House of the Devil: Crowley’s Boleskine House of Black Magic and Demons

House of the Devil: Crowley’s Boleskine House of Black Magic and Demons

Some people call it, “The House of the Devil.” While others, “The House of Sin.”

What we do know for sure is that Aleister Crowley purchased the Boleskine House in Scotland along the banks of Loch Ness for the sole purpose of performing black magick rituals and summoning demons when he lived there between 1899 and 1913.

Crowley was just 25 years old when he bought the home in 1899 after looking for the perfect location to carry out a series of rituals from the Book of Sacred Magick Abremelin Merlin of Mage.

The Boleskine House was the right spot because it was very secluded so he could carry out his rituals in solitude without the prying eyes of his neighbors. It also had the right architecture and was situated near an old cemetery, which was perfect for spirit conjuring.

This was also the same location where a blaze occurred during a church congregation – and killed everyone inside. Interestingly, this same site is near the banks of the home to one of the world’s most famous monsters, Loch Ness.

Crowley wrote in his autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley; “I had picked out Boleskine for its loneliness. Lord Lovat and Mrs Fraser-Tytler, my nearest neighbors, were eight miles away, while Grant of Glenmoriston was on the other side of Loch Ness.”

According to Crowley, in order to perform the operations, “the first essential is a house in a more or less secluded situation. There should be a door opening to the north from the room of which you make your oratory.

Outside this door, you construct a terrace covered with fine river sand. This ends in a ‘lodge’ where the spirits may congregate.” (The Confessions of Aleister Crowley)

Crowley wrote of his experiments;

“The demons and evil forces had congregated round me so thickly that they were shutting off the light. It was a comforting situation. There could be no more doubt of the efficiency of the operation.”

In his autobiography, he described how the spirits he summoned got wildly out of hand, causing one housemaid to leave, and a workman to go crazy.

It is said Crowley had to leave Boleskine when he was called upon by the head of the O.T.O. on official business before the full operation – which could take up to six months- was concluded, with the so-called demons left gathered at the home.

One of Aleister Crowleys biggest fans and an occultist himself, Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, bought the home in 1973. In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine back in 1975, the musician talked about the bad energy the place had, the spirits and weird events that haunted the manor.

ROLLING STONE: You live in Aleister Crowley’s home.

PAGE: “Yes, it was owned by Aleister Crowley. But there were two or three owners before Crowley moved into it. It was also a church that was burned to the ground with the congregation in it. And that’s the site of the house. Strange things have happened in that house that had nothing to do with Crowley.

The bad vibes were already there. A man was beheaded there, and sometimes you can hear his head rolling down.

I haven’t actually heard it, but a friend of mine, who is extremely straight and doesn’t know anything about anything like that at all, heard it. He thought it was the cats bungling about. I wasn’t there at the time, but he told the help, “Why don’t you let the cats out at night?

They make a terrible racket, rolling about in the halls.” And they said, “The cats are locked in a room every night.” Then they told him the story of the house. So that sort of thing was there before Crowley got there. Of course, after Crowley there have been suicides, people carted off to mental hospitals.”

Page later employed his childhood friend Malcolm Dent to be the caretaker of Boleskine House. He ended up living there raising his family, until Page sold the property in the early 1990s. Dent died in 2011.

In a 2006 interview, Mr. Dent said he and his wife and children had loved living there, despite the “curious” goings on.

He said: “Doors would be slamming all night, you’d go into a room and carpets and rugs would be piled up.”

“We just used to say that was Aleister doing his thing,” Mr Dent said.

Dent also experienced the “most terrifying night of my life” at Boleskine. He awoke one night to hear what sounded like a wild animal snorting and banging outside his bedroom door. It went on for some time and it was not until morning that Dent dared open the door, and there was nothing there.

Dent added “whatever was there was pure evil.”

Another friend who stayed at Boleskine awoke one night claiming she had been attacked by “some kind of devil”.

Another story that Dent says everyone loves involves seven chairs Page bought from the Cafe Royal in London.

