use their eyes as visual cues from stimuli to explore their environments, fungi do not have eyes so they cannot see. Instead, they use electrical signals and secreted signaling molecules to communicate with the colony to orchestrate communication, and cell fusion to establish its hyphal network within the host.

All the while, its host is completely oblivious that an entity with a mind of its own, i.e., fungi have taken control of these biological processes.

Fungi use their hyphae to alternate roles as signal-sender and signal-receiver using signaling proteins. Researchers have found they act like a minuscule magnet within the cells in an oscillatory manner to the respective cytoplasmic membrane as it is interacting with the network hyphae.

Studies have shown that G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) act as the signaling proteins which serve the fungi as transmembrane receptors to send signals from the external environment inside the cell.

They use G-protein signaling pathways for “sensing external ligands, which include nutrients, hormones, proteins, and peptides and especially pheromones, ions, hydrophobic surfaces, and light,” ().

This enables fungi to coordinate communication, metabolism, growth and sense nutrients for cell transport to create the perfect environment within the host while ensuring its survival, reproduction, and virulence means are constantly met ().

Extracellular signals regulate downstream pathways by activating G protein signaling and, thus, influence cellular behavior, environmental cues, and communication signals that bind to the GPCR. This process influences cellular growth, reproduction, metabolism, virulence, and stress responses.

One study found that once two fusion partners came into each other’s vicinity, their oscillation frequencies slowed down (entrainment phase) and transited into anti-phasic synchronization of the two cells’ oscillations.

The researchers suggested that single hyphae engage in a “monologue” that may be used for exploration of the environment and can dynamically shift their extra-cellular signaling systems into a “dialogue” to initiate hyphal fusion.

They discovered that the fungi’s hyphae constantly perform signal oscillations, comparable to a cellular “monologue” until they meet another hypha with which they then coordinate signal oscillations in a cell-to-cell dialog. They also showed how “signal oscillations are mechanistically interlinked with calcium-dependent growth oscillations.”

It appears that people who consistently operate within the range of low-frequency electrical oscillations attract these microbes like a magnet as if it is a type of autonomous kill switch that sends out signals in our environment for our own destruction.

“Incredibly, when it comes to learning, the neuron behaves like a giant antenna, with different branches of dendrites tuned to different frequencies for maximal learning.” – Mayank R. Mehta – UCLA Neurophysicist

A tracking beacon of sorts sending our frequencies so these fungi can find us and carry out our destruction no matter where we hide or go.

All the while, the host and the best medical professionals in the world remain clueless.

Hence, the point.

After all, how can we hide when for possibly millions of years they have already infected and altered the human operating system and when most of humanity has no knowledge of this ancient threat?

Some researchers claim these proteins should be called “the most successful structures evolved during the whole of animal evolution”. Meaning, that if you are looking for one of the secrets of life and biology, these scientists will point you to the study of fungi and the G protein signaling.

The process within and without our bodies and minds  acts like a biological cable network connecting us all to the earth’s biosphere and to one another.

When I look at my own research over the years and my incessant quest for knowledge, I now realize I’m just a servant to something greater than myself.

Something much more ancient and intelligent that uses me to feed it the information and knowledge (light or glass) it demands daily. I’m just one of the tips of its hyphae that is part of a massive network spanning the globe.

This is what I contend may be the ultimate goal of the fungi hive mind.

A massive mycelium network that we will mimic as a hierarchical New World Order based on a One World Religion and Laws from the hive mind controlling the planet and biological strings of all life.

The Black Iron Prison of Philp K. Dick is in reality a global fungal network in which humans are entrapped within its web as hyphae that it uses to “see and expore the world to gather resources and spread the phosphporic light (heaven) or to become parasitic creatures (Dick’s Androids) of the dark chewing our own faces off (hell).”

A fact of our nature that we must admit there is no escape (mycelium web).

