Washington DC – The city on seven hills

“During the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, Peter the Roman will rule, feeding the flock through many washington-monument-sunrisetribulations, at the end of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable judge will judge his people.”

It is well-known that the city of Rome was built on seven hills or mountains, but did you know that Washington DC was also built on seven hills?

Yes, Washington D.C. really does have seven hills:

1. Capitol Hill

2. Meridian Hill

3. Floral Hills

4. Forest Hills

5. Hillbrook

6. Hillcrest

7. Knox Hill

In biblical prophecy, at the end of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed. Will this city be Rome, Washington, or some other city?

The word Washington is derived from the Old English words Weshington, Wessington, and Wessynton. Washington or “Wessington” is the combination of the two words, “Wessing” and “ton”.  The meaning of Wessing is an old Anglo-Saxon word  “soaking” or “steeping”. The German version would be Wasser” meaning “water”. (more…)

Did you know that Washington DC was once called Rome?

This article will kick off a series of daily “Did you know?” articles where I will make a simple Apocalyptic Revelation about the world we live in by pulling the veil down from the illusion. One way I AM going to do this is by explaining how history, places, people and things have been changed from their original meanings in order to conceal them from the public over the years.

One such place happens to be built on seven hills and is the capital of the United States of America, Washington DC. Not many people are aware of the fact that before this city got its current name of Washington DC, the capital was simply named after that other city on seven hills, Rome. Yes, that Capital that holds our Senate with the Roman Eagle and Roman Fascias to this current day is in fact an extension of what once was thought of has fallen, the Roman Empire.

What this means in simple terms is that yes, the Roman Empire did in fact fall in 476 AD when Odoacer, the Barbarian Germanic General deposed Romulus Agustulus, but that doesn’t mean the Roman way completely died in this 5th century takeover. Often when one Empire falls, the intelligent new conquering King and empire just doesn’t throw the old Roman baby out with the old bath water or destroy the entire old Roman system in order to have to painstakingly create a new Anglo Saxon one. No, they simply take things over and sometimes this is as easy as taking one crown off of a deposed headless kings body and placing that same crown on their new royal heads. They even make clever family alliances in the old empire with their old enemies to further the goals of the newly formed empire.

It is a simple change of thrones, where the old aristocracy is replaced or modified, plans changed, new blood alliances formed, new bibles written to honor these alliances, new laws set in stone of scone, names allegorically changed, places cleverly hidden and history intelligently altered. (more…)

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