“Jimmy got those chairs specifically because one of them had Aleister Crowley’s name on it,” Dent said. “Each of the chairs belonged to a famous person and had a nameplate on the back and front – Marie Lloyd, Billy Butlin, James Agate, Ruldolph Valentino, William Orpen and Jacob Epstein.”

Dent says Crowley’s chair was always placed at the head of the table. But, after the chairs underwent repairs, they kept finding Crowley’s chair switched with Marie Lloyd’s.

“The kids couldn’t have done it and we didn’t know why this was happening,” Dent said. “Then I realized the guy who did the repairs didn’t know which plaque went with which chair and hadn’t put them back on the right ones.”

But, according to Dent, the strangest thing about the house may have been its visitors.

“I had them from every corner of the world,” he said. “A lot of them were nutters. A lot of them were downright dangerous lunatics. They will still be turning up today. The house is on the map as an occult centre and you’re not going to get rid of Crowley’s legacy that easily.”

The Boleskin House burned down in November of 2015. Thankfully with no one inside.

Today, the burned-out ruins are all that remains of Aleister Crowley’s unholy home that sits on 23 acres of cursed Scottish land.

It was recently purchased by a group called the Boleskine House Foundation. An article they wrote titled ‘Greetings from the Boleskine House Foundation!’ – references Crowley, Thelema and the place being a sort of pilgrimage site for Thelemites. Kind of like how the Vatican is a sacred site for pious Catholics.

The Boleskine House Foundation website claims its mission is to “use the estate to promote education on the heritage of the house, to welcome the enjoyment of its structure and surrounding gardens.”

“The Boleskine House Foundation is not affiliated with Aleister Crowley or Thelema and is an independent organisation with primary secular interests to restore the house.”

“While the Bolsekine House Foundation has been set up primarily as a secular entity, established for the public’s educational benefit , we would like the reader to know that it is our intention to uphold the Thelemic legacy of the house.

“We hope it will serve as a great opportunity to educate the greater community about Crowley’s legacy and thus give Thelema more exposure to the general populace.”

“Many Thelemites know Bolsekine House as the significant place in history where Aleister Crowley underwent the intensive ceremony known as The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage in an attempt to contact the Holy Guardian Angel.

“While the ceremony was never seen to completion at Boleskine House, Crowley would forever consider the estate to be of great significant spiritual import.”

Demons in the Valley of Sodom

Demons in the Valley of Sodom

In the Scripture, Sodom and Gomorrah are two cities of the five “cities of the plain” referred to in Genesis 13:12 and 19:29 that were destroyed for their wickedness. We are told that the LORD gave power to two angels to destroy Sodom by attacking the crowd with a special rain making them blind and raining a substance called “pitch” onto the bituminous soil that was later changed to sulfur on all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.

Lot and his Daughters, with Sodom and Gomorrah Burning

The people under the influence or controlled by this force were said to be submerged in a special lake known as the “Lake of Sodom,” sometimes called “tar or slime pits,” which is also variously translated as bitumen and Bible Slime. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a lake of water or pit of tar, and it is a metaphysical state of being that causes people to be stuck in chains (fetters) which makes them live in a type of darkness where they cannot see the light (Truth) and are referred to as slugs. We read in Psalms,” Like a slug that moves along in slime, like a woman’s miscarried child, they will not see the sun.” (Psalm 116:3)


These people suffer from their sins caused by who are called “perverted persons” who are idolaters, fornicators, and commit sexual immorality such as adultery and sodomy – men having anal sex with men who today we call homosexuality and is widely accepted in the Western world. This is contrary to God’s laws and the most unnatural way for a man and a woman who both come into this world as angels but can become unrighteous to become “fallen angels” who we know as demons by the dark path they choose.

Tertullian, in his treatise On Modesty, says acts like adultery are not just sins against nature, they are monstrosities – “But all the other frenzies of passions–impious both toward the bodies and toward the sexes–beyond the laws of nature, we banish not only from the threshold, but from all shelter of the Church, because they are not sins, but monstrosities.”

