Inverted Pentagram

The pentagram is a five-pointed star that is a symbol of man with his five limbs and five sensory organs. It also represents PentagramPHI or the Golden Rule of the Universal Law in which all nature and humans must live by to evolve. The pentagram is also used in both white and black magic to invoke light energy (angels and saints) or dark energy (devils and demons). Think of it as a symbol in the occult (hidden) world that represents both, an enter and an exit door for the spirit and astral world in which we cannot normally see with our own two eyes.

Not all magicians or adepts use the symbol of the pentagram in the same way and there are two main types such as the above image that are mainly used in the occult world. The upright and proper pentagram, with one point in the air or pointed upwards and with the two points downward represents spirit over matter, such as the image below that shows the various elements of the five points represented in spirit, air, fire, water, and earth. This is the pentagram used in white magic to give the magician noble powers. (more…)

What is the difference between the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path?

There are many people out there that are confused to the differences between the Left Hand Path (LHP) and Right Hand Paths (RHP). The facts are it is really simple to understand once you get educated. My hopes are that this article does this for you.

Please look at this pictures below where we have Madonna, Baphomet, our first President, George Washington and a Tarot Card all indicating AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. But also their hands signify the two different paths as well.

As you can see from the pictures above, you have the right hand pointing up and the left hand point down. The right hand is pointing to the light which is the right hand path to represent illumination and a higher consciousness. When you take this path, you choose the light. You are AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. (more…)

What is a Pentagram?

Now, all this is diabolical in the highest degree, and is not this intuition of the symbols of a lost science something truly marvellous, for it is transcendent magic which, basing the universe on the two pillars of Hermes and Solomon, has divided the metaphysical world into two intellectual zones, one white and luminous, comprising positive ideas, the other black and opaque, including those which are negative, and which has given to the synthetic notion of the first the name of God, and to the synthesis of the second the name of the devil, or Satan.Éliphas Lévi

Not many people are aware that there are two main types of pentagrams in the occult world with two very different meanings. One is used by the right hand path and the other by the left hand path. Once you have the complete understanding of the pentagram, you will be able decipher the key of the two worlds that is the illusion we live in.

In its simplest form, the pentagram represents man or woman.

The upright pentagram such as the one above and to the right is the symbol that we can say is used for good by followers of the right hand path, the divine feminine and soul. The upright person who is in control of his passions whose divine reason through their intellect, soul and spirit have risen above his or her animal and lower natures which now dominates this being who is considered like a Christ or Buddha.

It is a type of an astrological magic and good luck charm. In ancient Roman times and medieval Christian churches, the Pentagram was painted or carved on their doors to ward off evil spirits. This was also done by the Babylonians and many other ancient cultures throughout history.  It is associated with the “Druid’s-foot,” 3 pentalpha, and the the fairy-cross. Amongst the Pythagoreans (signum Pythagoricum), in the time of and after Pythagoras, a signet ring bearing the pentagram was worn by members of the Pythagorean brotherhood.


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