King Solomon, Charlemagne and St John the Scot

“What shall I say of Ireland,” cries Heiric, ” which, despising the dangers of the ocean, emigrates entirely with her troops of philosophers, and descends on our shores ? Her most learned masters become exiles, to place themselves under the obedience of our wise Solomon.” Charles the Bald, this Solomon, this Charlemagne,—for contemporaries give him, too, that glorious name, — had at least the merit of protecting letters, and the Irish especially. They were welcomed at their arrival, and when they could not be detained, their departure was witnessed with regret. ” This did Chromnal charge me to tell when he left, for you Irishmen are always leaving,” says Walafrid to Probus

Not many Freemasons or Templars are aware of the fact that the “Father of Europe” (pater Europae), and the first “Roman Emperor” in Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire was named King Solomon. I know this may come as surprise to many of you that King Solomon was actually the Father of Europe and the first “Roman Emperor” in Western Europe, but it is true. However, with that said, let me state that this Western King would not be the first Solomon, but he definitely would forever be known as one of the most influential of this 6th Age.

The true birth name for the allegorical name of King Solomon would be no other than the founder of the Carolingian Empire and  King of the Franks, who we know in Latin as Carolus Magnus, in English as Charles the Great, or simply King Charlemagne.

The illuminated revelations that I AM spreading here has to be one of the greatest Templar mysteries ever. The mystery of King Solomon and HiRam Abiff that no other author has been Able to uncover until now. I understand that there will be many of you who read my research that will discount it not as factual, but the facts are that these findings are well documented if you know where to search intuitively and also how to intelligently piece information together. My hopes are to connect the dots for you in the most simple and logical fashion that I know how. (more…)

Hi-Ram Abiff: The Conspiracy of St John the Scot Divine

Johannes Scotus Eriugena was among the first t...

Johannes Scotus Eriugena was among the first to propose that God became the Universe, and did so to learn something about itself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 (NOTE: This article will be Part II of an series of articles I AM creating on my ancestor Saint Bede who I had written Part I titled, Saint Bede’s Real Name Part 1 – Introduction to the Facts.)

Perfect love means perfect harmony. Various are the strings on a harp yet they constitute one harp. “Love is a tie or bond through which all things are united in ineffable friendship and insoluble unity,”Saint John Scotus Erigena.

Life of Johannes Scotus Eriugena:

Regarded as Europe’s greatest philosopher of the early Middle Ages, Johannes Scottus Eriugena, was an Irishman. Eriugena was highly proficient in Greek, which, though rare at that time in West Europe, was used in the learning tradition of Early and Medieval Ireland, as evidenced by the use of Greek script in medieval Irish manuscripts. Thus, with an Irish education, he was well equipped for Western society, and his linguistic competences allowed for intellectual exchanges. He moved to France (about 845) and took over the Palatine Academy at the invitation of Carolingian King Charles the Bald.

For being such a famous Scottish theologian, philosopher and poet who was also the Grand Preceptor to one of the greatest French Kings ever, it is quite a surprise that little to nothing is known about the true history of a man named Johannes Scotus Eriugena or John Scotus. It reminds me of my ancestor Saint Bede whose conspiracy I had also written about a few months ago whose teachings, books authored and life story appear to exactly match the story of this most famous Scottish philosopher named John Scotus who like Bede, was also the Grand Preceptor to the King of the Franks, Charlemagne. (more…)

Is Lucifer Satan? – No, Lucifer is Not Satan!

The confusion between Lucifer and this invented Devil named Satan is one of the oldest religious conspiracies that is still in effect to this very day. This is no surprise being that most all Christians are simply not educated on the bible, its history or the true meanings behind many of the biblical passages and the words that are contained in this book. My hopes are to educate you by telling you the truth in the most simple manner possible. In doing so, I ask that you please keep an open mind and that you do not shoot the witness.

The facts are Lucifer is mentioned only once in the Bible. ” How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.” Isaiah xiv. 12.

Not any other time is Lucifer mentioned and at no time as it been mentioned with Satan or the Devil. Hence, any assumptions you may have that Lucifer is Satan or the Devil are false and simply based onheresy. What this means is that you need to get educated by reading about this subject yourself and I will also provide some research material with links below this article. If you think I AM lying or trying to mislead you, then the burden of proof is on you to prove me wrong. This is done not just by stating your alleged facts, but by also providing actual evidence which I bet that you will never be able to accomplish in a million years.

This case solved. Lucifer is NOT Satan or the Devil.

Below, I will provide a multitude of expert authors, books and links for you to investigate this yourself if you still do not “believe” what I know as fact. As they say, ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power. I choose knowledge. (more…)

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