Eusebius, Bishop of Cæsarea (260-341) and the “Father of Church History,” writes in his book, Demonstratio Evangelica –

“[God in the Law given to Moses] having forbidden all unlawful marriage, and all unseemly practice, and the union of women with women and men with men.”

These so-called fallen angels were considered unrighteous and addicted to their degrading passions and unnatural desires, causing them to have depraved minds. As a result, they were called “beasts.” In Romans. it is said; “For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their persons the due penalty of their error.

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.” (Romans 1:26-32)

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites.” (1Cor. 6:9) In Leviticus, we read; “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination,” (Lev. 18:22) and “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” (Lev. 20:13)

Saint John Chrysostom (347-407), Archbishop and Patriarch of Constantinople, who was considered one of the greatest of the Greek Fathers and Doctor of the Church, had spoken on the gravity of the sin of homosexuality. In his sermons about Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, he said;

“But if thou scoffest at hearing of Hell and believest not that fire, remember Sodom. For we have seen, surely we have seen, even in this present life, a semblance of Hell. For since many would utterly disbelieve the things to come after the resurrection, hearing now of an unquenchable fire, God brings them to a right mind by things present. For such is the burning of Sodom, and that conflagration!

“Consider how great is that sin, to have forced Hell to appear even before its time!… For that rain was unwonted, for the intercourse was contrary to nature, and it deluged the land, since lust had done so with their souls. Wherefore also the rain was the opposite of the customary rain. Now not only did it fail to stir up the womb of the earth to the production of fruits, but made it even useless for the reception of seed. For such was also the intercourse of the men, making a body of this sort more worthless than the very land of Sodom. And what is there more detestable than a man who hath pandered himself, or what more execrable?”

Saint Augustine (354-430), one of the Great Church Fathers of the West and Doctors of the Church, also condemns homosexuality:

“Those offenses which be contrary to nature are everywhere and at all times to be held in detestation and punished; such were those of the Sodomites, which should all nations commit, they should all be held guilty of the same crime by the divine law, which hath not so made men that they should in that way abuse one another. For even that fellowship which should be between God and us is violated, when that same nature of which He is author is polluted by the perversity of lust.”

Many people who see the Light and Truth and are not fooled by these Demons remain as loyal angels that were created by and serve God; “The good angels serve God and are faithful and loyal to Him. Heb. 1:14; Eph. 1:20-21 “The bad angels are also known as “evil spirits” that serve Satan and are faithful and loyal to him. This division of good angels and the rebel angels, the bad who we know as demons, came at the fall or rebellion of Satan, (Is. 14:12-14; Ezk. 28:11-18), who is the de facto leader of one-third of the angels in rebellion.” (Rev. 12:4)

Following this path or promoting it as being such would be considered a fallen angel – a demon influencing people, described as the kingdom of wicked spirits. (Eph. 6:12) “Many spirits have gone out into the world”, the cosmos-worldly system.” (1Jn. 4:1) The teachings of these evil people and especially the demons who teach these sexual immoralities would be the “Doctrines of Demons.” The Doctrines of Demons are taught by the Sodomites themselves, who were consecrated male prostitutes to the service of Astarte or Venus. (Duet. 23:17; 1Kings 14:24;15:12; 22:46; 2Kings 23:7)

It was a god – a powerful spiritual deity who demanded human/baby sacrifices and where the men would have sex with the priest to join themselves with the demon god. Hence, in the City of Sodom, men were possessed by a demonic and satanic force that comes into their bodies and minds through religious worship via sex.

These people who are under the influence or control of this bitumen AKA Bible Slime are perpetually stuck in the Lake of Soddom, and for their transgressions against the laws of being human, they are designated as “Demons of Sodom.” They are collectively governed by a “dark force” that makes it so they may appear human, but they are a type of automaton that cannot see actual reality i.e., the light.

We can also find similar meanings in other names surrounding these events, such as in the etymology of “Sodom or Sidim.”

The compound word “sodom” is composed of the words sod and om. Sod means to plant, planting, or to sow as a person would do today when they place sod on the ground to grow grass for their lawn, and would be identical with the Sclavonic sad – i – ti of the same meaning, sáditi (Cyrillic spelling са́дити) and with the Gothic i of sat – i – ta , “I placed” ( compare § . 743. ) or sáditi (Cyrillic spelling са́дити), The words sido, Sedo, sedeo, is where we get the word sad.