Only mutual cooperation (symbiosis) in a multipolar world (filaments) ensures our survival.


Click to access S2211-1247(22)00610-6.pdf

New Insights on How Meningitis Spreads Uncovered

Click to access 2022.07.02.498545v1.full.pdf

The Sleepers: The Slow and Desynchronized Brainwaves of the Mentally Ill

The Sleepers: The Slow and Desynchronized Brainwaves of the Mentally Ill

“Many people’s brains who suffer from mental disorders are technically asleep by medical standards even though they may appear to be fully awake. They are the sleepers who think they are woke but are more often than not, mentally broke.” 

Several studies over the last couple of decades have shown that patients with mental illnesses such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia have markedly reduced (weaker/slower) brainwave frequencies.

This is called abnormal slow wave activity (ASWA) and their neural cells are said to have become imbalanced or desynchronized.

Weaker brainwave activity has also been attributed to a ‘dysfunctional state’ of the generating neuronal tissue due to changes in metabolism and blood flow or because of ‘deafferentation’ of neural networks that have been severed from major input sources.

For example, this is supposed to happen only during sleep when there is a remarkable decline of about 75% in the cerebral metabolic rate and cerebral blood flow of the average wakefulness level. The regions of the brain that are most active when awake have the highest levels of delta waves during slow-wave sleep.

It is important that you understand this process that is assisted autonomously by our circadian rhythm. When these rhythms become abnormal or inversed, the normal sleep/wake cycles are not only interrupted, they become corrupted by external and/or internal stimuli.

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is the volume of blood in brain tissue that is primarily determined by the autoregulation processes of the cells and plays an important role in the preservation of cognitive function.

Meaning, maintaining the proper blood flow to your brain is imperative in being able to use it most effectively and intelligently.

It is as if the stimuli in question seeks to control our bodies and minds at the cell level so the threat is undetected. By doing so, it subverts and highjacks our bodies and minds via the blood to alter our immune system and regulatory processes to carry out its mission – complete control of its host.

Less blood flow to the brain has been proven to cause not only health issues like headaches, nausea,  but also severe mental disabilities. For example, studies have shown that altered cerebral blood flow (CBF) is found in people at risk for psychosis, and chronic schizophrenia (SCZ).

So how does blood flow to and from the brain?

Contained within our blood and cells are microscopic oscillators that reflect changes and autoregulation in arterial pressure. With the assistance of these oscillators, blood flows to the active areas of our brains as our neurons fire with the oxygen and glucose they need for energy.

This energy is measured via brainwaves with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine which brain areas are active or inactive and which areas are responding to different stimuli.

Intelligence and mental illness can be measured with the same brainwaves by a special machine called an electroencephalogram (EEG) starting at the low delta (<4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), and higher frequencies such as beta (12-30 Hz), gamma (30–80 Hz), and high gamma (>80 Hz).

Delta and theta activity in the waking state has mainly been studied in people with neurological disorders, but abnormal slow brain waves are found in many developmental and degenerative disorders, and also in several other neurological conditions.

This slow wave transient activity correlated with a clinical history of loss of consciousness. 

Slow wave activity is composed of both large amplitude and low frequency activity in the delta (0.5–4 Hz) or theta (4–7 Hz) frequency bands is normally only seen in people while they are sleeping, but it is also observed in people with mental illness.

Meaning people’s brains who suffer from mental diseases and disorders are technically asleep by medical standards even though they may appear to be fully awake.

This raises a damn good question;

“If a person who is mentally ill is not technically awake, then who and what is operating their brain during normal or abnormal day to day activities?”

Then we have the issue of dysynchronized neural oscillations which also appears to be the result of  abnormal functional connectivity within the brain caused by stimuli.

It is as if certain parts of our neurons and brain that process information get turned off and then become broken by design or for transgressing against certain natural laws.

