In the near future, there will be a modern version of the Bible, but it will be based on all faiths, truths and science that we Train lightmay as well just call the “Book of Light.”

After all, we are all of one blood now from the same tree, and I take it that most of us would rather live in peace, love and harmony, then live in war and murder regardless of our race, faiths, or our pasts.

The key to the future is to forgive and forget in order to make anew.

This is not a New World Order, but an Old World Order based on truth, love, and unity.

We must choose truth, love and unity over selfish ambitions.

These choices must be made now or else we will simply get left behind during the harvest that is upon us.

Those illuminated humans who get this ancient fact as we move full steam ahead into the light will be able to evolve into the future.

The humans who live in the dark because they fail to understand these facts or fight the light, will be enveloped by their own darkness.

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