Queen Venus is the resurrector for King Jupiter who exits his tomb for the annual resurrection

Venus is the resurrector for Jupiter who exits his tomb for the annual resurrection which we now celebrate as Easter. Today in the West, Christianity recognizes this through the allegorical biblical drama of the Savior Jesus who was resurrected on the third day after his death.

The Queen of Heaven of the eve-ning sky, Venus has abdicated her throne in heaven to the christened King Jupiter who has taken her place. This is the annual Spring event of the dance of the resurrector and the resurrectee.

Shortly after March 21, the planet Venus who once dominated the western evening sky just after sunset will be lost to solar glare. This is when the planet of love and fertility, Venus is hiding her eggs as she passes between the Earth and the sun to transition into the morning sky where the kids of the earth can now search for the hidden eggs.

To see the illuminating glory of the morning star, you will have to arise about an hour before sunrise and look to the eastern horizon.

Now, shortly after the sun goes down on April 7 until sometime in September, you will see the Blazing Star, the King Jupiter take her place in the evening sky.

An annual celebration of the ascension and alignment with earth of the planet that gives us consciousness, thought and our souls. The spiritual illumination on the as above that creates human eggs and makes us light bearers on the so below.

The Alpha and the Omega. The First and Last. The Father that makes the Son and the Holy Spirit – Jupiter.

Aum-on and Hallelujah to The Shining Light of Jupiter.

What is the meaning of Easter?

eostre2“The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven” (Jer. vii. 18.)

Not many people are aware that in Christianity the holiday that we celebrate as Easter which represents the allegorical resurrection of Jesus Christ, had actually been derived from an ancient fertility cult based on the astrological events of the spring equinox. These springtime celebrations had occurred for thousands of years long before Christ had been born or the stories of his allegorical death were told.

It was during the 6th-7th centuries AD when this original pagan holiday was incorporated into Christianity and the Catholic Church. It would officially become a Christian Holiday and would be assigned in the bible of the New Testament to the day of Christ’s resurrection and thereafter was called Easter. (more…)

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