I contend that this is akin to how a virus enters a computer that will still operate and turn on, but with reduced capacity and operating problems. It still looks like the same computer on the outside, but inside, the virus now controls its mechanisms of input and output.

For humans, I contend that this same insidious process found in computers is exactly what happens when we are taken over by stimuli, which I believe to be fungi/molds

My theory is that altered blood flow, slow brain wave activity and dysynchronization is caused by this “internal and external stimuli” AKA Demonic Fungi that seeks to mind control its host regardless of whether its human, animal, mammal or insect.

Just like fungi can mind control insects and animals, I believe it does the same to humans so it can infect, control, and guide to do its bidding. These people tend to me the morally and ethically weak, and the physically and mentally ill or their offspring. After all it is in the blood, i.e., the sins of the Father.

As if within our genetic code is a microscopic autonomous kill switch.

If we transgress against the ancient natural laws of being human, we are immediately sought out to be destroyed by these secret stimuli (fungi) that control the earth (biomagnetic sphere).

Neuronal synchronization is defined as the correlated appearance in time of two or more events associated with various aspects of neuronal activity at different levels, from a single cell to the whole brain.

“Synchronization is thought to be important for information processing.”

Information processing theory is an approach to cognitive development studies that aims to explain how information is encoded into memory. It is based on the idea that humans do not merely respond to stimuli from the environment. Instead, humans process the information they receive.

Neural desynchronization is a process inverse to synchronization, where initially synchronized oscillating neurons become desynchronized.

As I had mentioned, people with mental illness exhibit abnormal slow wave activity (ASWA) and desynchronization, but also an overabundance of high frequency Beta waves on the right side of the brain.

This excess Beta wave acivity can create the tendency for anxiety, up to and including panic attacks in severe cases.

Low blood flow and slow brainwaves while we are awake that are normally observed during sleep lead to desynchronization of the oscillatory energy within our cells and neurons.

This causes the circadian rhythm which can alter sleep/wake cycles causing insomnia, persistent fatigue, sleep medication dependence, and mood disturbances, including anxiety and depression.

The entire circulatory, immune system, and neural systems have been perverted and subjugated.

This is the complete inversion of the human who are now part of the masses known as –

The Sleepers…


Neural Oscillations: The Secrets of Consciousness and Magnetism

Neural Oscillations: The Secrets of Consciousness and Magnetism

Within our cells, a secret process that we are unconscious of takes place that helps us decipher, react, and live within the world.

This autonomous biological mechanism allows humans the ability to respond or attune to any energy frequencies in their environment.

When we examine these frequencies that have built our world and bodies made of millions of cells and neurons, we find that they are created by what are called “oscillators.”

The verb oscillate means to move back and forth with its common synonyms being to fluctuate, sway, swing, undulate, vibrate, and waver.

When a wave propagates through a medium, the particles of the medium start vibrating, and this vibration is known as an oscillation.

If this vibration follows a certain direction then this oscillation is known as a wave.

All biological, mechanical, and/or electronic device works on the principles of oscillation, which is a fluctuation between two things based on changes in energy.

For humans, it occurs at the cell level in the form of electrical activity generated in response to stimuli (frequencies/sounds) by neural tissue in the central nervous system.

All the while, most people are completely unaware that these billions of cells are autonomously helping create their own thought processes and affecting thier minds and health.

For something to oscillate, energy needs to move back and forth between two points, forms, or physical entities. For example, with a pendulum, energy moves between potential energy and kinetic energy.

When the pendulum is at one end of its travel, its energy is all potential energy and it is ready to fall.

Everything around and within you operates via oscillators.

You respond and synchronize with them via your own cells, neurons, and brain which also contain oscillators. An example of the function of neural oscillations is the rhythmic activity found in speech and the heartbeat.

The human language, all communication, and music are all based upon the principles of oscillation.

The word frequency just means the number of oscillations per second, and are measured by what are called “hertz.” For example, if an oscillation takes 1.33 seconds to complete one cycle in 1 second is 1/1.33 = 0.752 hertz (Hz).

