The initiation of Anointed Iesous (Jesus)

By James Pryse, “The Apocalypse Unsealed” & “The Restored New Testament”Initiation of jesus

The initiation of Anointed Iesous (Jesus), which the God conferred on him to make known to his slaves the (perfections) which must be attained speedily. He sent his Divinity and by him symbolized (them) to his slave Ioannes, who gave evidence of Anointed Iesous – of all the (visions) that he saw.


In the Greek Mysteries, which were also called the “perfecting” or “finishing” rites, the candidates for initiation, after receiving some preparatory training in semi-exoteric lesser rites, were termed MYSTAI (*all italicized words will be capitalized) “veiled ones”, while the Initiates were called EPOPTAI, “those having super-sight” – or seers. The word APOKALYPSIS, “unveiling”, is clearly a substitute for EPOPTEIA, “initiation into seership.” (more…)

Humans Have Become a Parasitic Appendage Enveloped in the Web of the Computer Matrix

The quote below by the British-born American philosopher, and writer, Alan Watts about machines taking over the world was very prophetic. Over 50 years ago, he said that in order for mankind to survive, we would need to become a parasitic appendage to a mass of clockwork.

Looking around at the billions of people tethered to their computers, Facebook and mobile phones, we can clearly see that what Watts had predicted is now our current realities. This is not science fiction, but the sad reality of human truth so help us God…..

human matrix (more…)

The spiritual path wrecks the body and afterwards restores it to health

“The intellectual quest, though fine as pearl or coral, is not the spiritual search.spiritula path

The spiritual search is on another level; spiritual wine is another substance!

The spiritual path wrecks the body and afterwards restores it to health.

It destroys the house to unearth the treasure and with that treasure builds it better than before.” – Rumi

How to interpret your own dreams

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – dreams_and_nighmaresCarl Jung

Dream interpretation and or analysis is a science that is thousands of years old. In ancient Egypt, Greece and other cultures, dreams were considered as a type of divine communication, and the people who interpreted them were said to have supernatural powers.

These ancient cultures thought of many of our dreams as forms of divine inspiration sent to the dreamer to warn him or to foretell the future, and that some dreams were meant to misguide or lead you to destruction.

A majority of authors over the years have held onto the idea that our dreams were in direct relation to our waking lives. These dreams we have while we sleep were simply a continuation of the waking state which always unite themselves with our waking consciousness. Dreams that through careful examination we could interpret with the experience of the previous day. (more…)

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