When we research the “Vale of Siddim” we know that it was full of the “slime pits” or what we can now say are really just “fungi/molds pits” and the sinners were considered to be the “children of demons.”

The Vale of Siddim or Valley of Siddim, Hebrew: עֵ֖מֶק שִׂדִּים‎ ’emeq haś-Śiddim, has been falsely connected with the “Salt Sea” in Genesis 14:3 and also the “Dead Sea”, which I contend are metaphors or allegories of the true meaning. This Scripture indicates that the valley was filled with many of these pits that the armies of Sodom and Gomorrah fell into during their retreat from Mesopotamian forces.

Various historians have interpreted the word Siddim to mean demons, and the “Valley of Siddim is the Valley of Demons.” For example, Emanuel Swedenborg, states that “siddim, signifies demons” or the “carnal man who has given over to pleasures,” which is the opposite of who he called the “natural man” who is being led by philosophy of the mind. Interestingly, Swedenborg called the pits the “wells of bitumen,” which he says are the places of the damned where the carnal ones flee, there are “fires of bitumen and black ones.”

When we study the history and etymology of the word Siddim is composed of the words Sid and dim. Siddim are a type of demonic, terrestrial nature spirit from Canaanite demonology who can be kept from attacking with regular offerings of blood sacrifices. The word sid means side, flank, or latus of the body, which I believe would represent where these “carnal people or demons” derive their power or life force, which I speculate would be either the liver or stomach i.e., second brain. Dim means not bright, dusky, darkish, obscure, of weak perception, to take away the luster of, clouding the eyes or darkening the senses or understanding.

Hence, the people of Sodom were sinners who followed carnal pleasures that our ancestors had called demonic, so they were thought of as demons. The Sodomites became evil due to a fungal infection from their unhealthy lifestyles, their senses became dark, and we can say that they were not considered bright or intelligent.

As we are told in Job, these people go to Hades to rest in the dust; “They shall go down to the bars of Sheol—Hades, when our rest together is in the dust,” and in Isaiah 9-15, 22-23, where the “Lord of Hosts controls hell” and described as beneath and the worms spreadeth underneath and will cover people and the chief ones of the earth.

In Peter 2:6, it is the people who are sinners and do not live right or who we can say are unhealthy, lazy, sexually immoral etc – “and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly and in Jude 1:7, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, having, in the same way as these, given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.”

We can say that God has planted i.e. sodomized these sinners with what can be called microscopic legislators and lawmakers i.e., fungi/molds on the so within via our blood and flesh that act as both angels and demons and the so without in which they can graft upon our DNA, control our thoughts and drive our actions.

The first time the Hell is found the Bible is in Deuteronomy xxxii: 22-26 – “For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest Hell, Sheol—Hadees, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains. I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them. They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction:

I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents Of the dust. The sword without and terror within shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. I said I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men.”

This passage from Deuteronomy refers to these people in Hell as being devoured with teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust who I contend we can prove with science are the “molds/fungi.”

A microorganism of dirt and dust that can produce one of the world’s most potent poisons called “mycotoxins”, which our ancestor may have called the “poison of serpents”, which also have the ability to eat and devour humans, i.e., make people very sick, cause disease like cancer and asthma and most premature and eventual deaths of humans. They can also be transmitted worldwide via powerful winds as far as Africa and in outer space, 33,000 feet in the sky.

An American Demon: Jack Grisham’s Life Story As a Punk Rock Demon

An American Demon: Jack Grisham’s Life Story As a Punk Rock Demon

(Warning Explicit 18 or older) – “I stepped onto your world in the Bay Area of San Francisco in 1961, but I didn’t stay there long. I was quickly shuttled down to Long Beach—a working-class town chock-full of blue-collared laborers, retired navy men, hustlers, homosexuals, and squares.