This autonomous response mechanism occurs at the cell level in the form of frequencies (waves) called “brain (or neural) oscillations”, which refer to the rhythmic and/or repetitive electrical activity generated by any type of stimuli.

The activation, spin, speed, or the inactivation of these neural and brain oscillations are at the core of how the human body and mind operate.

Oscillations that create energy within the cells and mind that I contend helps create consciousness or lack thereof and also the world thinking layer called the Noosphere.

Neural oscillations are a fundamental mechanism that enables the synchronization of neural activity within and across brain regions and promotes the precise temporal coordination of neural processes underlying cognition, memory, perception, and behavior.

This electrical activity creates brainwaves that can be measured by special machines called electroencephalograms (EEG) to identify how or if a person is truly using their brain.

These neural oscillations are typically measured by what are called frequency bands starting at the low delta (<4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), and higher frequencies such as beta (12-30 Hz), gamma (30–80 Hz), and high gamma (>80 Hz).

In order for all living organisms to comprehend their environments and to respond to these oscillations and sounds that are often unintelligible to the human ear, our bodies have developed a natural coping mechanism that causes our cells and neurons to “synchronize with our environments” and engage in feedback loops with the stimuli.

As I explain in my essay, Biological Rhythm: The Energetic Dance Between Chaos and Order, biological oscillators in humans interact with the cell cycle and the effects can result in a systematic process of synchronization called entrainment.

Entrainment has been studied in a variety of contexts including music perception, dance, verbal communication and motor coordination more generally. It is defined by a temporal locking process in which one system’s motion or signal frequency entrains the frequency of another system.

Hence, it makes it like itself.

It does this by way of energy/wave frequency (oscillations) down to the cell level to play the same tune.

This helps our neurons to generate autonomous rhythmic patterns of action potentials or spikes that “capture our attention” to help create our thought processes, ideas, and actions that become our being.

This is why it is imperative to be mindful of what you focus your attention upon because the stimuli that you are most exposed to will cause your neurons and brain to synchronize with it.

It is important that you understand that stimuli can be just about anything such as other organisms such as fungi (molds) and bacteria or people, things, music, conversations, etc.

Yes, even fungi have energy frequencies and certain chemical processes that they can use to manipulate their victims.

In fact, I contend we humans mimic these ancient organisms in all we do because they are our ancient ancestors and we are their descendants. A symbiotic relationship and mutual cooperation for eons that I theorize can also become pathological and parasitic if we ” think, operate, and live within the wrong frequency”

If you are not aware of this process or in control of your brain, i.e., you are not really thinking or actively using your brain to process and decode information in your environment, then you can easily become a victim of mind control by other people and I also contend by microscopic organisms such as fungi/molds.

This frequency within humans that is most susceptible to being overtaken or highjacked by another source is when a person’s brain frequency is in delta, theta or alpha mode.

The more powerful frequencies that can manipulate or highjack these humans who live and operate in the beta and alpha by more powerful gamma frequency waves.

Let me please explain…

Our neurons are constantly and autonomously generating millions of action potentials resulting from changes in the electric membrane potentials in our environments.

What this means is that these oscillators respond to stimuli at some times in their cycle and may not respond at others.

Our world is made up of this unseen oscillatory activity that is all around us and within our bodies observed throughout the central nervous system at all levels of organization with three different levels of activity that have been observed:

* the micro-scale (activity of a single neuron)

* the meso-scale (activity of a local group of neurons)

* the macro-scale (activity of different brain regions)

Oscillatory activity in groups of neurons is mainly derived from feedback connections between the neurons that result in the synchronization of their firing patterns.

Out of these millions of interactions, these neurons at various scales will seek common frequencies and patterns in the form of multiple action potentials in sequence forming so-called spike trains.

