Isis – Goddess of Darkness, and Chaos

isis vultureThe Goddess Isis was also known to the Sumerians as Tiamat, the Serpent of Chaos, the Ancient One, mother of the gods and all abominations of chaos. The Egyptian god Set was originally a female deity and was identified with Isis. Set is a god of the desert, storms, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.

In later myths he is also the god of darkness, and chaos. Hence, the connection with the Sumerian Tiamat, the Serpent of Chaos, the Ancient One, mother of the gods and all abominations and Isis who we also know as Set, the god of darkness, and chaos.

Here is an excerpt from the book, “Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms,” by Carl Gustav Jung and Beatrice M. Hinkle: (more…)

Scotland Means Dark Land

It is said that the beautiful country of Scotland had derived its name from an Egyptian Pharaoh Queen named Scota. This theory appears to be somewhat allegorically true on the exoteric surface because as an esoteric researcher myself, it was very easy to trace this name back to Egypt, but under the name of Scotia (Skotia). Hesychius mentions a temple of Venus Scotia in Egypt whose rites weere performed at night. However, let it be said that just because we can trace the name of Scotia to allegedly originate in Egypt before it arrived in Scotland, this does not mean that the Egyptians had gave us this name because the facts are Scotia is really not an Egyptian name, but a Greek word meaning “darkness.”

Latin, from Greek skoti, from feminine of skotios, dark, shadowy (from the shadow it casts), from skotos, darkness.

In researching the allegorical veils of this name, you will find that;

Scotia was given to it by the sons of Miledh in order honor of their mother, whose name was Scota, daughter of Pharaoh Nectonibus; or, they called it Scotia because they were themselves the ” Kine” Scuit,” i. e., the progeny of Scot, from Scythia.

Then once you research the name Miledh you will quickly find that this name is also allegorical because it is just a corrupted version of M Bealedh, or Ba’al which means Lord and Master. It the bible this is Jedidiah or  BEDEIAH, be-de’-ya bedheydh, (“servant of Yah”): A son of Bani who had married a “strange wife” (Ezra 10:35).

As I stated above, the name of Scotland is a Greek name that had most likely been imported to us in the time of Ptolemy Greek Pharaohs. Hence, the reason why we find the temple of Venus Scotia in Egypt under a Greek name and why this name was later transported by the same Greek Pharaoh family who used it to name their newly conquered land, Scotland. Think of this group that when they conquer lands, they essentially turn off the lights in order to conceal the truth by hiding their works via CHAO. This is a simple art of war meant to hide our true intentions and also confuse our enemies. Enemies can include, but limited to other kingdoms or the citizens in which we are in charge of managing.

Before I get into the meat of my research with all the little details that confuse the simple truth, let me please point out that the founders of Scotland and most likely the Scottish Rite are what are called “agents of chaos,” and the “masters of the dark.” This is why any research into the esoteric world of Scotland,  the Templars, Freemasonry or the Scottish Rite will result in a plethora of disinformation and lies that help shroud the truth in a thick veil of darkness. Can you say “ORDO AB CHAO?”

We see these agents of disorder in William Shakespeare in his play Macbeth in Act 4 where you will find that Scotland, and the witches are all associated with being dark.  Scotland under the rule of Macbeth is described as, “shrouded in darkness.” The agents of chaos were characterized by darkness  and the witches were described as, “dark as midnight.” Macbeth was described as, “devilish and dark”; and Scotland was described as “dying”.

I will let Will-i-am Shakespeare explain this:

Macbeth bids the stars hide their fires that his “black” desires may be concealed; Lady Macbeth calls on thick night to come, palled in the dunnest smoke of hell. The moon is down and no stars shine when Banquo, dreading the dreams of the coming night, goes unwillingly to bed, and leaves Macbeth to wait for the summons of the little bell. When the next day should dawn, its light is “strangled,” and “darkness does the face of earth entomb.”

When I say that they are the agents of chaos, and the masters of the dark, this does not mean that they are Satanists, devil worshipers or even worshipers of the dark. But more akin to illuminated magicians whose job it is to be shepherds of the light and truth to the masses and also be the gate keepers of the light by hiding it openly in the dark. Hence, these masters of the dark are luminaries who personally worship the light and truth, but practice the art of CHAO darkness which conceals the truth in order to hide the light from the profane. The only way we illuminates can have ORDO.

This is where we get the Knights Templar flag which you will find is both black and white to represent the Templar gatekeepers or dark and light. The Knights Templar are descendants of the founders of Scotland and many other countries as well. Hence, these will be the Knights who decide when the agents of chaos have completed their tasks and the light of a new age will begin.

Please let it be said that I AM not a Freemason or a member of the Scottish Rite. Hence, I AM not privy of their secret workings, but I it would be safe to say that the Knights Templar are at arms length from these organizations and it is the Templars who allow these agents of disorder to veil the truth and aggregate CHAO for the ultimate goal of ORDO. But that does not mean that the Templars get down and dirty in the dark like the Freemasons or Scottish Rite. Think of the Templars at the top of the pyramid and the Masons more down towards the bottom.

If you look at the Templar cross in the middle, you will see that it is placed in middle ground between the dark and light, black and white or the CHAO and ORDO. This takes me back to Shakespeare’s MacBeth when the agents of chaos were characterized by darkness and the witches were described as, “dark as midnight.” Macbeth was described as, “devilish and dark”; and Scotland was described as “dying”.

What Shakespeare was alluding to was what happened at this land at this time which still lasts to this day. King Macbeth is “devilish and dark” and Scotland was described as “dying”. These are allegorical stories to what actually happened at this time. Kings became dark and the life of the land turned to dying where witches where the darkness is ruled by the agents of chaos.

Please let me end  this article by stating that I know Scotland is a beautiful country and just because its name means dark land, that does not mean it is not a pretty place with beautiful people. No, it just means that Scot comes from the Greek word Scotia (Skotia).

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