The acronym VITRIOL, is a word used by alchemists for the chemical compound that we know of as sulfuric acid. This secret VITRIOL SYMBOLacronym is based on the Latin phrase, “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando”, whose meaning in English is, “Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone.” This phrase is said to have been originated by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus in his book, L’Azoth des Philosophes.

The symbols for Vitriol, are the one pictured to the above right that has the number 7 with a sickle crossing it out, and also the image of the “green lion” devouring the sun and light as blood pours from it, below. It is the reaper who uses the tool of the sickle as it gets ready for the harvest, and it is the sun which gives us light and warmth.

Vitriol green lion

sulfuric acidSulfuric acid was known to medieval alchemists as oil of vitriol, spirit of vitriol, or simply vitriol among other names. It is a very poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Our bodies are also made of various chemical energies and metals. Hence, it can turn an immortal golden soul of light bound for the starry heavens, into a mortal rotting green flesh of a monster who dies in his own alchemical hell. This is exactly what you do not want to occur in your body, because it is made of these same chemicals that can produce sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid (alternative spelling sulphuric acid) is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. It is produced from sulfur, oxygen and water via the conventional contact process (DCDA) or the wet sulfuric acid process (WSA).

Plato describes sulfur and what it does in our bodies in his Timaus, Pag. 60;

(1) Sulfur, according to Commun estimation, is hot and drie, the Vehicle and ^_ Food of Fire, the Fatness and as it were the Marrow of the Earth, and the Parent of Metals. The cognition between Sulfur and Fire seems intimated, Job. 28. 5. Anduvdtr it is turned up as Job 28. 5.;. it were Fire, i.e. Sulfur. That Fire lies hid in Sulfur is evident from Gen. 19. 24, Sulfur and Fire, i. e. Fierie Sulfur, or Sulfureous Fire. Moreover, how soon is pure Sulfur inflamed? And is it not also digged out of Mines near fierie Mountains,as vÆtna. Sulfur is reckoned by Chemists as a principle of consistence in bodies, somewhat more cradle than Spirit, and next to it most active. For upon the Solution of the principles in any natural bodies the first that evaporates is Spirit ; next follows Sulfur. The”Spirits reside in the bosome of Sulfur,- by the embraces of which  they are retained.

The good Temperament, Consistence, amiable Texture, and heat of bodies depend much on Sulfur: hence also the diversity of Colors, Odors, and vapors, the Pulchritude and Dcformitie of Bodies receive great Impression and improvement. For.the Particles of Sulfur being softly agitated give digestation, Maturitie, sweetness and various Perfections to Bodies: which yet under a more violent Commotion, cause Corruption, and sometime Inflammation.

Doctor Death: Cancer doctor gave needless chemo in $35M fraud

Here is an article from, about a popular doctor in Michigan with more than a thousand patients was telling people doctor_deaththey had cancer even when they didn’t,  then treating them all for the money.

I have written on the medical industry before and how it is now based on profits. Basically, most medical doctors are black magickians, who we may as well call Satanists and that are under the spell of darkness and selfishness, and who place profits before people. Soulless parasites who feed off the blood of other humans.

ARTICLE: Cancer doctor gave needless chemo in $35M fraud, prosecutors say

Investigators say a popular doctor in Michigan with more than thousand patients was telling people they had cancer even when they didn’t, then treating them, all for the money. Prosecutors say he was giving chemotherapy to people who didn’t need it, some of whom didn’t have cancer at all, as part of an alleged $35 million fraud.

Dr. Farid Fata, a trusted oncologist, preyed on patients to pad his pockets, prosecutors say. Just last week the FBI hauled evidence from his offices in upscale Michigan neighborhoods. The charges against Fata are disturbing: “deliberate misdiagnosis of patients as having cancer,” giving “unnecessary chemotherapy,” even to “end-of-life patients who will not benefit.”

“If he did commit these crimes, then I think the word ‘monster’ is a very good description for him,” said Jeff Berz, who fears his father, Milton, suffered under Fata’s care, prescribed chemotherapy for leukemia. Even as his father’s health got worse, Berz said, Fata wouldn’t stop chemo, and went to great lengths to administer it.

“My dad would often arrive at Dr. Fata’s office, where there was a parking garage, and one of the staff would come out and actually administer the therapy session in my father’s car while he’s sitting out in the parking garage,” Berz said.

Months later, Milton Berz died. Now his son has reached out to prosecutors. “I hate to think that my father was either hurt or had his life shortened by this man if it wasn’t necessary,” Berz said.

Prosecutors say Fata was motivated by money, billing Medicare for false claims, all the while living in a lavish mansion in a ritzy suburb. Federal agents have been there, searching his home for evidence.


The Awakening of Osiris

Here is an excellent interpretation of “The Awakening of Osiris” from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.Leopard Egyptian Ceremony Opening the Mouth

Lord Osiris – Air and earth are my horizons. What lies between is what I am. O infinite form of being: beast and stone and vegetable; the way a man may stand in his garden or dance by the river while wakes of small boats rock the reeds. The cities and the people in them, gods who walk in white linen, like women under the blue stone of heaven.

I am the priest in a hidden house, guide to inner worlds. I am the idea of myself in my mother’s belly, a bright trembling star in the memory of morning, a grain of sand blown east. I am the husband of Isis: woman, and widow, and witch. To embrace her is to dream of ripening wheat. To sleep in her arms is to dream of honey. With a word she drives the snakes from the river. The boats sail far to its mouth.

Air is what I breathe. Earth is where I stand. I have given my face to Amenta. It is white with heat. The world is bright as bronze. The dead rise up to see me, breathe the air and look into my face, a yellow disk on the eastern horizon.