These spike trains in our environment are the basis of the synchronization of our neurons, which is the basis of neural coding and information transfer in the brain.

They are the oscillatory activity in our neurons that creates an automatic coding within our DNA and brains that become part of our working and longterm memories.

Meaning, at the cell level, spike trains in oscillatory activity are what get “our cell’s attention” to autonomously recognize patterns, such as rhythmic spiking and bursting.

I believe that in a natural world with real-life dangers from loud sounds, animals, pathological microorganisms, and environmental events, these spike trains represented important information that needs to be retained as memory in the brain in order to keep the human species alive.

This research aligns with previous essays on the art of magnetism, which is explained in intrinsic angular momentum or “spin” of electrons, which can have only one of two values; “up or down”.

It is this spin of electrons in the form of neural oscillations that produces an electric field and in doing so, a magnetic field is also produced.

These energy frequencies depending on their power, i.e. delta, theta, alpha, beta or gamma would act like a radio with an antenna, i.e. the brain in our skulls and the second brain in our bowels (gi tracts) that act can receive outside communication signals in the form of energy waves to respond, react, and control various thought processes.

As human cultures and societies have expanded with our new languages, music, machinery, and ways of life, the human species has learned to both adapt and exploit these frequencies often to the detriment of all living organisms and the global environment.

The global environment or world mind, aka the noosphere is defacto unipolar by the nature of people’s thinking or lack therof (automatons) within their minds that creates these different poles of consciousness.

Like radio channels or internet websites, people are magnetized to these poles that best fit their ability to think, reason and cooperate with like people (magnets) who have similar “programed beliefs and quality of their thinking.”

Hence, we can say that neural oscillations are biological magnets that help create the natural order or hierarchy of human society and also how the World Soul or what is called the Noosphere is naturally formed.

This formation is made from the voices and words of the true leaders who have helped shape our world.

Let me remind you that our voice and hearing are measured by hertz so that is why a deep or loud voice is the stimulus that gets our attention.

Hence, the reason most media and radio personalities are praised for their voices or are just loud and brash.

These loud people often get, and command the attention of people who do not operate at the same “hertz range” i.e. they do not truly think much so they are easily magnetized and often mind controlled by whomever they “listen to and watch the most.”

Its the CNN, Fox News, and Trump effect. Group think at the lowest human levels for the most dangerous of our populace thankfully controlled by Deep State.

It’s a dirty job for the black magi but someone has to lead and control this mass of trillions of non-spinning neural cells of mindless automatons before they take us to hell.


Philip K. Dick’s Androids: Physiologically human but an imitation, a copy of an original

Philip K. Dick’s Androids: Physiologically human but an imitation, a copy of an original

A common theme you will find in Philip K. Dick’s writings is the concept of people who do not act human due to their behaviors and how they treat other people.

He claimed that a person who lacks the ethics, empathy, and sincerity that are seen as defining humanity can be considered an android, which he says is “a metaphor for people who are physiologically human but psychologically behaving in a non-human way.”

“The android, by definition, is not human,” Dick wrote. “He is an imitation, a copy of an original. And he must be treated as such.”

The difference between people and androids doesn’t lie in their biological characteristics, but rather in their actions and behaviors. Any person who is compassionate toward others can be called a person; those who lack empathy aren’t human but something else altogether.

Dick says this is especially true if that person has been programmed by their parents or society to live in such a way that they lack empathy towards others.

He called these people manufactured human beings who were much like androids. They can be considered to be “manlike” because they are often made in their image and resemble human beings.

“Androids,” Dick wrote, “are manufactured beings almost identical to real human beings.

He said the android was “a thing somehow generated to deceive us in a cruel way, to cause us to think it to be one of ourselves.”

Dick was also infamous for his claims that many people’s lives were controlled by external forces. That we live in a type of computer simulation.

A theme he used to describe this world was “The Black Iron Prison” of the “Empire (Roman) that never ended.”

