Origins of Freemasonry: The Grand Architects of Solomon’s Temple

Origins of FreemasonryThe document that freemason scholars and historians have been searching for, that establishes the exact date of the start of Freemasonry is actually not a document, but what I believe to be a book and series of events that help signify the dating of the master plans to Solomon’s Temple. The same master plans for the allegorical Solomon’s Temple that are still used by Freemasons to help build society to this very day.

The book is called, De Templo or On the Temple that was written by Saint Bede (Beda, John Scotus or Hiram Abiff). Bede was a Doctor of the Catholic Church and Father of English History and he had lived during the 7th and 8th centuries. Bede’s On the Temple is the first book of its kind in history that describes the nature of Solomon’s Temple that Freemasons still utilize today in their symbols, philosophical teachings and degrees. (more…)

Gnostic Bible Verses

st_peter_vatican(Updated 7/2/2013) – As the great gnostic Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas; “Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.”

The bible is filled with hidden esoteric Gnostic teachings and allegories on Gnosticism. However, to the uninitiated, these secret mysteries remain hidden and they are not revealed to those that simply do not have a pure heart or motives in their quest for truth.

This ancient policy of light and truth is as old as we conscious humans are. It is just the natural order of nature in which we humans must adhere to these natural laws which govern our bodies (DNA), minds and souls.

Many people are unaware that some of the most famous early Gnostics had actually helped form the religion of Christianity and also found the Catholic Church. Gnostics like Simon the Sorcerer or Simon the Magician, in Latin Simon Magus, who is more commonly known today as Saint Peter. Irenaeus had said he was one of the founders of gnosticism and according to Bible scholars such as Barbara Thiering and Hans Jonas, Simon Magus was also one  of the founders of the Gnostic Church. (more…)

Apocalypse: First Time at Pope’s Inaguration the Gospel is Chanted in Greek Rather Than Latin

In a gesture to Christians in the East, the pope prayed with Eastern rite Catholic patriarchs and archbishops before the tomb of St. Peter at the start of the Mass and the Gospel was chanted in Greek rather than the traditional Latin. – Fox News

At the Papal installation of Pope Francis yesterday, for what may be the first time in history, the gospel was read in Greek rather than in the traditional Latin. This looks like another sign of biblical prophecy, because I could not locate another time during the inauguration of any Pope that at Mass, the gospel was chanted in Greek rather than in Latin.

It is well known that the New Testament was written in Greek and during the installation of Pope Francis, the readings were taken from those assigned to the feast day of the Solemnity of St. Joseph which is the highest ranking of any feast in the Catholic liturgical calendar. Saint Joseph, the son of David and seed of Abraham our father, is the “foster-father” of Jesus and the Patron of the Universal Church, who in end days it is said in 2 Samuel 7:4-5a,12-14a,16 that God’s covenant promise to David that his son would be given an everlasting kingdom. I believe that Joseph was of Greek decent as well. (more…)

Tattoos of the Apocalypse

“What greater glory could there be Than to be clothed with God?  He drew His skin upon my skin, His blood upon my blood.” – 1754 English Hymn

Tattoos Picts

For thousands of years, tattoos have adorned the skin of many of our ancestors. It was said that in many tribes, that no one could tattoo other tribal members, but the priests; and the art of tattooing, like their religious customs, was passed down within the same families from one generation to the next. Hence, just like the priesthood was a profession whose teachings were hereditary, so was the marking of one’s skin.

These ancient accounts of painted men and tattoos come to us from all over the globe. However, my research below proves a biblical tattoo connection between the East and West that had really gained momentum when a dominant class of tattooed rulers from the early Egypt and Greek royal dynasties in approximately 2100 – 1500 BC had spread their custom around the world. (more…)

Saint Bede on the Catholic Church and the Apocalypse

BEDE Picture 1The recent events in the Catholic Church have sparked a lot controversy around the world. From the apocalyptic recent resignation of Pope Benedict, to the revelations of wide spread pedophilia and homosexual acts committed by the priests under the knowing eye of the Vatican.

These events were predicted in the 8th century by the Father of English History and Doctor of the Catholic Church, Saint Bede (Beda Venerabilis) who had said in his book where he explained the hidden meanings of the Book of Revelation titled, Explanatio Apocalypsis;

The black horse is the band of false brethren who have the balance of a right profession, but hurt their fellows through works of darkness. For when it is said in the midst of the living creatures, “hurt not,” it is shewn that one is there who hurts. Of the running forward of this horse, the Apostle says , “Without were fightings, within were fears.”

These words apply to the Universal Church, against which the devil is always exercising an enmity from which there is no escape.

Reveal to all the things which thou alone hast seen, that is, the various labours of the Church, and that the evil are to be mingled in it with the good unto the end of the world.

Because “he who says  that he knows God, and does not keep His commandments, is a liar,” for the hypocrite tastes not how sweet the Lord is.

Seeing that the seals are first loosed, and the book is then opened, he has purposely changed the accustomed order. For in that He suffered and rose again, the Lord taught the Church that He was the end of the law; and in that He ascended into heaven, by the mission of the Holy Spirit, He strengthened the Church with the gift of a more hidden mystery. So He then opened the book, and now He looses the seals of it. In the first seal, accordingly, he beholds the glory of the primitive Church, in the following three the threefold war against it, in the fifth the glory of those who triumph in this war, in the sixth the things which are to come in the time of Antichrist, and that with a brief recapitulation of former events, in the seventh the beginning of eternal rest.

By the “fiery feet” he means the Church of the last time, which is to be searched and proved by severe afflictions. For orichalcum is brass, which by much fire and various ingredients, is brought to the colour of gold. Another translation , which renders it, “like orichalcum of Lebanon,” signifies that in Judæa, of which Lebanon is a mountain, the Church will be persecuted, and especially at the last. The temple also frequently received the name of Lebanon, as there is said to it , “Open, O Lebanon, thy gates, and let the fire devour thy cedars.”

He has fitly mentioned first His judicial power, for He was to assign rewards to the victors, and punishment to the transgressors.

Four Hosemen of Apocalypse

Heretics who assume the garb of Catholics, are worthy to have death abide in their midst, and they draw after them the army of the lost. For the devil and his servants are, by a metonymy, called death and hell. It may also be taken simply, that there eternal punishment follows those, who here are spiritually dead.

When they see Him as a Judge with power, in the same form in which they pierced Him as the least of all, they will mourn for themselves with a repentance that is too late.

By interposing an Amen, he confirms that without doubt that will happen, which, by the revelation of God, he knows most surely is to come to pass.


NOTE: Translation By Rev. Edward Marshall’s book The Explanation of the Apocalypse by Venerable Beda


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