Queen Dog Star and the Dog Kings

All seeing eye“The Blazing Star in our Lodges represent Sirius. The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun.” – Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma.

The word “Seirios” is Greek for the English “Sirius” meaning “scorching” or “sparkling.”  The ancients described the rising of the star Sirius to be associated with the scorching heat of the torrid days of midsummer we know of today as the “dog-days” for this reason. The spirit of Isis was said to be in Dog Star and the Greeks called Sirius the soul and water carrier of Isis. Initiates into the Secret Mysteries of Isis wore masks representing heads of dogs. In the Kyme Aretology, Isis declares that, “I am She that riseth in the Dog Star.” The description of her star in Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles described the influence of the magic of Isis, “Of these men the souls sink into the earth into the house of Hades, but their bones, once the skin has putrefied around them, putrefy in the dark earth under the influence of scorching Sirius.”

Proverbs 2:18 For her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. (more…)

Isis – Goddess of Darkness, and Chaos

isis vultureThe Goddess Isis was also known to the Sumerians as Tiamat, the Serpent of Chaos, the Ancient One, mother of the gods and all abominations of chaos. The Egyptian god Set was originally a female deity and was identified with Isis. Set is a god of the desert, storms, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.

In later myths he is also the god of darkness, and chaos. Hence, the connection with the Sumerian Tiamat, the Serpent of Chaos, the Ancient One, mother of the gods and all abominations and Isis who we also know as Set, the god of darkness, and chaos.

Here is an excerpt from the book, “Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms,” by Carl Gustav Jung and Beatrice M. Hinkle: (more…)

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