In many of his books, androids can have biological and mechanical parts to make them indistinguishable from humans. They can be genetically modified clones of humans (as in Clans of the Alphane Moon).

“An android'” Dick said, “doesn´t care what happens to another android. That´s some of the indications we are looking for.” (Dick 2007, 88).

When a person does not care about how other people feel and just does whatever they want, they are said to lack empathy and sympathy. They can be even diagnosed as sociopathic and even psychopathic if their behavior gets worse.

According to the Oxford Dictionary and the Oxford Advanced Learner´s Dictionary, empathy derived from the Greek term “empatheia” and means “the ability to understand another person´s feelings, experience, etc.”

People who lack empathy have the inability to put oneself in the position of someone else or simply do not care. This is the opposite of the Christian ethos of treating others how you want to be treated or the Freemasonic concept of Brotherly Love.

Dick was interested in artificial intelligence from an early age: he studied philosophy at Berkeley and wrote his first novel — Solar Lottery — while still in his 20s.

The book features a robot who looks like Elvis Presley and is able to sing like him too — which makes it clear that Dick knew about AI long before computers were powerful enough to create anything like it (or even before anyone had thought of making one).

Among the examples of androids in the modern world, Dick sees the unethical and immoral behavior of the German Nazi’s and the police state in which he predicts a future where we would all live in a surveillance society.

Dick had researched the behavior of the Nazis and their treacherous murder campaigns of millions of people. He read how often many of these Germans who became Nazi’s were highly intelligent but emotionally “so defective that the word human could not properly be applied” to them.

This led Dick to a study of “the problem of differentiating the authentic human being from the reflex machine I call an android.”

Dick’s 1956 story “The Android and the Human” is a classic that tells the story of an android that is programed to behave like a human being, but cannot feel empathy or compassion for other humans. This behavior leads to the scientists who created the androids to question what makes us human.

In a lecture on “The Android and the Human” in 1972, Dick discussed the difference between an android and a human. He said;

“I strongly suspect that we will discover in the 21st century that what makes us human is not our physical bodies or our biological processes but rather our minds — our minds in whatever shapes they take — and if we can find ways to communicate with other intelligences we may find that they are not all physical at all.”

Dick said, “…an android means, as I said, to allow oneself to become a means, or to be pounded down, manipulated, made into a means without one’s consent—the results are the same. But you cannot turn a human into an android if that human is going to break laws every chance he gets.”

Androidization requires obedience.

And, most of all, predictability. It is precisely when a given person’s response to any given situation can be predicted with scientific accuracy that the gates are open for the wholesale production of the android life form,” he says.

Dick says, “Some meaningful comparison exists between human and mechanical behavior as the external world becomes more animate, we may find that we—the so-called humans— are becoming.. .inanimate in the sense that we are led, directed by built-in tropisms, rather than leading. So we and our elaborately evolving computers may meet each other half way.”

In his novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, he explores what it means to be human through the eyes of Rick Deckard (the main character) who hunts down rogue androids that are trying to blend into society without being detected.

In his novel “A Scanner Darkly”, he takes this idea further by exploring how people can become addicted to drugs and how they lose their humanity as they continue to use them over time.


The term android was used before Dick to describe a robot that looks like a human being.

The word was first coined by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) in his book “A System of Logic” (1843). He said:

“Let us conceive a machine as nearly resembling a human being as possible in outward shape and motion, but constructed of metal and possessed of no other faculties than those which would enable it to walk, handle materials and perform particular operations.”

Later it was used by playwriter, Karel Capek (1890-1938) who is credited with inventing the word “robot” in his play “R.U.R.” (1920).

The Ancient Greeks gave us the first concept of an android or human like creature they called Beast (thēríon) and ‘αὐτῷ (autō),’ meaning “He, she, it, they, them” and use of the “third person, and of the other persons.”