My human father was in the military, so they’d moved often. He was a junior officer with, at the time, three other children—two boys and a girl. Biologically speaking, I was the sport: a spiritual mutation that crawled out of hell into humanity.” – Jack Grisham (Author of an American Demon and Singer of T.S.O.L.)

I could clearly remember in 1982 hearing T.S.O.L.’s Dance With Me album for the first time. It was after a high school football game as I lay prone after just shotgunning two beers and taking a few bong hits of some chocolate thai. I was in my Rockabilly buddy’s 21 window Volkswagon van that I kid you not had one of the loudest sound systems in the city of Anaheim.

The guitar and drums pumped out an eloquently vicious sound at a speed and in a way that I never heard before. It was as if it was coming straight from the underworld and grabbed hold of my soul. The songs came out one after the other harder, faster, and louder than the next.

The words one some of the songs were equally shocking to my virgin ears as I heard the singer belch out his dreams of necromancy saying that he wanted to fuck the dead.

The Code Blue lyrics read;

“I never got along with the girls at my school
Filling me up with all their morals and their rules
They’d pile all their problems on my head
I’d rather go out and fuck the dead

‘Cause I can do what I want and they won’t complain
I want to fuck I want to fuck the dead
Middle of the night so silently
I creep on over to the mortuary
Lift up the casket and fiddle with the dead
Their cold blue flesh makes me turn red”

To be honest, at the time in my young punk career, the lyrics were a bit unsettling, but also a welcome invite for my initiation into the Southern California Hard Core Punk Scene. These guys were locals from a neighboring city and their band, True Sounds of Liberty – T.S.O.L. with their flamboyant singer, Jack Grisham, was now one of my favorites.

Over the years, I would see T.S.O.L. in concert and hear about their off-stage antics. It was well known in Orange County that Jack was one of the biggest assholes in the punk scene with an enormous ego and bad drinking and drug habit. Many other bands and punks had run-ins with Jack and despised his transvestite stage costumes. But at 6 foot 3 and as crazy as anyone, he would be able to withstand the criticism and still crossdress when he wanted.

More importantly, his band kicked ass so they got a free pass as good bands often do.

Being evil or what we can simply call a human piece of shit was normal punk rock behavior back then. I know because I embraced my own excrement, which I vomited onto the world for their payback so I was not shocked to read about Jack Grisham’s outrageous antics. The tales of abuse, crimes, sexual ambiguity that borders rape, and his spiritual embrace of demon hood, were no surprise which he explained in an aptly titled memoir, An American Demon. This is a cautionary tale, but he also weaves his personal history into the sex, violence, and chaos of the 80’s punk scene, without apology or psychoanalysis.

Jack tells us that his thirst for destruction and need to do such terrible acts of violence shows us that the American Demon is written under the premise that he must be some kind of demon to create such mayhem on Earth. But you know what, I believe him. At least he’s honest. In the same vain, he makes you want to falsely believe that some of these tales are made up and cannot be real.

However, anyone who knows the real Jack Grisham and the 80s punk scene like I do understand that this book reads more like a biography. An authentic narrative by a man who was not only behind the scenes, he was one of the main demons who created it.

Jack was not only a master of shock and awe, he was a narcissistic sociopath. That is why he had no problem making a Faustian bargain with the devil in order to release his inner demon upon the world. His payback from Satan for raising hell and abusing countless victims would be what allegedly kept him safe all the years from prosecution for his many crimes and even death.

To some people, reading An American Demon is like stunning them with an electric shock, but to many of us punks who were there with boots on the ground, it gives you a comprehensive account of Grisham’s childhood, onto the present day. Jack puts his demon self out there with his blood dripping horns, sweat, and semen, allowing you to see the world through the first-hand account in the eyes of a sociopath.

Jack takes you on a journey with his shadow as your guide through the underworld of his life, showing us that the actual demons are not to be found in the movies, but they are the beautiful people sitting right next to you, showing that good looking people you would never suspect can be genuinely evil for no good reason.

Here is an excerpt explaining this fact from his book in the chapter, The Education of the Damned.’

