The most spiritual men, as the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction

“The most spiritual men, as the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction: in the labyrinth, in hardness labyrinth 2against themselves and others, in experiments.

Their joy is self-conquest: asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct.

Difficult tasks are a privilege to them; to play with burdens that crush others, a recreation. Knowledge-a form of asceticism.

They are the most venerable kind of man: that does not preclude their being the most cheerful and the kindliest.”

By Friedrich Nietzsche

The fools, the innumerable fools, take it all for granted

“No, it’s not fools who turn mystics. It takes a certain amount of intelligence and imagination to realize the extraordinary Crowd (1)queerness and mysteriousness of the world in which we live.

The fools, the innumerable fools, take it all for granted, skate about cheerfully on the surface and never think of inquiring what’s underneath.”

By Aldous Huxley

Demons Who Feed On Human Energy

Man has no free will at the present time, but merely the power of choice over a certain area of incidents brought, by his ever growing consciousness, within the scope of his comprehension.” – 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall

Not many people are aware that there is an unseen world that surrounds each one of us which we cannot touch, or see with our own two eyes. A world that escapes our vision, but is at play in everything we do. Some people call it the spirit world, elemental world, astral plane, or the supernatural.

This unseen world actually influences our destinies, to the point that some adepts such as Manly P. Hall claim that we do not simply have free will. Sure, we can make simple day-to-day choices, but our future may already be predetermined, and our paths being led by supernatural entities that are often called demons, angels, elementals, and or parasites. Some of them being good, and many more being bad. (more…)

Like energies attract like souls

“Like energies attract like souls. But successful relationships are often based on differing personalities and talents that when combined they become powerfully synergistic entities in themselves.” – Moe the Gnostic Warrior
Symbols - The Sexual Fibonaci Spiral

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