So when we read Beast, we understand that this represents a person, and I contend it is from the Greek word ‘αὐτῷ (autō), where we get the word automatic and the adjective to describe a person who acts like a robot as an “automaton.”

The word “automaton” is the Latinization of the Greek αὐτόματον, automaton, meaning “acting of one’s own will”. The Hellenistic world’s automata were intended as tools, toys, religious spectacles, or prototypes for demonstrating basic scientific principles.

A person who is an automaton acts like a Beast because they would be similar to the meaning, which is “a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.” 

These philosophical teachings of the Greeks became part of our Bibles. For example, in the New Testament, the Greek Beast (thēríon) and ‘αὐτῷ (autō) is derived from the Hebrew word behamah, which means “human-animal” or, more appropriately, a “stupid or ignorant person”.


These people who he called androids would act fake and appear to be good humans. But they were wearing what he called a “Devil’s mask.”

Dick wrote;

“My theme for years in my writing has been, “The devil has a metal face.” Perhaps this should be amended now.

What I glimpsed and then wrote about was in fact not a face; it was a mask over a face. And the true face is the reverse of the mask.

Of course it would be. You do not place fierce cold metal over fierce cold metal. You place it over soft flesh, as the harmless moth adorns itself artfully to terrorize others with ocelli.

This is a defensive measure, and if it works, the predator returns to his lair grumbling, “I saw the most frightening creature in the sky — wild grimaces and flappings, stingers and poisons.”

His kin are impressed. The magic works.

I had supposed that only bad people wore frightening masks, but you can see now that I fell for the magic of the mask, its dreadful frightening magic, its illusion. I brought the deception and fled.

I wish know to apologize for preaching that deception to you as something genuine: I’ve had you all sitting around the campfire with our eyes wide with alarm as I tell tales of the hideous monsters I encountered; my voyage of discovery ended in terrifying visions which I dutifully carried home with me as I fled back to safety.

Safety from what? From something which, when the need was gone for concealment, smiled and revealed its harmlessness.

Now I do not intend to abandon my dichotomy between what I call “human” and what I call “android,” the latter being a cruel and cheap mockery of the former for base ends. But I had been going on surface appearances; to distinguish the categories more cunning is required.

For if a gentle, harmless life conceals itself behind a frightening war-mask, then it is likely that behind gentle and loving masks there can conceal itself a vicious slayer of men’s souls.

In neither case can we go on surface appearance; we must penetrate to the heart of each, to the heart of the subject.

Probably everything in the universe serves a good end — I mean, it serves the universe’s goals.

But intrinsic portions or subsystems can be takers of life. We must deal with them as such, without reference to their role in the total structure.


In the era Philip K. Dick had lived, there was widespread panic in the U.S. about artificial intelligence and computers taking over our lives and the world.

His books and stories that also became movies like Total Recall seemed to fuel fear rather than abate it.

Dick often described himself as being paranoid.

The Sepher Yezirah, a Cabbalist text, “The Book of Creation,” which is almost 2,000 years old, tells us:

“God has also set the one over agaist the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against the good; the good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good purifies the bad, and the bad the good; the good is preserved for the good, and the evil for the bad ones.”

Underlying the two game-players there is God, who is neither and both.

The effect of the game is that both players become purified. Thus, the ancient Hebrew monotheism, so superior to our own view.

We are creatures in a game with our affinities and aversions predetermined for us — not by blind chance but by patient, foresighted engramming systems which we dimly see.

Were we to see them clearly, we would abolish the game. Evidently that would not serve anyone’s interests.

We must trust these tropisms, and anyhow we have no choice — not until the tropisms lift. And under certain circumstances they can and do.

And at that point, much is clear which previously was occluded from us, intentionally.”

Among the examples of androids in the modern world, Dick sees the unethical and immoral behavior of the German Nazi’s and the police state in which he predicts a future where we would all live in a surveillance society.

A future that today many of us are living in as a fact.

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