Gnostic Bible Verses

st_peter_vatican(Updated 7/2/2013) – As the great gnostic Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas; “Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.”

The bible is filled with hidden esoteric Gnostic teachings and allegories on Gnosticism. However, to the uninitiated, these secret mysteries remain hidden and they are not revealed to those that simply do not have a pure heart or motives in their quest for truth.

This ancient policy of light and truth is as old as we conscious humans are. It is just the natural order of nature in which we humans must adhere to these natural laws which govern our bodies (DNA), minds and souls.

Many people are unaware that some of the most famous early Gnostics had actually helped form the religion of Christianity and also found the Catholic Church. Gnostics like Simon the Sorcerer or Simon the Magician, in Latin Simon Magus, who is more commonly known today as Saint Peter. Irenaeus had said he was one of the founders of gnosticism and according to Bible scholars such as Barbara Thiering and Hans Jonas, Simon Magus was also one  of the founders of the Gnostic Church. (more…)

On his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS

Revelation 19:16: On his vesture/robe/garment and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS

The passage above from the Revelations of Saint John and most the bible is written in what is called allegory. Meaning the words that are written and what they mean are two different facts. One is done to conceal esoteric (hidden inner) meanings from the profane (people who do not research- NOT YOU! ) so they are unaware of its true meaning. The other is done to honor truth that these allegorical words cleverly contain. My hopes are to explain these hidden truths to you in the most simple way that I possibly can.

Today I would like to write the meaning behind this particular passage that is dear on to my thigh.

On His Vesture and On His Thigh he has the name written

  • On – The meaning of the word “On” is “something permanently or not permanently attached to something or someone.”
  • His – The word “His” simply means “Belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.”
  • Vesture/Robe/Garment – Vestures means “your flesh or body.”
  • Written – The meaning of written is “to express or communicate in writing;  give a written account of.” (more…)

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