Before I begin, I wanted to explain to you that the purpose of this brief article is to shine a light on my simple views on Evil freemasonsFreemasonry and the age old question, if it is an evil organization? In the end, that question you will have to answer on your own. But all I ask is that before you do so, you put in the necessary time and research to really study their masonic history.

Let me state that I’m not a Mason, and that allows me to look at their history and motives from a unique unbiased perspective. This is what I have done for the last five years.

By no means is the information I present on this blog an attempt by me to make the craft look evil, or to discredit their fraternity. Their teachings and true alternative history which is hidden right in front of our faces is what fascinates me, and draws me to study the craft and masonic history like I’m sure it has so many other people.  

When you start diving into the masonic rabbit hole, it is like a whole new world you never saw before. It is much more enlightening than my boring BS history classes at school when I was younger. I always knew the history books were filled with mostly lies, and now I know why. My intuition was right all along. I’m sure this is why many of you enjoy this type, and similar alternative history as well.

My goal is to simply shine the light on the truth that is all right there in front of us all to see. I want to make them simple so everyone can understand, and each point I cover below like most of my articles can be books in themselves. If you wish to research more on the facts I present below, by all means use it to look further down the rabbit hole that goes deep. Please just be a big boy and girl in order to handle truths that may not agree with your false beliefs.

Are Freemasons part of some global conspiracy?

You better fricken believe it, and let me say that we all should be thankful for this masonic conspirahistory that made us who we are today. While our current world is far from perfect and there is much evil everywhere, without these complex masonic global events that have happened over the last 200 years, we would be living in a much darker, and evil world than you see today. All you have to do is read some of their books, study the craft for a few months, and you will know without a doubt that there is a massive conspiracy at almost every point in masonic history. Only a certified idiot, or under oath mason would deny this fact. To list them all here would be foolish because it would take a several volume book, and most of those books have been written for you to read.

So back to the question, are freemasons evil?

After all my research over the last five years and countless interviews, I have to claim that I really have nothing against Freemasonry. I do not think they are an evil organization. But in the same breath, they have been involved in what some would say are evil acts. There may be some truth to those statements, but at the same time, I try to look at the global scheme, history of the world, and where we may be going. It is all relative.

Was George Washington evil? Or were Benjamin Franklin,  Winston Churchill, Buzz Aldrin, and the Colonel Sanders evil?

To be evil in this modern world really all depends on what path you would like to go down, and what player you want to become on the board game we call life. How you view this game, and if you choose to be a player who does evil or good is entirely up to you. There is no sword on your throat, gun to your head, or coals burning below a cross to convince you to be good or evil. For now, evil does exist in this world, and often it is carried out by both men and women who are non-masons and masons alike. It is carried out by people of all races, religions, countries and trades.

There is also a lot of good and love in the world. All being performed by non-masons and masons alike and also all races, religions and countries. It is all relative.

Just be thankful that because of masonry, you now generally have the choice to do evil, or to do good. Some of you do evil not knowing you’re doing so.  To be a criminal on the street or one on Wall Street, makes no difference. To poison people in anthrax laced envelopes, or vaccine filled syringes as you don a white coat with golden rings, makes no difference. They are both evil in my mind. One may be conscious of his evil deeds, and the other ignorant. In this case ignorance is not bliss, it is criminal. It is all relative

The choice to be evil is ours. The way we view something or someone as evil is also our choice. In other words as Shakespeare had said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts.”

You see, evil is not a masonic trait, it is a human trait.  What some view as evil , others may view as the means to an end.

It is all relative…….

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