“The most successful serial killers are always the boys next door—gentle children of summer, flashing smiles like soft breezes through a park, sharpened knives wrapped in grass-stained Levis. I was akin to these monsters. I was camouflaged and deadly, a viper smiling in the dark,” Jack Grisham had written.

He continues, “To be a truly great demon you’ve got to be attractive—no one sensible gets taken in by a goon. I was born with summer-blond hair, a soft evening smile, and the sweetly dark taste of defiance slashed across my lips—a scrawny, scuffed up teddy bear with a voice that could string words like lights across a carnival midway. Believable, that’s what I was: a perfect distraction for the careless mark.

They never saw me coming.

Some of the evil fucks I later ran with were way too ugly to be of any real use. The cops read them like a beacon flashing on a street corner. But not me—the code of the demon, my code, was to fit in, to move from the inside out, to slide into their world, to lodge myself against their love, and then to attack from beneath the skin,” Grisham had written.

He says, “When people refer to demons, they invariably claim we come from the underworld. God, I hate that cliché. It makes us sound like we’re all hanging around in a bondage cavern, trying on leather gear and waiting for tricks. And while I do love the smell of leather and I thoroughly enjoy caves, I tortured people for fun, not profit. The concept of a demon coming from underground is pure shit.

If you want to know where demons truly come from, I’ll tell you: we’re from right here. We exist in a shadow that lies over your world—a kind of transparency of evil that some demented teacher laid out on an overhead projector. We move around you, through you, in you. We are your fathers, your sisters, your lovers. We are your next-door neighbors.

We come and go as we please—although it’s a bit harder to leave when we’ve taken residency in a body. The old Hebrews used to call their angels “Those who stand still,” and the name they gave themselves was “Those that walk.” If a demon was ever called anything, it was usually prefaced with a very terrified “Oh my God!,” Grisham concluded.

Jack Grisham has called his book a “memoir of selfishness,” but it is more than that. The American Demon reads like a true biography of a real-life Son of Satan who reveals his sins and crimes to the world as a type of predeath bed confession of sorts towards the end of his life.

The demon – Grisham is possibly doing so to atone for his sins.

A way to purge all the unadulterated violence, abuse, mayhem, and chaos to everyone who was unfortunate to cross his path. As someone on the fringes of the hardcore OC punk scene back in the day and knowing Jack personally for a brief time, I would say that there is no doubt that most of the incidents he mentions had most likely occurred.

In 2013, I befriended him, and we formed a short relationship. At the time, I started an internet marketing agency and was creating websites and producing videos so I offered my services to him. I recorded this interview at a record shop in Huntington Beach with the former Dead Kenedy’s drummer, D. H. Peligro.

After I met him and shook his sweaty hand, he made a fleeting comment that why some fans and old punk rockers act like meeting him is no big deal, as if other people and I are supposed to act as if we are a good Catholic who just met the Pope. So let’s just say that I was not at all impressed by meeting one of my all-time favorite old punk rock singers.

He was still selfish and loud but had a fake sheen to his demeanor. When comparing the old Jack to when I was a young teen in my punk rock heydays watching him play onstage with T.S.O.L., today, he was much less intimidating and a lot fatter.

Our relationship didn’t last long.

Shortly after that, I sent him a message on Facebook in an old punk rocker and classic Moe fashion telling him, “Fuck You, Jack! You are a selfish asshole!” We have not spoken since, but I’m sure he could care less, and maybe I should count myself lucky that I didn’t know him when I was younger.

There is not only natural narcissism and pathology in how Grisham thinks, lives, and writes – there still may be a real demon in control of his soul.

As for Jack, he wouldn’t want it any other way.

For me, the old T.S.O.L. is still one of the best old-school punk bands of all time, regardless of my distaste for Jack Grisham.

Hell, sometimes the worst of demons put out the best music.

Demon Sperm: Crowley sex magick rituals bring madness, cancer, and the Apocalypse

Demon Sperm: Crowley sex magick rituals bring madness, cancer, and the Apocalypse

In the late 1800s, an Englishman known as “the wickedest man in the world,” Aleister Crowley, lived in an old mansion on Chancery Lane, London, where he had fashioned two temples for his magical operations. One was painted white and lined with six huge mirrors, and the other altar was black with a Black man standing on his hands next to a human skeleton that Crowley would feed from time to time with his sperm, blood, and that of small birds.

