The Rod of Asclepius

This ancient symbol to the right is called the Staff or Rod of Asclepius (Esculapius).  His symbol is one of the most famousRod_of_asclepius symbols in the world to this very day, and is represented by the serpent (worm) entwined around a staff or rod. It is an ancient emblem of healing power that is still used today.

This god is said to be a real person, who over the course of many centuries became immortalized in the Greek pantheon of gods who were their ancestors as official god of wisdom, medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians. Asclepius was the son of Apollo who was one of the original inventors of the art of healing humans, and that started one the most influential healing cults of all time that had first originated in ancient Greece and Crete.

His followers were some of the first priests who were also formally trained as physicians in the medical arts; they were known under such names as the Koans (Kohen) of Kos, the Curetes, Telchines, Ophites, Gnostics, Ascpliades, Druids, Culdees, Levites and the original priests who had helped form the Catholic Church. They were some of the most prized intellectuals and medicine men of their day. Priests who were often the philosopher teachers to kings and queens around the world. (more…)

The Ancient Symbol of the Serpent is Really a Worm

The ancient symbology of the serpent that can be witnessed for the last three thousand years all over the world in places Serpent Eating Tailsuch as Egypt, Crete, Greece and also the serpent in the Garden of Eden is really just a wise worm, and the little king of earth. This fact was somewhat of a surprise to me, and I know it will be to many of my readers. However, if you understand that the worm is one of the most ancient and strongest creatures on earth that is now being verified by science as fact, and that we humans are just descendants of the worm via the sperm, you will then start to comprehend these worm revelations that I have been revealing to you over the last couple of years. After all, this is the Apocalypse. (unveiling)

The current English and Germanic languages, and modern adaptations of the bible are much different from the ancient Hebrew, Greek and Latin versions. The words we speak and see today are different from those of yesteryear. In order to find the secrets of the past, we must search this ancient history and these older languages to find the truth hidden right before our very eyes. As in the case on the symbol of the serpent found all over the world, which I have found is really the symbolic exoteric representation of the worm. (more…)

The Sarcophagus of Immortality

“Awake!..May you be alert as a living one, rejuvenated every day, healthy in millions of occasions of god sleep, while the gods protect you, protection being around you Sarcophagus egyptevery day.” – Ancient Egyptian Hymn

A sarcophagus is a stone coffin that is often associated with the royalty and El-ite of ancient Egypt, Crete, Greece and Rome. The meaning of the word comes to us from Greek sarkophagos ‘flesh-consuming’, from sarx, sark- ‘flesh’ + -phagos ‘-eating.’

The ancient Egyptians excelled in both the immortal art of embalming and preserving their dead bodies in eternal stone coffins. They believed in the immortality of the soul. As did many cultures all around the world and even to this very day. I believe this art and these religious ceremonies first originated in ancient Egypt and then spread into Crete, Greece, Italy, and then many other places all around the world. Even some of the church fathers and saints were entombed in their own immortal stone coffins. Evidence of these facts can be found in all these exact locations that have been documented by archaeologists over the last few hundred years.

Many of these ancient stone coffins were primarily built out of high alkaline stones such as limestone, marble and granite for two reasons. One being that they would help preserve the body against decay, and also the immortal properties of the stone which if left untouched, can last forever. This decay I speak of is mainly attributed to the flesh consuming worms that eat away the corpse and bones when a human leaves to the nether world. Worms simply do not like limestone and granite. Our ancient ancestors had realized this thousands of years ago, and this is why they had chosen to not only be buried in these type of stone coffins, but they also built many of their ancient structures out of limestone such as the pyramids.

These stone coffins were also normally decorated, and often had hieroglyphs and or texts etched into them which are said to assist the departed spirits in the nether world. In Egypt, you will find on the sides of each sarcophagus that judgment is almost always represented with Osiris as a judge, wrapped in the cerements of a mummy. We can see many of these coffins may also have an image of the deceased when they were living, with a detailed head and pair of eyes painted on the outside of the coffin to possibly enable them to see the outside world or the underworld. (more…)

Cleopatra The Worm Worshipper

“Beware, then, of those witches of Alexandria, lest, like a worm, some one of them creep into my heart and eat its secret.” – ShakespeareCleopatra_and_Caesar

Cleopatra VII (69 – 30 B.C.) was one of the most famous female rulers in all of history, and the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. She is also the first ruler to declare the worm sacred in ancient Egypt, to be honored and protected by all her subjects.

Cleopatra is said to have made a royal decree that removal of earthworms from Egypt was punishable by death for fear of offending the god of fertility.

The Father of Biology, Aristotle had said earthworms are the ‘soil’s entrails.’

Shakespeare had written about worms in Antony and Cleopatra, Act 5, Scene 2, Page 14; (more…)

The Centaurs: Half Men and Half Horse Sons of God

The Centaurs (Ken-taurs or Khan-taurs) are known as mythological monster type creatures with the head, arms, and torsoCentaur of a human, and the body and legs of a horse or a bull, who are often depicted holding a bow or a harp. The Centaurs were actually known to be a real tribe of people who originally inhabited Arcadia, now known as the island of Crete and also the mountains and forests of Magnesia which is now part of the region of Thessaly, Greece. In the bible they are known as the Nephilim, Anakim race, the Sons of God, and the Israelites who are also connected to both the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin. (more…)

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