SOURCE: The Awakening of Osiris and the Transit of the Solar Barques: Royal Apotheosis in a Most Concise Book of Underworld and Sky – by Joshua Aaron Roberson

Among the many scenes and texts that occur for the first time in the Nineteenth Dynasty cenotaph of Seti I at Abydos is a representation of the awakening of Osiris by Horus, which appears directly beneath a vignette depicting the transit of the solar barques. The annotations to this bi-partite tableau appear in a mixture of standard, hieroglyphic Egyptian and cryptographic scripts. Similar groups of scenes and texts occur in the Twentieth Dynasty royal tombs of Ramesses VI (KV9) and Ramesses IX (KV6), the Twenty-Second Dynasty tomb of Sheshonq III at Tanis (NRT5), and the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty private tomb of Mutirdis at Thebes (TT410). In addition, significant, albeit partial parallels occur on the Twenty-Second Dynasty sarcophagus of Psusennes and a Ptolemaic sarcophagus inscribed for a certain Khaf. This study offers a summary of the scenes’ iconography together with the first synoptic edition of the relevant annotations, taking into account all currently published exemplars.

Many of the cryptographic texts are translated here for the first time, with improved or significantly expanded readings for other texts, which had been discussed in prior literature. The author also considers the meaning and context of the paired scenes in both royal and private monuments, in order to demonstrate the status of the bi-partite tableau as a unified composition. This composition is identified as a concise representative of the cosmological genre referred to usually as the Books of the Underworld and Sky.

Changing your environment with the magic of your thoughts

This is a great article, on how you can change your environment with the magic of your thoughts by my mentor and friend, saint michaelMichael Jaco. Since I had met Michael about two years ago in Sedona, Arizona, my life has changed a lot, and for the better. That was when I had bought his great book called the Intuitive Warrior, and I have also implemented some of his simple strategies on thinking positively while sending out thoughts of love in my home with my family ever since. To be honest, it has been one of the single most effective methods that I have used in helping transform my thoughts, home, family and love life. I simply love now more than I ever used to, and the results are that each one of my immediate family members also does the same. We now as a family unit love more than ever before. Our home is now a loving home, rather than a dwelling of family members. It feels so great.

For this special gift of love that Michael has helped us with, my family and I thank him from the bottom of our hearts. My hopes are that his words of wisdom will reach the hearts of my readers, who I hope will then also implement these same beautiful thought techniques of love in their lives.

(By Michael Jaco) – I have been in many power abuse situations over the last several years. Whenever I use the heart mind coherence it has always turned out well. I’m still amazed at the efficiency of this technique every time it works.

I was in Peru with a group a few years back and we were being scalped by the border guards for an astronomical amount of money. Our guide was visibly shaken, disturbed and at a complete loss as what to do. I stood back and started sending out the thoughts of love and the sneering guards magically turned congenial and let us go through for the normal price.

I talk about how I went from remote viewing to remote influencing in The Intuitive Warrior. That ability has grown from transforming the environment while I was in it to influencing the environment long after I left. All of us have this ability.

Think about a nice restaurant or hotel you’ve been to recently. What was it about the environment that was so inviting? An ambiance was created and perfected upon until the perfect combination was reached.

Heart-shaped-worldWhen you go to someone’s home you enjoy visiting what is it that attracts you to that environment? The love that the family has imbued into the environment has a profound effect on an environment. Is your home comfortable and the people in it happy? Check the thoughts of everyone if it is not.

Thoughts make or break an environment.

I travel often to war torn environments and the negativity is palpable. When I enter these environments I naturally begin sending out thoughts of love. I have learned to tap into universal energies that help me transform these environments. How did I begin to do this and how can anyone do this?

Start with just sending out thoughts of love during your day. Whenever you think about it do it. Imagine love beaming out from your heart as your thinking it’s happening. That is heart mind coherence. It is simple not hard. Don’t complicate it. Make it a habit of doing this everyday so that you build a habit over a 21-day period. Do not let yourself get discouraged. Keep thinking of the amazing things that can come about if you continue to practice. What does it really take in energy? It’s simply a thought. No one even has to know you are doing it so don’t feel embarrassed. You are helping to change your immediate world and people are going to start noticing and commenting.

When, not if, you begin to notice changes in your environment make a mental note of it and think gratitude for being able to do this. By thinking gratitude you are confirming to yourself that you want more of this. Once the universe recognizes you as a servant of the light many wonderful abilities will begin to unfold for you. Repeat the process of gratitude. You are now doing what every master teacher has come to the earth to thoughtsIf you become full of yourself/egoism you will loose the powers because they are not about you they are universal abilities that come only to those that serve others. Do this in your home and it will become a center of beauty and love. Do this in your neighborhood and you will transform it. Once you become adept and confident send the thoughts of love to people and places in need and you will help transform them into something better than they would have been without your loving thoughts.

I quite frankly believe that I am alive to this day after being in combat zones for ten years now because many of you out there have sent thoughts of love out to these areas. I believe that as more people are awakening to these abilities we are transforming our world for the better.

When you turn on a light in a dark room the darkness disappears. It’s not magic to us its just simple physics. The same can be said for lighting up the world with love. It’s simple. It’s love, which is the most powerful force in the universe and it’s boundless. Take all you want because it tickles the universe. Can you hear the laughter?

SOURCE: Author and Ex Navy SEAL Michael Jaco

michael jaco(1)

A journey into self

“As mystics throughout time have found, the road to discovery, to peace and enlightenment is a journey into Self. There is more journey into selfto our conscious being than we realize, and it is from within that we find the keys which unlock our inner wisdom. It is from within that we can connect with the source of knowledge that lies beyond the limits of our five senses.” – Rosicrucian Manuscript

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