“The idea,” he stated, “was to give it life, but I never got further than causing the bones to become covered with a viscous slime…”

As I have said before, this is a world of ideas – both good and bad. In Crowley’s case, his ideas were for a determined purpose and that was to unleash demons, cancer, and hell upon earth. Did he suceed?

About a decade later in late 1909, Crowley with more experience and confidence along with his disciple, Victor Neuburg, had made their way into the North African desert to perform a series of advanced ritual magic with homosexual acts. Today, this is commonly known as sex magic or, more appropriately, black magick sex.

Neuberg was a novice initiate in Crowley’s Magical Order of the Silver Star. He was in awe of his Master, whom he both loved and admired, so he was willing to do anything for who he called his “holy guru.” To him, Crowley’s word was now law.

Crowley had said that he immediately recognized in Neuburg an “altogether extraordinary capacity for Magick,” and began to groom him “for the benefit of the Order, and of himself.” But he also thought Neuburg faddish, incurably lazy, and lacking in self-discipline, as well as inhibited and nervous.

Crowley’s description of him was:

“He was an agnostic, a vegetarian, a mystic, a Tolstoyan, and several other things all at once. He endeavoured to express his spiritual state by wearing the green star of Esperanto, though he could not speak the language; by refusing to wear a hat, even in London, to wash, and to wear trousers.

Whenever addressed, he wriggled convulsively, and his lips, which were three times too large for him, and had been put on hastily as an afterthought, emitted the most extraordinary laugh that had ever come my way; to these advantages he united those of being extraordinarily well-read, overflowing with exquisitely subtle humour, and being one of the best natured people that ever trod this planet.”

He was the perfect person for Crowley, who sought to fix his shortcomings by grooming his disciple with vigorous magical rituals with prolonged physical exertion, combined with homosexual sex and the subsequent semen deposited in his anus forming a magnetic chain between the two men.

The secret key to anal black magick sex and mind control…

Neuburg was a meticulous record-keeper who had written that Crowley “is apparently a homosexual [sic] sadist.…He performed the ceremony with obvious satisfaction”, but the young man had taken an unholy vow of obedience to the Great Beast who was now dictating his every move.

As Crowley once had written, “Some men are born sodomites, some achieve sodomy, and some have sodomy thrust upon them…” (The Scented Garden Of Abdullah The Satirist Of Shiraz)

In Neuburg’s case, he would be the latter of the three. Hence, sodomy was thrust upon him.

On 6 December 1909, Crowley and Neuburg found themselves in the middle of the desert, where they traced a magical circle in the sand for protection, inscribing it with the various sacred names of God. A triangle was then traced nearby, its perimeters likewise inscribed with divine names that of Choronzon for the visible manifestation of the forces “called up” or evoked by Perdurabo.

Crowley, dressed in his ceremonial black robe, sacrificed three pigeons and their blood placed at the triangle’s three corners.

At Crowley’s command, the two entered the circle, and Neuburg swore an oath to defend its inviolability with his life. Crowley, dressed in his ceremonial black robe, then made an astonishing departure from accepted ritual practice.

While Neuburg performed banishing rituals for protection holding the ceremonial dagger, Crowley made the Call of the tenth Aethyr.

The goal of Crowley and Neuburg with the black magick ceremony was to produce a notable demonic inhabitant of the Abyss.

Crowley claimed the mighty Choronzon announced himself from within the shew-stone with a great cry, “Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas”:

I am I.…From me come leprosy and pox and plague and cancer and cholera and the falling sickness. Ah! I will reach up to the knees of the Most High, and tear his phallus with my teeth, and I will bray his testicles in a mortar, and make poison thereof, to slay the sons of men.

Crowley and Neuburg would continue to perform various rituals over two weeks, writing about their experiences.

Was Aleister Crowley successful?

