What are Freemasons doing on the bible?

The images below are from the cover of the King James Bible. Please study them and see if you can find the hidden clues, freemasons, saints, and other secret symbolism.

It has been rumored that King James was a freemason and employed fellow mason conspirators, John Dee and Francis Bacon to help him write it. (more…)

Washington DC – The city on seven hills

“During the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, Peter the Roman will rule, feeding the flock through many washington-monument-sunrisetribulations, at the end of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable judge will judge his people.”

It is well-known that the city of Rome was built on seven hills or mountains, but did you know that Washington DC was also built on seven hills?

Yes, Washington D.C. really does have seven hills:

1. Capitol Hill

2. Meridian Hill

3. Floral Hills

4. Forest Hills

5. Hillbrook

6. Hillcrest

7. Knox Hill

In biblical prophecy, at the end of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed. Will this city be Rome, Washington, or some other city?

The word Washington is derived from the Old English words Weshington, Wessington, and Wessynton. Washington or “Wessington” is the combination of the two words, “Wessing” and “ton”.  The meaning of Wessing is an old Anglo-Saxon word  “soaking” or “steeping”. The German version would be Wasser” meaning “water”. (more…)

Are freemasons evil?

Before I begin, I wanted to explain to you that the purpose of this brief article is to shine a light on my simple views on Evil freemasonsFreemasonry and the age old question, if it is an evil organization? In the end, that question you will have to answer on your own. But all I ask is that before you do so, you put in the necessary time and research to really study their masonic history.

Let me state that I’m not a Mason, and that allows me to look at their history and motives from a unique unbiased perspective. This is what I have done for the last five years.

By no means is the information I present on this blog an attempt by me to make the craft look evil, or to discredit their fraternity. Their teachings and true alternative history which is hidden right in front of our faces is what fascinates me, and draws me to study the craft and masonic history like I’m sure it has so many other people.   (more…)

The Scottish Rite of the Irish Children of the Nephilim

It was in the lands of Western Europe where the mighty Nephilim would continue their sagas of kings, conquest, religion and Nephilim on fire 2legends. The true origins of the Scottish Rite of the Irish Children of the Nephilim would begin early in the fourth and fifth centuries. These epic stories of the Sons of God in Western Europe would carry on into the modern world; such as in Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, America and many other countries where we can all witness their influence to this very day.

This is their true apocalyptic story like it has never been told before. (more…)

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