The homosexual sex magick event I write about above would go down in official history as the main ceremony to bring about the golden age of Satanism in the Western World. A self-proclaimed Antichrist, Crowley evoked admiration, and to this day, even reverence as the de facto King of a liberal generation of wayward youth and counterculture adults.

It did not end well for Neuburg to allow the Great Beast to have homosexual sex with him and direct his will. Those who knew him said that Neuburg “bore the marks of this magical adventure to the grave” and that Crowley, was shattered psychologically and never recovered from the experience.

Crowley’s mother referred to him as “the beast,” a name he would not only embrace, he would become. As he once said, “I believed that I was actually Antichrist of the Apocalypse.” His philosophy of free will is epitomized by his famous quote, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

Crowley’s life was littered with many failures and left a trail of devastation when it came to the sexual relationships in his life, which included both men and women. Two of his daughters both died young of illness and his relationships always failed. If you are to study the unfortunate people to become sexually involved with the man, you will find insanity, suicide, and alcoholism in his evil wake.

However, Crowley has greatly influenced twentieth-century practitioners of black magic, Modern Satanism, and the music industry, through both word and deed.

In the Sixties, there was a huge revival of interest in his life and work thanks to rock bands like the Beatles who adorned their Sgt Pepper’s album (John Lennon’s choice) with the Beast, while a short time later David Bowie went mad dabbling in Crowley magick as Ozzy and Black Sabbath wrote the song, Mr. Crowley. Today we have the people such as Marilyn Manson who in his own ways is carrying the Crowley torch.

As a result of this promotion of Crowley’s unholy acts by some of the world’s biggest bands and stars, along with his Magical Order – the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and also The Book of the Law and “Do Thou Wilt,” there are now hundreds of thousands, if not millions of practitioners of his Magick that can be found all throughout the Western world.

Please let it be said that “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” and performing black magick often does not work out so well for the people who choose this lifestyle. All one has to do is study the historic trail of sex magick, demon semen, and broken souls to see the results of such choices. 

People like Bowie go mad and make claims as if they are falling in the bowels of the earth as they see demons. Ozzy openly becomes a hard-core drug addict and babbling idiot for several decades who is laughed at on television as he and his family collect a check for their antics. Fast forward to today, we have examples like Marilyn Manson who’s been accused by several women of rape as his career and possibly freedom may soon end as a result.

You see, it never ends well.

Even in Crowley’s case who died alone in a British boarding house of a respiratory infection, penniless and addicted to heroin and alcohol. He was 72 years old.

With that said, we can most likely state that he was not successful in his personal life, nor were his followers.

But where Crowley was successful in helping to spawn a whole generation of Crowlites, both knowingly and unknowingly, who have unleashed holy hell upon the earth. One of his most notable contributions to the modern Western world was his emphasis on liberal sexuality, both homosexual and heterosexual, and his black magick rituals that “some Satanists” (not all) emulate all around the globe.

For example, in 2013, an ex-gay porn star who gave up his career in 1999 and became a Christian and author had come out of the closet about the dangers of anal sex and the occult rituals. Joseph Sciambra has detailed the story on his blog and Youtube channel over the last decade gaining worldwide media attention on his views against gay sex, the occult, and the porn industry.

He cites Aleister Crowley in his theory, saying “devil that would be given birth to anally—not physically more of a spiritual body.”

Many of Joseph Sciambra’s recent videos also oppose the Roman Catholic Churches modern views of homosexuality and acceptance of the LGBT community. He gives a long list of reasons not to have anal sex claiming its connection to the devil: “I do believe that it creates a doorway literally into the demonic into the supernatural […] I think it does release demonic entities.”

Let me add that Sciambra had to have his sphincter sewn shut at one point.

Maybe the Great Beast’s black magick rituals and demon semen has helped bring about the current Apocalypse of cancer, sodomites, and plague (COVID) Crowley had worked so hard for.

Yes, it is like that.

I’m sure Crowley, The Great Beast is couldn’t be more Proud and is laughing in his grave.


1. The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern by Alex Owen (186-202)

2. Crowley, Aleister (1875-1947) by Andrew Matzner

3. Open sources online

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